In the airship's guest room.

Anruer lay undressed on the bed and meditated.

After Xia Zuo took a shower, he put on clean clothes and lay down on the bed. He cast Concentration Qi on himself and entered deep meditation.

Xia Zuo still felt tired after waking up six hours later without any real rest for many days.

After saying a few words to Anruer, who was sitting on the bedside with gentle eyes, he entered deep meditation again.

In the next few days, Xia Zuo was not summoned by Rexor and was able to enjoy the scenery of the Silver Moon Federation in the room.

The Silver Moon Federation has a vast coastline, covering almost the entire west coast of the Eastern Continent.

This resulted in an unparalleled prosperous economy.

Near the coast, ships with one to three huge smokestacks sail slowly. Looking down from a high altitude, these ships, which are huge to passengers and sailors, seem to have become small toys that can be easily picked up.

Anruer looked down at the ship below, extremely curious about this thing that she had only seen in Beatrice's books, and whispered about the steam engine knowledge introduced in the book.

The airship soon arrived over the interior.

Well-planned cities are dominated by flat-roofed buildings, located next to flat, spacious streets.

Boxcars drove through the streets, and street vendors used the carts as mobile shops. Above them were long ropes connecting the windows on both sides of the street, filled with white shirts, trousers, and vests.

Occasionally, a four-wheeled car emitting white steam drove past the road. The two people sitting in the car leisurely enjoyed the attention of passers-by.

This is how the Silver Moon Federation defines energy.

The heat generated by the combustion of combustibles and the steam generated by heating boilers belong to Class 2 energy. Most areas within the federation are limited to using this type of energy, or energy sources ranked lower.

The energy released by elements is type 1 energy.

The researchers working in the Energy Research Institute are all alchemists in the elemental concrete discipline and mages of the energy-shaping school.

Their main responsibility is to research and iterate the excitation and storage devices of Type 1 energy.

"Honey, look at that building in front of you."

Anru'er clung to the window and looked down, interrupting Xia Zuo's thoughts.

Xia Zuo heard the sound and looked over. A tall building with more than 20 floors suddenly appeared among a bunch of short buildings. It stood at the intersection of the three roads, as tall and majestic as a king looking down on his subjects.

A rough comparison shows that the current flying height of the airship is about the top of a 40-story building, which can take the entire seaside city into view.

Endless buildings, huge billboards on the roofs, exaggerated advertising text and flamboyant picture content.

Cafe patrons enjoying afternoon tea under the shade of the awning…

The scene in front of him that resembled a modern city gave Xia Zuo an illusion. He felt that he was no longer in a strange world, but had arrived in a city a hundred years ago in his previous life...

This familiar feeling exuding an urban atmosphere implicated deep thoughts in his heart, and Xia Zuo's vision became hazy.

Perhaps in a hundred years' time, there will be modern cities on this land that are the same as those in the previous life.

Until then..

Whether or not we can find our way home is no longer important.

"Dear, what's wrong with you?" Anruer wiped away her lover's tears with a handkerchief.

"It's okay, I'm just glad that you can come to the Eastern Continent with me." Xia Zuo held the other person's hand and stared into her eyes, "We will live well in the Silver Moon Federation, I have a hunch."

The day after the airship entered the interior, it arrived at the end of the journey - Poseidon, the capital of Machina State, which is also the largest city in the state.

Xia Zuo, Anru'er, Sylvia, and the two masters of the Demon Hunting School will disembark here, and the rest will continue to move forward in the airship.

The transoceanic airship is too large, and it is very difficult to take off again after landing.

Located on a high-rise building in the center of Poseidon, an aerial corridor extends from the inside of the building. Xia Zuo followed the team off the airship and followed the corridor to the top of the high-rise building.

The corridor behind him shrank into the building and turned into a closed metal door. Through the window on the door, one could see the heroic appearance of the airship leaving.

Anruer wanted to say goodbye to her lover here for a while, and followed Sylvia to the first floor to wait.

Sylvia pulled her into the elevator, pressed the button to the first floor, closed the fence door manually, and the elevator moved smoothly downwards.

Xia Zuo and the two master demon hunters stayed where they were.

What greeted them was a man in a dark gray formal suit. He wore square-rimmed glasses, his slicked back hair was meticulously groomed, and he also applied styling oil. There were two nasolabial folds next to his mouth.

