My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 113 Papa John’s Turkey Restaurant

Xia Zuo found a separate notepad, listed the required raw materials, and walked to the poison cabinet hall.

After working hard until noon, a rigorous poison research report appeared on his desk.

Xia Zuo took this report with him, went to the staff restaurant on the third floor to eat, and then went up to the 14th floor to find Captain Dunk.

Dunk was leaning against the window of his office, holding a briar pipe and puffing out the window, refreshing himself with tobacco mixed with spices.

"I have to take a few more puffs, I hope you don't mind. I'm getting older and my energy can't keep up."

Dunk smiled kindly a few times, took a puff of smoke, and slowly exhaled it toward the window. The wrinkles on his face relaxed comfortably, and his eyes became deeper.

"Did you find anything?"

Xia Zuo flipped through the report, showed the summary page of the report, and said:

"I am sure that those three cases were caused by the same transformer. I don't know how the transformer's strength is divided, so I can only give specific poisonous effect parameters. Under standard doses, the poisonous effect of coma is The intensity is level 3 and lasts about 30 minutes..."

Xia Zuo recited his research results fluently.

"I recorded the details in the research report, Captain Dunk."

Dunk became more energetic as he listened. He took the report and looked through it with his pipe in his mouth.

"Yes, yes, the efficiency of an expert poison alchemist is very high. If I analyze it myself, it would take two or three days, and the result may not be correct."

He tucked the report under his arm, took a long drag on his pipe, and exhaled the smoke.

"Has Director Vickers arranged a task for you? If not, come with us to hunt down the Transformers. Your detection spell [Toxin Sense] is perfect for tracking this guy who carries toxins."

Poison induction is a spell that is matched with the expert poison alchemist and is a detection spell exclusive to the alchemy school.

On the day Xia Zuo became an official mage, he obtained its spell book from Beatrice.

This spell amplifies the glow of poison within the caster's field of vision, making it easier for the caster to search for poison.

Casting requires non-attributed energy. The power of the spell only affects the detection range and does not enhance the detection effect.

Xia Zuo took out his schedule and took a look. Director Vickers deliberately relaxed today's schedule to give him time to adapt to the new environment.

"Captain, I'm free this afternoon."

"Wait for me for a while. This tobacco cannot be smoked over and over. It will have a strange smell."

Dunk took a few puffs as he spoke, and then put the pipe on the pipe rack of the locker together with several other pipes.

"Come on, let's call someone up."

Dunk picked up the windbreaker and felt hat on the coat rack and knocked on the open door next door.

"Llanlot, Leonard, get ready to go."

The two people who were half lying on the chairs stood up after hearing the sound, put on their windbreakers, and checked the waist packs buckled on their tactical belts.

Lanlot's gun and life alchemy stone were always hanging on his body, inseparable.

Leonard picked up a submachine gun-shaped elemental weapon from the gun rack beside the wall.

There are obvious differences in appearance between energy weapons and conventional weapons.

Just like the one in Leonard's hand.

The receiver is wider and thicker than conventional weapons. Although the barrel is also slender, there are circles of spring-like glass tubes wrapped around the outside.

Leonard shook the gun in his hand, walked towards the door, and asked:

"Captain, will Xia Zuo go too?"

"Yes, you give him some arrangements." Dunk replied, putting on his windbreaker.

Leonard took out a simple necklace from his pocket. The pendant was a finger-length rattan.

"Xia Zuo, wear this, and my totem pole will protect you. As long as I don't fall, no one can hurt you."

After he finished speaking, he punched himself twice on the chest. He looked very powerful and reliable.

"Thanks, Leonard."

Xia Zuo nodded, took the necklace and put it around his neck. He was very curious about how the totem pole was used and how Leonard used the totem pole to protect his teammates.

The four of them walked towards the elevator.

Dunk walked at the front of the team, flipping the secret message ring on his left hand with his right hand to send out a string of secret messages, and looked sideways at the desk in the reception room.

"Freya, let's go out for a while. When the time comes, lock the door and go home."

"Copy that! Captain."

Freya jumped up from her chair and watched everyone leave. She was happy that she didn't have to work overtime today. The smile on her lips was very bright, "I wish you all the best."

Xia Zuo followed the group to the underground floor of the building.

