My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

42. The real face of Marauder's map (seeking collection, flowers)

Leaving Dumbledore's office, Dunn had a folded piece of parchment in his hand.

It was a "toy" from Dumbledore.

After using "Zizi Honey Candy" as the opening spell, the magic line on the parchment will automatically extend, and a map of Hogwarts Castle will emerge.

On the map, there are dense red dots, either static or moving, representing the location of everyone in Hogwarts Castle, and marking the location of all secret passages and how to open them.

That's right, this is the magical Marauder's map in the hands of Harry Potter, the savior of the future.

The map that was supposed to be made by the Predator quartet (James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus John Lupin, Pettigrew Peter) came to Dunn now.

Marauder's map certainly doesn't travel through time and has no other siblings.

Dunn was pretty sure the one in his hand was the one in the hands of the future Harry Potter.

The truth is, Marauder's Map wasn't made by the Predator Four at all.

The origin of the Marauder's Map has been a mystery, and is believed to have been made by the Marauder Four due to the map's opening spell - "I swear I have bad intentions".

Full of bad taste, it also fits the style of the four predators.

And the map is also signed with the nicknames of the four people.

But it doesn't mean anything at all, just like the opening spell of the map in front of him is "Zizi Honey Candy", which is undoubtedly a spell set by Dumbledore according to his own personal preferences.

And the opening spell can be changed.

Just like changing a password, you can use an old password to change to a new one, and at the same time you can do some personalized settings, just like the four predators left their names on the map.

The truth should be that the Predator quartet got the Marauder's map by accident and modified the opening spell.

Dunn is so sure of it, of course, not only because of the opening spell on the Marauder map.

More importantly, the Marauder's map is too powerful.

You can monitor the movements of everyone in the castle. Except for the same name, impersonation methods including compound decoction cannot hide from the monitoring of the map.

And the Marauder map can not only be used in Hogwarts Castle, but also for remote monitoring.

The later savior, Harry Potter, still took the Marauder's map with him when he went out in search of Horcruxes, in order to indirectly understand what happened at Hogwarts.

This may not be uncommon in a few decades, but in the era where Dunn lives, the first artificial satellite in the Muggle world has not yet been launched. This kind of remote GPS positioning monitoring method, let alone in the Muggle world. It is unimaginable, even in the magical world, it is a very magical thing.

How could such a magical magical creation come from the hands of four Hogwarts students?

To put it bluntly, Voldemort in his student days could even make Horcruxes, but he still couldn't make a Marauder's map. Are they also worthy of the four-man raiders of later generations?

If they were that good, Harry Potter wouldn't be an orphan.

And even if you really have the level of magic to make a Marauder's map, if you don't have the permission of the founder of the castle like Dunn, you can't make a Marauder's map.

In fact, the Marauder's Map is indeed made by four people, but not the predators, but the four founders of Hogwarts, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

The average person can only see the topmost things on the Marauder's map due to lack of authority.

Only in the hands of someone with founder authority like Dunn will the Marauder Map show its true face.

The Marauder's Map is actually an instruction manual for all the magic circles in the entire Hogwarts Castle, large and small. It explains in detail how to build and maintain various magic circles, including how to destroy them from the outside.

It is no exaggeration to say that, as long as there are enough resources, Dunn with the Marauder's map can completely build a brand new Hogwarts castle.

Dumbledore could never have dreamed that he had given Dunn an object of immense importance as a normal plaything.

Can't blame Dumbledore for that, though.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, the function of the Marauder's Map is to keep track of the movements of everyone in the castle, and it can only show the location of the other party, and there is no way to know what the other party is doing.

For wizards like Dumbledore, there are many easier ways to get a person's whereabouts than this.

Dumbledore thought that a professor or student who knew the castle well had used some kind of magic to make this map. He could not have imagined that the four founders of Hogwarts had actually drawn this map.

After confirming that Dunn has obtained the permission of the castle founder, Dumbledore generously gave away the Marauder's map.

On the one hand, it has the meaning of attracting.

On the other hand, to prove that he has no intention of spying on anyone in Hogwarts Castle.

Most importantly, Dumbledore believes that the Marauder map is only in Dunn's hands without being abused.

After all, even without a Marauder's map, Dunn could easily track someone's whereabouts in the castle.

That's what Dumbledore is, always doing things that make no sense but think they're noble.

And that just happened to be convenient for Dunn.

Using the Marauder's map, Dunn checked to confirm that Ella, Angelica, and Moody had all returned to their respective college dorms, but when he looked into the Slytherin lounge, he noticed something interesting.

Brother Tom is not in the Slytherin lounge, but in the office of Slytherin Dean Slugence.

There was no doubt that Tom went to find out about Slugence.

This was confirmed when Dunn returned to the Gryffindor tower and entered the Gryffindor lounge through a portrait that was not yet of the Fat Lady.

An owl brought a letter from Tom.

Dunn hadn't seen the owl, and Moody had given him the letter.

The little fat man was led back to the Gryffindor tower by the prefect and stayed in the common room, waiting for Dunn to return.

Dunn wrote a reply, went back to the dorm and opened Donald Duck's cage, handed the letter to him, opened the window and watched it fly away.

After doing all this, Dunn realized that he was in the same dorm with Moody and Hagrid.

The little giant, Hagrid, was full and snorted in bed.

Moody wasn't sleepy at all, his eyes lit up and he looked at Dunn full of energy. *

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