Early morning hours.

Xia Zuo woke up and raised his left hand to read the message on the secret message ring:

[I am aware of the target's anomaly. I have informed the resident mage of Sbrier City. The target has been banned from leaving the Fighters Guild. Keep your eyes on the target. Don't be exposed. Stay alert. Let’s talk about it when we meet. 】

In the secret message sent to Dim yesterday, the back-up plan arranged by the haired villain, Fritz, the puppet and Hemst was mentioned. Dim agreed to meet in person, so there was no need to press further.

Xia Zuo turned over and sat up, washed briefly, touched his belly, and compared the duration of the effects on the character template, he drank three potions: satiety, water supply, and stool coagulation, and refreshed the duration of the three potions to the maximum. value.

He turned into a gas cloud and floated to the Warriors Guild, following yesterday's route to find Hemst dining in the restaurant.

The anxious Hemst seemed to want to go out. After breakfast, he walked directly to the gate of the Fighters Guild, but was forcibly stopped by the guards.

Hemst's expression changed. While arguing with the guard, he winked at the alley across the street.

Xia Zuo followed his gaze and zeroed in on a coachman in shabby clothing, writing down the coachman's features.

Unable to argue with the guards, Hemst raised his hands and shouted, "Okay! I'm not going out! I'll go back and stay!"

The coachman heard Hemst's words clearly, shook the reins and drove out of the city.

Hemst glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw no sign of the carriage. He walked toward his alchemy room with a low groan.

Xia Zuo floated on the beam above the door and witnessed all this.

Hemst is being targeted by the resident mage, and he will definitely not be able to escape. If he could escape the gaze of an official mage, then why wait for someone to come and take care of him?

Now just wait for Dim to arrive in Sbrier City and capture that Fritz.

So... should you follow that driver?

Xia Zuo thought for a while, and since Dim repeatedly emphasized that he should keep a close eye on the target and asked not to be exposed, then he should do it. What if Hemst walked into the alchemy room, locked the iron door tightly, and didn't come out for a whole day?

He circled in the air, found Hemst walking into the corridor, and followed him to the alchemy room.

After Hemst discovered that he was grounded, he pretended to be calm on the surface, but as soon as he closed the iron door of the alchemy room, his inner uneasiness and restlessness were fully revealed.

He paced back and forth in the alchemy room, grabbing his hair and venting violently for several minutes, and finally made a decision with a ruthless expression on his face.

Hemst walked quickly to the desk, took off the alchemy bag from his waist, and put the contents in the bag on the table to check one by one.

As an alchemist from the Eastern Continent, he has quite a lot of property.

In addition to alchemy clothes, he also has three sets of relatively luxurious Western Continent-style dresses, two telescopic crutches, a two-handed staff, four money bags full of coins, and many notepads of different sizes and thicknesses.

Holding his messy hair, Hemst sat at the desk and flipped through his notepad. Whenever he found inappropriate content on one of the pages, he would tear out the entire page and put it aside.

Xia Zuo took this opportunity to browse the other party's alchemy diary.

Seriously, bioalchemy is a fascinating alchemy that can give learners a deeper understanding of life.

The ultimate goal of this alchemy is to pursue eternal life while maintaining the human form.

How to get a longer life?

Delay aging, resist aging, strengthen the body, resist diseases, and avoid disability...

These methods of extending life as understood by ordinary people are too inefficient in the view of bioalchemy.

The most efficient method is of course to take the rejuvenation potion.

On a page of Hemst's diary, he recorded his own evaluation of the rejuvenation potion:

Extremely expensive.

An entry-level rejuvenation potion requires the use of 4 powerful monster materials, each of which has a public selling price of no less than 200 gold yuan in the Eastern Continent.

The first 10 entry-level rejuvenation potions that normal people take can extend their lifespan by about 2 years each. Starting from the 11th or 12th or 13th dose, the effect of subsequent medicines will decay rapidly.

At this time, it is necessary to replace it with a skilled-level new medicine. Each medicine can extend the life by 2 years, and the cost of a single medicine is more than 2,000 gold yuan.

When Xia Zuo saw these numbers, he secretly smacked his lips. He actually drank 11 entry-level rejuvenation potions at once, pocketing more than 8,000 gold yuan.

