My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

55. Classroom becomes military training (seeking collection, flowers)

"Dunn, have you been in Boy Scout training?"

On the way to the class, Moody asked Dunn this question.

"I was in the orphanage when I was five and spent six years there, so what do you think?"

Moody quickly apologized, saying he didn't mean it that way.

Dunn always felt that Moody was acting a little out of the ordinary today.

"Do you know anything about Professor Scamander's Defence Against the Dark Arts course?"

Moody flatly denied it.

Dunn nodded.

"Well, it looks like you really know."

Moody clenched his mouth subconsciously, not out of surprise, but wondering if he had just missed something.

But then he reacted and said nothing at all.

How did Dunn see it?

"During the summer vacation when I was eight years old, my father lied to me that I was going to the Boy Scouts summer camp. I didn't expect Uncle Scamander, no, Professor Scamander came the next day, and he took me to the mountains, And I took it in it for two weeks, I swear it was the hardest time for me, he even forced me to eat raw meat and bugs!"

Survival in the wild?

Dunn wasn't particularly surprised by what happened to Moody.

This is the case with Boy Scout training in the West, camping plus various survival training, mainly to exercise physical fitness and cultivate a sense of responsibility.

Of course, Moody's training instructor is Scamander, and the other party's requirements are even stricter. Normal Boy Scout training is actually not much different from camping, even if the training is not that severe.

"It seems that your family has a really good relationship with Professor Scamander."

"Why do you say that?"

Dunn shrugged.

"Your family can safely hand you over to Professor Scamander, and Professor Scamander really dares to take you to such a dangerous place for training. Doesn't that explain the problem?"

"That's true."

Moody nodded, then asked again:

"But what does this have to do with now?"

"There is no doubt that Professor Scamander takes us now as you when we were eight."

"God - oh, no, it's Merlin!"

Moody opened his mouth in surprise.

He suddenly felt that he should find a way to escape this class.

However, when he thought about the medical level of the magical world, Sirius could recover from four broken ribs in half a day, and the possibility that he wanted to pretend to be sick and skip class was almost zero.

With a worried look on his face, Moody followed Dunn to the grass outside the castle.

Aurors sent by the Ministry of Magic were guarding the edge of the Forbidden Forest not far away.

Apparently that's why the school agreed to Scamander's Defence Against the Dark Arts classes outside the castle.

After the freshmen arrived, Scamander strode forward in a khaki training suit.


Dunn stepped out of the queue.


"Call me Instructor." Scamander glanced at the freshman queue. "From today onwards, you will use this title for me in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, understand?"


"Didn't have breakfast? Tell me out loud, understand?"


Scamander's eyes fell on Dunn on the side of the line again.

"Give you a minute, separate the boys and girls and stand in line in order of height."

This is a small test for Scamander.

He wanted to see how influential Dunn was in this class.

The result was unexpected. Dunn turned around and didn't even say anything. The freshmen of Gryffindor, Ravenkla, and Hufflepuff automatically stood apart according to Scamander's request, but the eight freshmen of Slytherin were unwilling to cooperate.

The reason has nothing to do with Dunn.

Sirius-Black stepped forward.

"Instructor, please allow our Slytherin Academy students to stand together. This is about the unity and honor of our Academy."

"Very well, Blake, then answer me first, does Slytherin belong to Hogwarts?"


"Then shut up for me, get back in the queue, and stand as I ask!"


"Ten points from Slytherin! If you really value Slytherin's honor, you know what to do now!"

Sirius reluctantly returned to the queue.

The other Slytherin freshmen, including Abu, were silently dispersed, standing in order of men and women and height.

Scamander stood at the front of the line with his hands behind his back.

"I think you must be wondering why the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not held in the classroom. First of all, you have to figure out a question, what is black magic!"

"By the definition of the Ministry of Magic, all aggressive magic that is malicious to others can be called black magic."

"But I can tell you clearly that black magic is like a wand in our hands. It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad, it only depends on the wizard who uses it."

"I think you must have noticed a few Aurors standing on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. They are all former colleagues of mine, and they are all very good wizards. I can tell you responsibly that each of them has black magic, and Used black magic!"

"I'm sorry for making you realize the truth of this world too early, it's cruel, but what's even more cruel is that you were born in this unfortunate era, the war has come, even if you are only children in my eyes, but the enemy is not I'll take care of this!"

"From the moment you step into Hogwarts, you will be ready to be a warrior. Hogwarts needs you to grow up quickly to deal with wars that may break out at any time."

"I've seen real war, it's not as simple as two wizards dueling face to face, the most important thing on the battlefield is to survive! It's not ashamed, survival is a very important fighting skill, and also today's lesson I want to teach you."

"As a wizard, ample physical strength can give you more choices in the face of complex situations. Don't underestimate this. Often in critical moments, it can save your life."

"Now everyone turns to the right and runs circles around the castle, three for boys and two for girls, and whoever dares to stop will be whipped!"*

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