It is December 6th.

At the end of the month, it is to run for the members of the Treasure Management Bureau.

There are only twenty days left.

Ye Jun will be in these twenty-odd days.

Solve several big families and get the key to enter the tomb of the emperor.

Take out the treasure inside and make the last fight.

This was originally a long way to go.

It should be race against time.

And now?

Ye Jun held a simple combat meeting for everyone in the morning, and then waved his hand.

Take everyone out.

Team building!

All three people except Ye Jun were shocked by Ye Jun's unreliable decision!

This is too good to mix.

In the eyes of Chu Hongyu and others, it was almost the critical time to burn their eyebrows.

Now I can go to team building!

How big is your heart?

But because of Ye Jun's persistence.

The opposition of several people is completely invalid!

Ye Jun acted vigorously and resolutely, and set the site of the team building this time in the Genting Tiangong.

Genting Temple is a particularly famous place in Yunnan.

In fact, the name is a bit exaggerated.

But it is indeed a good tourist place.

A resort hotel surrounded by mountains.

The architect walks in the classical style of the country, which is extremely beautiful!

Plus the famous mountain where the hotel is located, Kunshan.

That mountain has been haunted by clouds for a long time!

It's almost like being in a fairyland.

At this time, the group was already on their way to the Genting Temple.

In order to avoid being called a hillbilly again.

Ye Jun bought a Rolls-Royce Phantom in particular.

It's not that I don't want to buy supercars.

It's just that a good supercar generally needs to be customized from abroad.

Ye Jun also doesn't like ordinary sports cars.

Instead, this Rolls Royce is in stock.

Ye Jun didn't go to the store either. He felt it right and placed an order online.

The order placed yesterday can be opened today.

I have to sigh, the current network is really convenient.

Ye Jun looked at it. There are even sellers of yachts and airplanes on the Internet...

Only if you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't buy.

But Ye Jun didn't buy it.

It's not economical to buy now.

Ye Jun also listened to the enthusiastic recommendation of the customer service staff.

Have to wait for the event!

Singles Day!

There are large exemptions, discounts, and even lucky draws!

It is much cheaper than usual!

You can even participate in free activities.

It's a good deal!

I bought a Rolls Royce on the Internet yesterday.

Ye Jun casually added some things like yachts and airplanes to the shopping cart.

Prepare to wait for an event.

Now coming out, Xiao Qiang is driving.

Ye Jun sat in the passenger seat.

Behind them were two women, Chu Hongyu and Ban Xue, whispering together.

Ye Jun chatted with Xiao Qiang on one occasion and no other.

The atmosphere is fairly relaxed and cozy.

Now it's on the mountain road.

The clouds began to wrap around.

In contrast, the visibility of the posture is also much lower.

Not waiting for Ye Jun to speak.

Xiao Qiang took the initiative to slow down and drove smoothly. ,

Ye Jun nodded in satisfaction.

In addition to being a little offline sometimes, Xiao Qiang is a very reliable person in many cases.

At least in major matters, I haven't been confused.

I remembered meeting Xiao Qiang for the first time.

He was ordered by Qi Ying to pick him up.

It was also in the car he drove.

The first impression for Ye Jun was that he was mature and stable.

Later, the more I got in touch, I realized that this person became more and more interesting.

Slowly became a good friend who talked about everything, a good brother.

Although I have only met for less than half a year.

The friendship between the two is not comparable to ordinary friends.

Looking at Xiao Qiang's mature and steady face, Ye Jun sighed silently.

Sure enough, he is a reliable adult.

Unfortunately, this flag cannot be set up randomly.

Just when Ye Jun's car was driving smoothly.

A car honked its whistle quickly, and dashed past Ye Jun's car.

If Xiao Qiang reacted quickly.

He slammed aside in the direction.

The collision between the two cars is definitely inevitable.

This whistle sound did not serve as a warning at all.

The speed of this vehicle surpassed at least 200 on the mountain road in this cloud and foggy environment.

This whistle is more like an arrogant arrogance.

A dozen in this direction.

The people in the car sit more securely.

Can't help but shake it.

Ye Jun also fastened his seat belt and fell forward violently. If the car's safety measures were not in place, he might have suffered serious injuries.

And behind the car, two women without seat belts.

It hasn't been so miserable.

Anyway, Chu Hongyu's martial arts is not for nothing.

She just shook her body slightly, grabbed the handle in the car, and quickly stabilized.

But Ban Xue is not working anymore.

The film of a little girl is recovering from a serious illness again.

It's about to rush to the door frame all at once.

Fortunately, Chu Hongyu's eyes were quick, and he hugged the little girl to avoid the tragedy.

Xiao Qiang stopped the car in embarrassment.

At the speeding car ahead, shouted:

"Fuck f*ck, you stupid thing, watch Laozi not kill you today!"

It's a pity that Xiao Qiang's curse didn't help.

The car still screamed arrogantly and ran wildly.

In the scene just now, the driver just now must have known it.

At such a short distance, they are simply messing around and wanting to leave the car.

If it weren't for Xiao Qiang's old driver, if he changed to Ye Jun's car, something might happen.

The mountain road is now approaching the top of the mountain.

Beside the road is the abyss!

If the car rushes down, no matter how great the car is, it will be hard to escape death.

Ye Jun is really angry!

This kind of person simply doesn't take human life as his life.

I just saw the license plate, just a Lamborghini.

The price of five or six million, dare to be arrogant to this point?

It is one or two million less than the Rolls-Royce Phantom that I bought at hand.

Haven't waited for Ye Jun to speak. The Chu Hongyu behind shouted loudly:

"Qiangzi, catch up with my old mother. My old mother won't let him re-behave today. I've been a gangster all these years!"

Ye Jun glanced at Chu Hongyu.

She changed her dress today.

But it is still her favorite long skirt with sleeves, fiery red.

Real silk texture, like flames swaying between swings.

Extremely beautiful.

His face is still face to the sky, public appearance.

At this time, her hair was a little messy, and she was panting slightly.

The face is full of anger!

And in her arms, it was Ban Xue.

She wore a plain white skirt today, just like Chu Hongyu, no fandai.

But it was still very attractive, compared with Chu Hongyu's so flamboyant beauty.

Ban Xue's beauty is a bit more youthful and restrained.

Now he was in shock, shrinking in Chu Hongyu's arms.

My eyes are full of fear,

It was a moment of life and death just now.

But she was terrified.

No wonder the people in this car are furious,

Finally, Ye Jun also looked at the car shadow that was about to disappear in front of him coldly.

Said coldly:

"Catch up and don't take other people's lives."

"Then they will leave their lives here today."

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