"Thank you for escorting the blood demon, Master Rexor and Master Seritus. I have arranged the cultivation tank to seal it."

The man with the big back stepped forward, greeted the master demon hunter first, and then extended his right hand to Xia Zuo:

"Hello, Xia Zuo. I am Rand Vickers, you can call me Vickers."

Vickers pointed to his work badge, "I serve as the supervisor, responsible for coordinating and arranging the daily work of the Poison Research Institute and the action team. Let us seal the blood demon first, and then I will take you to the Poison Alchemy Room. .”

"nice to meet you."

Xia Zuo stretched out his hand to shake the opponent's hand, and cast a detection spell to look at Vickers' template - a formal mage with 35 points of mental attributes.

There are no small light spots representing resistance floating out of Vickers' body, indicating that he has an elemental body.

Xia Zuo was not sure whether the information fed back by the detection technique was completely true.

Rexor and Seretes held a large iron box together, and the bald man urged from the side, "Lead the way, Vickers. Time is running out, and the flesh and blood of the doll is almost exhausted."

"Please follow me." Vickers was half a body ahead and led the way, gesturing towards the two elemental servants at the end of the corridor to open the door.

These two elemental servants are not simple light balls.

They are encased in a spherical metal shell.

There are three low-hanging mechanical arms on the outer shell, with three-jaw pliers at the end.

Two metal tubes similar to gun barrels are placed on both sides of the metal sphere, with the mouths of the tubes pointing towards the ground.

"This is the armed elemental guard." Vickers introduced Xia Zuo, "You haven't learned weapon alchemy yet, right? There are some things that we will discuss in detail later."

Vickers said as he pressed the button leading to the 6th underground floor.

After the fence door closed, the elevator buzzed and started, and the elevator car descended gently.

6 floors underground.

Passing through several metal doors with handles of armed elemental servants, the group stopped in a laboratory labeled "13".

Huge glass partitions divide the laboratory into two areas: inside and outside.

Ten researchers guarded the outside of the glass wall.

There is an upright culture tank on the inside, and there is also the number "13" on the tank.

The surrounding walls are covered with magic array patterns.

There are four octahedral crystals floating in the air, front, rear, left and right, surrounding the culture tank in the center.

Xia Zuo followed the demon hunter master into the inside and found that the glass partition was one-way see-through.

The outside scene cannot be seen from the inside, and the sound blocking effect of the glass wall partition is excellent. After closing the sealed door, standing on the inside cannot hear the sound from the outside.

Rexall and Seretes worked together to remove the chains on the puppet, stuffed the puppet into the culture tank before the puppet was so swollen that it was about to explode, and closed the hatch of the tank.

The doll exploded in the culture tank, and the glass of the tank was covered in blood and flesh. The blood was instantly swallowed up by the red sand.

The red sand rushed around in the culture tank, but it was in vain. Even the sound could not be heard, let alone causing the culture tank to tip over or crack.

Vickers stayed on the outside of the glass partition and immediately pressed the button on the console in front of him.

Four octahedral crystals emit beams of four colors and are thrown into the culture tank.

As soon as it was hit by the beam, the violent red sand instantly settled down, maintaining its shape from the previous second, and was frozen in place, unable to move.

The bald man breathed a sigh of relief, stared at the red sand and sneered, "Hey, don't even think about destroying yourself now, Blood Demon No. 13."

Seretes twisted his neck and bumped his companion's arm with his elbow, "Let's go, man. Let's go to the old place for a drink. After so many years, your old friends have disappeared long ago, but the new arrival Got a lot of hot dancers.”

"Leave now."

Rexor took out a secret message ring from his leather armor and threw it to Xia Zuo, "Take this. If you find something unusual in the future, you can contact me first. You are doing well on the road, keep it up."

The two master demon hunters said hello to Vickers and left the laboratory.

Xia Zuo returned to the outside of the transparent glass, closed the sealed door, and listened to the conversation between Vickers and several researchers.

The researchers in white coats in front of them are all mage servants and skilled poison alchemists. Only three of them have levels of other alchemy disciplines marked on their job badges.

Apparently in the Silver Moon Federation, mage servants can graduate from the academy as long as they have a proficient-level alchemy qualification.

