People at the scene heard what Committee Member Lin said.

People are stupid!

Before, there was a rumor that the government even put some fakes in it to confuse people.

In order to ensure the level of King of Appreciation!

If the exhibition stands are all genuine, it would be meaningless.

But they never expected that Lin Jia, a super family, would take the lead!

Seeing Commissioner Lin even looked a little cheerful.

Everyone was speechless for a while!

Many people even wailed!

You know, a lot of people just saw the transaction price of 100 million yuan.

The eight treasure dragon and phoenix hairpin have been voted on the system.

It is now identified as a fake!

One person has only five votes!

The final calculation is the total value of the five votes cast.

So the person who voted just now is already one vote behind the others!

It can basically be declared that he has missed the King of Appreciation.

These people became more and more angry and wailed all over!

This old man Lin, Commissioner Lin saw this scene on the contrary, and the smile lines on his face deepened a bit.

Ye Jun's eyelids twitched as he watched aside.

The bad taste of this old man is really enough!

He was happy that he got a lot of people.

Ye Jun thought so though.

In fact, Ye Jun is not a good person either.

He didn't want to say it at all at first.

It is Chu Hongyu who is having trouble with herself here!

There was no way, so I said it.

From the very beginning, I knew this rule and the wind.

I already knew the truth.

Moreover, there is still someone who knows the truth.

It was the middle-aged man from the beginning.

He has always been informed, so he will not sell this thing.

He even refused to show it to Chu Hongyu.

The purpose is to prevent fraud from being discovered.

But the Young Master Lin Ning who appeared later obviously didn't know the inside story.

In order to express himself in Chu Hongyu.

Start making your own way!

Sell ​​the fake to Chu Hongyu!

Commissioner Lin still started the servant calling for the rescue.

If this business is really done!

Even the Lin Family's unintentional mistakes would ruin a lot of reputation.

Fortunately, Ye Jun appeared to prevent this from happening.

Committee Lin at this time was grateful to Ye Jun except for his appreciation.

Although Commissioner Lin's cheerful face was smiling.

But I was still thinking about it in my heart.

Ye Jun, Ye Jun.

Why is this name familiar?

Commissioner Lin patted himself on the head, and suddenly remembered where he had heard the name.

But I can't remember it for a while.

I didn't bother to think about it.

Feel free to talk with Ye Jun.

"Brother Ye Jun, you are really good at being able to see through the fake fakes of the old man."

Ye Jun waved his hand and smiled: "Don't dare to be a trick."

"Hehe, little brother, don't be humble. You know that the old man made this fake this time, but he spent a lot of attention on it."

At this time, Ye Jun took the fake eight-treasure dragon and phoenix hairpin from Chu Hongyu.

After playing with it carefully, he exclaimed: "Commissioner Lin, your old skill is indeed rare in the world."

Earlier when Ye Jun was commenting on this fake.

It does not deny its value.

On the contrary, it has a very high evaluation of its artistic value.

Many people have heard that sentence.

Some people just treat Ye Jun as polite.

But that's because they didn't understand Ye Jun's personality.

If you say that before, Ye Jun will probably treat others courteously because of some interests.

Ye Jun now doesn't need these at all.

If you like it, boast, and if you can't get used to it, you can clean it up.

A treasure to be praised by Ye Jun.

There must be a real guy in it.

Just like this fake Eight Treasure Dragon and Phoenix Hairpin.

This carver, and the craftsmanship of making it.

It is simply the pinnacle of contemporary art and craftsmanship.

Ye Jun said Jianbao was okay, and really wanted him to make such a fake.

Ye Jun thinks he can't do it!

I have to say that there is a specialization in the surgical industry.

This Commissioner Lin was also the commissioner-level person of the Treasure Management Bureau that Ye Jun first contacted. ,

I have been in contact with some unrelated trash fish before.

For a while, he somewhat underestimated the strength of this Treasure Management Bureau.

Now this smiling Commissioner Lin made Ye Jun discover that this Treasure Management Bureau is really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Can't be underestimated!

Ye Jun thought while playing.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

Tentatively, he said: "Commissioner Lin, I want to use your skills, you left the flaws in this eight-treasure dragon and phoenix hairpin specially."

The more Ye Jun thinks about it, the more wrong he becomes, such a person who has reached this level of skill.

Why would such a flaw be created?

Although those details are not very eye-catching.

But if you really let people compare the data, plus the testing of various instruments.

This kind of fault is completely detectable,

Today is the Appraiser Meeting, and of course no one brought equipment.

There is no such opening and hanging ability of Ye Jun either!

That's why this fake has pitted so many people!

Member Lin smiled and did not deny Ye Jun's words.

Ye Jun's heart condensed, as expected, he guessed this way.

This Treasure Management Bureau is even more terrifying than I thought.

Member Lin looked at Ye Jun's expression, and first spoke with some caution:

"I did leave a flaw, but only two were left, and you found three, so I still missed it."

"Huh? Only two places left?"

Ye Jun did not think of Commissioner Lin's statement.

Commissioner Lin looked at Ye Jun with admiration, and said in a comforting or admiring tone:

"Yes, I only left two places, one is the 2.5 standard problem, and the other is the Kunshan jade used for gemstones but Lantian jade."

"I didn't expect that you could see these two flaws by your own eyesight, which really amazes me!"

Ye Jun nodded slightly, but the two places were more conspicuous.

Commissioner Lin's answer is basically consistent with the guess in his heart.

With a little doubt, he said, "If there are only two places, what's wrong with that mithril gold plating method?"

Ye Jun introduced this mythril gold-plated to everyone before.

This is a unique metal processing method.

It belongs to a special ancient craftsmanship of the Han Dynasty.

At this moment, Ye Jun suddenly thought of a possibility!

Sure enough, Commissioner Lin heard Ye Jun's words and said with a mysterious smile on his face:

"That's right, it's the method of gilding mythril. Although our Treasure Management Bureau has heard of that ancient method, it has long since been lost!"

"The technique I used is made by another ancient secret. Although there is a slight gap with these eight treasures, dragons and phoenix hairpins, it is definitely not something ordinary people can see."

"Unless this person knows how to gilded mythril and has a deep understanding of the gap between the craftsmanship, he can see the tiny clues."

"Now? Brother Ye doesn't need to hide himself."

Fuck, this old ghost is too treacherous!

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