My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter 366 I stay to see my girlfriend

"Hey, hey, I said you two, have you forgotten something?"

Just when Ye Jun and Member Lin talked freely, and they had a very happy conversation.

A female voice with a bad tone rang.

The smiles on the faces of Commissioner Ye Jun and Lin appeared stiff.

Ye Jun turned his head and saw that Chu Hongyu was now looking at them two with vigour.

Commissioner Lin's expression stiffened for a moment, but he soon recovered and said to Chu Hongyu with a cheerful expression.

"Haha, the old man had a conversation with Major General Chu's friend, and I am embarrassed to neglect Major General."

When Chu Hongyu heard this, he cocked his mouth in discomfort, and said angrily:

"It was me who was cheated by your son, why did you give him that hairpin!"

"Since it's your craft, I won't say anything about fakes. I also like that hairpin very much. You can't do this authentically!"

It turned out that Chu Hongyu was entangled with this matter.

Committee member Lin admitted that this hairpin came from his craftsmanship.

Chu Hongyu's affection for this hairpin came back all at once.

What originally attracted her was the beautiful, gorgeous, and dignified appearance of this hairpin.

Later, she was angry and beat others, but hated that Young Master Lin even fooled herself with the fake.

I want to sell myself 100 million!

This hairpin didn't hurt himself.

What happened to the fake?

The fakes are not as good-looking!

Now Chu Hongyu knows that it was made by this committee member Lin, who can be called a national player.

Then this hairpin is not a fake at all.

It's a master craft!

At this time, the face value and the name have been gained, and this hairpin has become well-known again.

And Chu Hongyu was shamelessly tempted again.

However, Ye Jun took the hairpin from her hand just now.

Now it has been given to Ye Jun by the producer of Commissioner Lin!

How can this make her feel good!

Upon hearing this, Ye Jun quietly put the hairpin into his pocket.

Take a step back silently!

You can't let this female bandit snatch such a valuable thing!

This action happened to fall in Chu Hongyu's eyes, and she was almost pissed off!

"Go ahead, what should I do!"

Chu Hongyu knew that he couldn't help Ye Jun, so he started targeting this Lin committee member.

Commissioner Lin seemed cheerful, but there were a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

To say it, this ginger is still old and spicy.

Commissioner Lin quickly figured out a way and said with a smile:

"Major general calm down, look at this, since you and Ye Jun are friends, then I give it to Ye Jun, isn't it the same as giving it to you?"

"You two..."

As he said, his eyes flew back and forth on Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu.

The man is tall, handsome, and knowledgeable. Just relying on the skill of the first hand to enlighten the treasure, he is definitely not a thing in the pool.

This woman...Although her temper is a little weird, Major General Chu has always coexisted a fierce name and a fancy name.

Appropriately old, and they also travel together. Although the two do not seem to be in a match, which couple of men and women are not making noises?

Thinking of this, Commissioner Lin seemed to think of something in the past and smiled faintly.

The full face is an expression in which everything is under control!

"Smelly old man, what are you talking nonsense! What is meant by giving it to him is equivalent to giving it to me! I have nothing with him!"

Chu Hongyu was still furious at first, but now Commissioner Lin's inexplicable remarks combined with his look and expression.

It just made her blow her hair on the spot!

Ye Jun's observation ability is better than that of Chu Hongyu. He wanted to see how this little old man dealt with the woman Chu Hongyu.

Unexpectedly, this old man had a trick to cause trouble.

Implied that he had an ambiguous relationship with Chu Hongyu.

This thing is he gifted to himself, and then let himself be transferred to Chu Hongyu to express his love?

Ye Jun thought of this, his scalp numb.

Sure enough, free gifts are not so easy to receive.

The most important thing is that this old man is very slippery.

He looked at Chu Hongyu's angry expression, his face still looked honest and cheerful.

"I still have something to deal with. Anyway, just one thing is sent out. It's not my business how you play with it."

With that, the old god was leaving.

Halfway through, he suddenly turned his head and said to Ye Jun:

"Let’s go back and ask the little brother and Major General Chu to come together. I will personally receive the two of you when that happens."

"Well, I must come to visit when I have time."

Ye Jun replied earnestly that it is necessary for him to find time to learn more about this member of Lin.

When Member Lin heard this, the smile on his face deepened.

Don't stay too much, leave quickly! It's just this back figure, a bit more hastily compared to the stability when he came before!


Commissioner Lin is gone, but things here are not so closed.

The little old man just made a big joke without knowing it.

Chu Hongyu lost his temper.

Ye Jun was also embarrassed.

The two were silent for a while before they recovered their calm.

Chu Hongyu Lian moved gently to Ye Jun's side.

His face was not very natural and said:

"I have nothing to do with you, don't be foolish."

Ye Jun numbly replied:

"No need to remind you, this sentence is also for you."

I don't want to be such a woman who yells and kills. Although she is extremely beautiful, she can't be eaten as a meal.

When Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his jade hand clenched into a fist, and then slowly loosened it.

One hand stretched out towards Ye Jun.

Ye Jun instinctively stepped back and looked at Chu Hongyu warily.

"What do you want to do? You can't be tainted by you!"

In fact, there were not many people at the scene. After all, the booth had been withdrawn, and the people had dispersed after watching the show.

However, there is still a flow of people, and there are also Xiao Qiang and Ban Xue who are silently standing next to the murals and wall trees.

Chu Hongyu heard Ye Jun's shameless words and said angrily:

"Who wants to defile you! Give me the hairpin, hurry up!"

Ye Jun rolled his eyes and said with a wicked smile on his face:

"Commissioner Lin made it clear just now. He thought we were in that relationship, so he asked me to transfer it to you."

"You denied it just now, and now you are begging me for a hairpin, do you want to be with me?"

Chu Hongyu was annoyed when he heard Ye Jun's words!

This kid is taking advantage of the words of the dead old man just now!

Men really don't have a good thing!

"Who wants to have a relationship with you! Chaizi give it to me, I will buy it!"

"Don't sell, it's not bad for those two money."

"You big man, why don't you keep it for sale?"

"Can you keep it as a gift?"

Ye Jun had already taken out the hairpin and played with it in his hand, squinting at Chu Hongyu.

Chu Hongyu asked with doubts in his eyes:

"Who do you want to give to?"

"Such a beautiful and expensive hairpin, of course it was given to my girlfriend."

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