Unlike Starry Night Academy, you need to learn four alchemy subjects and become an official mage before you can leave the academy.

"We must ensure that there are at least two people on duty in Laboratory 13 at any time."

Vickers took out a stack of paper from his pocket and distributed it, while saying:

"Everyone will be assigned to the night shift twice a week. If you can't come on duty that night, you must tell me in advance. When you find an abnormality, press the alarm button as soon as possible, and then stand in the blue area under your feet to avoid being caught. Armed elemental servant accidentally injured."

Xia Zuo looked at the ground.

The blue area mentioned by Vickers is located near several bunkers. There are thick desks or operating tables there. As long as you stand inside and squat down to hide under the table, you will not be easily hit by the armed servants hanging on the wall. .

"Follow me, Xia Zuo. I'll take you to your poison alchemy room."

Vickers looked around, confirmed that the researchers were in working order, greeted Xia Zuo and walked towards the door.

The two came to the third underground floor.

There is a vast space on this floor. There is a disinfection room after the elevator. You need to change into a leather gown here, but there is no need to shower. The disinfection effect here in Silver Moon Federation is very good.

After walking through the disinfection channel, there is a high platform.

Standing on the high platform, you can overlook the hall full of poison cabinets. There are three figures wearing poison-refining leather robes, taking the required toxin bottles.

On the walls on the left and right sides and at the end of the hall, there is a metal door every ten meters. Behind the door is the alchemy room of each expert poison alchemist.

Xia Zuo's alchemy room is located at the first metal door on the right. You can reach it by walking past several rows of poison cabinets from the high platform.

The alchemy equipment in the alchemy room is very different from that of Starry Night Academy.

The appearance looks very similar.

The difference is concentrated in the material. Where metal materials can be used, wood materials that are prone to decay and fire will never be used.

Even the shelves and desks are made of metal and wrapped in a layer of elegant leather to prevent the decoration style of the entire room from being too tough.

Vickers introduced the facilities of the alchemy room and the other three expert poison alchemists step by step, explaining the precautions for daily work, measures to deal with emergencies and other work-related matters.

After talking for more than half an hour, he finally finished the work-related matters.

Vickers took out an alchemy card, a thick manual, a certificate and a bunch of keys from his pocket and handed them to the other party, "These are things related to your position."

"Let's talk about another thing."

Vickers took out a course ticket and put it in Xia Zuo's hand, "Ms. Xingye has arranged a course for you to take weapons alchemy. You have two classes every weekend. The class location is the nearby Yingrui Academy. She entrusted me to take it for you. Hand over to you the course attendance pass."

"Thank you, Vickers."

Xia Zuo put away the pile of things, opened his work ID and read the contents.

He was assigned to a working group that researched blood magic, and the research tasks would be related to blood magic.

There is a line on the certificate saying that the working group may change in the future and everything will be arranged by the supervisor.

The message from Goldfinger came to my mind:

"A change in the host's identity has been detected, the character template has been updated, and [identity] researcher of the Poison Research Institute has been added."

[Identity] Researcher at the Institute of Toxicology

[[Identity level] Regular employee

When receiving monthly rewards, you will receive an equal amount of experience rewards.

[[Promotion conditions] Unknown

[[Identity bonus]


After completing the poison research task, you will receive additional experience rewards based on the degree of completion.

"Okay, Xia Zuo, I've finished what I need to say. Do you have any questions? You can tell me now, or you can go to the 2nd floor underground to find me. The appendix of the employment manual includes the 3rd and 2nd underground floors. map, I believe you can find my office."

"I remember everything." Xia Zuo responded with a smile.

Vickers took out his pocket watch and looked at it, "I'll take you to the lobby on the first floor. It's still a long time before you get off work today. You can go to the Civic Center. In this way, you can come to work tomorrow. By then People from Action Team 17 will come looking for you."

He took out a secret message ring and handed it over, "Keep this and contact me anytime if you need anything."

The two came to the crowded lobby on the first floor to say goodbye.

Above the hall near the ceiling, there are more than a dozen huge white octahedrons floating in the air. Even if there is no light beam, they are still shining brightly.

