"I see, you go down outside and wait."

Audrey frowned slightly and waved her hand to report the matter to the maid to retreat.

"Make trouble? Anyone dare to make trouble on the site of your revenge rose?"

Xiao Qiang asked in disbelief.

After all, this revenge rose, although it is a woman headed.

But the local influence is not small, and it is related to many departmental superiors in Yunnan.

People who can make trouble here. The entire Yun Nan couldn't find a few.

Not to mention a money family, even the Zhao family, one of the four major families, who is powerful in the army, does not have the ability to make trouble on the territory of Revenge of the Rose.

Audrey sighed softly when she heard Xiao Qiang's words.

Said: "Originally, if part of the tombs of the holders of our four major families were part of the tomb, the relationship would be a check and balance."

"However, the Qian family has recently caught up with the influence of a family behind the Treasure Management Bureau, and this balance has been broken."

"They have come to provocation again and again, just for the key to the tomb of the emperor. This provocation is still escalating. Now it is a small fight, and it may evolve into a weapon fight in the near future."

Having said this, Mrs. Audrey looked thoughtfully at Ye Jun with her charming eyes.

I saw Ye Jun's face sinking and seemed to be thinking about something.

"How? Brother Ye, how have you considered the cooperation between us? If this continues, our gang of women will not be able to protect themselves."

"We can cooperate, but we have to talk about this condition."

Ye Jun pondered for a while, and finally agreed to Mrs. Audrey’s cooperation proposal.

In fact, from the very beginning, even if Mrs. Audrey didn't mention it, she would find a way to use the power of Vengeance Rose.

Moreover, from here, Ye Jun also learned part of the news about the Qian family.

Several families behind the Treasure Management Bureau intervened in this treasure hunt.

If you rely on a few people to fight alone, you may end up with no bones left.

Although this Qian family had a good status in Yunnan, it was compared with the families of the Treasure Management Bureau.

It is simply not worth mentioning.

Those families are the top families in China.

For example, the Chairman Ma who was killed by Ye Jun was a member of the Ma family of the top family.

Although Ye Jun was able to kill the group of them secretly, Ye Jun didn't let his guard down on the Ma Family.

Because only the more capable people in their clan died.

Chairman Ma is obviously the head of the Ma family.

But for people of that kind of big family, being a family member is important, but losing a family member is not a particularly big deal.

To make a simple analogy, the current head of the Qi family, the death of Father Qi, will not have much impact on the Qi family.

A real big family is like this, it is necessary to minimize personal influence.

Each family member is an independent individual in this big machine, and together they support the operation of the machine.

The kind of family that can't function after one person dies, can only be said to be a family that is not influential.

It's like programming.

A good programmer will definitely not write all functional programs together.

It is to achieve functional independence without affecting each other.

Separate projects, separate classes, strive to quickly find the root cause of the problem and solve it when a bug occurs.

It is the old Chinese saying that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Therefore, even if Ye Jun kills their head family, the Ma family will re-emerge in the shortest time.

Even launched retaliatory actions.

Ye Jun had to guard, and even found a strong ally.

This Rose of Revenge, so far, is generally qualified.

However, in this discussion of cooperation, the interests must first be clearly divided. If the negotiation fails, it will not be achieved in the end.

When Mrs. Audrey heard Ye Jun's consent, a brilliant smile appeared on her face.

"Introduction, I would like to express my gratitude to Brother Ye for being able to lend a helping hand to our group of weak women."

"For this issue, let me talk about my plan first. Let's talk about it if you don't think it is appropriate, brother."

"First of all, I have to take advantage of the talents of Ye Xiaodi and his party to help me destroy the Qian family."

"As for the remuneration afterwards, I can give you the key to the tomb of the people we are in charge of. When dividing the money’s spoils, their keys also belong to you."

"Moreover, after the Qian family is destroyed. All the cash and antiques in their family will be yours. We only take the territory controlled by the Qian family and take over their power."

Hearing what Mrs. Audrey said, Ye Jun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Madam is so calculating, the Qian family is a big power, you are not afraid to eat it and knock your teeth."

The condition of Mrs. Audrey was first heard, which was very beneficial to Ye Jun and the others.

Two keys to the tomb of the Emperor, plus all the property of the Qian family.

We must know that the Qian family, as a family that started as a tomb robber, must have a lot of collections and cash in it.

Even Ye Jun's tens of billions of net worth is quite greedy.

But the most valuable thing of the Qian family is not these, but their power in Yunnan.

This is the principle of fishing and fish.

Ye Jun and the others took fish, while what Mrs. Audrey and the others wanted was fishing.

The value of the two should be considered in your minds as to which one is more important.

Mrs. Audrey said with a faint smile on her face when she heard Ye Jun's words:

"What? Brother Ye wants to take over Yun Nan's forces? I don't think you are a person who likes these things, so you might as well let me take advantage of this."

"I can add one more point. After the matter is over, your group will always be our ally of Vengeance Rose. As long as you have some support, we will definitely help."

Ye Jun and Audrey looked at each other and saw the determination and sincerity in her eyes.

Indeed, this transaction is not a profit for Ye Jun.

After all, the Qian family's power was still a lot more valuable than what Ye Jun got.

But sometimes, people have to do what they can.

As Audrey said, Ye Jun didn't have the energy to take care of so many forces.

Except for this temporary team, he can be said to be a polished commander.

And in this game, it is Audrey's Rose of Revenge that is the most powerful player, and distribution according to work should also be done.

In addition, they can build a relationship with Rose of Revenge and harvest their friendship.

In the land of Yunnan, I also have a lot more convenience.

That's it, that's it, so be it.

After some consideration, Ye Jun nodded slowly and said:

"Over there, according to what you said, we have reached a cooperation, but I want to add one thing, if you dare to play tricks in this cooperation, don't blame me for turning my face and not acknowledging people."

Mrs. Audrey was slightly startled by Ye Jun's awe-inspiring aura, and immediately said with a smile:

"Little brother Ye can rest assured that even though our Revenge Rose is a gangster organization, we have never done anything of treachery."

Indeed, the reputation of this organization has always been good, and Ye Jun also heard about it, otherwise he would not choose to negotiate with them.

However, the ugly words must be said first, and what has really happened is that he is well-known.

"Well, let's go meet these guests first."

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