The shocking reversal of this bet stunned everyone present.

How did this arrogant young man suddenly change his mind?

Is it really afraid of the power of the Ma family?

I still want to take this opportunity to climb to the Ma's family.

Those present were a little disappointed.

"I thought it was a man, but I didn't expect to be afraid of a big family like the Ma family."

"Hey, I can't blame this little brother. You must know that the Ma family is also a prominent and top-notch family in China. Who is not afraid of it?"

"In this way, this gambling game is not worth seeing. Even if he has this ability, he will release water to the Ma family."


And on Ye Jun's side.

Ban Xue, Chu Hongyu and Xiao Qiang were also watching the excitement among the crowd.

Ban Xue frowned slightly, and asked Chu Hongyu next to him:

"What does Uncle Ye mean by this bet? Do you really want to send money to the Ma family?"

Chu Hongyu had a rare smile on his face at this time, and lightly tapped Ban Xue's head and said:

"Do you think Ye Jun's money fan is like a money-giver? Didn't you hear Ye Jun say you want to invite them to drink some good soup?"

Ban Xue said in a daze, "I heard it, the Nadao pigeon soup delivered in the hotel yesterday is delicious, why did Uncle Ye lose with them, and even invite them to have soup."

Chu Hongyu smiled, trying to explain something, but thinking about not saying such cruel words in front of the girl.

He gestured to Xiao Qiang with his eyes, Xiao Qiang received Chu Hongyu's eyes with a silly smile on his face.

"Xiaoxue, the soup you Uncle Ye said is not the soup for pigeons."

"what is that?"

"Meng Po soup."


"I'm already optimistic, what's the matter with the three elders?"

Ye Junman casually asked the three elders of cattle, horses and sheep who were still observing this white jade Guanyin.

The three old men looked at each other, exchanged their eyes, a sneer appeared on his face, and the old man Niu started and said:

"The three of us are also optimistic."

"Oh? Who will come first?"

Ye Jun found an apple from nowhere, chewing the apple while asking them.

It seems quite casual.

The three old men saw him like a foolish man and discussed it around him.

"Brother Ye, please first."

Since it was decided to slap Ye Jun in the face, of course the third elders would not take the initiative to propose the first one.

Ye Jun coldly glanced at the old man, took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed slowly.

"In that case, I will show my ugliness first."

With that said, he came to this statue of Guanyin, and at this time, he had been waiting for a store by his side.

The store didn't expect that his petty request for Ye Jun's appraisal could trigger such a big battle.

However, he didn't care about such movements. Under this circumstance, his booth was also exposed, which was profitable and harmless.

What's more, both parties are master-level figures, so they can better identify themselves.

Ye Jun asked casually: "What do you want to know about this Guanyin statue?"

The store is a little bit stunned. Isn't this Master Appreciation identifying something?

Why are you still asking your own opinions?

But he didn't dare to pick Ye Jun's reasoning. He murmured: "Please tell me the dynasty and value of this thing, little brother."

"Oh, OK."

"This thing was created during the Kaiyuan period of the Yuan Dynasty. If I want to estimate its value, it will be around 50 million yuan, but I suggest that you don't sell it now, as it may appreciate in value later."

As soon as this was said, the store's face was astonished and ecstatic as a five million prize.

Pointing to this Guanyin statue and said in disbelief, "Little brother! You said my Guanyin statue is worth 50 million! You didn't kid me."

The expression of this store is obviously wrong, even passers-by can see it.

How can one's own things have no value at all? Why was Ye Jun so surprised when he said the number of fifty million?

You know, the people present are experts.

In particular, this collector is still a specially invited exhibitor, and it is impossible for him to be ignorant of the value of his own things.

Why is there such a gaffeful expression?

After a while of surprise and ecstasy, the store slowly calmed down.

Thick doubts appeared in his eyes, and the expression in Ye Jun's eyes became a little weird.

"Are you really sure? Little brother?"

Such a change in emotion made the people at the scene even more incomprehensible. Is this store changing its face?

Why changed from surprise to doubt?

Ye Jun ate the apple with a smile and nodded affirmatively.

Before Ye Jun could explain, there was a burst of laughter from the side.

"Hahahahaha, it seems that Little Brother Ye has nothing more than that."

It was Niu Lao who made the laugh, and Ma Lao and Yang Lao beside him also had triumphant smiles on their faces.

Everyone gathered their eyes on these three elders.

Old Niu was enjoying the eyes of everyone, and slowly stood in front of the white jade Guanyin statue, stroked his gray beard and said:

"It has long been heard that the little brother Ye is quite appreciated by the Qi family, but he didn't expect that he would be better known as meeting him."

Ye Jun ate the apple and looked at Niu Lao with a smile, without saying a word.

Old Niu saw Ye Jun's calm look, only when he was pretending to be calm, maybe his heart was panicked.

The store came out to make a round and asked Niu Lao earnestly: "Old sir, how do you look at this Guanyin statue."

Old Niu calmly brushed his beard, and uttered two words in a calm and relaxed manner.


Lao Yang and Lao Ma on the side added:

"Fake craftsmanship is not bad."

"But if the price is true, I only suggest you sell it for 1,000 yuan!"

The conclusion of the three old people came out, and the scene was in an uproar.

Why did the two parties come to different conclusions about the appraisal of this Guanyin image?

One said it was worth 50 million, and it might even appreciate.

On the other hand, 1,000 yuan, this price is the price of garbage for antiques.

Ye Jun still ate the apple calmly and looked at everyone with a smile.

And the three elders of cattle, horses and goats seriously told everyone why this Guanyin statue was faked!

"Everyone, please take a look at this colored glaze. Although it imitates the craftsmanship of the Yuan Dynasty, it is clear that this firing technique is indeed the technique of the mid-Tang Dynasty."

"There is also this sculpture of Guanyin. Although it has the flavor of the Yuan Dynasty, it is actually the unique technique of a carving master in the late Qing Dynasty. It is hoped that the Ye Xiao brother can't distinguish it."

"Yes, the imitation of this Guanyin image is really good. I was almost stunned by it, but it's a pity that Brother Ye didn't tell the difference at all."

While pointing out the fake place of the Guanyin statue to everyone, the three elders did not forget to belittle Ye Jun.

The people at the scene also nodded again and again, and their gazes at Ye Jun also appeared strange.

Sure enough, his mouth is not hairy and he can't do things well.

Ginger is still old and spicy.

Ye Jun didn't listen carefully to the people's discussion.

But his apple is out.

He didn't look at it, holding the core behind him, and tossed it.

Perfectly hit a trash can ten meters away.

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