My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 110 The self-destructive blood demon (rewards will be added)

The airship floated over the endless ocean for five days.

Xia Zuo stood in front of the window, frowning and looking at the dark clouds ahead.

It suddenly started raining heavily outside.

Dark rain, dark clouds, and dark sea surface, it seemed that in an instant, the sky and the earth were blackened by thick ink, and the light of the sun could not be seen.

The black cloud that could not be dispersed rolled outside the light cyan barrier of the airship. There was lightning and thunder in the clouds, and a muffled thunder came across the barrier. Purple lightning shuttled freely through the clouds, colliding with the barrier from time to time, causing the boat to shake.

The airship did not fly forward.

Captain Rimes is controlling the airship to continue taking off.

The higher you go, the heavier the rain and thunder. Around three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the rain subsided, but black clouds and thunder still lingered around the airship.

Another two hours passed, and the scenery outside the window changed instantly.

The airship flew out of the dark clouds and arrived above the clouds.

The dazzling light shines into the eyes, but it cannot illuminate the black clouds below.

The cyan barrier outside the airship trembled slightly, as if it was fighting against the extremely terrifying wind. If we use the dark clouds below as a reference, we can see that the airship has shifted a long distance to the true north in just a few seconds.

Xia Zuo closed the curtains and looked at his pocket watch, "I have to go to Master Rexor. You can meditate by yourself at night. I will come back when the airship leaves the storm.

"Yeah." An Ruer sent her boyfriend to the door, "Be sure to pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, the master is guarding you."

Xia Zuo closed the door and walked into the bald man's room.

He skillfully sat down at the opposite corner of the magic circle, facing Rexor, with an hourglass of red sand flowing between them.

Rexor took out a few potions from his leather armor and handed them over, "Drink these potions. We may not be able to rest for half a month."

Xia Zuo took the glass bottle, used his detection technique to check the effects of the medicine, and then poured it into his mouth. The golden finger reminded him in his mind that he had obtained various effects of the medicine.

"From now on, we will have a handover every three hours.

Rexor pointed to the closed glass window behind him, "If the airship shakes too much, just take care of yourself. I will keep an eye on the hourglass." "

Xia Zuo glanced around and asked, "Should I tie myself up and secure myself? What if the airship tilts or flips over..."

Rexor seemed to have heard something funny. The corners of his mouth curled up and he glanced at him strangely, "Then we are all screwed. Why do we still care about the hourglass? Which branch of miraculous alchemy did you learn in the academy? ?”

"Kit Kat Object Learning." Xia Zuo replied.

"No wonder you don't know that this involves proficient level knowledge of giant creation."

Rexall's tone became calmer, "When everything goes well, this airship will not roll more than 5 degrees, so there is no need to worry about the two problems you mentioned."

"That's good" Xia Zuo nodded.

"Come on, cast the Curse of Decay. Call me in three hours." Rexall said as he lifted the spell.

Xia Zuo quickly caught the curse and slowed down the falling speed of the red sand.

Among the potions just now, there was an unknown potion that temporarily increased the power of curse spells.

What Xia Zuo cast at this time was a curse of decay with 10 points of power, and the energy consumption speed also increased.

Three hours later, the two successfully completed the first handover.

Xia Zuo cast a 3-point power Concentration and Calm spell on himself and entered deep meditation for 3 hours.

In the last year of his stay at the academy, he figured out all the formulas needed to be promoted to master poison alchemist. Now his meditation time is mainly used to expand his spiritual ocean.

After meditating for 3 hours, Xia Zuo woke up and completed the second handover with Rexor.

Seven days passed like this, and the airship arrived at the middle of the extreme storm without incident.

Although the curtains in this room were closed, Xia Zuo could still feel the fierce wind outside.

There is often the feeling of the pod being pushed suddenly and then stopped immediately.

Fortunately, the hourglass is firmly sucked to the floor by the magic circle. Unless it is turned over by someone sitting on the magic circle, the hourglass will not leave the floor.

Two more days passed.

The airship moved sideways even more.

Xia Zuo had to lower his center of gravity and support the ground with his free left hand to prevent his body from shaking and interrupting the spell.

Day after day passed, the wind gradually weakened, and the airship was no longer as embarrassed in the strong wind as before.

Finally escaped from the extreme storm on the 15th day.

