"Okay, please trouble comrade police."

"You're welcome, this is what we should do."

"Yeah, then I'll take a stroll here and wait for your good news."

"Okay, go ahead, we will take action right away."

After some greetings, Ye Jun and others were politely sent out of the police station.

The other party repeatedly stated that the thief would be caught within three hours.

After all, this is a case.

I thought it was just a theft case that was not enough to file a case.

But never thought that this case can be said to be a rare and extraordinary case for many years.

Who could have imagined that a piece of clothing worth three million would be stolen here?

After the policewoman sent Ye Jun and his party away, she took a deep breath to calm her mood.

As a policeman, after so many years, what else can shock her so much?

Although it is only a grassroots policeman, it is more knowledgeable than ordinary people and I don't know where it is.

However, the three million clothes, not to mention her, even the higher-level people, they may not have seen it.

Many police comrades actually get the same salary as many people.

Stripped of their sacred aura, they are just ordinary people.

Three million clothes are enough to shock everyone.

The policewoman calmed down deeply, then picked up the phone on the desk.

An internal call was made.

Not long after, a deep and majestic male voice rang.

"Xiao Zhao, what's the matter? I'm in a meeting now."

"Jing Wang, I have an urgent matter to report!"

"Is it anxious? I will be more important, can you wait for a while?"

The policewoman surnamed Zhao frowned and thought for a while.

I am also a very experienced old man in this police station.

So even the director must give her some face. If she is a newcomer and dares to call the director so hastily, he will definitely be scolded by him.

Here are some explanations that do not understand this logic.

In many workplaces, even in society.

It is very impolite to call the leader directly.

It is necessary to confirm whether the leader has free time after inquiries by text messages, or through other methods.

This is a matter of etiquette.

For example, now, policewoman Zhao's time is not very good.

She heard that the director's voice was not very patient.

It also hit a meeting point.

But after thinking about it a few times, she insisted on speaking.

"Director, I really have to ask for instructions on this now."

Wang Ju held the phone, frowning.

I'm a little annoyed, what's the matter with this Xiao Zhao?

So ignorant.

I told her that I was in a meeting, but I had to keep talking.

Doesn't she know how big this case is now?

The project meeting that Wang Ju is currently participating in is a case of theft from a jewelry store.

The above municipal bureau specifically sought meetings with criminal investigation experts from all over the country.

Solve the case jointly.

The amount involved in this jewelry theft has reached one million!

one million!

This amount is staggering enough.

It can already be approved as an extraordinarily large case.

Now a bunch of people are very busy.

Now this Xiao Zhao policewoman's phone call makes him really upset.

But think about it, this policewoman has always been very reliable, and she is also an old man in the bureau.

Wang Ju is still not good at rejecting her.

Just said in a bad tone:

"You make a long story short."

"Yes, Wang Ju. I received a case here. I can't handle it. I can only ask you for instructions."

"What case?"

"In a theft case, when a man from the capital of Sichuan was playing in the Kunchi Scenic Area, his coat was stolen!"

"Zhao Mei, have you done it in vain all these years! Why can't you handle such a big thing!"

As soon as she heard the situation reported by the policewoman Zhao, Wang Ju suddenly became angry.

If one lost his clothes, he came to ask the director, is he really in a panic all day?

Angrily, he called the policewoman's full name and yelled.

Several bureau chiefs who were meeting together saw Wang Ju lose his temper.

One after another came and cast curious eyes.

"What's wrong, Wang Ju, what's your temper?"

"Who is Wang Ju talking to? Is Police Officer Zhao Mei? She is an old man, how can I make you angry?"

"If you have something to say, don't be angry, just do our job, not easy to get angry."

Upon hearing these words, Wang Ju also interrupted Zhao Mei's conversation.

Turned his head and complained to a few old directors.

"Tell me, this Zhao Mei. A tourist lost a piece of clothing, so he called me to deal with it. What is this?"

"Ah? Why are you so inadequate. Comrade Zhao Mei shouldn't be!"

"What kind of clothes, gold or silver, buy one if you lose it."

"Yes, just run into the game for such a small matter. It's not a headache if you don't deal with it."

Several people discussed it, and they all felt that the loss of such a piece of clothing was just a trivial matter.

Connaught is a big China, even if it is Hai Qinghe Yan.

But the number of cases that occur every day is still a terrible number.

According to our country's police force, it is impossible to cover everything.

Take this theft and loss case as an example.

If you really want to deal with it all, it will not be enough to invest several times the police force.

Therefore, strengthening the awareness of self-prevention is the most important.

Several people thought that Zhao Mei's behavior was a bit rash.

It doesn't look like an old comrade at all.

On the other side of the phone, Zhao Mei did not hang up.

I heard the noise on the phone.

She yelled in a hurry:

"Chief, are you listening?"

"Yes, Officer Zhao, you don't need me to teach you how to deal with this kind of thing. You can do it yourself."

Director Wang was talking.

But Zhao Mei didn't seem to understand the director's words.

Continue to say: "The clothes that the gentleman lost are worth three million. I have to notify the superior and the provincial bureau according to the procedure. This procedure needs the approval of the director!"

Wang Ju was absent-minded, listening to Zhao Mei.

While muttering: "It's worth three million, it's the responsibility of the provincial bureau. Wait a minute, I'll tell you when I'm finished!"

He finished the remarks on his own, and he was shocked.

His complexion became stiff, and the directors who had also become stiffened while listening to him stared at each other.

There was a shocked look in his eyes, unbelievable.

What did they hear just now?

Wang Ju finally calmed down his emotions and asked word by word: "What were you talking about just now?"

Zhao Mei thought she hadn't stated clearly, so she explained the situation again.

A moment later, Wang Ju's roar came from Zhao Mei's phone.

"Why did you hesitate to say such a big thing for a long time!"

"I will report immediately!"

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