When I said this sentence.

Ye Jun hesitated slightly.

What is the relationship between himself and Qi Ying now?

Say it's a normal friend?

It seems too cold.

But how good is it?

It doesn't seem to be too big.

Ye Jun thought about this, suddenly a little tangled.

Forget it, I blame this idiot.

Ask what nonsense.

The more Ye Jun thought about it, the more angry he got, and a violent chestnut hit this Nan Batian on the head.

"What nonsense are you asking, it's up to you."

Nan Batian was really wronged at this time.

Originally, I was suddenly jealous and sent a question.

You love to answer or not to answer.

You answered that you want to hit someone again, what's the matter.

Also, ordinary friends?

Ordinary friends give you 500 million watches?

Brother, how many have you drunk?

Is your mind so unconscious?

Obviously that lady from the Qi family is interesting to you.

I can't see how it is.

Young Master Nan looked at Ye Jun's dazed expression just now.

It doesn't look like it was pretended.

Does this guy really don't know?

What a fool!

It's a pity that it was when the last sentence of Nanda's abdomen was slandered.

Ye Jun just got into the spirit.

Tan heard this sentence.

Suddenly became more angry.

Another violent chestnut hit Young Master Nan's head.

Nan Batian covered his head in pain.

Unfortunately, Ye Jun started too hard.

He just felt his head buzzing.

Two big bags are already swollen on the head!

He was almost going to be a little bloody, and wanted to get along with Ye Jun.

Unfortunately, the dark gun in Ye Jun's hand made him quickly dispel his thoughts.

Now it is better to think of a way to please the Lord in front of you.

"Brother, why don't I take you to play with a woman."

"It's boring, don't play."

Ye Jun refused without even thinking about it.

I have seen so many beauties now, and my eyes are picky.

Have you found any fun with this thing?

Who knows, Nan Batian heard Ye Jun's words and didn't immediately give up.

Instead, the god secretly lowered his voice and said:

"Brother, my goods here are not ordinary."

"Oh? What's unusual?"

"Hey, there are only things that big brother can't think of, nothing I can't do."

"In short, as long as the eldest brother you can call a woman, I can get you!"

"So awesome? Then I want one! Zhou Yinting!"

When Ye Jun was still interested, Nan Batian still felt that there was a drama.

But I heard the name proposed by Ye Jun.

Young Master Nan's face turned pale in an instant.

Who is Zhou Yinting this time?

Many people have heard her name.

It is an artist of the older generation.

Then he jumped off the building and died.

This Ye Jun dare to love is just teasing him.

Ye Jun was still talking on the side:

"Can you get it? Some old songs she sing, I like to listen to them now. I just want to listen to them live."

Nan Batian looked at Ye Jun speechlessly with a bitter face.

Ye Jun sneered coldly, and a burst of chestnut hit him on the head again.

"Stupid stuff, talk big!"

Nan Batian, tears!

He didn't dare to speak any more, he had already seen that Ye Jun was playing with them here.

Only other ways?

However, in this situation, apart from the gods descending from the earth, there is no way to break this game.

At this moment, Ye Jun spoke.

The expression on Ye Jun's face said lazily:

"Let me show you how to bark a dog. I like small animals. Maybe I will let you go when I am in a good mood."

This statement came out.

The expressions on these people's faces were varied.

They all looked at Ye Jun with great anger.

There is gold under the man's knee. Looking at this sentence now, it is also a play.

A person's dignity is in this materialistic world.

It is the least valuable thing.

He has no ability to escape the sanctions of this world where the weak and the strong.

But if a person can't even guard his dignity.

There is no need to be a human.

To be a human being is to constantly improve your abilities, and dignity is not earned by others, but earned by yourself.

The men present were pale at this time.

They also lose their dignity.

But Ye Jun's request was to peel off their skins alive and step on the ground!

Learn to bark?

What kind of devil is this man?

However, no one dared to get angry with Ye Jun.

For fear that he was not careful, he did Nan Batian.

Several people looked at each other, but they couldn't make up their minds!

Instead, it was Nan Batian who heard Ye Jun's words.

As if grabbing the last straw, hurriedly shouted:

"What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you listen to this big brother? Hurry up and learn how to bark!"

"Bow! I'm a cheap dog."

"Bow bark, I damn, bark, I shouldn't offend big brother!"


Several bodyguards looked at this scene, all dumbfounded.

Who is this guy?

Or are they indispensable, arrogant young masters?

Now his master screamed.

How can they still be stunned?

"Bow! I'm a cheap dog!"

"Bow! I am a dog too!"

For a time, it was quite lively by the sound of dogs barking by the river where it was originally still quiet!

Ye Jun coldly watched these men work hard to learn how to bark.

There was a sneer on his face.

He didn't feel any guilt for his actions.

He just wants to play with the dignity of these men.

Let them know that the perpetrators will one day be cleaned up.

Skynet is restored without leaking.

These things are not good people, and they are responsible for their own fate today.

Ye Jun looked at the scene with satisfaction, and suddenly frowned slightly.

Coldly said: "Where can a dog bark while standing? Give Laozi all down and bark. Who barks well, appreciate the flesh and bones!"

After all, the faces of several big guys changed in unison.

This man is so good-looking, why is his mind so vicious?

Don’t you know how to stay a line?

Although learning how to bark a dog, this person can no longer establish a friendly relationship with the Nan family.

It's already the point of endless death.

But now, he is completely driving this group of people on the road to a dead end.

When several people heard Ye Jun's words, their expressions were uncertain.

Ye Jun looked at the hesitant people and chuckled.

The spray in his hand moved slightly.

The wimpy young master who was held by the gun suddenly crawled on Ye Jun's feet.

With palms resting on the ground, a crazy dog ​​barks.

"Wow, elder brother, I get down, I get down, don't kill me."

"You idiots, what are you doing in a daze? Get Laozi down!"

The bodyguards were speechless, so they could only lie down and learn how to bark.

Listening to the rough voices of these men, they learned how to bark.

Ye Jun was not actually pleased.

This is too ugly.

But the pleasure of turning people into dogs still makes him a little bit satisfied.

"Okay, yes, I announce my reward for you."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several big men suddenly focused on Ye Jun.

Full of expectation, but still maintaining the appearance of a dog, dare not stand upright.

A subtle smile appeared on Ye Jun's face.

Said coldly:

"My reward for you is."

"Just be like dogs for a lifetime!"

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