This is the parking lot.

Cars that are only occasionally seen on the street can be seen everywhere in parking lots, and they are fashionable and have spacious interiors, similar to the jeeps of the previous life.

Lanlot stepped into the driver's seat.

Leonard opened the side door of the carriage, waited for the captain and Xia Zuo to get in, then sat down by the window and guarded the only door of the rear carriage with his strong body.

"Llanlot, go to 15th Avenue and stop in front of Papa John's Turkey Restaurant. Lisa just sent a message saying that new clues were found there."

"Okay, captain, let's go now." Lanlot turned the key and started the ignition.

The engine made a low roar, but no steam or other mist came out.

Only then did Xia Zuo realize that he hadn't seen the car's exhaust pipe just now.

It is possible that this is a car powered by Category 1 energy.

When the car climbed up the slope of the underground exit, Xia Zuo was sure there was something special about this car.

There is no obvious noise or vibration when driving, it is quiet and smooth, just like the pure electric vehicles of the previous generation.

Dunk, who was sitting on the right side of Xia Zuo, continuously flicked the secret message ring on his left hand and said after a pause:

"I have obtained the field casting permit. It is valid until 5 o'clock tomorrow morning."

Leonard clapped his hands, with an excited expression, caressing the barrel of the Yuan Neng submachine gun, looking full of desire to shoot.

He opened the side cover of the receiver and poured out four glass tubes with spiral patterns inside.

Leonard held one of the glass tubes with his right hand, and the elemental energy flowed out from his palm and merged into the glass tube. After three to five seconds, the tube was filled with fiery red magic light.

"This is recharging the energy magazine."

Dunk knew that every man could not resist the temptation of firearms. While charging, he introduced Xia Zuo:

“This glass tube is the Yuaneng magazine.

"After you take the weapon alchemy course, you will learn the spell to recharge the magazine.

"With four elemental energy magazines, you can charge four elemental energies. You can also charge four different elemental qualities of fire energy like Leonard did."

Xia Zuo turned to look at Leonard, who had just finished charging.

The four glass tubes are golden white, bright yellow, fiery red and dark red.

Leonard noticed Xia Zuo's gaze, and while stuffing the energy magazine into the receiver like a battery, he introduced each one in an exaggerated tone:

"This golden-white one, ah~ I love it so much. The dazzling flash can make the enemy cry and howl in pain.

"Bright yellow, um~ high-temperature ray, it's very easy to cut through obstacles and pierce the enemy's armor.

"Fire red, whirring~~~ A big ball of flames that continues to spurt out. Regardless of what the enemy is, setting them on fire is definitely the right thing!

"Dark red, this is my baby, the most beloved baby. It sticks to the enemy tightly and burns them until... they are reduced to black coals."

Leonard closed the side cover, smiled with two rows of teeth, "I like the feeling of shooting with fire energy, it's great~"

Xia Zuo felt that the taste of muscular men was quite to his liking.

"I also like fire spells, they are dangerous and exciting, and their destructive power is amazing."

He suddenly felt confused, frowned slightly, and looked to the other side:

"Uh, captain, I'm new to this job, I don't have much experience. Why don't you just use offensive spells?"

"The pace of actual combat is too fast, Xia Zuo, and it is very cruel. It is not as gentle as the competition in the academy. The attack in actual combat must be effective. It must be fast, accurate, ruthless, and fatal with one blow. Only energy weapons can help us accomplish these things. .”

Dunk loaded his Yuan Neng pistol, took out his handkerchief and wiped the gun body carefully, as if performing some kind of sacred ritual of blessing, and continued:

“When casting spells in battle, you must first enter shallow meditation, and you must also prevent being interrupted by spells and pain.

"Sometimes you are unlucky and the enemy dodges several attacks in a row. Then you will fall into passivity, retreat and be defeated by enemies who attack faster and stronger."

Xia Zuo never worried about these things because of his [spellcasting instinct].

Now that I think about it, what Dunk said does make sense.

Dunk put the Yuan Neng pistol back into the holster and told Xia Zuo:

"This is your first time to participate in an operation. The enemy is not very strong, so it is very suitable for you to open your eyes. You are a support staff. I will not let you rush to the front, but the protection you can provide is limited. You have to remember Three o'clock."

