My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 324: Licking the dog and nothing in the end

"Ah, what's wrong with Brother Zhou?"

"Fuck, I haven't heard of him having this problem!"

"Ah, run, run. Brother Zhou bit someone!"


"Oh, what's the matter with this hotel?"

"Too f*ck scary!"

The lobby of the hotel is now noisy!

Originally, Ye Jun had a confrontation with the front desk, although there were several back and forth.

But there was not much movement, and Ye Jun was not the kind of person who yelled.

Even if he is angry, his tone is not rushed, he looks as steady as Mount Tai.

The little girl at the front desk is also a professionally trained person.

He didn't quarrel with Ye Jun either.

So no one paid attention here at first!

But now it doesn't work if you don't pay attention.

There were originally some tourists scattered in the front lobby of the hotel.

Now the fans are coming!

What come to see?

Watch the fun, watch the dogs!

The security captain named Brother Zhou who was still clamoring with Ye Jun just now.

Now he has completely become a human dog.

No one knows what happened.

I only saw this brother Zhou, there was still a few meters away from Ye Jun.

Suddenly fell down, foaming at the mouth.

Stand up for a long time!

Then, two palms hit the ground.

Head drooping, tongue sticking out, drooling.

Still breathing!

A vivid interpretation of what is called a humanoid dog!

This is a lively human dog.

I saw him on the ground, his limbs walking in a strange but inexplicably harmonious way.

It's similar to how canines walk.

But this unexpectedly proficient look, as if he was born to walk like this!

Everyone was taken aback!

"This f*ck is born to be a dog!"

"It's amazing, is this a stunt show in this hotel?"

Although this brawny man looks like a dog, he has no tendency to attack people.

Everyone watched the excitement.

Those who watch the excitement here are the wealthy people who consume here.

They don't think about whether this person has some strange disease, as long as his ugly attitude is enough to please them.

Originally inferior, the life of a security guard is nothing.

And the only one who is still anxious for this security captain may be his gang of brothers.

It was the little Yu who had just got in touch with the security captain in front of Ye Jun just now, and he was also evasive at this time!

But this week, the security guard, even if he became a dogman.

Not forgetting the goddess in his heart, he came to the goddess with a quick walk on all fours, breathing in front of Xiaoyu.

I want to lick the flesh-colored beauty of this goddess.

"Ahhhh, get out of here!"

Xiaoyu screamed and kicked the security captain away!

He patted his chest in shock, and said to the security captain's guard:

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't pull him down yet!"

"Isn't it enough to be embarrassed here?"

When the security guards heard Xiaoyu's words, their expressions changed slightly.

Although the security guard was so arrogant just now this week.

But it was good to their brothers.

If you can come out as a security guard, you won’t be from a good family background.

Zhou Baoan is just uneducated and used to being arrogant.

However, his experience was not within Ye Jun's consideration. Since he dared to do it, he must be prepared to bear the consequences.

His brothers all know that his eldest brother has always been the suitor of Xiaoyu...or to put it in a trendy term, it is to lick the dog!

Usually this lady yelled at Zhou Baoan, but at this critical juncture, she actually didn't care about others!

There is a younger security guard who looks just like an adult.

With a very hot temper, he looked at Xiaoyu ferociously and said:

"Sister Xiaoyu, you are not kind of doing things like this!"

Xiaoyu looked at the child proudly and said, "I need you to take care of things for my old lady? Don't be nosy here, and hurry up and carry this mad dog down."

Several security guards looked at Xiaoyu like this, and they were afraid to speak up.

It's not how great she is as a front desk.


"What's the matter? Why did the team go crazy this week?"

"Don't you guys have eyes? Lift people down quickly, do you want to do it here."

At this time, from the crowd came a middle-aged middle-aged man wearing a suit, tie and golden eyes.

It looked quite triumphant.

He quickly directed the scene as soon as he arrived.

First, he ordered several security guards to get rid of the crazy security captain.

It also calmed the mood of the audience with great momentum, and evacuated the gathered crowd.

Soon, such a bad scene was stabilized by this man.

Ye Jun looked at the visitor, still slightly surprised.

I didn't expect such a bad hotel, there are such capable people.

But as soon as Ye Jun had this idea, he was quickly broken.

I saw the middle-aged man, after dealing with these things.

He came to Xiaoyu's side, and under the cover of his body, he made a sharp tick on the delicate buttocks behind Xiaoyu's back.

Xiaoyu's pretty and pretty face showed a slight blush.

Jiao Jiao said: "Devil, what are you doing? So many people!"

The middle-aged man smirked and said, "What? Are you afraid of so many people?"

Xiaoyu gently pushed the middle-aged man's chest with her fingers, and said, "It's not serious!"

The middle-aged man seemed to feel that it is not a good time to flirt, so he lowered his face and asked, "What's the matter with the team this week? Why are you crazy?"

Xiaoyu's face became a little ugly inexplicably, and he hesitated and said: "You care about him, what kind of mental illness is it? I've been driven away earlier, I feel dirty!"

The middle-aged man sighed slightly, thinking of Captain Zhou's fairly sturdy figure, with a regretful expression on his face, he said slowly:

"Okay, my sweetheart, I will open him as soon as you say to open it. Next time we will change a slice of bread, and join me to pick up your sweetheart!"


Ye Jun was about to vomit while watching this scene.

Originally, he didn't plan to check the information

No need, really no need.

Today, I plan to take care of these people, but I don't have to look at these materials before doing anything.

With my current ability, if it were the same as before, relying on privacy to coerce and lure, then it would be really boring.

Ye Jun even wanted to send the security captain directly to heaven.

Only endured it in the end.

Looking at this scene now, Ye Jun's good mood was completely destroyed.

Unexpectedly, people now know how to play.

Obviously it's just a cashier at the front desk of a hotel, so it's so wild.

No wonder he looks arrogant.

Well, let's give a lesson.

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