Early the next morning, Dunn walked into the Leaky Cauldron again with the suitcase.

The short and thin boss standing behind the bar gave Dunn a look, then turned to continue chatting with a customer.

Dunn came over and said politely.

"Hello, I need a room."

The bar owner replied in a businesslike tone: "Sorry, we don't accept underage wizards here."

His eyes kept looking at Dunn as he spoke.

He always thought Dunn looked at him with a familiar look, but he swore he had never seen Dunn.

"I'm working for Hogwarts on an assignment from Professor Dumbledore, and he says I can find a place here."

Although Dumbledore wasn't the headmaster of Hogwarts right now, it was a good idea to mention his name.

The bar owner's expression changed immediately, looking at Dunn seriously.

"You know it's the holidays, and Hogwarts professors often visit during this time. If you lie, you'll be spotted right away!"

"Of course, you can go to Professor Dumbledore yourself to verify, but as far as I know, he has left the British Isles and should be on a ship in the Atlantic."

Seeing that Dunn was so sure, the bar owner no longer doubted, took out a key and put it on the bar.

"Room 3 on the second floor, when are you going to stay?"

"Hogwarts begins."

"No problem, the room rate is 10 Galleons, including lunch and dinner."

There is still more than half a month before the start of Hogwarts, and the average daily room rate is only 10 silver xikes, which is not expensive.

Dunn grabbed a handful of Galleons from his pocket, not much or not, exactly 30.

"Could you help me with two more rooms? There will be two new Hogwarts freshmen like me soon."

For Jin Galleon's sake, the bar owner had no reason to refuse, and handed over two more keys to Dunn.

Room 6 and Room 7, just across from Dunn's room.

While taking the key, Dunn sneaked 2 Galleons into the bar owner's hand.

The other party pretended that nothing happened, secretly clenched Jin Galleon in his hand, and pointed to the bar next to him.

"Want a drink? My treat."


Dunn sat down skillfully in the bar chair.

The bar owner was stunned again.

He always felt that the scene in front of him was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Shaking his head, pushing these wild thoughts out of his head, before he could ask Dunn what he wanted to drink, Dunn spoke first.

"A butterbeer, thanks!"

Damn, why is this scene so familiar.

Putting the wine in front of Dunn, the suspicious bar owner asked first, "Are you looking for me?"

Dunn pretended to be surprised.

"Sir, didn't you say you wanted to buy me a drink?"

"Okay, boy, if you really want to drink, you should be like those guys and find a separate table instead of dangling in front of me on purpose, tell me, what the hell are you trying to do?"


"You're crazy, didn't the professors at Hogwarts tell you that you have to be 17 to learn to Apparate?"

"I have an older brother who is also studying at Hogwarts, now in fifth grade, and he wants to learn about this in advance."

"Grade 5?" The bar owner's face was full of disbelief.

"Well, he's actually in the fourth grade now, but he's very good, and the professors all agree that he can graduate early."

The bar owner rolled his eyes angrily, looking like you lied to a ghost.

Dunn quietly took out 5 Galleons from his pocket and put them on the bar.

The bar owner glanced left and right, and quickly put Jin Galleon into his pocket.

"I'll deliver what you need to your room later, and then this matter has nothing to do with me, you know what I mean?"

Dunn picked up the box with satisfaction and went straight upstairs.

Half an hour later, Dunn put down the parchment with the Apparition method in his hand, and meditated on a certain address in his mind.


The figure in the room disappeared in place.

The next second, in a suburban woods in Newcastle, 500 kilometers away from London, Dunn's figure appeared out of thin air.

The first Apparition, the destination seems to have shifted slightly.

Seeing a road running through the woods not far away, Dunn immediately walked over with a suitcase.

Dunn was lucky enough to have a truck passing by.

The driver saw Dunn was young and was carrying a suitcase and promised to take him for a ride.

Ten minutes later, the truck stopped beside a farm sign on the side of the road.

Soon the truck drove away, leaving Dunn standing by the side of the road with a box.

Glancing at the farmhouse not far away, Dunn's thoughts moved, and Apparation started again.

next second.

His figure appeared in front of the main entrance of the wooden house.

By the window of the attic on the second floor, the brown-haired girl's eyes widened.

She swore that she saw Dunn get off the truck one second ago and stand on the side of the road at least three or four hundred meters away, and the next second Dunn appeared at the door of the wooden house.

The girl was still in a daze, and the knock on the door had already sounded downstairs.

The girl's father opened the door and looked warily at Dunn, who was standing in the doorway.

"Who are you?"

"Sorry, sir, I'm lost. The driver who brought me here said I can find temporary accommodation and food here."

The town was fifty miles away, and the girl's father was suspicious of Dunn's words, but Dunn was old enough to let him down.

How could a ten-year-old child, who looks so good, be a bad person?

"Come in, I'm going to town in the afternoon, and I can take you there."

"thank you very much!"

Dunn carried the box and followed the girl's father into the house.

As soon as he entered the door, he heard a girl complaining.

"Dad, when are we going back to London, I've had enough of this country place!"

A woman yelled.

"Mary, shut up!"

"Mom, I don't understand. Didn't you say that the owl's letter delivery was a prank? Why didn't you call the police and hide in such a place instead?"

Before entering the living room, Dunn had already guessed the identity of the two.

Ella's stepmother and half-sister.

Both mother and daughter were surprised to see Dunn coming in behind Ella's father.

Not only Dunn's appearance, but also his aristocratic temperament and conversation are completely different from this rural place.

Fortunately, Dunn had a reason ready before he walked in.

"Good noon, Mrs. Andrews, Miss Andrews, are you also taking refuge in the country?"


Looking for collections, flowers! *

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