Converted into points, each entry-level rejuvenation potion requires 8,000 points, and one can be exchanged for approximately 26 months of continuous delivery of poison orders.

The Biological Alchemist Association recruits alchemists to do research in the Western Continent. The extra reward is 10 entry-level rejuvenation potions and 10 skilled-level rebirth potions, which can be settled at once when they return to the Eastern Continent. The basic remuneration for researching ringworms and breathing methods is calculated separately.

Xia Zuo learned a key piece of knowledge from this series of information:

1 point of vitality = 1 year of life.

Now he has 58 vitality points and 30 free attribute points.

In other words, his current lifespan is 58 years longer than his initial lifespan, and he still has 30 free attribute points that can be used to extend his life at any time.

For every additional year of life, you will have one more year to earn experience and upgrade. Now each upgrade will give you 5 free attribute points.

If all these points were converted into gold dollars...

The gas cloud that Xia Zuo transformed into shook his head, driving these thoughts out of his mind, and continued reading Hemst's alchemy diary.

Everyone in the Bioalchemist Association knows the drawbacks of rejuvenation potions.

Therefore, they plan to improve the ancient life extension method to obtain a cheaper life span.

The word ancient is often associated with barbarism, backwardness, and primitiveness, and can even lead to bloody and cruel acts.

The ancient biological alchemists—perhaps this is what they were called in Hemster's diary—this group of people want to merge themselves with long-lived creatures to achieve the purpose of longevity.

For example, merging with long-lived trees and animals to become half-plant, half-human, or half-animal, half-human.

In this day and age, because of the existence of the Mage Temple, this kind of desecration of the human body is no longer allowed.

The Bioalchemists Association does not dare to cross this red line.

They proposed another idea, using symbiosis rather than fusion or parasitism to strengthen the body.

The specific product of this line of thinking is the Secret Medicine of Breathing.

The ring-breathing insects used in the secret medicine of the breathing method can be controlled and removed, and after removal, the original body functions and mutated body parts can be restored, which is almost equivalent to having no side effects. Only then was it approved by the Mage Temple. Widely used in warrior guilds.

During the previous investigation at Emily's place, Xia Zuo had already learned:

The ringworm used here in the Western Continent is the model with the least side effects - a level 1 painless ringworm.

This kind of ring-breathing insect has never appeared in the Eastern Continent.

This resulted in the mysterious man who controlled the haired man having to travel from the Eastern Continent to the Western Continent, and finally got on the line with Hemster, who was responsible for recovering the Ring Breath Insects, in order to obtain the Level 1 Painless Ring Breath Insects through a transaction, and bring them to the West Continent. The modified ringworm was handed over to others for in vivo experiments.

No wonder Emily couldn't find anything unusual when she checked Hemster's alchemy room. Hemst did not undertake the private work of modifying the ring-breathing insects at all. There were other people who made and distributed the more than 10 strange ring-breathing insects.

The pages Hemst tore out were the false records created for illegal transactions.

He sorted it out from morning until late at night, and didn't stop until three large piles of waste paper appeared on his desk.


Hemst lit the furnace of the alchemy table, picked up a handful of pages and threw them into the furnace. He watched the blazing flames devour the pages, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

After burning all the waste paper, he returned to the table and sat down, picked up a pen, took out a new notepad, and scribbled down the words.

The written content is disorganized, the sentences are not fluent, and there are many grammatical errors. Only a few place names are spelled correctly, and they appear repeatedly.

I wrote like this for nearly an hour, and just before midnight, Hemst put down the pen in his hand.

He turned back the pages, nodded with satisfaction, and placed the notepad on the corner of the table, facing the door.

0:01 late at night.

Hemster tore off the hemostat, bit his fingertips, grabbed a handful of hair, and summoned the hair man.

"What's going on today?" The little haired man looked around, "Do you want to threaten me again?"

"No." Hemster shook his head slightly, his smile getting weirder, "I'm going to execute the most perfect escape plan."

He sat on the chair, bowed to the little man with hair, and said, "I need your help, Your Excellency."

"Oh?" The little haired man put his hands behind his back.