Xia Zuo looked up for a while and found Anruer and Sylvia who had been waiting for a long time in the corner of the hall. The group boarded the public carriage on the roadside outside the high-rise building and headed to the Civic Center.

Because the roads are congested and there are many vehicles and pedestrians coming and going, the coachman's driving seat is close to the top of the carriage and the doors are adjusted to both sides of the carriage.

In the spacious four-wheeled carriage carriage, Xia Zuo and the two ladies sat face to face.

He took out his attendance certificate and said:

"Sylvia, Ms. Starry Night arranged a course for me."

"Well, I know about it."

Sylvia smiled slightly and said, "Ms. Starry Night is the leader of the mage group stationed in Poseidon City and also manages the mage police in Poseidon City."

So... Anru'er and I have big backers in Poseidon City! Xia Zuo smiled and put away the lecture ticket.

A car drove past the window and overtook the carriage where the three people were sitting.

Anruer looked at the scenery on the roadside excitedly through the window on the car door, and was especially interested in the car that was emitting white steam.

"Sylvia, is that the car mentioned in the book? It's really interesting. Can I buy one in the future?"

Sylvia nodded with a smile, "Of course, but you have to be mentally prepared. A car is no more troublesome than a carriage. You have to add fuel to it, clean the driver's seat regularly, and maintain the parts inside. If you encounter strong winds or rain, Rain, snow, it takes a while just to start it.”

"Well, it's better to take a public carriage." Anruer pulled the other party's sleeve, "Where should we stay tonight?"

"Citizens of Class A and above will be allocated housing by the Civic Center. If you want to be closer to the city center, choose apartment-style houses. If you want to live more spaciously, you can choose low-rise houses near the suburbs."

Sylvia said patiently, "I suggest you choose a low house. It's far away, but you won't have people walking upstairs, and you won't hear drunks howling on the street in the middle of the night. On weekend mornings, you can sleep until you wake up naturally, without the sound of horns urging you to get up.”

She paused, her eyes moving back and forth between the two of them, "You are both Class A citizens. If you plan to live together, the house you choose will be bigger."

Sylvia looked at Anruer whose cheeks were red and said:

"But you have to register at the Civic Center first to confirm their relationship. When choosing a house, only two people who are engaged or married can share a house. This is related to the legal provisions of Machina State."

Xia Zuo thought that the relationship was finally confirmed, and a smile appeared on his face, "Sylvia, do we need to decorate the house ourselves?"

"No, it's all decorated."

Sylvia shook her head, "Before you have your own elemental servants, you can find a housekeeping company to come to clean your home regularly. If you don't like people coming to your home, you can only clean it yourself and still have a small amount of expenses left. Yes. When cleaning, you can only use the hand of wind, or a spell specifically used to clean the room, otherwise you will attract the mage police."

"Dingle bell~" the bell on the wall of the carriage rang. The coachman came to the ground, unfolded the folding stairs under the door frame, opened the carriage door, and looked into the carriage, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Civic Center is here."

Sylvia took the two of them down, took out a banknote from her satchel and handed it to the driver, "The extra is a tip."

"Thank you, generous and beautiful lady." The coachman humbly escorted the three of them up the steps of the Civic Center.

Inside the Civic Center.

Accompanied by Sylvia, Xia Zuo and Anruer submitted their identity granting documents, and then faced the Silver Moon Federation flag and the Machina state flag, and under the witness of the Mage Temple emblem, they read the oath Even if the oath is completed.

After completing the process, Xia Zuo's alchemy pocket contained several more manuals, several alchemy cards, five pairs of secret message rings, and a wad of banknotes.

The message from Goldfinger came to my mind:

"A change in the host's identity has been detected, the character template has been updated, and [identity] Silver Moon Federation citizen has been added."

[Identity] Citizen of Silvermoon Federation

[[Identity Level] A20

When receiving monthly rewards, you will receive an equal amount of experience rewards.

[[Promotion conditions] Obtain more citizen honors.

[[Identity bonus]

【law abiding citizen】

At 12 o'clock at midnight every day, an experience reward will be settled based on the performance of the day. If no laws, regulations, regulations, etc. are violated, you will receive a full experience reward. If there are any violations, violations, or violations and are punished by law enforcement officials, there will be no reward on that day.

After receiving experience rewards for 365 consecutive days, subsequent rewards will be increased by 100%.

