My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

75. The sword of the best friend, the blood of the relatives (1 more please subscribe!)

Dunn raised his wand and approached the stone platform.

The more I looked at it, the more I felt that it was like a slot for a sword.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Dunn took out the Gryffindor's sword from the pocket where he had cast the Unmarked Stretch Charm, compared the width of the blade and the size of the slot, and found that the line was not bad.

Looking up at the towering Slytherin statue in front of him, Dunn suddenly realized something.

There is a line in the lyrics of the Sorting Hat, "Which pair of close friends can be like Slytherin and Gryffindor, maybe only Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff", which makes the relationship between the four founders very clear.

If it's just superficial politeness, the song of the Sorting Hat should describe the four founders as close friends, instead of introducing them into two pairs.

It can be seen that the relationship between Slytherin and Gryffindor is indeed very close.

Even more than the "friendship" between Dumbledore and Greenwald.

The stone-platform in front of you is the best proof.

Obviously, the stone platform was built by Slytherin when he left Hogwarts in order to close the secret room, and at this time he had broken with the other three founders because of the admissions concept.

In this case, Slytherin chose to use Gryffindor's sword as the "key" to open the Chamber of Secrets.

It must be dumbfounded to change to other Slytherin descendants to come this far.

Dunn can even imagine the depression when Tom opened the secret room and found that the real secret room required the Gryffindor sword to open.

No wonder Tom would tirelessly pursue the whereabouts of the Gryffindor sword, not just to make Horcruxes.

Dunn felt that the real purpose of Slytherin leaving this mechanism was probably to let Gryffindor open the secret room.

Slytherin must have left something or research results in the Chamber of Secrets, and he firmly believes that as long as Gryffindor sees these, he can understand his painstaking efforts.

Slytherin is arrogant and arrogant all his life, and he most hopes to be recognized by his best friend, Gryffindor.

When he ran away with anger, he probably just wanted to stimulate the Gryffindor and let the other party find the secret room.

Tsundere's character fits Slytherin's character very well, but Dunn immediately noticed something was wrong.

Because it is impossible for Gryffindor to speak Parseltongue, and the conditions for opening the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets must be able to speak Parseltongue.

With his wand in one hand and Gryffindor's sword in the other, Dunn walked around the stone platform twice, and suddenly found that he might have entered a misunderstanding of thinking.

You don't have to know Parseltongue to open the Chamber of Secrets.

You only need to be able to imitate Parseltongue and issue commands to open the entrance to the secret room.

Later Ronald opened the entrance to the secret room in this way.

After all, the Gryffindor sword must be the "key".

Dunn no longer hesitated, and directly pointed the Gryffindor sword into the slot on the stone platform.

When inserted halfway, I heard a click, like a key fitting into the lock.

The stone platform is divided into an inner ring and an outer ring, and turns a circle in the opposite direction.

Dunn thought this would open the real secret room, but after the stone platform stopped turning, the Slytherin statue in front of him did not respond.

This made Dunn realize that some steps may still be missing to unlock the real secret room.

Re-observing the turned stone platform, Dunn found that the magic circle on the stone platform had undergone some changes. Some dents that were not aligned before were now completely aligned.

This is a complete magic circle, but it still lacks some kind of excitation condition.

What will the mystery be?

Dunn frowned.

Finally, he raised his head sharply and looked at the Slytherin statue in front of him with disbelief.

The last step to activate the magic circle is to use his blood, right?

Regardless of the meaning behind the answer, Dunn himself was shocked at first.

This is equivalent to overturning all his previous judgments.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Dunn reached out and clenched the Gryffindor sword stuck on the stone platform.

The sharp blade cut through his palm, and the blood was left in the slot along the blade, gradually filling up, and then spreading and spreading along the dent of the magic circle on the stone platform, and finally the blood filled the entire magic circle.

The ruby ​​on the Gryffindor sword suddenly glowed bright red.

The stone platform turned again, and the magic circle emitted bursts of red light.

With the loud rumbling sound, the Slytherin statue slowly turned ninety degrees, revealing a small door behind him.

Compared with the huge stone statue, this gate does appear to be small, but it is actually more than three meters high, which is enough for two people to pass side by side.

· Ask for flowers.


Dunn stared at all this in awe, not even caring too much about the still bleeding hand.

Who would have thought that the conditions for opening the real secret room are actually the swords of close friends and the blood of relatives.

Both are indispensable.

So Slytherin left the Chamber of Secrets, not for Gryffindor to open at all.

His real purpose, I am afraid, is to hope that among his descendants, who can get the approval of Gryffindor and draw Gryffindor's sword from the Sorting Hat.

Then take Gryffindor's sword, open the secret room, and inherit everything that he left behind.

I have to say that this idea is really whimsical.

Slytherin is worthy of being an old Versailles.

Introduced to this extent, Dunn really wanted to give a thumbs up in front of the other person's statue.


Slytherin must be unwilling to leave Hogwarts, and the revenge he left behind is definitely not to let future generations release the basilisk and kill the non-pure-blood wizards in Hogwarts.

He had to prove it to the other three founders, mainly Gryffindor, of course.

He was right.

What else could allow a Gryffindor-sanctioned heir to open the Chamber of Secrets and ultimately turn into a downright Slytherin's happier vengeance?

Even if time flies and spans over a thousand years, Dunn can still feel the crazy resentment of Slytherin.

If you couldn't understand me before I was alive, I will never forgive me!

After giving birth, I want someone to prove that you are all wrong, and only I am right!

It's a pity that Slytherin overestimated the ability of his descendants.

These guys have all entered the Slytherin Academy, and they are proud of it, how can they appreciate the good intentions of the ancestors?

This also reflects from the side, Slytherin's paranoia on the issue of blood.

If he can relax the conditions a little bit, as long as he is a pure-blood wizard, he does not have to be a pure-blood descendant who has inherited his own bloodline to open the real secret room, and the result may be different.

At least wizards like Harry Potter who meet the requirements of both Slytherin and Gryffindor will be able to meet the conditions.

Of course, if Slytherin really did that, then he wouldn't be a Slytherin.

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