My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 363: Counterfeit becomes a treasure

Although Ye Jun did not intend to hide himself.

But it won't be so easy for people to see.

Unexpectedly, Commissioner Lin looked cheerful.

In fact, the thoughts in my heart are quite deep.

Ye Jun just tried to invade the spiritual world of Commissioner Lin.

At the same time, an unusual place was discovered.

The invasion was defended.

That's right, defense!

This situation was still Ye Jun's first sight.

Being defended and Chu Hongyu's inability to invade are two different things.

Chu Hongyu is a person with strong mental power, and Ye Jun's mental power can't have much influence on her at all.

But this Commissioner Lin is different!

Ye Jun can perceive his mental strength.

Compared to Chu Hongyu, it is very weak.

It may be a long-term experience of a superior person, and a little better than ordinary people.

But in Ye Jun's eyes, there was no difference from ordinary people.

They are all characters that can be controlled by blinking.

But Ye Jun just wanted to dig out the situation of Commissioner Lin for the Treasure Management Bureau.

However, he was mentally blocked on the way to the invasion.

Something similar to a spiritual barrier blocked Ye Jun's invasion!

This is the first time I have seen you!

But Ye Jun's heart was greatly shocked!

This is different from Chu Hongyu. Although Chu Hongyu possesses strong spiritual power, she cannot use her spiritual power to achieve any purpose at all.

It belongs to the kind of brute force and useless.

Obviously, this spiritual barrier could not have been set up by Commissioner Lin!

In other words, in this world, there are people or things that can achieve the skills to use spiritual power!

Mental barrier?

Ye Jun didn't even master this skill!

Ye Jun chatted with Commissioner Lin in his mouth, and secretly slowly recovered his mental power.

Before figuring out the source of this spiritual power and the reality of the Treasure Management Bureau.

Don't startle the snake.

Ye Jun remembered the dialogue with Committee Member Lin just now.

Unexpectedly, Commissioner Lin suggested that there were only two omissions that he had set.

And that omission is not an omission in itself, it belongs to a blank in their technology.

Mithril gilding method.

This lost ancient method of forging, even the Treasure Management Bureau would not.

Ye Jun laughed blankly, didn't notice this at all, okay?

I have the encyclopedia of this system.

Just now, it was basically based on the system's appraisal.

As for the old method?


Ye Jun started to try in the system at this time.

[Instructions: Detailed query of ancient methods and all the craftsmanship of mythril gilding method]

With the increase of mental power, Ye Jun can give a series of instructions to the system.

Soon, the system showed

[Mithril Gilding Method]

【Process flow:……】

Okay, okay, it's a headache.

For the detailed query of the existing results, the system directly provides a bunch of data and processes, an ancient craftsmanship, which reappears in the world at this moment.

Ye Jun glanced briefly, and then wrote them all down.

For myself, this kind of things that can be queried in the system can be described as casually.

Ye Jun smiled at this moment and said: "I learned about this ancient method occasionally, but I didn't expect that I happened to run into it today. Boy, I'm lucky."

Member Lin listened to Ye Jun's courtesy and looked at Ye Jun with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

coincide? Is there really such a coincidence?

You know, the gilding method of Secret Silver in the Han Dynasty created an unprecedented prosperous age of jewelry craftsmanship in the Han Dynasty.

This ancient technique, even today, is simply invaluable to some people.

When Ye Jun was talking to these people just now.

Even casually talked about this crafting method.

He had no doubt that Ye Jun mastered the complete process flow.

The Ye Jun that Commissioner Lin was looking at at this time was not at a junior, but with an expression of being equal.

At this time, he said in a kind tone: "I want to come to Brother Ye to have some romance, so it's hard for the old to ask more."

"This fake hairpin, just as the old man's apologize for this farce, I hope the little brother will not dislike it."

Upon hearing from the surroundings, this committee member Lin actually offered to use fake hairpins as a compensatory gift.

It didn't feel weird at all.

Some even looked at the hairpin in Ye Jun's hand very enviously.

Even Ye Jun's hand holding Chaizi was slightly taken aback.

Why is this?

This should start with the Lin committee member.

This person is quite famous in the Treasure Management Bureau.

In that game, there are all kinds of talents, appraising treasures, hunting treasures, hiding treasures...

And this committee member Lin is a kind of relatively vulgar talent.

Treasure maker!

He is a master of various ancient crafts.

Whether it is fake or not is a two-pointer.

His treasure-making craftsmanship can be said to be the pinnacle of contemporary times.

The treasures made from his hands have the lowest value in the market and start with ten million yuan.

Master craftsmanship, perfect art!

Since he admitted that this hairpin was a fake from his hand.

The people present will not worry about this fake hairpin at all.

This is Commissioner Lin, Master Lin's masterpiece!

With this level of craftsmanship, everyone's eyes are discerning.

Even a picky person like Ye Jun was full of praise for it.

One billion is not sold, that is the value of antiques.

But as a master’s handicraft, tens of millions are sold casually.

Now everyone has heard that Committee Member Lin is actually going to give away such a valuable thing for free.

This Ye Jun is equivalent to picking up tens of millions in vain.

Ye Jun was a little embarrassed at this time, and refused:

"No, Committee Member Lin, this thing is too expensive, I can't accept it."

Commissioner Lin still looked like a cheerful little old man and said:

"The little brother can't look down on the old man's craftsmanship?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, Committee Lin's craftsmanship is unparalleled in the world, it's just this..."

Ye Jun tells the truth, he can naturally see the value of this thing.

Although it is a fake, the materials used are millions, plus this top-level craftsmanship, without the need for a systematic valuation, Ye Jun himself was willing to buy it with some blood.

"Little brother Ye needn't say much, this matter originally started because of my rebellious son, this right should be an apologize to you, and it should be a meeting gift I gave you."


"Okay, no need to say more. I have decided. Today I will see you pleasing to your eyes. The little brother will accept it first, and I will talk about the rest in the future."

Commissioner Lin waved his hand casually and said freely.

Ye Jun was a little speechless, seeing who was pleasing to the eye and spilled the money like this.

This is more generous than myself!

However, he understood that this was Commissioner Lin's throwing stones to ask for directions, and he wanted to make friends with himself.

Since he was a friend of Chu Hongyu, he also saw this little old man pleasing to his eyes.

Ye Jun didn't refuse anymore. Pushing around here for tens of millions of things was really troublesome.

Just go back and give him a supplement in return.

"Then I would like to thank Commissioner Lin for presenting the treasure."

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