
The Andrews family looked at each other.

Fortunately, Mr. Andrews responded quickly enough.

"Yes, now everyone is worried about the outbreak of war, and London is no longer safe, so we have only been in the country for a while."

Dunn nodded.

He deliberately lured Mr. Andrews to lie, so that the other party would no longer doubt his identity.

Sure enough, the Andrews family's attitude towards Dunn became enthusiastic immediately.

Especially Mary, at the age of thirteen, she already knew how to appreciate men.

Mary never took her eyes off Dunn since Dunn put down the suitcase and sat down on the sofa.

Taking the hot tea from Mrs Andrews, Dunn politely thanked him.

While drinking tea, the two sides chatted.

"Mr Andrews, there are only three of your family?"

"And my youngest daughter Ella, who is a little unwell, resting in the attic."

Mr. Andrews answered fairly calmly.

Mrs. Andrews and Mary were different. When they heard the name Ella, their expressions changed.

Mrs Andrews looked uneasy.

Mary rolled her eyes, staring at Dunn, wondering what she was thinking.

Mr. Andrews felt compelled to discuss with his wife that Dunn must not find out about Ella.

Saying his apologies, he called Mrs Andrews to the kitchen with him.

Only Dunn and Mary were left in the living room.

Mary stroked her hair and took the initiative to sit next to Dunn.

"Actually, we didn't come here for refuge."

Dunn looked curiously at Mary.

Mary was secretly proud.

She glanced back at the kitchen and made sure her parents wouldn't come out for a while, so she explained to Dunn mysteriously about her sister Ella.

"I swear I have never seen so many owls in my life. They desperately threw envelopes at my house. Dad locked the windows and doors, but it was useless. There was no other way. Dad had to bring us here."

"But thankfully, things went back to normal when we got here, and no owls came back."

Dunn had a surprised look on his face, but he wasn't surprised.

After he received a commission from Dumbledore to visit Ella's family, the Hogwarts owl stopped sending Ella's admission notices.

Ella's admission letter is lying quietly in his pocket at the moment.

"Your sister—"

"She's not sick at all!"

Mary moved closer to Dunn and lowered her voice.

"She has been weird since she was a child, and strange things always happened around her. Dad thought that this time it was all caused by her, so he locked her in the attic."

Dunn had a thoughtful look on his face.

Many wizards experience magical riots at a young age, and that's the case with Ella.

Mary originally wanted to reveal more inside information, and took the opportunity to get closer to Dunn.

Just then, footsteps came from behind.

Mr and Mrs Andrews returned with surprising news.

Originally, their family planned to go to the town for shopping in the afternoon. Because of Dunn's arrival, they decided to make the purchase in advance, just in time to send Dunn to the town on the way.

"Mom, didn't you say you wanted to keep Dunn for lunch?"

Mrs Andrews tried her best to reassure her daughter: "Honey, I just went to the kitchen and I found that we didn't have enough food, so I have to go to town."

Mary didn't want to part with Dunn so soon, and immediately offered to go together.

"No, you have to stay with Ella, she's 'sick', you know?"

The speaker was Mr Andrews.

Mary pouted, dissatisfied.

Mr Andrews ignored his stepdaughter and turned to look at Dunn.

"We're leaving now. Your parents must be in a hurry in town."

"Wait a minute, Mr. Andrews."

Dunn reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand.

Mr. Andrews' face changed abruptly, but it was too late.

Just when the eyes met just now, the omniscient insight had already been activated.

Dunn took out his wand, just to facilitate the next spell.

A silver memory fragment flew out of the eyes of the Andrews family of three.

Dunn waved his wand, annihilating them one by one.

So far, the Andrews family's memory of Dunn has disappeared.

Dunn continued to wave his wand while the three were still out of Omniscient Insight's grip.

Three fainting spells were enough for the Andrews family to sleep until tomorrow morning.

Once done, Dunn picked up the box and went straight upstairs.

In the attic, Ella pressed one ear against the door.

Across the stairs, she couldn't hear any movement downstairs.

Intuition told her that Dunn's arrival had something to do with those spooky owl letters.

Because of this, she couldn't help but worry.

Dunn looks about her age, can he convince his father?

The sound of footsteps on the stairs interrupted Ella's thoughts.

The footsteps stopped in front of the door, and Ella stepped back nervously, stopping until she hit the attic window.

She didn't hear the sound of the key unlocking, but the door lock clicked and opened by herself.

Ella covered her mouth with her hands and stared at Dunn, carrying the suitcase and pushing the door into the room.

"Is it Miss Ella Andrews? This is for you."

Dunn put down the box and pulled a letter from his pocket.

Ella glanced at the envelope and immediately recognized that it was the letter sent by the owl before.

Reaching for the envelope, it was written in emerald green magic water: Newcastle, Peyton Farm Chalet, In the Attic, Ira Andrews.

Ella looked up in disbelief.

"How do you know I live in the attic?"

Dunn shrugged.

"My suggestion is that you can read the letter first."

Ella opened the envelope and quickly looked at the letter inside.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Principal: Armando- Dippet

Dear Miss Andrews: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1.

Ella looked up again, her eyes flashing with uncontrollable excitement.

She spoke cautiously.

"Is this true? I'm not dreaming? I was actually accepted into a magic school?"

"It seems that you don't know everything about the magical world. Your mother should have told you?"

Ella nodded.

Her mother did tell her before she died that something big would change her life when she was eleven.

Dunn no bullshit, straight to the point.

"Now can you tell me what's going on with the curse on you?"


The character prototype of Ella's character comes from the movie "Magic Cinderella". If you are interested in the movie, you can watch it. The plot is actually nothing to see, and it mainly depends on the people. *

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