My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 317 Failed to show off wealth?

In the picture that Ye Jun saw.

The thief's face only appeared for a moment.

But such a short time was accurately captured by Ye Jun.

Although the thief is small in stature.

But the facial features are extremely delicate, like ceramics.

Like a beautiful doll.

Unfortunately, his face is dirty.

A pair of bright, big eyes are full of vigilance and tension.

There is also a mole in the corner of the porcelain white eye.

Adds a touch of charm to this pure little face out of thin air.

Although the small face looks indisputable, it has a slightly developed body shape.

It can be seen that it is a little girl.

He was wearing a tattered jacket that obviously didn't fit his body shape.

Dirty jeans with ripped holes revealed a large piece of white and red legs.

Wearing a pair of yellow rubber shoes, very rustic.

If you look at it dazzlingly, it looks like a tomboy.

Ye Jun looked at the girl, but did not catch the thieves' pleasure.

To be honest, he just cares about the fact that his documents are rarely reissued.

If you lose this three million piece of clothing, you will lose it.

I don't want to bother about it.

Instead, he saw this girl. Ye Jun saw it from the memories of two female college students.

This memory is what they have seen with their own eyes, and there is no subjective modification by them.

They are just like a monitoring machine, recording everything.

Ye Jun is just calling for monitoring now.

At this point, he can recall this picture repeatedly, and of course he can see more details.

He could clearly see that when the little thief was stealing his own clothes, he was clearly struggling and painful.

Even after she stole the clothes, she looked back at Ye Jun apologetically.

Although the act of stealing didn't have to be washed away, Ye Jun was still slightly surprised by the look in her eyes.

Not every thief is an unforgivable person.

The little girl didn't even seem to be an adult, dressed like this.

Presumably it's not a fateful person.

I can call the police just now, and the three million worth of clothes will surely allow the police to pursue the full force.

But the final punishment for this girl will be extremely terrible.

The theft amount of 3 million is enough to ruin her for the rest of her life.

Ye Jun didn't want such a thing to happen, it wasn't that the Mother's Heart was overwhelming.

He just didn't want to see a child who was still hopeful, so he would be finished in the next half of his life.

Withdrawal of mental power and return to reality.

Ye Jun looked at the two female college students who were still discussing.

I received their sketchbooks.

"Okay, stop painting, let's have dinner."

"Ain, Ye Ge, what are you doing? I think of it, that little thief has a mole, I want to add it."

"It's going to be done soon, Ye Ge wait a moment, I think about it too! Ye Ge quickly give me the book!"

The two college students wanted to get back their sketchbooks, but they found that Ye Jun didn't give them back.

His complexion was heavy.

A good-looking man, even if he is angry, is quite powerful.

Seeing Ye Jun with such a calm face, the two girls were slightly taken aback.

I feel a little weak in my heart.

Wang Jing tentatively asked, "Brother Ye, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Jun calmed his face when he heard Wang Jing's words, and found that he had brought emotions up.

Why would I consider the situation of that little thief?

Ye Jun smiled and said: "It's okay, let's go to dinner. I have something to do this afternoon, a little anxious."

The two female college students were a little anxious when they heard Ye Jun's words.

"Brother, your clothes are three million! Why are you not in a hurry!"

"Yeah, Brother Ye. We got it out earlier, and it's also helpful to solve the case. That place is a blind spot for monitoring, and our portraits are of great detective value."

Ye Jun felt a headache for a while listening to the noise of the two girls.

How can I explain that I don't care about that dress?

After having been here for a long time for three million, Ye Jun felt that it was enough.

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand to make a fist and stretched out.

The two girls couldn't understand what Ye Jun wanted to express.

They all looked at his face suspiciously.

Ye Jun was a little speechless, and said to them: "Don't look at my face, look at my hands."

The two girls put their eyes on Ye Jun's fisted hands.

The skin on the hand is smooth, the joints are distinct, and the clenched fist is huge and powerful, full of beauty of strength.

Wang Jing looked at it, nodded lightly and exclaimed, "The hands are very nice!"

Zhang Li is also in line with: "It is very beautiful and perfect. Next time I work on sculpture, I will carve Ye Ge's hand and fist!"

"What's this all about!"

Ye Jun's heart was speechless for a while, and the focus of these two girls was really different from that of ordinary people.

He is wearing that dazzling Patek Philippe limited edition, can't they see it?

I just talked to them for a while. Although they can't consume luxury goods, they still don't know much about it.

Patek Philippe, a watch dedicated to nobles, doesn’t make sense, I don’t know.

These two goods are staring at their own face and their hands again.

It made him extremely embarrassed now.

Originally, I just wanted to show off my wealth simply and rudely, telling these two girls that I didn't care about the three million clothes.

Now that he interrupted like this, Ye Jun didn't want to show off his wealth anymore.

He withdrew his hand silently.

At this time, Wang Jing only realized with hindsight.

Surprised and said: "Brother Ye, is your watch from Patek Philippe?"

"Ain, really. I just looked at Ye Ge just now, but didn't pay attention. Patek Philippe, if only I could have one in this life!"

"Zhang Li, what do you want? You can't buy it even after working for a few lifetimes. Ye Ge's watch is so beautiful, why haven't I seen this style?"

Ye Jun no longer had this interest in showing off his wealth at this time, but said in a calm voice:

"The old style, the craftsmanship is different from now."

Seeing that both of them are very interested now, they stared at their watch brightly.

Damn, why didn't you guys be so active just now.

It made me want to show off my wealth without success.

But it's okay, let them explore for themselves.

Ye Jun took off the watch strap at will.

Just throw it to them.

"You can watch it as you please, I'll go to the box first."

The two girls hurriedly took over the watch thrown by Ye Jun.

Study it carefully.

"It's so good-looking, this surface is sapphire, right?"

"Fuck, this is a diamond pointer, the smell of money!"

"How rich Ye Ge is."

"I think he really doesn't care about those three million coats."

"You are thinking about fart, how can you not care! Three million? Ye Ge is not Ma Yun Ba Ba, how can he treat money like dung like dirt."

"That's right, Baba has a net worth of hundreds of billions, so I definitely don't care about 3 million. By the way, guess how much is this watch!"

"I guess? It's worth several million. It's definitely not cheaper than Ye Ge's clothes."

"Then let's check."

After a while, the result came out,

【Patek Philippe·N1G895】

【Not for sale, it was made by the most famous master Richard of Patek Philippe a hundred years ago. 】

[High-end artwork, one piece is collected in the headquarters of Patek Philippe, and the other piece is collected in the Royal Museum of the United States of America]

[It is reported that another piece was auctioned by Master Richard later in St. Petersburg before March. 】

[From China's unknown rich, bid 500 million! ! ! Buy it! 】

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