Xiao Qiang was holding a sigh of anger.

At this time, Chu Hongyu and Ye Jun's instructions were heard.

He rushed up in one breath.

I drove so slowly just now for safety reasons.

He is now past the time to drive fast.

Driving fast is not the most important thing.

Safety comes first, and smooth driving is the most important thing.

Is it easy to drive fast?

When you step on the accelerator, you don't care about the rush.

As long as you are not afraid of hitting people and scratching cars.

Anyone knows how to drive fast, it's not difficult.

For Xiao Qiang, driving fast is even simpler.

Although it's not good to drive fast, who didn't come here by fast?

The skills that Xiao Qiang learned in the army can be described as numerous and complicated.

The driving skills are even more proficient.

Driving fast is also a must-learn project.

His express is different from this kind of blind express.

It is a controlled, fast paced.

Some people drive fast and make you feel like you are floating.

But Xiao Qiang's driving skills will not.

Ye Jun looked at the speed of 220 hours on the dial.

I still feel safe and secure when I am in the car.

This has something to do with the performance of the car, but it also has a lot to do with the skills of the driver.

The performance of this Rolls-Royce Phantom is obviously better than the previous Lamborghini, which almost harmed Ye Jun and the others.

Soon, he caught up with the vehicle just now!

The owner of the Lamborghini saw Rolls-Royce catching up.

Still slightly surprised.

This is a young guy with yellow hair.

The exposed area is covered with tattoos.

She wears a few big earrings on her ears.

He even wore a nose ring on his nose.

Very trendy and cool dress.

He smiled and said to the co-pilot's female companion:

"Yoyo, Xiaoli, look at the idiot Rolls-Royce we surpassed just now."

The female companion on the side is also almost dressed up by this man.

She looked in the rearview mirror and saw the Rolls Royce that was about to catch up.

He smiled and said: "I'm not to blame you, you just left the car, and if you didn't have time to react, you fell to death a long time ago."

Huang Mao smiled and said, "Isn't that their luck?"

"Anyway, there is no monitoring in that section, and it's dead for nothing."

"Remember the last time the family of three? The screams they fell down, I keep it now, it sounds really exciting!"

The woman's face changed slightly when she heard this.

Immediately patted the man on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Look at you, you are broken, and if someone scolds you if you are not in the car, you will wipe out the whole family."

"Be careful to be found out. This is a fatal case."

Huang Mao didn't care and smiled and said, "What is the fatal case? The last time I killed the family, I said hello later. They couldn't find it when they looked for the monitoring system. They died in vain."

"Never see if my father is..."

The woman smiled and looked at Rolls-Royce, who was still following the car and said:

"If you have the ability, just kill the man in this car."

Huang Mao's expression paused, and he muttered to himself.

"You girl is really bad, the last time you killed the family, it was this woman who stalked you. It's not like you don't get into the house all the way."

But he still smiled and said, "Come on, how long did that happen last time. There was surveillance on the road ahead. I killed them, and then lost the surveillance. It's hard for my father to explain it."

When the woman heard Huang Mao's words, she showed a slight expression of regret.

That's it!

"Even if they are lucky!"

"No, you see they are following, I thought I was going to surpass us to vent their anger."

"Yes, it's mostly a soft guy, a scumbag. We're bullied by us when we drive a Rolls Royce."


"Hey hey hey, a sharp bend ahead. Give directions!"

Although the woman was sitting in the co-pilot, she did not relax the monitoring of Huang Mao's driving movements.

After all, driving fast like this is not only dangerous for others, but also for dancing on the tip of a knife all the time.

A little carelessness can cause catastrophe.

Young people, who doesn't like to drive fast!

These little lovers are all driving fast, while the other is watching a little.

At this point, the front is a sharp turn.

But the woman found that Huang Mao did not move in the direction.

If this continues, something big will happen!

The speed still stays at around two hundred.

It's too late to turn the steering wheel at this time!

"Brake, brake! Brake quickly!"

The woman yelled anxiously.

Unfortunately, Huang Mao did not give her any response.

Instead, she looked at the woman with a look of horror.

Yearning for jumping word by word:

"My body is out of my control!"

"You fart your mother, are you smoking too much!"

With that, the woman wanted to grab the steering wheel.

Not to control direction.

But to press the emergency braking system above.

This type of high-end car generally has a key brake in order to control special situations!

The woman's movements are very swift, and now the yellow hair is completely unable to move!

She can easily control the steering wheel.

Soon, she was about to press the emergency brake button with eyesight and hands. ,

"It's too late. With this distance, plus the guardrail, the car won't fall down."

The woman counted the distance.

There was a glimmer of joy after a catastrophe in his eyes.

The slender finger is about to press the brake button.

Unfortunately, in this short moment.

She understood.

What did her boyfriend mean just now?

Her body was completely unable to move.

She desperately watched her hand gradually move away from the only life-saving brake button.

Next, she also saw it.

The little Huangmao on the side kicked the accelerator fiercely.

The speed of the car suddenly reached 300.

Then there was the sound of the guardrail crashing.

The entire vehicle soared out.

Underneath is a vast abyss, with clouds and mist, like a fairyland on earth.


The only fly in the ointment is that two screams awakened the birds in the mountains.

Twitter, a bit noisy.


"Report, the monitoring has been checked."

"what's the result?"

"Without any external factors, Huang Gongzi's car was driven out by himself."

"How is it possible? Monitor and show me!"

"That Rolls-Royce really didn't leave the car?"

Wang Ju is the chief criminal in this neighborhood.

Today the son of a certain adult drove down a cliff here fast.

This was originally a sparse and ordinary thing, but once it involves some people, it doesn't usually get up.

Wang Ju dispatched an elite investigation, and he must investigate the matter clearly, otherwise his black hat would not be able to protect him.

As a result, now take a look at monitoring.

Know everything!

It really rushed straight out, about three to four hundred meters away from the curve, and rushed out without any direction!

"Okay, let's finalize it like this."

Wang Ju waved his hand, he also saw a lot of such things.

Why do you drive so without turning? The reason is still rotted in the stomach.

He came to the Rolls Royce parked on the side of the road.

Toward the handsome man leaning against the car and playing with his mobile phone, said in harmony:

"Comrades hard for your cooperation and waiting, we have investigated this matter clearly, you can leave now."

"One more thing, don't go out and talk nonsense about this matter!"

Said the last sentence, Wang Ju's face was a bit solemn.

"Certainly, it's fine if we don't have anything to do. Police officer, you have worked hard to deal with the case, so we will go ahead."

The handsome man turned and returned to the co-pilot.

Rolls-Royce started in a flash.

Filled with a pleasant atmosphere, sailing into the distance!

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