My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 316 The Beautiful Little Thief

The top floor of a large luxury hotel next to Kunchi.

The view here is excellent.

At a glance, the mountains and rivers are green. Blue sky and white clouds.

Just looking at it like this makes people feel relaxed and happy.

On this top floor, not only the teachers have excellent vision.

The decoration is also quite luxurious.

With swimming pool, outdoor restaurant, band configuration.

There is also an observation deck.

Integrate all entertainment facilities in one.

This top floor is also the dedicated floor of this hotel to entertain VIPs.

Ye Jun was lying lazily on the recliner on the viewing platform.

Basking in the warm winter sun.

He looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance.

"This is life."

Ye Jun took a sip of the freshly squeezed juice.

Silently sighed.

Just now, I was just thinking about it. I have so much money, and I still go to people and other people to fight.

I was really used to being poor before, and I didn't feel the happiness of the rich.

Now this place is quiet and beautiful.

Have a panoramic view of this beauty.

From this angle, you can also see the observation deck built in this scenic spot.

On that viewing platform, even if it’s time to eat, it’s still crowded with people.

People are taking pictures in a pile.

Ye Junguang felt his brain hurt when he watched the crowds of people.

Forget it, don't bother to care about them.

Ye Jun raised his hand and looked at the time.

It's time for lunch.

Ye Jun got up from the recliner and yelled at the two female college students who were still sketching quickly in the sketchbook beside the observation deck:

"Zhang Li, Wang Jing, don't do it yet, let's go eat first."

"It's ready soon, Brother Ye."

"Wait a while, wait a while, it's all right!"

When the two girls heard Ye Jun's shout, they didn't look up at Ye Jun.

It's the work at hand.

Ye Jun looked at their busy look and shook his head helplessly.

These two girls are the girls who just struck up with them.

At first, I just wanted to send two people away.

But afterwards, his clothes were accidentally stolen.

The two girls were very enthusiastic and expressed that they could help.

He also said that he could draw the face of the thief.

He followed himself to the police station to testify and file a case.

Don't say that these two girls are pretty lovable.

Even with their enthusiastic help, Ye Jun should invite them to have a meal.

So when I came out of the police station, I brought them to this hotel to have a rest.

Ye Jun looked at the two of them not willing to stop working, and did not force it.

Slowly paced up to the two girls to see their results.

"How is it? Let me see your results."

"Wait, it's almost a little bit of detail. I have forgotten the details of the thief's eyes."

"Me too, some details need to be added."

The two girls said that they still need to remember, after all, every detail may become the focus of catching the thief.

Looking at the two girls thinking hard.

Ye Jun smiled and looked at their current finished products.

Two people draw at different angles, so why should two people paint?

Very simple, because there can be a comparison between the two.

Because memory is lacking, no one can draw a complete picture at a glance.

So the two girls chose, and they painted at the same time to fill in the details that each other had missed.

Just now, Ye Jun also heard the two girls arguing over some small details.

Enough to see their intentions.

However, memory is sometimes not controlled by people.

To use an analogy, human memory compares it to a memory.

The human body acts as a cpu to mobilize it.

So, the version of the human cpu is simply too low.

The memory utilization rate of memory is less than 12%.

Ye Jun looked at the paintings of the two and could see some similarities.

This little thief on the drawing paper.

Under the professional painters of the two, they look beautiful, with neat short hair, indisputable between male and female, and their facial features are quite exquisite.

It looks like a character out of the anime.

I didn’t know that they thought they were drawing anime.

However, Ye Jun took a closer look and found several differences.

The paintings of the two are different from the portrayal of the little thief.

For example, the shape of this eye.

Wang Jing's eyes are peach blossom eyes.

But Zhang Li drew Danfeng eyes.

There are also details on this face.

There are many differences.

After all, two people are not professionally making crime portraits.

It's great to be able to do this.

However, the two girls obviously didn't want to stop there, but were thinking hard, hoping to remember more details.

Ye Jun looked at the two serious girls, knowing that it should be impossible to interrupt them now.

How about helping them?

As for how to help? Ye Jun has his own way.

I told everyone about a person's memory before.

If you compare people to low-cost CPUs

Then human memory is a particularly advanced memory, extremely powerful database.

There used to be a theory.

What people have seen will definitely be preserved.

It's just that you can't remember them anymore.

Everyone's brain is an extremely powerful supercomputer.

The so-called genius is just upgrading his own cpu to make better use of this computer.

In essence, everyone's human brain is the same.

This is a bit mysterious.

Ye Jun had heard this statement before, and he didn't believe it.

It feels like this is dog blood chicken soup, just like that very classic sentence.

Success is 99% hard work and 1% inspiration.

There are many people with 99% hard work, but there is no one who has 1% inspiration.

Not everyone has a brain, you will succeed if you work hard.

But after getting the system, Ye Jun decided one thing.

That is human memory, which is really powerful.

Everything you have seen can be recorded.

It's just that I can't remember it, but I can see people's memories.

The ability of his own system to be bug-like can make the most of human memory and brain.

Whether it’s someone else’s or your own.

Ye Jun looked at the two girls still arguing, and chuckled lightly, a golden light appeared in his eyes.

In an instant, I caught a glimpse of the memories of the two girls.

With Ye Jun's ability, there is no need to read one by one.

Just follow the search and directly extract the memory that they had when they saw the thief.

After reading it for yourself, you can remember what the thief looks like.

Ye Jun's memory is not like these two little girls, as long as Ye Jun has seen it, there is no possibility of forgetting it.

And can be called at any time, think of it.

Soon, Ye Jun saw the thief in his memory.

It was a good thing, but Ye Jun's brows were tightly locked.

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