"One, follow my command, wear the secret message ring to keep in touch, and don't make any rash decisions."

Dunk held up two fingers.

"Two, don't take off the necklace Leonard gave you. It can protect you when you are attacked."

"Third, when faced with a choice, consider your own safety first, and your teammates' second."

Xia Zuo took out Dunk's secret message ring and put it on, and nodded solemnly, "Can I use attack spells?"

"Yes, when submitting the application for spell casting, I included you. When attacking, it is best to use curse spells, so that it is not easy to accidentally injure your teammates and yourself."

"Looking forward to your performance."

Dunk patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder, and then said to the other team members:

"I have read Xia Zuo's report. It is a juvenile transformer that has just finished the gluttony stage and does not have the ability to attack yet.

"According to the time calculation, at this time, it should be hiding in a dark corner digesting blood food.

"Lisa found important clues from the family members of three victims, all of whom visited Papa John's Turkey yesterday.

"I suspect that the tableware, food and furniture there are contaminated with the body fluids of the transformers, which has caused the nearby police station to send personnel to evacuate and check civilians."

Dunk paused, "Llanlot, you guard the front door and the nearby manhole cover. Lisa is responsible for the back door. Leonard, Xia Zuo, you and I enter the restaurant and search all rooms."

Xia Zuo thought about it and raised his hand to ask a question.

"Say, Xia Zuo." Dunk tilted his head towards him.

"Can I cast Tivanas Windwalk? Follow you in gas cloud form."

Dunk shook his head, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate. If it turns into a gas cloud, Leonard's protective necklace will be temporarily disabled, and you will be in danger."

"Okay, I understand."

Xia Zuo nodded and said, secretly praying that nothing would happen. He had promised Anruer not to go to the front line.

At the same time, he was also glad that he had the good habit of saving free attribute points.

[Basic blood return speed]

45 points/hour

[Free Attribute Points] 55

With more than 50 free attribute points in hand, and a blood recovery speed of up to 45 points/hour, as long as he is not killed instantly, he can recover from any serious injury.

not to mention…

Xia Zuo turned his attention to his right armpit. The primary life alchemy stone was filled with various supplements.

To put it bluntly, he had the slightest illusion of invincibility...'s limited to enemies at the level of official mages and below.

Lanlot's driving skills were very skillful. He turned left and right on the street and soon arrived near 15th Avenue.

There are police officers armed with conventional rifles standing guard every ten meters here. Pedestrians coming and going noticed something strange and couldn't help but quicken their steps.

Not far away on the street corner, a group of civilians were being disinfected and tested under the command of the police.

Thanks to the Silver Moon Federation's inclusion of knowledge on how to deal with monsters and disasters into its textbooks, the crowd was calm and there was no commotion.

Captain Dunk revealed some undisclosed information to Xia Zuo on the way.

The body fluid of the transformer is a marker.

It sticks to surfaces and spreads with people's daily activities.

Transformers are selective in devouring living bodies, and only humans who meet the physical requirements are the best targets.

When the body fluids come into contact with such people, they will emit a unique smell, allowing the transformer to follow the smell to find the target.

Yesterday's three victims all visited Papa John's Turkey.

Even if this is not the lair of the Transformers, it is still a place where important clues are hidden.

The airbag carried by the police officer responsible for disinfection contained a special agent for eliminating the residue of the body fluids of the transformed person.

After disinfection, you will be exposed to the body fluid detector again, and you can leave after confirming that there are no abnormalities. Otherwise, you will need to be disinfected again until the test is passed.

When Xia Zuo and his party got off the car, the entire disinfection work was coming to an end.

There were no people outside the surrounding isolation zone who stopped to watch.

When everyone passes by, they will stay away from the action team members who are carrying guns and wearing windbreakers.

Especially when the big man Leonard had a serious face, he looked like he would not let strangers in.

"team leader."

A slender woman walked towards her, with a belted windbreaker that outlined her curves. She wore black leather gloves on both hands, the same color as her shoulder-length hair, her facial features were three-dimensional, and her smile was very friendly.

"This is Xia Zuo, no introduction is needed."

Dunk pointed to the new team members beside him.