"I want to ask you to let Fritz take my body back. If you can't get it, please try to take my brain away."

These words made Xia Zuo a little confused.

"Hehehehe..." The little haired man let out a series of hoarse laughter, "You have finally thought about it clearly. The body you are born with is just a skin that will eventually decay. It's not too late to figure it out now."

Hemst held up his hands in front of him, palms facing up, and said with a pious face:

"Yes, Your Excellency. I have thought it over carefully. I will devote myself wholeheartedly to your great cause."

The little haired man suppressed his laughter and paced back and forth with his hands behind his back. Seeing the other party's surrender, he hesitated.

"You couldn't be more...recruiting the resident mage..."

The haired man said grimly: "Once the ceremony begins, I can only stay here temporarily."

Hemster's expression froze, as if he was right, but also seemed not to have considered this aspect.

He said in a slight panic: "No, no, no, sir, don't get me wrong, I sincerely want to seek refuge with you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given you the Level 1 Painless Ring Breathing Insect."

"Well..." The little haired man took a few more steps, shook his head and thought for a while, "I need to see sincerity, Hemster. You know the requirements of the ceremony and know what you should do..."

Hemst thought for a moment with a troubled expression, "As you wish, Your Excellency."

He bent down and took out a dagger from the drawer, unbuttoned his robe, exposed his chest, held the dagger behind his back with both hands, and pointed the sharp dagger tip at his heart.

Xia Zuo was glad that he was in the gas cloud state. If he were in human form, his heart would definitely be beating as fast as Hemster.

Hemst was breathing heavily, his chest was heaving violently, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, his teeth were bared, and his facial features were ferocious.

"Remember your promise, Your Excellency!"

Hemst roared, straightening his arms, then suddenly bending them.




Blood spurted out, soaked into the desk, and dyed the floor in front of him red.

"Hahaha, ahhahaha, the blood has arrived, eternal life has arrived!" The little haired man neighed in the rain of blood. As if swimming, it swam up against the blood flow and came to Hemst's body, pulled out and inserted it into Hemst's body. The dagger on the chest penetrated into the wound.

No more blood was shed.

The blood spilled on the desk, the blood droplets splattered on the wall, and the blood seeping into the gaps in the floor seemed to be inspired by invisible forces and converged on Hemst's wound.

The figure next to the desk trembled slightly, his eyes rolled in his closed eyes, and his limbs twitched constantly.

About five minutes later.

A line of blood came out of Hemst's nostril, extending from the desk to the iron door. He pulled the door panel open, then rolled up the dagger on the ground and inserted it back into the wound on his chest.

Finally, the blood line is drilled back into the nostril.

Xia Zuo no longer knew how to describe the scene in front of him.

Looking at this matter from the perspective of a bystander, he felt that Hemst had fallen into the trap of the mysterious man.

Previously, the mysterious man said that the person who responded would have to wait another 15 days to arrive in Sbrier City.

The mysterious man probably said this on purpose, in order to put more pressure on Hemster and force him to take the initiative to perform the current ritual.

Bloodline's intention in opening the door was obvious, just to let the guards here discover Hemst's body.

If the resident mage arrives, seals the scene, and then carefully searches the entire warrior guild as usual, there is no guarantee that he will not encounter the mage assistant or the resident mage himself, leading to a series of misunderstandings...

Xia Zuo thought about this and slowly drifted towards the door. After repeatedly confirming that there was no movement at the desk, he left the Warriors Guild.

He quickly floated back to the hotel, locked the door, closed the curtains, and flipped the secret message ring with his right fingers.

It took him a full two minutes to pass the entire incident to Dim without missing a beat.

Especially the place names mentioned by Hemster, Xia Zuo spelled them out several times to make sure there were no mistakes before sending them out.

He took out his pocket watch and took a look.

0:40 late at night.

Meditate until 5 o'clock first, and then read Dim's reply.

Xia Zuo washed briefly, prepared a corresponding dose of concentration potion, and entered into deep meditation.

Thanks to Revolutionaries 2, Silent Chair, LJY, Galigat, Men Only Grow Up in Their Thirties, and Lying Corpses for their monthly votes. Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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