My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

77. Whitewashed Basilisk (3 more for automatic subscription!)

Having solved the problem of getting in and out of the chamber, Dunn moved on to thinking about the basilisk.

Without the magic books left by Slytherin, Dunn might not have told others about the existence of the secret room in a short time, and naturally he would not have to rush to wake up the basilisk.

After all, he's got Slytherin's wand now and doesn't need to get the Basilisk's horn to make a new wand for Nagini.

Now Dunn has to get someone in to help, so the basilisk must be subdued first.

It would be fine if he just brought Tom in, the other party also had Slytherin's blood, and the Basilisk would not take the initiative to attack him.

But others can't.

In addition to Tom, Dunn also wants to bring Ella and Angelica in, and the speed of three people is definitely faster than that of one person.

The way to summon the Basilisk, Dunn must be in the magic books in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, but Dunn knows the spell.

Stepping back, to where Slytherin's stone face could be seen without looking up, Dunn opened his mouth and hissed.

"Speak to me, Slytherin - the greatest of the Big Four at Hogwarts."

Dunn thought that the complete spell was this, because Tom, who was resurrected by the Horcrux in the diary, summoned the basilisk in this way.

But in fact Dunn pronounced Slytherin's name in Parseltongue, and the face of the Slytherin statue began to move.

The mouth opened and finally turned into a huge black hole.

A rustling sound came from the black hole.

Like something was sliding up from the depths of the statue.

Dunn wasn't sure if the basilisk's gaze killed everyone it looked at indiscriminately, or if it could distinguish between friend and foe.

Although he thought the latter was more likely, Dunn closed his eyes to be on the safe side.

Soon he heard the sound of a behemoth falling to the ground.

The sound was made by a large snake with three thorn-like horns on its head.

The big snake that Nagini turned into is already huge among normal snakes, but compared with the basilisk, it is no different from a small earthworm.

The thickest part of the basilisk's body is nearly a foot, and the length is an astonishing fifty feet.

When half-standing, it is as high as three or four stories.

Not to mention the sharp and terrifying fangs and the pair of yellow vertical pupils that are bigger than the washbasin.

As soon as it hit the ground, the basilisk moved rapidly towards Dunn.

Soon it stopped right in front of Dunn.

It did not hold its head up, but rather obediently pressed its head to the ground.

Even so, Dunn's body still looks unsightly in front of its giant snake head.

Don't say Dunn, even an adult wizard can swallow a basilisk.

"Master! 35

Zizi's voice rang in his ears.

Dunn didn't open his eyes, but he could tell that the basilisk was very close to him.

He could even feel the air flow that the Basilisk Changxin was carrying.

Dunn ordered in Parseltongue.

"Turn your head away!"

The Basilisk did so immediately.

Hearing the sound of its body turning, Dunn tried to open his eyes.

Although he was mentally prepared, seeing such a behemoth with his own eyes still shocked Dunn.

Reached out and touched the body of the Basilisk, it was cold.

If you ignore its hard head and three thorn-like horns, it can be considered a good pet.

After a brief exchange with the basilisk through Parseltongue, Dunn found that even though the basilisk lived for thousands of years, the IQ still remained at the stage of a two- or three-year-old human child.

Dunn drew out his Gryffindor sword, slashed the scales on the basilisk's body, and at the same time ripped off the cloth wrapped around his hand, allowing the wound on his palm to bleed again.

Even if injured, the basilisk remained silent, lying on the ground motionless.

The Sanctuary is activated.

Dunn's blood merged with the blood of the basilisk, forming a magic circle in mid-air, which merged into the basilisk's head.

At the same time, the familiar system beep sounded in Dunn's head.

"The basilisk is influenced by the justice in your heart and is automatically whitened as a feathered snake!"


The basilisk lying on the ground suddenly raised its head and made a loud roar like a sonic wave towards the ceiling.

The ground beneath my feet trembled.

At the same time, the body of the Basilisk began to undergo an amazing transformation.

The three horns behind the head instantly grew to a length of seven or eight feet, and a thick film grew in the middle, which grew into a shape like an umbrella lizard.

On both sides of the body near the head, seven thorn-like bone wings emerged like horns.

The longest one was a full twenty feet.

Both sides of the bone wings were unfolded at the same time, and the length was about to catch up with the original body length of the Basilisk.

The bone wings vibrated, and the basilisk flew up like this, and its huge body almost covered the entire ceiling.

The blood basin opened its mouth, and a group of magical energy with zizi lightning quickly formed.

This is a new ability acquired by the white-washed feathered snake - the magic energy cannon.

There is enough time and magic power to charge up enough energy, and the power can even penetrate the soil several miles above the secret room and directly attack Hogwarts Castle.

Dunn was worried that Feather Snake could not control the power of the energy cannon, and accidentally knocked down the secret room without experimenting on the spot.

After 893 ordered the Feathered Serpent to retract the magic energy cannon, Dunn discovered that the pair of osseous wings of the Feathered Serpent could be retracted, returning to its basilisk form.

In addition, the defense of Snake Lin has also been strengthened.

Even with Gryffindor's sword, it would take a lot of effort to pierce the scales of a snake.

The deadly sight of the basilisk itself has also been strengthened.

In addition to being ineffective against the owner, the deadly sight of the previous basilisk will kill all other creatures that are more directly stared by it indiscriminately.

After being whitewashed and becoming a feathered snake, the power of the deadly sight increases, even if you make eye contact with the Basilisk through other objects, you will die immediately.

However, this lethal sight can be freely controlled by the feathered snake.

Simply put, it can kill the target it wants to kill with its eyes, without hurting other people.

But the biggest gain is Dunn himself.

Through the holy deed, the ability of the feathered snake was transmitted to Dunn, so that his Parseltongue evolved into a more advanced form——【Word Spirit-Snake King】.

You can communicate directly with all snakes through your mind without opening your mouth.

What's more important is that an ability similar to dragon power is automatically formed in the blood, which forms coercion on all snakes, makes them automatically obey, and cannot make any offensive behavior.

This bloodline suppression is indistinguishable even for all wizards with Parseltongue.

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