Xia Zuo had been suffering for many days, her waist and legs were sore, and her head was dizzy.

Just when he was about to go to his room to rest...

"Buzz~" A low vibration came from under Rexor's leather armor.

The bald man opened his eyes and took out a vibrating six-pointed star pendant from his collar.

"Humph" Rexor's face was as dark as water, "It seems that this blood demon is very important to them, and it really attracted the strange demon monitor."

What strange demon monitor... what is that... Xia Zuo gently rubbed his sore head, looked at his face, and realized that something was wrong.

Rexor put down several bottles of potions in front of the other party, "Hold on, Xia Zuo. I'll be back soon."

The bald man ducked open the door and left the room.

Xia Zuo picked up the potion and looked at it for a few times, then opened the cork and poured it into his mouth, keeping the curse of decay constant.

Sylvia's voice came from outside the door, "Xia Zuo, I will take good care of Anru'er, don't be distracted."

"Thanks, cough, cough, cough," Xia Zuo coughed a few times and cleared his throat, "Thank you, Sylvia."

A loud howl came from outside the window, "Ouch~~~"

The red sand in the hourglass boiled instantly, and the energy consumption to maintain the curse increased rapidly.

Xia Zuo sighed silently and quietly activated [Blood Sacrifice Casting·Incomplete]. The cramping feeling in his brain instantly dissipated, and his whole body became much more relaxed.

Curse spells cast with vitality are no different from those cast with energy. The energy fluctuations, appearance, spell light, etc. are all the same.

Xia Zuo didn't activate this specialty before, just out of caution. It would be terrible if Rexor had a special detection spell.

The red sand rolled in the hourglass, trying to get rid of the curse on his body. The real-time blood regeneration speed on the character template fluctuated up and down.

While listening to the movements outside, Xia Zuo calmly maintained the spell, always ready to turn off [Blood Sacrifice Spellcasting].

There were violent explosions outside the airship.

After the perception reached 12 points, Xia Zuo could easily determine that the source of the sound was concentrated a hundred meters away on the left front. Someone should be using weapons from the airship to bombard the enemy.

The sound of the explosion was weakening, and the slightest whine came through the window. Hongsha seemed to realize that his reinforcements were exhausted, and his struggling posture became weaker and weaker.

To the naked eye, the size of Hongsha seems to be a little smaller?

Xia Zuo quietly turned off [Blood Sacrifice Spellcasting] and used his energy to maintain the consumption of the spell.

Thumping footsteps approached the door, and Rexor opened the door and walked in, "How are you, Xia Zuo? Can you still hold on?"

"'s okay, Master. I can still hold on for a while." Xia Zuo coughed a few times and said in a hoarse voice, "The red sand was moving violently just now, trying to break free from the hourglass."

Rexor approached the hourglass and looked at it carefully for a few seconds. "The blood demon's vitality has weakened a bit... which is a bit troublesome. If this guy chooses to self-destruct, we can't keep it."

Xia Zuo frowned and looked at the bald head, "Self-destruction?"

Rexor exhaled deeply, "The blood demon can control the blood of all creatures, including their own. Self-destruction means that it blindly consumes its own blood. When the blood is consumed, it will die... Normally, no blood demon would do this. But this blood demon attracted the strange demon monitor."

Rexall's eyes became deep, and he stared at the hourglass and stopped talking.

He sat down in silence and took over the task of maintaining the Curse of Decay.

Xia Zuo didn't get the instruction to return to the room to rest, so he sat cross-legged and cast the calming spell and entered deep meditation.

"Bang!" A crisp sound woke up Xia Zuo from his meditation, as if someone was attacking the airship's barrier.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the bald head walking past him.

"Another alien monitor is here! Xia Zuo, keep an eye on the hourglass, I believe you can do it!" Rexor left the room in a flash.

Xia Zuo frowned and cast the Curse of Decay. Red Sofa ran around in the hourglass like crazy. After a few seconds, he was forced to activate [Blood Sacrifice Casting].

This time the explosion lasted for a long time, and the sound came from three more sources.

With the faint sound of the explosion, the red sand decayed visibly to the naked eye.

"Master! Master!" Xia Zuo turned off [Blood Sacrifice Spellcasting], raised his head and shouted in the room.

"Xia Zuo!" Anruer's anxious voice came from outside the door.

"No, don't go in." Sylvia held her back.

