"What? Are you not coming back tonight?"

"Well, Brother Qiang and I will go for a stroll, so let's stay there for one night."

"Is there something hiding from us?"

"It doesn't count, let's talk about it later, hang up first."

Ye Jun and Chu Hongyu talked and quickly hung up their phones.

I can say a few words to this woman calmly during the phone call.

If you face to face, you can't figure out how to get up.

"Tsk tusk, it's almost half past six, and I haven't had a bite for dinner."

Ye Jun found that the time had reached this point.

It was originally when I was eating dinner happily.

Ye Jun, who regarded fixed-point meals as more important than anything else, felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

I can only pray for the next thing to go smoothly.

"Or, let's buy something to eat and then go there? Is there half an hour left now?"

Xiao Qiang was driving the car while talking to Ye Jun.

"Well, good idea, then you drive slowly and I'll see what to eat nearby."

Xiao Qiang slowly slowed down listening to Ye Jun's words.

Actually, I’m already on the roads in the city, and I can’t drive that fast.

At this time, the traffic density is still quite large.

Now is the peak time for work hours.

The road where Ye Jun's car is located is okay, and the non-motorized lane next to it is densely packed with electric vehicles.

After all, the city of Kundu does not have to be the capital of Shu.

Their terrain is very flat, and riding electric bikes to work is the norm.

Ye Jun was the first to see this kind of scene.

As a Shudu native who has never left the local area much.

For this kind of flat avenue, there are a large number of electric vehicles that are still very new.

In the magical 3D city like Shudu, it's really not that people don't want to ride electric bikes or bicycles.

Three steps a slope, two steps and a ridge, the front clearly looks flat, but the result is already close, and it is actually a cliff.

Once a singer wrote such a magical lyrics in the lyrics.

The second road car parked on the eighth floor.

This kind of outrageous thing can only happen in Shudu.

And because of the difficulty of road construction in the capital of Shu, a large number of arterial roads are not like other plain cities, which are reserved for non-motorized vehicles.

Some drivers on motorcycles share the same road with motor vehicles.

very dangerous.

Ye Jun used to ride a motorcycle when he was a child, but he didn't want to try it at all when he grew up.

Non-motorized lanes and motor vehicles share the same lane, and something really happened, and the consequences would be disastrous.

But many cities are separated, and the probability of this non-motorized accident is higher.

After all, this base figure lies here.

Some daring, will ride small electric cars and motor vehicles to make a way, or cross the road.

"Yeah, there is a snack bar over there. Pull over for a while."

With sharp eyes, Ye Jun spotted an acceptable-looking snack bar on the side of the road, and the decoration looked clean.

"Sure, let's pull over for a while."

Xiao Qiang followed what Ye Jun pointed out and pulled over and parked the car.

"Brother Qiang, you should be in the car. I'll just go and buy it. What would you like to eat?"

"Well, just give me a package of what you eat. Your kid will eat it best."

"Alright, then I'm going to make you satisfied."

Ye Jun got out of the car and went to the snack bar.


"Yo, handsome guy, what to eat?"

The owner of the snack bar is a young woman in her thirties and a helper in her twenties.

The two women watched Ye Jun, a handsome guy coming to the business, with light in their eyes.

How can women not like handsome guys!

"Well, let me take a look."

"Two portions of fried potatoes, two portions of papaya water, and two portions of milk-containing tofu."

"You tofu, give me a bit more spicy. Pack them all for me."

"Okay, handsome guy. It's 32 yuan in total."

"Okay, I scan the code!"

Ye Jun looked at these snacks while scanning the code.

It's pretty clean, and the boss is a diligent person, not bad.

The potatoes here need to be fried, and the tofu needs to be roasted for a while.

So it will take some time to wait.

Originally, Ye Jun wanted to play with mobile phones, who knew that this little girl took the initiative to talk with Ye Jun.

"The handsome guy is not a local who listens to his accent. Did he come to Kundu to travel?"

"Well, that's it. Can you still hear my accent?"

"Hehe, it's normal to see a lot of people. If I heard correctly, the handsome guy should be near the capital of Shu."

"Your ears are really good, I am from Shudu."

"Hahaha, I just said I heard it right. By the way, handsome, if you don't put houttuynia root in your potatoes, you should be able to eat them well if you are from Shudu."

"Let it go, take one and put a little more!"

Houttuynia cordata, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus.

A vegetable that can be used as medicine.

For some people, it's a life-threatening thing.

But for the people of Shu, it is simply the supreme delicacy.

People from Yunnan also like this thing very much.

In fact, there is a difference in the way of eating.

The people of Shudu prefer to eat the stems and leaves of Houttuynia cordata, with spicy pepper, soy sauce, sugar, and cold salad.

Yunnan people like to eat its roots, and it seems that there are many places where they eat Houttuynia cordata. They all eat its roots.

Ye Jun is not picky either, he loves both.

"Okay, Sister Zhang, put more houttuynia root on the handsome guy's potatoes."

The little girl greeted the busy woman next to her with a smile.

"By the way, handsome guy, can you eat this packet of tofu and mint?"

The little girl asked Ye Jun's taste again.

Ye Jun frowned slightly, and refused without even thinking about it.

"No! Don't put mint, I'm not used to it."

"Hehe, you outsiders really can't accept this, but I suggest that handsome guys can try it when they have time, it's really delicious!"

"I will try if I have a chance."

Ye Jun stayed in!

In fact, I have made up my mind and will definitely not try.

Peppermint is generally found in the presence of mints and the like.

But in Yunnan, this is a highly respected food.

Whether they eat noodles, ingredients, or hot pot, they will come with a little mint.

Originally this fresh and natural taste would make people feel very comfortable.

But once it is put together with the rest of the food, the wonderful chemical reaction that it produces may not be acceptable to ordinary people.

"Okay, handsome guy! Your meal is ready!"

The little girl neatly packed the things Ye Jun wanted and handed her to her.


Ye Jun didn't plan to stay long after taking the meal, Xiao Qiang was still waiting over there.

The snack bar is still going on.

There are customers who order food behind Ye Jun.

The meal was also taken at this time.

Similarly, he also ordered a potato.

At first glance, this weight is wrong.

"Boss, I seem to have a lot less weight than the handsome guy just now! Did you pretend to be wrong for me!"

The little girl who was smiling just now, raised her eyelids slightly, showing a polite smile and said:

"Big brother, if you look good with the handsome guy just now, I'll add another spoonful to you."

After the customer listened, took their own meal, and left silently.

"It's spicy, this worldly way of looking at the face!"

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