"No, eat something first!"

Ye Jun returned to the car and threw the packaged copy to Xiao Qiang.

"What are these?"

Xiao Qiang opened the package while talking.

Potatoes, milk-packed tofu, papaya water.

He used to spend a vacation in Kundu, and there are villas here, and he still knows the food here.

These three can be regarded as authentic snacks in Kundu.

Someone might say, why are potatoes considered as specialty snacks?

Isn't this a delicacy that people all over the country like?

In which food street, there are not many that sell potatoes!

This is certainly not wrong.

But they can't understand Yunnan's almost crazy love for potatoes!

For some Yunnan people.

Not eating potatoes for a day makes me feel uncomfortable.

Just a simple potato, they can make dozens of different ways to eat.

There are so many tricks, too many to list!

As you can imagine, in Yunnan.

There are some snack bars, they can support the profitability of a store by just selling potato snacks!

Ye Jun bought this potato, and his method was not too complicated.

Just after frying the potatoes, add various sauces and mix them together.

Fried potatoes do not taste like French fries, but have a crispy skin. The mashed potatoes inside are soft and with special sauces, which makes people unable to stop eating.

There is also this tofu with milk, or you can call it burst tofu.

It is a special kind of small tofu. The outer skin is roasted, and it is fragrant and crispy. The soft soy milk inside is sprayed out with a bite, mixed with spicy sauce, it is really rich and delicious. .

After eating these, come to a bowl of sweet papaya water.

This papaya water should not be mistaken for the water that is squeezed from papaya.

It is something similar to ice powder, except that the production process uses papaya seeds.

It is crystal clear and has a smooth taste like jelly.

Add sweet brown sugar water!

One bite down, very refreshing.

It dissipated the greasy and spicy food brought by the two heavy meals just now.

It is really a good dessert after a meal.

Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang, two big men, ate their heads in the car.

After a while, these things were eaten up.

"It's done, let's go!"

Ye Jun packed the garbage in a plastic bag and threw it directly out of the car window, accurately hitting the garbage can ten meters away from the side of the road!

"Hehe, I'm so accurate, participating in the NBA, where are those obvious things!"

Ye Jun made a shot, triumphantly.

Xiao Qiang whitened Ye Jun and said:

"Yes, you go to play in the NBA, and the sharks stand in front of you. You can't even see the ball frame."

"Well, this is a problem."

Ye Jun pretended to be contemplative, and the height of those players was indeed beyond his reach.

Although he is 1.8 meters tall, in the NBA, this is a disabled height.

Think of the giant who plays basketball in China, who is two meters away!

I also saw him on TV, which seemed shocking enough.

If you have seen it by a real person, it would be unthinkable.

Don't know how these grow so tall? Go and see these giants another day!

Ye Jun had some inexplicable thoughts in his mind.

Xiao Qiang was just playing around with Ye Jun, and while talking to Ye Jun, he drove towards the Dongyang Club.

"Hey hey hey, Brother Qiang, someone, brake!"

When Ye Jun blurted out, Xiao Qiang stepped on the brake steadily.

In fact, it is not to blame Xiao Qiang for not reacting.

But the current motor vehicle lanes are still green.

There is still a full five seconds to pass.

At Xiao Qiang's speed, it is more than enough to pass this intersection.

But at this time.

Two electric cars rushed out from the side.

Rao, a sharp person like Ye Jun, didn't react immediately.

This came too suddenly!

Fortunately, after Ye Jun found out, he immediately stopped Xiao Qiang.

This accident came out.

Congestion was immediately caused at the scene.

Alas, the trouble is coming again.

Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang hurriedly got out of the car to check the situation.

Fortunately, although the electric car was hit and flew, no one died.

They are two electric vehicles.

A new and fashionable electric car, its owner is a young yellow-haired man.

The man is stylishly dressed, his arms are bare in winter, and the blue dragon tattoo is painted on it.

However, this little arm can't support the aura of this Qinglong at all.

At this time the man turned over and got up from the ground.

Looking at his electric car distressedly.

As soon as Xiao Qiang and the two got off the car, they glared at them.

There is also an electric car, which looks tattered, with the style of many years ago.

Its owner is a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged women were poorly dressed, wearing patched coats, with withered hair and haggard faces.

At this moment she got up from the ground and walked towards her electric car limpingly, trying to help her car up.

But repeatedly lose strength.

Seeing the two of Xiao Qiang coming down, they just glanced lightly and didn't say much.

But things are not solvable in this way.

Now it is in the downtown area.

The traffic police nearby quickly began to clean up the scene.

After finishing taking photos for evidence.

"Motor vehicle owner, pull the car over."

"And you, can you go? Push the car to the side of the road!"


"Police officer, our driving recorder is recording it! We drove normally, but the two of them rushed out all of a sudden!"

Xiao Qiang made no mistake on this occasion and negotiated directly with the traffic police.

Ye Jun watched quietly by the side.

Although he is rich, he still doesn't want to be taken advantage of.

I was so scared just now, okay?

Who said that only those who crossed the road were scared by cars, the real situation is that drivers are scared by pedestrians more often!

Under normal circumstances, pedestrians cross the road honestly, no vehicles without long eyes will hit you.

However, in many cases, pedestrians run wild on the road.

The driver was scared to death by some ghosts.

No one is driving and hitting people to death. Most of the people who are killed are caused by themselves.

If the zebra crossing does not go, the red lights are waiting, and you have to fight for a second or two to reincarnate.

To be honest, Ye Jun has no good feelings about these two people.

Even if that woman does not seem to be a life-threatening person.

But you love to die, don't blame others.

The traffic police checked Xiao Qiang's driving recorder.

Sure enough, it was just as Xiao Qiang said.

Moreover, according to the traces at the scene, Xiao Qiang did not speed too fast when driving.

It's normal speed!

But can you let Xiao Qiang and Ye Jun go now?

Of course it is impossible.

Anyone who runs a red light will lose money.

Someone is injured now, and some price has been paid anyway!

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