My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 338: Today is not what it used to be

This fat man in a suit and leather shoes.

This is the manager of this Kundu hotel.

It looks short and ugly.

With a smile, the flesh on his face was squeezed into a ball.

I can't see my eyes anymore, but I look inexplicable and a little pleasing.

"The distinguished guests come to the door, and there is a long way to go. I am the manager of this hotel, Yang Deming."

"Dear guest, I heard my subordinates just now about your matter, and I will take care of it for you right away."

This chubby manager introduced himself in front of Ye Jun.

He patted his chest to ensure that he would solve the matter for Ye Jun immediately.

The attitude is not too flattering, but with an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

It's very comfortable.

In life, there is always such a kind of person.

Although he looks ugly, he is a good man.

Just listening to him makes me feel very ironed.

Can't help but want to talk to him more.

Such people are born to be social.

This Manager Yang is obviously such a person.

Ye Jun looked at his naive smiley face, feeling a little better.

With a smile: "Then trouble Manager Yang."

"No trouble, no trouble. I'll make arrangements right away, and the distinguished guests will wait a moment."

Manager Yang is also unambiguous.

Let's just start to deal with this matter.

He dialed a phone call in front of Ye Jun.

Soon, the other side answered.

"Hey, Lao Zhao, it's me Lao Yang."

"That's the case. The ID card of a distinguished guest on our side is lost. Can you reissue it on your side?"

"It's off work? That won't happen, Zhao, you have to solve this problem for me."

"In this way, Lao Zhao, you let the people in charge of this matter work overtime. I will cover the overtime and dinner."

"Then you need to talk about it? Of course you came to my hotel to eat. Okay, Zhao, you will arrange someone to come over immediately."

"What? Asking my distinguished guest to go to your side, it won't work, it won't work! You can go out to work."

"Okay, okay. Thank you brother."

The entire talk time did not exceed two minutes.

Manager Yang did not deliberately avoid others.

The entire conversation fell in Ye Jun's ears.

This person is interesting.

Throughout the dialogue, the politeness was mixed with strength, and it did not make people uncomfortable, and the rewards were directly proposed.

Three, five, and two are done.

Manager Yang hung up the phone and said to Ye Jun with a smile:

"Sir, someone will come here soon to reissue your ID card. Wait a moment."

"Well, it's hard work."

Ye Jun replied briefly.

"No hard work, no hard work, this is what we should do."

"The ID card here is obtained right away, which is quite convenient, lest you have to wait a while."

Ye Jun smiled and stopped talking.

After losing his ID card today, Ye Jun suddenly thought of something.

Just before, Ye Jun once lost his ID card.

At that time, I started to look for work.

As a result, the wallet was also stolen.

At that time, I just came out of school.

In the wallet is a few hundred dollars given by the family.

There are some documents.

The most important thing is the ID card.

At that time, Ye Jun also happened to talk about an offer.

Received an interview invitation.

But that company belongs to a very large foreign company.

They made it clear that they had to bring an ID card for the interview.

At that time, Ye Jun lost his wallet.

Anxious like an ant on a hot pan.

Needless to say this money.

At that time, I was poor, 400 yuan, maybe half a month's food expenses.

Money is saved and spent.

But more urgently, the question of the interview.

The interview is due in three days.

Ye Jun hurried to the relevant municipal department to reissue the ID card.

After arriving there, Ye Jun was very surprised.

He is not the only one who lost his ID card.

Ye Jun went to take a number.

Waited anxiously for nearly half an hour.

Finally it was his turn.

After registering for the series, he was considered to take a photo to reapply.

Ye Jun thought that things were just so good.

However, things are far from as simple as he thought.

"What? You have to wait a month to get it?"

The young Ye Jun took the picture and took his fingerprints.

I heard the clerk in charge of re-registering slowly to him.

It takes one month to reissue an ID card.

How can this work?

Ye Jun is in a hurry!

That job is very important to him, and the salary is pretty good.

After this village, there is no such shop.

You know, some large companies only recruit fresh graduates once a year.

I missed this opportunity, but there is no second chance.

Opportunities for poor students are always rare.

"Eldest sister, can you accommodate me? I need an ID card for urgent matters recently."

Ye Jun lowered his tone and wanted to discuss with this clerk.

Who knows, this clerk didn't even look at it.

Waved his hand and started chasing people.

"It doesn't count as I said it, everyone is waiting like this."

"If you're fine, go aside, I still have to work."

While speaking, he pressed the summoning bell.

The next person waiting to reissue an ID card has already arrived.

"Let one let, let one let!"

The ID card holder squeezed Ye Jun away.

When Ye Jun heard the news, he was totally lost.

How to do?

What else can I do now?

At that moment, young Ye Jun deeply felt helplessness and social reality.

Finally, I thought of many ways.

Some people say that if it matters, you can get your ID card quickly.

After all, these seem very tedious things.

If you have this way, it can't be easier.

Unfortunately, Ye Jun at that time.

Where are these ways?

Both parents are ordinary workers.

There is also a younger brother in the family.

The family's life has always been tight.

Even if there are relatives and friends who can talk like this, people will not look at their family more.

The world is so realistic.

No one asks the poor in the downtown area, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

This world is so magical.

Laugh the poor but not the prostitution. If you are rich, you will always be grandpa and grandma wherever you go.


"Mr. Ye, look at the camera. Smile!"

Two young clerks were responsible for reissuing Ye Jun's ID card.

It is now in the photo session.

It stands to reason that the ID card must be lighted and the background photographed.

These things are professional equipment.

It's basically impossible to take out.

But this manager Yang couldn't stand his supernatural powers.

He just set up a studio in the hotel.

In the current studio, besides Ye Jun, there are also two staff members who are responsible for handling ID cards.

There are even dedicated photographers.

Ye Jun looked at the camera with a smile on his face.

Click, click.

I took several photos in a row.

Manager Yang shook his head and looked at the finished product.

He frowned tightly and said:

"No, absolutely not! This photo is not necessary!"

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