But this is the end of the matter.

The room cannot be opened.

Ye Jun was still a little bit dissatisfied.

Finally I can enjoy it.

I don't want to go back to the Taoist temple on the mountain to live.

Maybe Chu Hongyu's lady was going crazy, she crawled on her bed in the middle of the night and did it herself.

Ye Jun made a call.

"Hey, hey, Brother Qiang. Didn't you go down the mountain."

"Huh? What's down? Brother, where did you go?"

"I slid down the mountain, didn't I send you a message?"

"Oh, I just woke up. Let me see."

Ye Jun was speechless for a while, and he guessed that Xiao Qiang might still be asleep in the morning.

So I sent a message to Xiao Qiang about strolling out to take over from Xue Xue.

Let him go down the mountain at night to discuss something.

Dare to love this guy, and then wake up.

Ye Jun looked at the time, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

This buddy seemed to be really tired last night.

Soon, Xiao Qiang's voice came:

"Oh, I saw it. Okay, I'll start right away and wait for me!"

After speaking, Xiao Qiang hung up the phone.

Ye Jun originally wanted to talk about the contradiction between himself and Chu Hongyu, but Xiao Qiang obviously didn't give himself this opportunity.

This second item!

Forget it, I can't count on him.

Originally, Ye Jun thought that Xiao Qiang would come over now and let him open the room.

If you have a place to stay, settle down first.

However, it will take Xiao Qiang at least an hour or so to come from the mountain now.

Go ahead and get a temporary ID card yourself.

Thinking about it, Ye Jun led Ban Xue to leave.

But the few girls at the front desk saw that Ye Jun was leaving!

People are going crazy.

Are you kidding me?

Just now this person is holding a gold card and intends to pay.

That card is only available for the special customer service of an international bank.

international Bank.

It is the largest banking organization on the planet.

Its existence does not belong to any country.

It was founded by the World United Nations.

It aims to realize the circulation of currency and the freedom of human interaction.

The cards issued there can be used all over the world.

It will automatically convert the exchange rate for you.

There is no need to exchange money specially.

Save a lot of trouble.

There are also various benefits, which are not detailed one by one.

But with such a card, the threshold to apply for is quite high.

First, they will assess the applicant's assets.

Less than 10 million assets.

Bye directly.

Don't have 10 million, still want to travel around the world to spend?

And after passing the preliminary review, it is the detailed rating.

There are many types of black cards, gold cards, silver cards, and platinum cards.

It's like game equipment.

The dark gold card in Ye Jun's hand is not actually the most senior member of international banks.

It is on the third level.

This class is rich in tens of billions of dollars.

At the second level.

He is a rich man with a wealth of hundreds of billions.

At the first level, it is not for individuals.

It is the special authority of the major chaebols, the jackpot card.

Such chaebols are behemoths who have mastered the lifeline of a country's economy.

Not an individual can match it at all.

Even the Qi family does not have this authority.

It is not that Qi family is not strong enough, but because his energy is too scattered.

The military and political circles have developed, but the economy has weakened a lot.

And those chaebols who are focused on the economy are still a lot behind.

Ye Jun actually considered upgrading to the second-level dazzling gold card.

If this trip to the Tomb of the Emperor is going well, it may not be far off.

However, Ye Jun himself had never thought of the first prize card.

People's money is no longer what Ye Jun can imagine.

It is said that a submarine channel in Europe was sponsored by an ancient chaebol.

It costs trillions.

For others, it's just sprinkling water.

In the eyes of those people, money is really just a number.

The law of 28 says that most of human wealth is in the hands of a few people.

This group of people, even with Ye Jun's current wealth, could not be regarded as one of them.

The imagination of real rich people and normal people can hardly imagine the level of wealth.

But Ye Jun could see it well, just now the money.

It's impossible to spend it all by yourself.

Enough is good, enough is good.

There is no big overhead anyway!

Here, Ye Jun set up a flag for himself.

Of course, several front desk girls recognized the card in Ye Jun's hand, for fear that he would run away!

This is money, money spent in vain.

After this order, their commission has risen visible to the naked eye.

They are all hitting workers, so how can they not be greedy for this commission?

But if you go to Ye Jun, they definitely can't do it.

The girl who received Ye Jun just now walked up to Ye Jun's body again and again.

Bowed to Ye Jun and apologized again and again:

"Sorry, sir. Our negligence in work caused you such an unpleasant experience."

"We have already contacted our person in charge, and he will come to solve this problem for you soon."

"You see you have a rest here, can you wait for a while?"

Ye Jun looked at the girl standing in front of him.

Not angry, this girl is quite talkative.

Obviously I lost my ID card, so I had to pick up this pot.

This made Ye Jun very satisfied.

Since they are so caring, I really want to live in this suite.

Ye Jun accepted the suggestion of the front desk girl from Shanruliu.

The little girl at the front desk hurriedly led Ye Jun in the reception area of ​​the front hall and waited carefully.

"What can you two drink?"

"I want orange juice, what do you drink?"

Ye Jun asked Ban Xue as he lit.

Ban Xue smiled and said, "It's fine to be like Uncle Ye."

Ye Jun was a little sweaty, and Ban Xue called himself Uncle, how weird it was.

"Two glasses of orange juice, are they freshly squeezed?"

"Yes, the oranges were airlifted back from Tuao this morning."

The lady at the front desk introduced that Tuao’s oranges are world-famous.

Ye Jun nodded slightly and said, "That's it."

"I still like Gannan navel oranges, which taste better."

Gannan navel orange is a well-known orange in China.

Good quality and cheap, native and very delicious.

Ye Jun's words did not support domestic products.

He belongs to, what is delicious and what to eat.

There are good things in foreign countries.

But China also has a lot of fine food.

Not to mention the worship of foreigners and foreigners, at least sometimes it is still not appropriate to give up near and farther away.

The lady at the front desk heard Ye Jun's words and did not express her opinion too much.

Just secretly remembered a small note in my heart.

This distinguished guest likes to eat Gannan navel oranges.

Set the key points, to be tested.

The guests of the presidential suite, as long as they do not violate the law, will be taken seriously by the hotel.

Soon, two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice were delivered.

Ye Jun didn't panic at this time, anyway, the lady promised herself that the hotel would definitely solve her problems.

They will not deceive themselves, nor will they be in trouble with 2.7 million.

The two drank juice comfortably.

At this time a chubby figure galloped into the hall.

"where is the guy!"

"Where is my VIP!"

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