My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 323: The Compassionate Ye Jun

"Sir, what do you mean?"

The lady at the front desk was slightly taken aback when she heard Ye Jun's words.

Then he looked at Ye Jun with a weird look.

Ye Jun repeated coldly: "I won't pay the money, and I have to report you to the relevant department."

What a joke, you can't be taken advantage of if you have money.

My own money is all my own hard work.

More than one thousand yuan is actually quite a lot.

When I was a social animal, more than one thousand yuan was enough to cover my monthly living expenses.

Even if you have money now, your consumption level has gone up.

But I was inexplicably pitted here for more than a thousand dollars, and I must be unhappy in my heart.

What's more, this lady at the front desk, in Ye Jun's opinion.

She almost put contempt on her face.

The emotion she thought was hiding well was actually invisible in front of Ye Jun.

She looked down on Ye Jun's careful thoughts, Ye Jun had actually noticed it a long time ago.

Just thinking about her as a part-time worker, there is no need to care about her.

But now it seems that she has no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to hell.

Ye Jun's mood today is not too good.

There was a conflict with Chu Hongyu early in the morning.

Going out, his own things have been stolen.

Money is still being cheated here.

Ye Jun muttered silently in his mouth:

"Nan Kuang drink La Dan Na Duo La Ye Ye. Nan Kuang A La Ye, Po Lu Jie Di Shuo Bo La Ye."

I read this passage very quickly, and if I didn't pay attention to it, I didn't even hear Ye Jun's words.

But the two beautiful college students standing next to him heard it.

Although this passage is very jerky, people who have a little faith in religion can hear what this passage is.

Great Compassion Curse!

Buddhism specializes in scriptures for the dead.

"Mom, what does Brother Ye want to do?"

"It's strange, Ye Ge is angry?"

"Is this hotel sick? I have to make money to feel comfortable."

"Unexpectedly, this kind of hotel is actually cheating, so shameless."

The two girls wouldn't feel that Ye Jun's arguable behavior was wrong.

I don't think Ye Jun has no money to make trouble here.

What a joke, the watch in his hand is enough to buy this hotel.

The two girls were idle and idle, just behind Ye Jun began to watch the excitement.

The lady at the front desk looked at Ye Jun's appearance, she was frustrated.

She didn't doubt that Ye Jun had no money and wanted to run away.

After all, being able to get a temporary membership card also shows that this person has certain financial resources.

But his behavior, in her opinion, is simply embarrassing.

More than one thousand yuan, this is logically speaking.

It's true that their hotel doesn't take care of it.

However, none of the people who come to this hotel to spend more than a thousand yuan will see it in their eyes.

Even some generous guests tipped out more than this!

"In that case, please wait here, we will have someone negotiate this issue with you!"

The smile on the face of the lady at the front desk disappeared all at once.

There was a mocking smile on his face.


Do you really think the law can control such a big hotel?

Can open such a luxurious hotel in this golden scenic spot.

The background behind, of course, cannot be civilians.

The behavior of this man in front of him is simply self-defeating!

The lady at the front desk turned around and dialed an internal phone.

"Mr. Wang, this is how things are."

"Yeah, the hillbilly who doesn't know where is making trouble here."

"What are you talking about? You are necrotic, I can't stand it on my side, come and deal with it!"


Ye Jun looked at the security guard who came over under the command of the lady at the front desk.

A mocking smile appeared on his face.

"What? Your hotel is still planning to lynch? What a great skill!"

The lady at the front desk looked at Ye Jun with mocking eyes.

While patted on the shoulder of the security captain.

"Brother Zhou, this hillbilly doesn't want to settle the bill after eating. You should leave him with me first. I have already notified Mr. Wang to come over to deal with this matter."

The security captain named Brother Zhou saw the lady at the front desk patting her shoulder, smiling flatteringly and grasping these soft white hands with her own hands.

Her eyes lingered in her turbulent mountain.

Repeatedly said: "Okay, okay. I will listen to you, Xiaoyu, what you say!"

A look of disgust flashed in the eyes of the receptionist named Xiaoyu, but the smile on her face remained unchanged.

He cleverly withdrew his hand and said with a smile: "Then trouble Brother Zhou!"

Brother Zhou, the security captain, looked at his empty hand.

Licking his lips, he cursed secretly in his heart:

"This little guy!"

But the face is still a standard licking dog look.

He started yelling at Ye Jun: "Look at your little white face, who looks like a dog. Have you eaten rice?"

"Don't look at what this place is! He also brought two girls to eat dinner, so fucking shameless."

"Brothers, tie him up for me!"

The five-big and three-thick security captain insulted Ye Jun while instructing the brothers he had brought over to start action!

The two female college students got here a little scared.

She shrank behind Ye Jun.

The expression on Ye Jun's face was faint, and he looked at the two girls.


"Sorry, I brought you in."

"It's okay, Brother Ye, we all support you."

"Yes, we will call the police right away. Let's take care of this, and we won't be afraid of it anywhere!"

"I don't believe it, this hotel is in broad daylight, what dare you do to us! I go to social platforms to expose them, so that everyone can see his true colors."

Although the two girls hid behind Ye Jun, they still cheered Ye Jun.

Make suggestions.

Ye Jun was slightly surprised.

I thought the two girls would be scared.

I didn't expect them to be so brave.

But think about it, children who are not deeply involved in the world.

Doing things is all relying on one's own enthusiasm to move forward.

He wouldn't give up without hitting his head and bleeding.

Many people with rich social experience disagree with such behavior.

It is not undeniable that everyone will have this time.

Those days of youth that are not afraid of the sky and the earth.

Seeing the young and proud look of the two girls,

Ye Jun was insulted by the security captain just now, and a little bit of killing intent rose in his heart.

It gradually faded a lot.

Ye Jun looked at the security captain who was still yelling at him with pity, and shook his head gently.

This guy is really grateful to these two girls for being here today to get a dog's life back.

If there weren't two girls interrupted like this.

This brawny man is now a corpse.

However, since I scolded myself, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is hard to forgive.

If you like being a dog so much, then you can be a dog for the rest of your life.

Ye Jun's eyes flashed golden light.


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