Ye Jun was seated in the box at this time.

The box is located next to the viewing platform.

Today, the observation deck on this floor was wrapped up by him alone, and it is still quiet now.

He flipped through the dishes on the menu.

There was a tangled look on his face.

It's not that there is something wrong with this menu.

It's just that Ye Jun is stuck in selection difficulties.

On this menu, there are abalone, lobster, this kind of big dishes.

After all, such a big hotel is normal.

But Ye Jun didn't want to eat these things.

Did you say that you don't like eating? Ye Jun asked just now.

The origin of these seafood is also transported.

First, this place is not the best seafood in China.

Second, this method of transportation is not just as it is delivered on the same day.

Their hotel kept it for a while.

Don't watch the feeding these days.

Why should seafood be called seafood.

The point is to highlight its fresh word.

Can the seafood that has been artificially fed for a few days be fresh?

Of course, most people can't eat anything.

However, there is an old saying that goes well.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking,

People who have enjoyed real good things will never leave them.

Ye Jun gave up his favorite seafood piece without hesitation.

Apart from these rare dishes, Yunnan's specialties are also offered here.

Ye Jun looked enthusiastically, but when it came time to choose, he was dazzled.

What's this all about?

Looking at the picture, it was not bad, but Ye Jun didn't dare to step on the thunder rashly.

Order all of them?

It's not that I don't have that money.

But Ye Jun is not that kind of big boss.

I just wanted to make a joke with the two little girls to show off their wealth, so that they would stop struggling with a three million coat.

As a result, showing off his wealth was unsuccessful, and he was embarrassed.

Ye Jun didn't want to do this kind of showing off his wealth all over again.

Moreover, it is a waste to order so many not to eat.

No matter how rich a person is, he cannot waste food.

Just as Ye Jun struggled, the two girls pushed open the door of the box and came in.

Ye Jun looked at the two pure and charming sister-in-law Liang, and he felt better.

I also thought that Wang Jing is a native of Kundu. Isn't this just right?

In this way, if someone orders food, there is no need to step on the thunder.

"Come here, two big beauties, hurry up and order something."

"These dishes on your side are really fancy, it makes people a headache."

Ye Jun greeted the two of them.

Wang Jing and Zhang Li didn't come over immediately, but looked at each other.

After checking the price of that watch just now, they haven't been relieved.

Three million, they dare to think about it boldly.

You know, an excellent college student who wants to find three million can still do it with a little hard work!

But five hundred million!

What is this concept?

How many millionaires can now give out five hundred million at a time?

Millionaire, multimillionaire, billionaire!

Hear these definitions of a rich man.

Millions and tens of millions does not refer to the money in their hands.

It refers to the conversion of all the capital in their hands.

The so-called billionaire, that is, he sold all the garage, property rights, and fund stocks plus the money in his hands to raise 100 million.

Who the hell can put a five hundred million watch, should be placed in the museum's art exhibition.

Bring it out directly!

Not to mention it, even just throw it to someone you just met to hold it!

This is not showing off wealth anymore?

How to describe it?

It is the God of Wealth who passed by you, dare you say that he shows off his wealth?

People are rich and wealthy!

When the two heard Ye Jun's rather enthusiastic greeting, they felt a sense of unreality inexplicably.

Where am I?

What am i doing?

Am I really worthy to be here?

How rich is this handsome guy?

Are we worthy to eat with him?

However, fantasy belongs to fantasy, and reality has to be passed.

Compared with just now, the two college students are less casual and more restrained.

Zhang Li smiled shyly and took her seat.

But Wang Jing carefully held Ye Jun's watch and walked to Ye Jun's side.

Passing the watch to Ye Jun extremely cautiously.

Looking at her trembling hands, Ye Jun showed a faint smile on his face.

The two Nizis really went to check the price of this watch.

Speaking of this watch, I really didn't want to buy it.

At that time, I saw that there was such a thing, but when I saw it, the starting price was 100 million yuan.

Come on, I'm full, and spend 100 million to buy a watch.

Ye Jun would be willing to pay for it if he buys it for his parents.

The bracelet my mother wore was made of hundreds of millions of jadeite rough stones.

But if I bought a 300 million watch, my own worth is now tens of billions, and 100 million is a lot of money.

Although Ye Jun liked it very much, he gave up.

He participated in this incident with his buddy Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang even persuaded himself to buy at the time, but he gave up in the end.

But in the end, this watch got into his own hands.

The last day before you decide to travel.

Xiao Qiang sent it to himself.

Of course, Ye Jun never thought that Xiao Qiang could spend 500 million for himself.

Ye Jun looked at Xiao Qiang with weird eyes: "Brother Qiang, what the hell do you want to do to me?"

Xiao Qiang gave Ye Jun angrily, then told Ye Jun mysteriously.

"Hold it for yourself, Laozi is an errand runner!"

Ye Jun took the watch box and opened it.

It's an exquisite watch that I am fond of but reluctant to buy.

In addition to the watch, there is a small note in the box.

Ye Jun picked up the note curiously and took a look at the timeless and beautiful font.

The trip went smoothly, and the journey went smoothly.

A small gift will keep you safe.

Waiting for you to return safely.

Qi Ying

Ye Jun took his watch from Wang Jing and remembered this little episode.

It's not so much to show off your wealth.

It's better to say that President Qi Ying is the biggest person to show off wealth.

Obviously, even if it is an auction, it is not bad that it can break two hundred million.

But that day, there was a chaebol nobleman in the U.S. He was a big fan of Patek Philippe Master Richard.

The strength of that chaebol is comparable to that of a big family like the Qi family in China.

But Qi Ying made an offer not to give in. According to Xiao Qiang later,

At that time, Qi Ying and the nobleman were asking prices.

In the end, Qi Ying went up by 50 million in one breath, raising the price to 500 million.

The nobleman was so angry that he almost fainted on the spot.

A watch sold for a sky-high price of 500 million!

It detonated the entire industry at that time!

Everyone was speculating about the whereabouts of this watch, who knew that this 500 million worth of famous watch was still playing with Ye Jun's hands.

Ye Jun looked at Wang Jing's nervous look and chuckled lightly.

"Well, it's fate for us to meet each other."

"Sit down and order."

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