"My diamond ring was just lost here. This little girl must have stolen it. Why would you dare to protect her?"

A young woman with heavy make-up and a pretty beautiful life.

At this time, he was coldly cursing at a few waitresses in the box of the Oriental Club.

Several young girls with anger in their eyes, surrounded a petite girl between them.

This little girl is Xiaolian. She was accused by the young woman as the thief who stole her diamond ring.

She had a pretty little face with a little bit of heroism in it, and she was full of grievances and anger.

Unfortunately, this group of them can't help it.

If it is a general disturbance, they will just send it away.

But this young woman is different.

She is the head mother of the Qian family.

She is the wife of his family, Mr. Qian, and his granddaughter, Qian Meili.

Because he looks good, he is born with a bit of fox charm.

Mr. Qian took a fancy to, and put it in the house.

The Qian family is a family with no courtesy, righteousness and shame. In their eyes, women can be traded and exchanged playthings.

But what is ridiculous is that this woman has been the current mistress of the Qian family all the way, and actually has a certain right to speak in such a family.

Even her relatives call her mom!

Today she did not come alone, with a dozen bodyguards with her.

They are full of scorn.

There was also a middle-aged man who was not surprising and looked ordinary, who could not be found in the crowd.

The man's face was calm, just tasting the wine quietly and watching this farce.

He seems to be an idler, but from time to time Qianmei looks at him with respectful eyes.

It can be concluded that this man is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

At this time, several security guards surrounded the gate.

Surrounded the group of female waitresses in the middle of the box.

Let Qian Meili humiliate him in every possible way.

"Little wave hoof, quickly take out my old lady's diamond ring, or my old lady will peel you off and throw you into Lijiang."

Qian Meili played with her bright red nails, and looked at Xiaolian who was surrounded by others with a ugly expression on her face.

She originally had many choices to make use of the questions, but she saw the beautiful appearance of this little Lian, and out of the woman's jealousy, she chose to attack Xiao Lian.

"I didn't take your diamond ring!"

Xiao Lian raised a stubborn little face and said coldly.

"Haha? You said you didn't have it if you didn't? The only one who entered the box just now was your little girl. Didn't you take it? Can my diamond ring fly with long legs?"

Qian Meimei was aggressive and didn't want to let Xiao Lian go.

There was a hint of irritability on Xiao Lian's face, her position here was a bit special.

This kind of wine delivery was originally not her turn.

It's just that the waiter who was in charge of delivering the wine was in a hurry. She was kind enough to help.

I didn't expect to cause such a big disaster.

And this person is obviously here to find fault, the Qian family has been here for several waves.

It's a pity that she can't argue with her at this moment.

monitor? There is no such thing. Most private clubs will not install surveillance in the room.

This kind of club, which was originally known for its privacy, comes here with people who have secrets to talk about.

It is a taboo to install surveillance in the room.

Not only did the hall itself dare not pretend, some people even brought their own technicians to inspect the room when they came here to discuss matters.

Once the surveillance and listening devices are checked out, the clubhouse is completely finished.

Therefore, even with monitoring, it is impossible to prove Xiao Lian's innocence.

Qian Meili only dared to frame her when she was right on this point.

Let her be unable to argue.

"I didn't take it, we can go to the police station to talk!"

"Hahahaha, the police station? I don't know what the old lady is doing at home? Even if I killed you today, I won't take care of you."

"Come here, catch this little girl for me!"

Qian Meili gave an order, and several bodyguards swarmed up.

The waitresses surrounding Xiaolian reacted quickly and handed over the bodyguards.

Don't look at a few weak women, really start their hands, it can be seen that they still practice the family.

A few women actually matched up with a few big men.

The middle-aged man on the side raised his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

"Rose of Revenge? It's interesting."

After saying this lightly, he drank all the red wine in the glass, poured himself another glass, and continued drinking.

Qian Meili couldn't help but feel a little anxious when she saw that she couldn't take this little lotus for a long time.

He shouted at the remaining bodyguards: "Why are you still stunned? Go up and help!"

The remaining seven or eight bodyguards looked at each other, and did not expect that the waitresses here are still possessing special skills.

Although it is not good for two or three men to beat a woman, the meal still needs to be right.

Several bodyguards joined the battle.

The female waitresses of the Oriental Club were quickly defeated.

Was escorted aside by a few bodyguards.

And Xiao Lian let a single bodyguard overwhelm Qian Meili.

"Kneel down!"

A bodyguard scolded Xiaolian.

Xiao Lian hardened her face, unmoved.

Qian Meili glanced at Xiaolian coldly, and gave a bodyguard next to him a look.

The bodyguard instantly understood Qian Meili's thoughts and kicked Xiaolian's leg fiercely, only to hear a click, which was the sound of a broken bone.

Xiao Lian suffered a lot of pain and knelt to the ground fiercely.

The irritation and pain that followed one after another made her unable to help the crystal tears in her eyes, and she bit her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying.

"Hehe, the little girl's film is quite bearable. If you don't learn well at a young age, you must learn to be a thief. I will teach you a lesson today."

Speaking of Qian Meili raised her hand, two big ear scrapers slammed on Xiao Lian's face fiercely.

The nails severely scratched Xiaolian's delicate face, oozing a faint blood stain, and two big red palms were printed on her face.

This Qianmei is disfigured.

After being slapped, Xiao Lian still stared at Qian Meili fiercely like a little wolf pup.

"I didn't steal you, I am not a thief!"

Qian Meili was slightly dazed when he saw the unyielding look in the little girl's eyes.

I once seemed to be such a stubborn girl.

In order not to marry her husband, her own grandfather, she also committed suicide and went on a hunger strike.

But people will eventually compromise with reality.

What's more, it's a woman, this world is said to be fair, after all, it is a man's world.

In the end, she chose depravity, struggling to gain a position in the Qian's family, and she has the fame and fortune she is today.

And this little girl dared to go against herself like this.

The inexplicable stubbornness and persistence in her eyes made Qian Meili look inexplicably irritable.

"She doesn't admit it, just drag it on and kill it."

Qian Meili was a little tired, so she decided to kill this little girl and give the Dongyang Guild a little bit of power.

Hearing the order, the bodyguard next to him dragged Xiaolian and was about to kill her.

At this moment, there was a low and temperatureless sound outside the door.

"If you dare to end her, you can save your lives."

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