"Don't come in. I'm fine. This thing is almost gone."

As soon as Xia Zuo finished speaking, Rexor walked through the door and walked in, and the door closed.

The bald man's face was as dark as water, "What secret does this blood demon know, huh?! Why did it attract so many strange demon monitors?"

The red sand has decreased a bit.

"Don't even think about destroying yourself, you bastard!" Rexor growled, took out the dagger from his waist and cut open his finger, dripping blood onto the hourglass.

As soon as the blood touches the glass shell of the hourglass, it is sucked away like water dripping onto the sand.

There is a bit more red sand, but it is still slowly decreasing.

Rexor simply gave himself a bottle of blood, sprinkled in alchemical powder to prevent blood coagulation, and handed it to Xia Zuo, "Hang on. In ten minutes, federal air support will arrive. If the red sand is still decreasing, , just pour this bottle of blood up, but don’t pour too much, otherwise this bastard will run out.”

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo said, holding the glass bottle tightly.

The bald man left the room again, and the explosions outside the airship became more intense.

Xia Zuo casts the Curse of Decay with his right hand, holds the glass bottle in his left hand, and pours a drop on the hourglass from time to time to keep the red sand at the same size.

Thanks to the training provided by the university, he has been doing this kind of mechanical operation for almost ten years and is very good and precise.

But everyone underestimated the Blood Demon's determination to destroy himself.

The last explosion dissipated, and ten seconds later, the Blood Demon resolutely accelerated its self-destruction.

Xia Zuo poured a whole bottle of blood and there was nothing left, "big"

Before he could finish his words, Rexor rushed into the room.

The bald man's face turned dark, and even his shiny forehead dimmed.

"Hmph..." Rexor sat down angrily and took out a metal box from his pocket. Inside the box was another small box.

In the small box is the transformer waste that Xia Zuo and Dim destroyed.

Baldhead cut his finger, poured a large amount of blood into the box, then stirred the mixed blood and water residue with his finger, and smeared the blood on the hourglass.

The red sand solidified, as if frozen.

"I have seen more than a dozen blood demons who want to destroy themselves in the past years."

Rexor wiped the blood on his hands, and within three to five seconds, the wound on his finger healed without the need to cast a spell or apply any medicine.

The vitality attribute of the bald head was a string of question marks. Xia Zuo had already discovered it before, and the scene in front of him did not surprise him.

"It takes at least fifty years to grow from a transformer to a blood demon, and the difficulty of promotion is the same as that of a high-level mage. This type of blood mage will not end his life easily. Unless he knows the secret of the strange demon church."

As Rexor said this, he took out a doll from his pocket.

The skin and appearance of the doll are like those of a real person, but it is shrunk to the size of a palm. If you look closely, you can vaguely see Hemst's face.

"This blood demon made this flesh puppet." Rexor noticed Xia Zuo's curious eyes, explained, and then said:

"I'm going to fuse it with the puppet and then seal it. Do you have any powerful poisons on you? Only the proficiency level or above will do."

Xia Zuo took out an iron box and said, "Can I have a copy of my homemade master-level elemental toxin? Perfect quality."

"It couldn't be better." Rexor opened the lid of the iron box with one hand, "Are there any more? The more, the better."

The other three iron boxes appeared in front of the bald head. Xia Zuo felt a little distressed, hoping that the four elemental toxins would be reimbursed.

In the last year of his stay at the academy, he made a total of five elemental toxins, which were prepared for refining the refined powder. At this time, only one was left in his alchemy pocket.

"Can we ask Master Adanawados and Professor Allen for help?" Xia Zuo looked at the wall on the left. There were 8 guest rooms on the airship, and no one had ever come out of the remaining rooms.

"What they want to seal is also very difficult. It's best not to disturb them."

The bald man shook his head and pointed to the door, "You go out first and come in again when I call you. Go and get your companion settled. We have to stay in the room until my companion arrives."

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo patted the stiff muscles on his legs and walked out while holding on to the wall.

Anruer was pulled back to the room by Sylvia. There was no one else in the corridor. Xia Zuo lay on the bay window and looked at the scene outside.

There were no flying objects called strange demon monitors, but there were many small airships floating in the surrounding sky, escorting the transoceanic airships.

