My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

54. Different Defense Against the Dark Arts (for collection, flowers)

Dunn's and Abu's descriptions differ only in wording.

In order to prove that the two were not lying, at Dumbledore's suggestion, Dunn and Abu were asked to recreate the scene at the time of the incident.

Dumbledore used transfiguration to conjure a puppet, which was carried into the sky by the flying teacher Ronaldo on a broom, and stopped almost a hundred meters above the ground.

Dunn walked to the edge of the forbidden forest, where he raised his hand to summon the broom.

Ronacho dropped the puppet, and Dunn summoned his broom to hit the falling puppet precisely.

Because of the excessive force, the doll was directly smashed into pieces.

Abu, who was standing on the lawn, reluctantly put down his wand, and now he doesn't need to cast the Levitation Charm again.

The expressions of several professors on the lawn were wonderful.

The puppet was smashed, and Sirius only had four broken ribs.

Apparently, when it came to saving people, Dunn was restrained enough.

In addition, Dunn's ability to control the broom also surprised several professors.

Especially Dumbledore, looking at the puppet that was smashed and fell to the ground, thoughtful.

He didn't think Dunn was flying his broomstick to show off.

If the broomsticks were replaced by Gryffindor's swords, everyone present would probably have a different expression on their faces.

It's a pity that the comet 240 of Sirius has no idea where it has flown. If it can be found, it can be used to determine what spell was placed on the broom.

But what is certain is that it is definitely not easy for the attacker to be able to interfere with a broomstick at such a long distance.

The point is that now everyone is not sure what the other party's purpose is.

Simply targeting the Black family, or trying to cause chaos at Hogwarts.

But these are things that the principal and professors need to worry about.

For their heroic act of saving lives, Dunn and Abu earned fifty points for their respective academies.

The newborn Comet 240 that Sirius gave to Slytherin was all confiscated, and no one could be sure that the other brooms had not been manipulated until after inspection.

The Slytherin freshmen who lost their brooms didn't care because they still had a better Silver Arrow 7 on hand.

Dunn's move to save Sirius with the Silver Arrow 7 saved the 50 broomsticks he had purchased from being confiscated, but the bad news soon followed.

Flying lessons were suspended indefinitely until the attackers were found and their purpose clear.

This is the same desperation as the third year teacher told you that there will be no physical education class from now on.

In order to prevent the accident from happening again, the school even forbids students from leaving the castle.

I don't know how the headmaster Armando-Dippet appeased the Black family, Sirius was not taken away, and Dunn saw this guy in Potions class the next day.

Apparently, Sirius didn't appreciate Dunn's life-saving grace.

Of course he wasn't stupid enough to challenge Dunn again.

It was Slughorn that really made Dunn uncomfortable.

The attitude of the other party is really too warm.

Dunn was just finishing up a standard potion-making demonstration, and Slughorn gave Gryffindor a 10 right away.

If the other courses were taught like Slughorn, Dunn would have given Gryffindor more than a thousand points over the course of the school year.

Fortunately, Slughorn is not eccentric. In the next practice, Abu and Ella have successfully refined the sobriety agent.

This is a potion that prevents the referrer from sleeping, but is more commonly used to remove the effects of stun spells.

Both Abu and Ella earned 5 extra points for their respective academies.

Moody took his sobriety work seriously, since he had been the victim of a stun spell.

It's a pity that he is accompanied by Hagrid.

In addition to his performance in the Charms class, Hagrid's performance in other classes can only be described as unsatisfactory.

There is no talent for refining potions.

Clumsy, he got the recipe wrong a few times and nearly set the cauldron on fire the last time.

Thanks to Dunn for the rescue, Hagrid would have burned all his uniforms.

This behavior was supposed to be deducted.

For Dunn's sake, Slughorn pretended nothing happened and walked by with his hands behind his back.

Moody, who was dragged down by Hagrid, breathed a sigh of relief.

After class, Dunn was left alone by Slughorn, unsurprisingly.

The topic of conversation between the two is naturally about the slug club.

Whether it's the magical talent on display or his background, Dunn is very satisfying to Slughorn.

Even if Dunn was a Gryffindor, Slughorn didn't care.

In this case, Dunn really has no way to refuse.

Besides, he didn't count.

Slughorn happily informs Dunn that the latest Slug Club meeting will be held at the end of this month, and he will send Dunn an invitation in advance.

In order to ensure that Dunn will definitely attend, Slughorn also specifically hinted that Dunn can bring one or two female companions to the party dinner.

This is to count both Ella and Angelica.

Coming out of Potions classroom, Dunn finds Moody and Hagrid waiting for him in the hallway.

"Ella and Angelica went to the dormitory to change clothes, Hagrid and I decided to stay, mainly to thank you for your help just now, without you, we would definitely be deducted by Professor Slughorn, which would be a shame. "

Dunn couldn't figure it out.

Not going to herbal medicine class, why change clothes?

Moody immediately explained, "Don't you know? This Defence Against the Dark Arts class is taking place outside the castle, and Professor Scamander requires everyone to wear tracksuits and sneakers."

Dunn's first reaction was that the attacker in the Forbidden Forest had been caught.

But then he dismissed the possibility.

The Aurors sent by the Ministry of Magic to investigate were still patrolling the edge of the Forbidden Forest this morning. If the attackers were caught, the gang would have been evacuated.

Although Moody is optimistic that this is because everyone is trapped in the castle these days, Professor Scamander is kind enough to take everyone outside the castle to breathe, but Dunn doesn't think so.

Intuition tells Dunn that Theseus Scamander's class may not be the same as the Defense Against the Dark Arts he knows. *

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