Dunn looked at Dumbledore curiously.

"Is it really as serious as you say, professor?"

Dumbledore sighed.

"I also hope that I think too much, but I just did a small experiment and found that my guess is correct."

Dunn's eyes flickered.

"That sword?"

"That's right."

Dumbledore picked up the cross sword he had just borrowed from the knight in armor from the table.

"The sword in a knight's hand is equivalent to life. Normally, I would be rejected without hesitation when I borrowed a sword from the other party, but this time I succeeded."

"Only the master to whom the knight swears allegiance to the death can take away the opponent's sword."

"The armored knight belongs to Hogwarts Castle, and only the owner of the castle can gain its unconditional trust."

Dunn looked at Dumbledore calmly.

"So Professor, you borrowed this sword just to prove it?"

Dumbledore took out his wand and pointed it at the cross sword in his hand.

The quaint and dull cross sword instantly became exactly the same as the Gryffindor sword.

Dumbledore found a shelf and put the sword on it.

"This sword is now in my custody."

Dunn glanced at the real Gryffindor sword.

"What about it?"

"The Sorting Hat chose you as the heir of Gryffindor, and gave you the sword, indicating that it saw that you could become a person with the noble qualities of Gryffindor, so it belongs to you."

Dumbledore winked at Dunn, a sly look in his eyes.

"Of course I will declare to the public that what you have in your hand is just an imitation, as a special reward for finding the Gryffindor sword."

Dunn got Gryffindor's sword and owed Dumbledore a favor.

At least on the surface.

In reality, however, the opposite is true.

Although Gryffindor's sword is good, it is not a small problem to be the owner of this sword.

The goblin has always wanted to get the sword back.

As long as they knew the sword was at Hogwarts, they would definitely try to steal it.

Although it was difficult to steal from Dumbledore's office, in case the goblin really succeeded and found out that it was just a fake sword, it was easy to guess who had the real sword.

Dumbledore apparently thought of that too.

"Three years, I can guarantee that the goblin will not be able to get this sword during this period."

Dunn knew very well that this was not a special favor from Dumbledore, but a deal.

"what do I need to do?"

"I need you to assure me that you will not interfere with the normal functioning of the castle."

Dunn looked at Dumbledore with some playfulness.

"That's all?"

Dumbledore immediately guessed what Dunn wanted and refused.

"Professor Dippet is certainly not the best of all Hogwarts headmasters, but under the current circumstances, he is the least bad choice."

Dunn shrugged regretfully.

As soon as Dumbledore nodded, he could strip Armando-Dippet of his headmaster's authority.

Too bad Dumbledore wasn't fooled.

Dumbledore would never have been the headmaster of Hogwarts until he figured out how Dunn got the founder's authority at Hogwarts Castle, and figured out how to deal with it.

He didn't want to be "removed" by Dunn at every turn.

The situation was better than Dumbledore had imagined, at least Dunn hadn't denied that he had the founder's rights to the castle.

Before Greenwald was knocked down, both sides were considered to be in the same camp.

Dunn shoved Gryffindor's sword into the pocket that had cast the Unmarked Stretch Charm.

For the purpose of this sword, he already has a preliminary idea, but the specific implementation details still need to be perfected.

It just so happened that Dumbledore had promised him three years of novice protection, giving him plenty of time to implement the plan.

"Professor, if there is nothing else, can I go first?"

Dumbledore drew his quill from the ink bottle and was about to write Dunn the entry order for the Gryffindor common room when he suddenly remembered that it wasn't necessary.

With Dunn's current authority, there's no place in the castle that he can't go.

At the door, Dunn suddenly turned his head.

"Professor, there is something you may have forgotten."

"Lending permission to sign in the forbidden area?"

With a pen in hand, Dumbledore scribbled his signature on the parchment and handed it to Dunn.

"Although you may not need this now, I should still abide by the agreement, and I hope you don't share this opportunity with your friends."

Dunn laughed to himself.

Now start worrying about him teaching black magic to others?

In fact, Dumbledore thought too much, Dunn would definitely teach other people black magic, but it was black magic after whitewashing.

And that's not what he wanted to remind Dumbledore of now.

"Professor, you promised me to discuss with the professors of other courses, allowing me not to take classes every day, as long as I take the exam at the end."

"Dunn, I'm sorry—"

"Why, other professors don't agree?"

"Not exactly. You know that the number of new students at Hogwarts this year is relatively small. The school has decided that your level does not need to be divided into houses. All four houses are in the same class, and many courses require One-on-one practice, if you don’t go to class, it means that one of your classmates will be on the order.”

"Professor, with all due respect, the first-year class is too easy for me, and if I go to class, it may damage the fragile self-confidence of some of my classmates."

Dumbledore laughed.

"What you said is absolutely correct. In view of this situation, I discussed it with the principal and several other professors. We all decided that you can be the classroom assistant and be responsible for showing everyone a demonstration."

"All classes?"

"It's up to you, we don't force it."

Dunn didn't even think about it.

"Can I say no?"

"I think you can first listen to the benefits of being a classroom assistant. First, you can earn a 100-point bonus for Gryffindor in the year-end Academy Cup competition. Second, as a course assistant, you are given the same power as a prefect. Of course, this power is limited to controlling students in your same grade. Finally, if you can accept the above conditions, then I can grant you an additional request."*

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