The next morning.

Dim drove the carriage out of Starlight City, with the good horse Carrot pulling the carriage hard in front.

After Xia Zuo waited for the carriage to turn into the mountain path, he said hello to Dim and used the wind technique to go on the road alone.

After flying among the mountains for ten days, they finally arrived at Sbrier City at noon on the 11th day.

The weather was not good that day, with drizzle and heavy clouds in the sky. The clouds were getting thicker and thicker, and the rain was getting heavier.

Rainfall has a slight effect on the shape of gas clouds. When floating in the rain, blood will be deducted from 3 to 5 points per hour, which is within the acceptable range.

Xia Zuo found a remote hotel in the city. After resting for two hours, he floated towards the Warrior Guild's stronghold full of energy.

Hemst's alchemy room is located deep in the three-story stone house of the Warriors Guild.

According to the information provided by Dim, Xia Zuo walked through the intricate corridors for a while, avoiding the patrolling guards and the detection orbs that detect energy fluctuations, and spent some effort to find the target person.

Hemst's mental state was in bad shape.

There are obvious dark bags under the square black-framed glasses, the brown curly hair on his head is neglected, and there is an unshaved green beard around his mouth.

Colleagues coming and going seemed to know that Hemst was about to be in trouble, and would deliberately avoid him when passing by.

Hemst himself was holding the tray, with an indifferent expression mixed with fatigue, pushing open the iron door and walking into his alchemy room, unaware that a transparent cloud of gas followed him in above his head.

Xia Zuo floated against the ceiling, quickly glanced at the scene in the room, and hid on the top of a locker filled with miscellaneous items.

Hemst sat down at the desk, took off the gloves on both hands, threw them on the table casually, and stared blankly at the clock on the wall.

Xia Zuo took a closer look and saw that on the index finger of the other person's left hand, there was a hemostatic patch that was the same color as his skin. A trace of bright red blood seeped out from the edge of the hemostatic patch. It looked like the wound inside was deep and not fully healed.

Xia Zuo used scrying on the figure at the table.

[Character name] Hemster

[Identity] Expert bioalchemist, member of the Bioalchemist Association, mage apprentice

【HP】? ? ? (physical damage)


[[Fire Resistance] 5%

[[Water Resistance] 7%

[[Earth Resistance] 11%

[[Wind Resistance] 7%









[Spell Power], [Character Specialties] Unknown

(Failed to obtain more information due to insufficient perception and knowledge reserves)

The physical trauma was probably caused by the wound on the index finger of his left hand. When there are 3 points of vitality, the wound still has blood oozing out, indicating that the wound is relatively new, or the wound is very deep and will not heal easily.

Even stranger, why not use spells or potions to repair the damage?

Hemst's mental attribute is as high as 24 points.

Without Beatrice's anti-detection barrier, the strange gas cloud would have been discovered on the spot.

Xia Zuo also confirmed one thing - Hemster does not know the [Elemental Body] meditation method.

His earth resistance has reached 11%, and he is the only one among all the mage apprentices Xia Zuo has encountered so far who has exceeded 10%.

The higher the mental attribute value, the stronger the special effect of [Elemental Vision], and the better the effect of observing the target's resistance.

Xia Zuo's current spirit level is less than 23 points. He can only see small light spots when the resistance is greater than 10%, and cannot see small light spots when the resistance is less than 10%.

There were obvious small brown light spots floating out of Hemst's body. The remaining three resistances are less than 10%. Even if small light spots of corresponding colors float out, Xia Zuo cannot detect them.

Time passed by, and the figure beside the desk fell into a complete sluggish state, with empty eyes and a numb face, as if he would never recover from his daze.

Xia Zuo lay motionless on the locker.

Hemst's alchemy room has no windows, and only the clock on the wall can remind the time.

"Kacha...kacha kacha"

The second hand slid accurately, and the sound of gear rotation became the only sound here.

0:00 late at night.

Xia Zuo was secretly glad that he had taken a nap and had enough energy to stay up until midnight. Suddenly, as soon as midnight arrived, there was movement in the direction of the desk.

Hemst's eyes widened, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he clapped his hands together as if he had made a decision.

He grabbed his hair a few times, and a large bunch of brown curly hair was pulled out.

He put his hair on the table, held his left index finger with his right hand and pulled hard. The hemostatic patch adhered to the blood foam and strips of flesh fell off the fingertips. Two rows of teeth bit the left index finger fiercely, and then raised the red finger to the table. above.

A ball of bright red blood dripped onto the table, mixing with the brown hair.

From beginning to end, Hemst said nothing or made a sound, as if the pain in his scalp and fingers had nothing to do with him.

Hemst, regardless of the bleeding fingers, clasped his hands in front of him, stared at the hair on the table, and muttered incomprehensible words.

