My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 333: Transplantation of Consciousness

Ye Jun took a folding chair from the trunk of the vehicle.

Sitting leisurely by this lake.

The breeze is blowing.

Enjoy the warm winter sun.

There was no idleness in this mouth, Ye Jun took several bags of snacks and ate by the lake.

Now I am eating a packet of chicken feet with pickled peppers.

This thing belongs to the specialty of Shudu.

Compared with Ye Jun's current height of eating and wearing, this thing is too grounded.

A pack of twelve yuan, Ye Jun just bought it at the supermarket in the scenic spot.

This thing is sold all over the country.

Pickled pepper flavor, very refreshing chicken feet.

Although this material is very strange, it is not a healthy food.

But I can't stand Ye Jun likes to eat.

This is already the second bag he has opened.

Wearing disposable gloves in his hands, I have to chew one by one.

It's crunchy and has a unique pickle flavor.

good to eat!

Ye Jun didn't litter the garbage. The packaging bags he had eaten were all put in one pocket, ready to be taken away and thrown away later.

But the bones of this chicken claw?

Originally, Ye Jun wanted to vomit in this plastic bag.

But it's not necessary today.

Ye Jun looked behind him.

Nan Batian, and his five bodyguards.

At this time, they are like dogs, crouching aside.

With piercing eyes, he looked at the chicken feet in Ye Jun's hands.

Ye Jun was helpless for a while.

Spit out a bone.

Several people swarmed up immediately.

Want to grab the bone that Ye Jun vomited out!



"Wang Wu, Wang Wu!"

Dogs barked one after another, and there were no more voices.

The dog even barked terribly for a while.

Ye Jun took a closer look. It turned out to be Nan Batian.

He was small and thin, after he became a dog.

His bodyguards don't recognize him as a young master.

Want to grab food?

Let's fight!

At this time, there was no good land on Nan Batian's face, neck, and body.

They were all bitten by his bodyguards who had also turned into dogs because of food looting.

"Oh, it's pitiful."

Ye Jun sighed slightly.

When humans are animalized, there really is no reason.

This young master, who was held up in the sky, can't even grab a chicken claw bone now.

If this kind of person hadn't been reborn, he would have gone to see Hades long ago.

Seeing this farce, Ye Jun couldn't help but let out a laugh.

In the end, a tall and brave bodyguard grabbed the bone.

He excitedly put the chicken claw bones that Ye Jun had eaten into his mouth, chewed hard, only heard the rapid brushing sound, and swallowed.

After eating, he looked at Ye Jun expectantly.

A pair of tiger eyes are piercing and energetic.

However, he did not dare to take one step closer.

Even when he ate just now, he started to eat far away from Ye Jun.

It's like those cats and dogs who don't use conscience. They lean on when there is something, and avoid themselves when there is nothing.

But even a dog is worth fighting.

After being cleaned up by Ye Jun just now, even if their gadgets have become dogs, their fear of Ye Jun is engraved in their souls.

Ye Jun looked at this scene before him.

For a while, I didn't know how to express my thoughts.

After all, there is no human being here to let himself talk.

I just said I would give them a reward.

In the end, Ye Jun did it.

Invaded their spiritual world and rewritten their consciousness of behavior.

Let them firmly believe that they are a dog.

It was not the first time that Ye Jun did this kind of thing.

Ye Jun had turned people into dogs a long time ago.

But at that time, the use of his mental power was still immature.

For example, there was a person who offended Ye Jun before, and Ye Jun turned him into a dog.

As a result, after a few months, he began to regain consciousness.

The restoration here does not mean the restoration of human consciousness.

Ye Jun had long erased his consciousness as a human being.

Implanted with behavioral awareness extracted from dogs.

But that implantation was not successful.

After the man had been a dog for a few months, the dog's consciousness lost its effect.

That person has no consciousness at all.

Finally became a vegetable.

Although he is a vegetable, he is also a human.

It's better than being a dog for a lifetime.

And now, Ye Jun's mental power has been upgraded to A+ level in Qingxu View.

To do this kind of consciousness implantation is even more familiar.

These few people, maybe they can only be dogs for the rest of their lives?

As for returning to adults?

That's impossible, Ye Jun couldn't even do it.

When Ye Jun implanted these people with dog consciousness, they had erased their consciousness as human beings.

Ye Jun didn't have the habit of keeping too much consciousness.

Yes, consciousness can be retained.

According to Ye Jun's current ability, he can retain about ten parts of consciousness.

Each piece of consciousness can be reused.

This is the necessary operation for consciousness replacement.

Ye Jun's current consciousness library.

In fact, only two consciousnesses are retained.

One is a native dog and the other is a Tibetan mastiff.

Both are dogs, but there is a big difference in behavior.

But each has its own magical functions.

Before, Ye Jun liked to turn people into dogs.

But today I used the Tibetan Mastiff consciousness.

These people, don't look like a good dog in front of Ye Jun.

In fact, the viciousness and bloodthirsty of the Tibetan Mastiff has been inherited in consciousness.

The dogs who were beaten to death were all put outside.

Ye Jun looked at the time.

It's almost there.

It's time to leave.

I was too long here today.

Looking at the half-bag of chicken feet that has not been eaten.

Ye Jun was a little tangled.

Once this is opened, it won't taste good until the evening.

Ye Jun didn't want to wrong himself.

Looking at the group of human dogs behind him.

Suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

He called out: "Waste dog, come, give you something to eat."

This waste dog was the name Ye Jun gave to Nan Batian.

It was directly rewritten in the consciousness of this young master.

He would subconsciously think that he, Nan Batian, is a waste dog!

Hearing Ye Jun's call, Nan Batian's limbs moved closer with the front Ye Jun.

Ye Jun looked at him like this, inexplicably emotional.

This person, although in the eyes of many people, is worthy of death.

But he didn't have much hatred for him in it.

If he hadn't touched himself inexplicably, he would have walked into the street without paying attention to him.

What a pity, what a pity, doing evil for such a lifetime.

In the end, I ended up in such a miserable scene.

With a cruel smile on Ye Jun's face, he threw half of the bag of chicken feet in his hand to Nan Batian.

"Come on, continue eating!"

Nan Ba ​​Tian is still a human body after all, and cannot be as agile as a dog.

He didn't run to the side of the chicken feet until the chicken feet landed.

First, he licked the juice scattered on the ground.

After a book is satisfied, I want to feast on it.

It's a pity that he didn't see behind him, a group of blood-red eyes, looking straight at his bodyguard.






Ye Jun was already in the car at this time.

He remembered the Tibetan Mastiff consciousness he had collected before.

The Tibetan Mastiff killed the rest of the dogs because of looting.

Sold to a dog meat shop by a dog owner.

Listen to his master, this dog is inherently fierce.

In order to grab food, he lost his reason and bit the huskies at home to pieces.

Ye Junguang felt uncomfortable thinking about that picture.

"Too cruel!"

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