My Binocular Mutation: The Digitization Of Everything!

Chapter Four hundredth chapter rush to die

At this time, the door of this box had been broken open.

The leader is a tall woman whose figure is beyond ordinary people's cognition.

This person is the leader of Revenge Rose, the former Li family's eldest daughter-in-law, Audrey Gustav.

Mrs. Audrey.

She was the first to enter the box and saw the uniforms of her men being subdued.

There was also Xiaolian, with a bloody face, and her legs seemed to be broken as if she was lifted in the air by a bodyguard.

Like a broken doll.

Her face has always been relatively calm, but now she has a cold murderous intent.

And beside her, walking side by side with her.

It was Ye Jun and Xiao Qiang.

Ye Jun looked at the miserable situation in the house.

Several women were detained by bodyguards.

The little thief who stole his clothes twice now vents more and takes less air.

Looks pitiful.

If it hadn't been for the warning and deterrence of the people in the house just now, these people might have executed her long ago.

Qian Meili's eyes were already focused on Mrs. Audrey the moment the group came in.

For Ye Jun, who started to speak harsh words before entering the house, he just took a few glances and didn't take it seriously.

She doesn't know Ye Jun.

Just looking at his good looks, as long as he is Audrey's new plaything.

I'm still talking in my heart,

Such a handsome man, when the Revenge Rose is killed, he must catch him and have a good time.

The middle-aged man sitting in the corner is not the same as Qian Meili.

The moment Ye Jun and his party entered the room, his originally lazy gaze was like an eagle staring at its prey, staring at Ye Jun intently.

The prey he was waiting for actually appeared here!

"Qian Meimei, what do you mean? My Dongyang Guild Hall is not a place where your Qian family can be wild. I can't tolerate you being presumptuous here!"

Audrey's face was dark, she stood up and looked at Qian Meili coldly.

With Qian Meili's stature, she could only look at the two high mountains even if she raised her head.

The strong feminine fragrance filled with murderous aura rushed towards her.

Even if she is a woman, her face is slightly blushing.

Qian Meili deserved to be here in the storm, and was not intimidated by Audrey's momentum.

Instead, he raised his face arrogantly and said coldly:

"You just can't allow me to be presumptuous, and I have replied too presumptuously."

"The waiter in your house today has dirty hands and feet and dared to steal my things. I was planning to take care of her. Even if you report the crime, justice is on my side."

"I know who my subordinates are, and I will never do this kind of stealing. Even if there is a mistake, I should deal with it. It is not your turn to take it on your behalf."

Audrey replied with a solemn expression, don't think she is a foreigner. She has been in China for so many years, and she can still speak two idioms.

Qian Meili sneered and ignored what Audrey said.

The bodyguard on the side of the road said: "Just smash your neck and kill it. Keeping this kind of little thief is a curse."


The bodyguard got an order and immediately put his hands on both sides of Xiao Lian's brain.

It only takes a hard effort to break the neck of such a little girl in the case of a professionally trained bodyguard.

At first sight, the bodyguard was about to act.

Qian Meili looked at Audrey coldly, she just wanted to give Audrey a fight.

You know, Rose of Revenge, the ingredients in it are mainly women, and Audrey values ​​her subordinates most.

If someone killed her in front of her subordinates, she would definitely cause her to furious and lose everything.

When the time comes, Qian's attacking Rose of Revenge will be a lot easier.

But something unexpected by Qian Meimei, Audrey looked at Xiao Lian who was being held with a complicated expression.

There was no expression on his face, compassion, heartache, disgust, struggle.

It can be seen that this little lotus is not very popular with Mrs. Audrey.

Audrey's feelings for her are extremely complicated.

Xiao Lian looked at Audrey weakly at this time, a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

He said lowly: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry for you from the Li family in this life, so let me die, I won't hate you."

A trace of pain appeared on Audrey's face when she heard Xiao Lian's name for a long time she hadn't seen her.

Her feelings for Xiaolian are indeed very complicated.

Although the Revenge Rose was established under the name of the Li family.

However, all the people surnamed Li died during the extermination of the gate.

The only thing left is this little lotus.

She was only about eight years old at the time.

She is the youngest daughter of the Li family and the jewel of the family.

So innocent, the ugly Li family, she didn't inherit half of it.

At that time, Audrey had her own twin sons and found this little girl in her son's room.

I originally wanted to end her.

But her innocent eyes looked like her timidly.

Coupled with the desperate feeling of killing her son, she inexplicably decided to keep the little girl.

Although she was left behind, when Audrey saw her, she always remembered the Li family who had caused her endless pain, as well as the son who died in her own hands.

Therefore, she has always been laissez-faire, not a treat, and it is not a preferential treatment.

Just told her not to appear in front of her.

But this girl, to please herself.

Unexpectedly, without a teacher, he has mastered the Li family's art of the gentleman of Liangshang, which is enough to be praised by the world.

But in Audrey's eyes, she was nothing more than a useful tool.

"Let her go, let's sit down and discuss what are the conditions."

Audrey finally chose to compromise.

After all, she was no longer a girl in her twenties who acted with resentment and wished to destroy everything.

After so many years, she would always dream of her sons, crying in the dream and asking herself why she was so cruel.

Yes, how guilty a child is.

In addition to his own pair of children, the Li family had many children of the same generation.

All were cut and rooted by the class guys and himself.

Even the infants in the swaddling clothes fell alive and died.

People will not realize how bad they have done until they are middle-aged.

And this sin, I shouldn't do it anymore.

Qian Meili smiled triumphantly when she heard Audrey's compromise.

But she didn't agree with Audrey's proposal, but coldly ordered the bodyguard next to her and said:

"I didn't expect to see Audrey one day and you could beg for mercy in front of me. It's funny. But I don't intend to buy your account. Okay, let's do it."

The bodyguard got the order and immediately prepared to kill Xiaolian.

"No, no, no! Stop it!"

Audrey shouted helplessly!

Xiao Lian also closed her eyes in despair.

But the pain as expected did not come.

Xiaolian opened her eyes and saw that she had restrained her bodyguard.

At this time, both hands pinched his neck fiercely, his eyes were pale, his face was grim, and his mouth was foaming.

He fell to the ground, his legs twitched fiercely, and then died.

This is? Strangled myself to death!

In this weird scene, the faces of the people present turned pale!

At this time, the low and indifferent male voice sounded again.

"Why don't you understand human words?"

"I have to rush to death!"

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