"Have you finished?"

Ye Junman asked the elders carelessly.

The sudden momentum shocked the three old men inexplicably.

The little handsome guy who looked harmless to humans and animals while eating apples just now suddenly turned into a beast full of danger.

However, the three elders are also people who have seen the world, and will not be scared by this.

Niu said leisurely: "We're finished, let's listen to what the store says. The old man sees that he is unsure, this Guanyin statue must have a different origin."

Ye Jun did not refuse.

The eyes of the scene fell on the store.

After all, from the beginning, the store's expression was very strange.

The store didn't conceal anything at this time, and told the whole story.

"I don't want to hide it from everyone, I bought this Guanyin statue under the guidance of the master, and the master told me that there is a mystery in this Guanyin statue."

"Oh? There is such a thing? Why didn't I see the mystery?"

Ma Lao on the side said mockingly.

He blushed the store's face with shame. After all, when the three old men pointed out that the Guanyin was fake, he also understood that all mysteries and masters were so-called liars.

He really feels sore now. But the words still have to be said.

"At that time, this master sold me this Guanyin for only one thousand yuan. I might have really lost my mind at the time, and I really believed the so-called master's nonsense."

"Fortunately, I met the old man today and gave me some tips, thank you, thank you!"

When everyone heard it, the boss was cheated.

It's no wonder that from the beginning, he heard Ye Jun quote him a price of 50 million, and he looked surprised, and then turned into suspicion.

After all, anyone who buys a thousand yuan will suddenly tell you that it is worth 50 million yuan, and it is impossible to accept it calmly.

The three elders accurately saw the falsification of this Guanyin image.

Even the price of 1,000 yuan for this fake is almost the same.

With the words of the boss, the situation on the scene has become very clear.

Even the boss himself admitted that he was deceived.

Ye Jun's party gave an incredible price.

On the other side, it proved that this thing is a fake.

It's already clear who wins and who loses in this bet!

Ye Jun is defeated!

The people at the scene also watched a good show.

"I thought this young man had some abilities, but I didn't expect it to be an embroidered pillow."

"That's right, there is no hair on the mouth, and it is still a bit short of doing things."

"It's more than a few minutes away, listen to the price he quoted? 50 million! It's a real loss for him to dare to think!"

"It seems that he is just a fame and fisherman. It's boring, it's really boring."

Chu Hongyu is here.

Ban Xue tightly pulled Chu Hongyu's sleeve and said, "What should I do? Hongyu sister! Uncle Ye lost!"

Chu Hongyu furrowed his brows and his expression was not worried. It was obvious that he was worried about Ye Jun's defeat.

But the mouth is still not forgiving.

"He deserves it, call him scream, when is it, still eating apples! Look down on your opponent, you should lose."

Xiao Qiang on the side was a calm person among them. He didn't worry about Ye Jun's winning or losing.

Instead, he said something about Ye Jun's gnawing apple:

"My brother eats apples at this point every day. He said an apple a day keeps the doctor away from me..."

The two women are speechless, what are these weird habits!


"Well, Brother Ye, you lose, it's up to you to fulfill your promise!"

"Haha, little brother, a billion dollars, no one penny can be less."

I don't know when, sexy Leng Yue appeared on the scene, with a charming smile on her face and sarcasm in her eyes looking at Ye Jun.

But Ye Jun smiled and didn't pay attention to them.

Instead, they started talking with the store.

"Don't you believe me? You are worth fifty million."

The expression is extremely serious.

At this time, where could the store still hear Ye Jun's words.

When Ye Jun told himself that this thing was worth 50 million, there was indeed a hint of ecstasy in his heart, but he quickly calmed down.

One thousand yuan bought fifty million things.

It's not that he is conceited, the store has a deep self-knowledge, and he is not worthy at all!

At the beginning, I was deceived by that old liar, but now I look closely at Ye Jun's demeanor, and he looks like that old liar.

He could believe that Ye Jun had ghosts.

"Okay, little brother, I did think you were a little capable before, but now it seems that you are just a fame, just when I am blind."

"Hurry up and finish your bet, get out of here!"

The shopkeeper thought that he had heard Ye Jun's flicker before and sold the dragon and phoenix finger. His heart was bleeding, and now he couldn't wait to drive people away.

With a slightly injured expression on Ye Jun's face, he said, "I really didn't fool you!"

"Stop talking, you liar, I won't believe you!"

"Well, then you think I'm a liar, then you sell me Guanyin, and you will save money."

"Well, how much do you pay, I will sell it to you!"

When the store heard that Ye Jun was willing to take the order, there was no doubt at all at this time, and he wished to smash this Guanyin at this time.

But today I lost too much, so I have to make some money back.

"Huh? Let me think about it, 1050. Didn't you just say that you bought it for 1000? I let you earn 50 more, how?"

"Good, good! One-handed delivery and one-handed delivery."

"Sure, I won't write a check for this amount of money, scan the code."

Soon, Ye Jun got the Guanyin statue as he wished.

Everyone looked stupid.

What kind of person is this? Jianbao failed, so he went to buy a fake!

"Well, brother, you have enough trouble. Hurry up and honor your bet!"

Leng Yue watched this farce from the sidelines, like watching a clown.

Enough now, it's time to remind you.

"Okay, wait a moment."

Ye Jun waved his hand to signal Leng Yue to be safe and restless.

Looking at his arrogant gesture, Leng Yue just reprimanded a few words.

What score is a loser playing here!

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, a huge heavy object fell to the ground.

It was Ye Jun who slammed the Bai Yu Guanyin he had just acquired to the ground.

The beautiful Guanyin fell apart in an instant.

"Fuck, what is this little brother doing?"

"Is he crazy? How can he throw the Guanyin statue to vent his anger? This is disrespect to the Bodhisattva!"

"Crazy, crazy, it's estimated that I lost a billion and collapsed!"

"Deserve it, he just made it clear to send money to the Ma family, and he can't blame anyone."

Everyone was shocked by Ye Jun's behavior.

Suddenly there was an exclamation on the scene,

"Fuck, what's that?"

Chu Hongyu and others also saw it here.

When Ye Jun smashed the Guanyin statue, Chu Hongyu discovered the clues of the Guanyin statue with excellent eyesight.

In the shattered statue of Guanyin, several pieces of golden light appeared.

Chu Hongyu had a lot of knowledge and knew what it was all at once.

Even she couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming:

"Buddha bone relics!"

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