My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

74. The real secret room (4 more for automatic subscription!)

Weeping Myrtle!

A name popped into Dunn's mind immediately.

I didn't expect that the Ravenclaw girl who he and the later Tom opened the secret room to kill would meet for the first time on such an occasion.

It turned out that the other party knew about this bathroom for a long time.

Ella immediately corrected that she and Myrtle had discovered the bathroom together.

"How long have you been in the bathroom?"

"About fifteen minutes.

About the same time Dunn summoned the entrance to the back room in the Room of Requirement.

"Did anything weird happen to you in the bathroom at the time?

"weird things?"

Ella began to try to remember.

"At that time, Elizabeth's eyes were swollen from crying. I went in with her to wash her face. At first, we wanted to use the sink on the far left, but the faucet was broken, and the water could not be turned on. Fortunately, the two faucets next to it can be used normally. 35

"We used the sink in the middle, and Elizabeth had just finished washing her face when the tap on the left suddenly came out, which startled us all.

Ella didn't know if this was a strange thing, anyway, she didn't find anything strange in other places.

Dunn nodded.

This is exactly the result of his guess.

"Ella, I need you to do me a favor. 99

"Of course, what do you want me to do? 893"

"You go back to that bathroom now and check if the three faucets are normal, especially the one on the left, and don't miss any details.

"Actually, you can come in with me."

Before Dunn could react, Ella grabbed his hand.

The two returned to the door of the women's bathroom together.

Myrtle was still there, apparently waiting for Ella.

Ella said hello to Myrtle, then dragged Dunn into the bathroom under the dumbfounded gaze.

Going inside, Ella showed it to Dunn generously.

"Look, it's actually no different from the boys' bathroom.

Dunn glanced around.

It's really no different from the girls' bathroom in the Room of Requirement.

The only difference is that all three faucets here work normally, and the one on the far left doesn't have a small snake engraved on it.

The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets did not disappear, but moved to the Room of Requirement.

This also confirmed Dunn's guess.

The entrance to the secret room is the same as the room of responsiveness, which is constructed by the excess magic power of the castle (cgdb), and can be changed arbitrarily.

Saying goodbye to Ella, Dunn returns to the Room of Requirement.

The bathroom is still there.

The Dunn file has the option to make the bathroom disappear, so that the back room entrance will revert to the girls' bathroom on the second floor.

However, Dunn decided to leave the bathroom in the Room of Requirement for ease of access later.

Re-opening the entrance to the secret room and sliding down the pipe, it felt like riding a roller coaster, only to feel the wind whizzing past my ears.

After some twists and turns, the slope of the pipeline began to slow down.

Dunn knew he was almost there.

Eventually he stopped at the mouth of the pipe that became horizontal.

It was pitch black all around.

Dunn took out his wand and cast a flashing spell.

This is a wide and tall stone corridor. The torches on the two walls have been withered, but there are still traces of magic left on it.

Dunn could imagine that when Slytherin walked down this passage more than a thousand years ago, the torches on the walls would automatically ignite to illuminate the passage.

Slytherin probably didn't think before he left that the Chamber of Secrets would be opened again after more than a thousand years.

Holding the wand and walking in, the footsteps can be heard far away.

It can be seen that this corridor is very long.

Dunn estimated where he was now that he was several miles below the castle.

After walking for about ten minutes, I finally saw the end of the corridor.

It was a stone wall of acquaintance, engraved with two snakes entwined together, and emeralds the size of pigeon eggs in their eyes, glowing a faint green light under the fluorescent light.


Dunn ordered in a low, hoarse hiss.

The two snakes immediately swam to either side as if they were alive.

The stone wall cracked in the middle and slowly slid to the sides and disappeared.

A long, narrow, tall and wide church-like room appeared in front of Dunn.

The towering stone pillars carved on both sides with entangled serpents were neatly arranged in two rows like guards.

At the end of the stone pillar is a huge statue that is integrated with the wall behind him.

Dunn had to raise his wand high and let the Shining Charm shine like a tiny sun before he could barely see the huge stone statue's face.

It was an old-fashioned face, with a sparse beard down to the hem of the wizard's robes, and majestic eyes staring straight ahead.

Salazar- Slytherin!

It looks good from a distance, the closer you get, the more you can feel the majesty emanating from the stone statue. People with poor psychological quality are expected to kneel uncontrollably and worship it when they walk in front of the stone statue.

It was obvious that some kind of mind-disturbing magic had been applied to this huge stone statue, which was almost the same height as the room.

Dunn's Slytherin bloodline worked, immune to this psychic disturbance.

Walking to the statue, Dunn looked up at Slytherin's majestic face.

If he remembered correctly, the basilisk slept in the pipe behind the mouth of the Slytherin statue.

If outsiders break in, the basilisk will automatically wake up and attack the intruder.

And if the descendant of Slytherin enters the secret room, the basilisk needs to be summoned, and the other party will be awakened.

Although the purpose of Dunn's trip was to get the horns of the Basilisk, but since he entered Slytherin's secret room, of course he had to visit it first.

Obviously, this grand hall was at most a foyer for the entire Slytherin Chamber of Secrets.

The place where Slytherin is studying magic and conducting various experiments is obviously not here.

The real entrance to the secret room should be behind the Slytherin statue.

Although later Tom opened the secret room and summoned the basilisk, he obviously did not enter the real secret room.

Dunn wondered what was holding Tom back.

You must know that Tom, before his fate has not been changed, almost paranoidly believes that he is the only wizard in the world who is qualified to be called the descendant of Slytherin.

As for Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets, he will definitely do everything possible to open it.

Soon, Dunn noticed that there was a raised stone platform at the foot of the huge stone statue, and the grooves and marks on it looked like a mysterious magic circle.

In the center of the stone platform is a slot like a keyhole.

It seems that something should be inserted in order to trigger the magic circle to start.

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