[Law-abiding Citizen] This status bonus should not give much experience, after all, it is calculated daily, but if accumulated, it will be considerable.

Xia Zuo temporarily put the information in his head aside and registered his engagement with Anruer at the marriage registration office.

From a legal perspective, the relationship between the two is protected by the marriage law at this time, and accordingly, there will be more restrictions on behavior.

The next step is to choose a place to live.

At Sylvia's suggestion, the two chose a low house closer to the Energy Research Institute. Xia Zuo took a public carriage, which was only about a 10-minute drive from the Poison Research Institute.

Sylvia left after accompanying the two to find the house.

As the envoy sent by Ms. Xingye to the Western Continent, she was going to report her duties to Ms. Xingye. Before leaving, she left a secret message ring for Anruer.

During the whole day after that, Xia Zuo and An Ru'er were cleaning up their small houses.

Check whether there are damaged hot and cold water pipes and gas pipes, check whether the heating metal fence, gas stove and gas meter are functioning properly, adjust the layout of the house, put unused furniture into the storage room, and then carry the alchemy pocket with you The dirty clothes along the way were thrown into the washing machine for cleaning...

After finishing all these trivial matters, it was already evening.

Two community security police officers came to visit.

They popularized the community's self-governance act, as well as the obligations and rights of community residents in accordance with the Community Management Regulations of Machina State.

The security policeman wearing a dome hat with a badge and a black double-breasted button-down trench coat warned before leaving:

"Mr. Xia Zuo, you are an A-class citizen with a good sense of citizenship, and you are a student of Ms. Starry Night. However, since your innate spell is Tivanas Wind Movement, I still have to remind you of the following in accordance with the law:

“Please be sure to abide by relevant laws such as the Civilian Protection Act, the Law on Reasonable Restraint of Mages, the Restraint Law of Fengxingshu, and do not abuse the magical properties of Fengxingshu.

"If you invade other people's residence without permission, or commit other more serious illegal and criminal acts, I will inform the Master Police in accordance with the law and exercise the right of eviction granted to me by the Community Autonomy Committee."

Xia Zuo raised his right palm at his side and said in a sincere tone, "Officer Matt, I promise to abide by the law. I will only use Tivanas Wind Movement or other spells in compliance with the law."

"Thank you for your cooperation." Matt stretched out his white-gloved right hand, "What I just said was routine, I hope you don't mind."

"It's an honor that this community has such responsible security police officers as you and your companions." Xia Zuo shook hands with the other party and was polite to the other security police officer.

"This is my secret message ring. If there is any abnormal situation, please contact me in time." Matt handed over a ring, "Goodbye, Mr. Xia Zuo."

The two security policemen nodded to Anruer who was standing aside, then walked to the car parked on the street and drove to the next destination.

Residents of this community pay a large sum of money in taxes every year, and the community police who patrol here drive cars instead of riding horses to avoid soiling the ground with horse manure.

Xia Zuo returned to the house with his arms around his lover's waist. Looking at the brand new living room and furniture, the bright yellow light of the alchemy lamp became increasingly warm.

"Let me cook and let you have a taste of my cooking." Xia Zuo rubbed his hands and walked into the kitchen. When he was looking for a place to stay in the afternoon, he bought some fresh vegetables and bacon to make fragrant minced vegetables. Soup is no problem.

"Then I'm going to tidy up the closet and hang up the clothes." Anruer smiled brightly and stepped up the stairs to the second floor.

In less than a moment, the aroma of food filled the house, and the two of them sat at the round table and enjoyed a simple and sweet dinner.

The two of them are smart and alert, and it doesn't take them a few days to adapt to their new life.

Only 4,000 words will be updated tomorrow and will be resumed the day after tomorrow. Because there is a long series of plots in the back that are coherent, I have to double check.

Thanks to Xiong Yan’s children for the 100 points reward.

Thanks for changing this ID. I spent 30,000 points to reward 100 points.

Thanks for the 123 monthly votes I spent on changing this ID, Ran Yue Luoxue, LZBC, War Fortress No. 9, Dimension Boundary, Resistance to Ruthlessness, Wei Shan, Ji Sheng Zhu He Sheng He, Passerby Xiao Zhan, and Mr. Guo.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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