The small airship has many propellers. There are a pair of propellers arranged up and down on the front, rear, left and right sides of the airbag, and there are four pairs at the end of the pod. The wind blown out by the propeller has cyan light flowing, and it seems that a unique magic circle has been added in order to fly faster.

The pilot of the small airship, wearing round-frame flight goggles and a round leather hat, waved two fingers in greeting to Xia Zuo through the cockpit glass.

Xia Zuo responded by waving his right arm, releasing the detection technique, trying to see if the other person was an ordinary person or a mage.

However, it was too far away from the driver, and the detection technique failed to feedback information.

Xia Zuo walked into his room with some regret, spent a few minutes comforting his girlfriend, thanked Sylvia for taking care of her, and finally returned to the door of Bald's room to wait.

"Come in, Xia Zuo!" Rexor shouted.

The hourglass containing red sand disappeared, and a puppet bound by a metal chain appeared in the center of the circle.

The doll's head and limbs are fixed with heavy shackles, and there is a metal mask with no gaps on the facial features. Spell lines flashing with four colors of light covered the entire doll and chains.

The bald man casts the Curse of Decay with his left hand, and holds a dagger filled with cold light in his right hand.

"Pfft." The tip of the dagger inserted into the gap in the chain, making a bloodless hole in the doll's body.

"It's still the same, we change shifts every three hours. But you have to pay attention, every few seconds, you have to stab the puppet with a dagger to ensure that the wound will not heal."

Rexor took out another dagger from his waist and handed it over, and warned in a serious tone, "Be sure not to let the wound heal."

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo sat down and tipped the dagger.

"You rest for an hour first, and then take over from me." The bald head said, picking up the dagger and stabbing the doll again.

There was no trace of elemental toxins around the magic circle. It must have been stuffed into the body of the doll. Xia Zuo looked at the overly bloated belly of the doll and entered deep meditation.

After staying in Rexall's room for 3 days.

A man with a cold face walked into the room. He had a red and white horizontal striped headband wrapped around his forehead. His face was sullen, he crossed his arms expressionlessly, and said in a cold tone:

"Hey, Leisuo, don't sleep. It's because the life in the Western Continent is too comfortable and makes you feel old. Or is it really because you are getting old that you are in such a mess?"

"Fart, Seret. Come and help me."

Rexor glared at the other party with dead eyes, and said angrily, "If you knew what the Strange Demon Church had done in the Western Continent, you would definitely stare like a dead fish."

The cold-faced man known as Seret rubbed his chin and looked in the direction of the next room, "No wonder the old guy from the Alchemy School has no time to talk to you."

He tilted his chin towards Xia Zuoyi, who was looking at him, "Boy, sit aside."

Xia Zuo moved his numb buttocks and sat down against the wall.

The power of Seret's Curse of Decline is so powerful that the color depth and size of the mark are much stronger than Rexor's. It covers the entire doll. Even the dagger cannot be used, and the doll's wounds are no longer there. recover.

Rexor showed a relieved smile, "I'll leave it to you in the next few days."

He looked at Xia Zuo, "This is my companion. He always thinks that he is a ruthless guy, but he is actually almost the same as me. Seret is his name in the fourth era. You can call him Seretes .”

"Hello, Master Seritus, I am Xia Zuo." Xia Zuo saluted as he sat cross-legged.

"You're a tender-skinned alchemist, are you the new support staff?" Cerites looked at the opponent's appearance and clothes, "You're not bad at it, at least Leisuo didn't kick you out."

Cerites took out four metal boxes from his pocket and said, "Take these, here are the elemental poisons as compensation for you."

He turned to the bald man opposite and asked, "What happened in the Western Continent? Tell me in detail."

Rexor cast a look at Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo understood, put away the metal box, and quickly left here, returning directly to his room.

Thanks to Ranyue Luoxue for the 10,000 points*2!

Thanks to InkWh1te for the 5000 points!

Thanks to the Blood Knight for the 3,000 points!

Thanks for the 100 points rewarded for your progress!

Thanks to InkWh1te, Ran Yue Luoxue, Blood Knight, cxbl, Floating Fallen Leaves, 0029919.qdcn, Liu_Lan, Bai Ziyu, and Yangff for their monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes.

When I receive a large reward, I always feel flattered and can only be relieved by coding hard in the background.

Thank you to all the big guys for your support, and also to my friends who have continued to read and subscribe. I bow to everyone.

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