Xia Zuo was a little stunned by the opponent's series of actions. At this time, he could only hide quietly on the locker and watch with a calm mind.

The brown hair on the table trembled, and the blood gathered in the hair, and was eventually absorbed by the hair.

The hair shook more and more violently, and it changed shape within a few seconds, turning into a little thumb-sized person and stood up.

The facial features of the little man with hair are invisible, but his movements are extremely agile.

It looked around, seeming surprised that it appeared in the alchemy room.

A hoarse voice came out, "Are you crazy!? Hemster! How dare you contact me in the city!?"

"Change the time! Change the place! Also, don't contact me every day!" The figure of the little haired man shook, shaking blood around, and his hair was about to disintegrate.

At this moment, a ball of blood dripped onto the villain's head. The hair was affected by the blood and stuck together tightly, and the trend of disintegration stopped.

"What do you want to do!?" The haired man growled, "End the contact!"

Hemst looked gloomy and stared at the haired man.

The little haired man shook off the blood for a moment, recovered from the initial panic, and revealed a coldness in his words:

"Are you threatening me? Do you think they can find me with just this doll?"

Hemst was a little shaken, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and then became gloomy again, and said a sentence from his teeth:

"Take me out of here, as soon as possible! I don't want to be imprisoned in Torgad!"

"Humph." The little man with the hair found the confidence to talk, put his hands behind his back and looked at the other party's haggard face, and said arrogantly:

"In half a month at most, Fritz will arrive at Sbrier City with my puppet. As long as you maintain your current routine and don't come into contact with others, the puppet can help you cover up for at least 3 days, which is enough for you to escape. Into the wilderness.”


Hemst looked sulky, hammered the table with his right hand, and looked nervously at the door for a second, fearing that someone might hear what was going on here.

His chest rose and fell violently, and he gasped and said hoarsely:

"That woman Alyssa must have told Dim about me. Dim set out from Starlight City 11 days ago and will find me in seven days at most. Now you tell me that I have to wait another half a month! ?”

"Hemster!" the haired man growled, "I have to remind you. The deal between us has ended long ago. If you hadn't wanted to join us, I wouldn't have let Fritz risk it!"

The haired man paused, then continued in a slower tone:

"This is a test for you, Hemster. And let me tell you, in order to send Fritz near the canyon to meet you, I was almost discovered by those bastards."

The hairy man stamped his foot angrily, "Why is there an extra demon hunter in this inspection team!? Huh? Hemster? Why didn't you tell me that Rexor would come here? Damn the bald man, He has been chasing me for more than half a month!"

Hemst's lips moved, his face became as sinking as water, and he sighed and said:

"I really don't know. I heard that there was a student from Xingye Academy who was extremely talented in poison alchemy, and he recruited people from the Demon Hunting School."

Uh... Xia Zuo, who was hiding above the locker, felt like there was an extra pot on his head...

The little man with the hair shook his head and thought for a while, while shaking his body and spilling blood, he said:

"Okay, okay, okay. This contact ends here. You can wait peacefully and try to delay as much time as possible. Use all the methods you have arranged. Don't hide it now. Will you come back here in the future? Not necessarily, just use what you need.”

The hair was scattered on the table, and the scattered blood stayed on the table for a few seconds and then disappeared without a trace.

Hemster took a deep breath, took out the hemostatic patch from the drawer and bandaged himself.

He put his head in his hands and rested his elbows on the edge of the desk, lost in thought.

About half an hour later, Hemst stood up and checked the alchemy room, cleaned up the blood in the cracks in the floor to make sure that no mistakes were exposed, and then walked out with bloodshot eyes.

Xia Zuo wanted to stay and search the other party's alchemy room, but he didn't forget Dim's advice - always pay attention to the people and objects that Hemster comes into contact with.

He hesitated for a moment and floated out following his target.

Hemster rubbed his temples, like an alchemist who stayed up late refining products, and walked towards the depths of the third floor with a tired look on his face.

Xia Zuo followed the other person to the dormitory and saw the other person take a shower and go to bed to meditate.

He waited for another half an hour, and after confirming that Hemst would not go out tonight, he floated back to the door of the alchemy room.

However, this iron door is locked so tightly that there is no gap to get through.

Xia Zuo had no choice but to return to the hotel and use the secret message ring to report what he had seen and learned today to Diem. Then he calculated the time for dawn and drank the corresponding dose of concentration potion for meditation.

The secret message ring that Beatrice brought has a communication distance of up to 500 kilometers, but there is a flaw - the longer the communication distance, the higher the delay in the delivery of the secret message.

The secret message sent at 1 o'clock tonight will be sent to Dim in about an hour. You will be able to see Dim's reply when you wake up.

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