"Xia Zuo, this is Lisa, our team's blessing master, healer, pharmacist, and also an excellent liaison. She is proficient in evocation, blessing and detection, and has an elemental body."

"Hello, Xia Zuo."

Lisa took the initiative to reach out her hand and shake it gently, "With you here, the efficiency of our team has improved a lot. I like the investigation rhythm of turning in clues on the same day and receiving responses on the same day."

"We like that too."

Dunk laughed beside him, and Lanlot and Leonard, who were on alert, also smiled. It seemed that everyone was quite satisfied with the new support staff.

"Hello, Lisa."

Xia Zuo shook hands with the opponent and then let go. He looked at his teammates and responded with a smile, "This is what I should do."

Seeing that the two of them had gotten to know each other, Dunk led the team towards the policeman guarding the door of the restaurant.

"Officer Frank, thank you for coming to command the scene in person."

The policeman known as Frank was a bearded man of the same age as Dunk. He wore a round cap with a police badge and a prim look on his face. He had two stripes and one star on his shoulders.

A relaxed smile appeared on his face after seeing Dunk.

"Leave it to you, Captain Dunk. I will lead people to guard the surroundings. The waiters and owners of the restaurant have just been taken away, and they will be investigated and tested at the police station."

Dunk made a few gestures to Lisa and Lanlot, and after chatting with Officer Frank for a few words, he lifted up the isolation tape in front of the restaurant and walked into the restaurant.

The three people present had mental attribute values ​​of over 25 points, and they could all detect a lot of black threads and tiny particles floating in the air.

Xia Zuo has been refining poison for so many years and is very familiar with these things.

They are toxins that volatilize into the air. If you look closely, you can see the dim elemental light.

After casting the spell [Toxin Induction].

The black threads and particles become clearer and clearer, as if they have been highlighted and sharpened, and highlighted in the field of view.

Dunk looked at Xia Zuo, whose eyes were filled with emerald green light, and whispered:

"When the transformer digests blood food, its size will shrink to the size of a cat or dog, and it will be afraid of light. Please observe similar places carefully."

Xia Zuo nodded calmly, maintained the spell-casting state, and slowly walked towards the kitchen where the concentration of toxins was higher.

Dunk and Leonard were holding Yuan Neng firearms, one on the left and one on the right, guarding him.

This restaurant specializes in turkey dishes of various flavors, and its reputation has spread throughout half of Poseidon.

As the boss's business grew, he renovated the kitchen and warehouse, creating separate warehouses for storing spices, meat and vegetables.

The toxins in the air were wafting from one of the warehouses.

Xia Zuo squatted down and leaned over to check the crack in the door. Black threads were swimming out.

"team leader."

Xia Zuo lowered his voice and said:

"There may be other exits in this warehouse, and the toxins are blown in by the wind from inside."

Dunk did not have Poison Sense, a spell exclusive to the expert poison alchemist.

He could see a thick black fog lingering near the crack of the door. He felt the wind direction carefully with his fingers and came to the same conclusion as Xia Zuo, but it was not as precise and intuitive as the other party.

Dunk reached out and flipped the secret message ring. After about a minute, his expression darkened.

"The restaurant owner lied before, but now he confesses. Below this warehouse is the former pickling room, and the transformer should be hiding in there."

He flipped the ring's pick a few more times, "We'll wait and take action. I'll let Lanlot control the spirit body and take a look in the sewer."

The three of them waited in silence for a while.

"Kacha kacha." A new secret message came.

Dunk rubbed his fingers over the surface of the ring, discerning the contents of the secret message by touch.

"Let's go in."

Dunk and Leonard looked at each other and changed their positions in tacit understanding.

The big man acted as a human wall in front, while Dunk carried his gun to guard the enemies on both sides and behind.

Leonard folded the butt of the gun and held the Yuan Neng submachine gun in one hand.

A rattan-like totem pole was hung from the gun.

The totem pole casts a protective spell, condensing a magical shield in front of its owner to deal with impacts and projectiles.

Xia Zuo's eyes lit up when he saw this way of casting spells. The totem pole could actually be used in this way...

Leonard pushed open the iron door of the warehouse with his left hand.

There are several alchemy chandeliers with weak light in the room.

Lights illuminate the barrels on the shelves.

The strong aroma of spices penetrates the nostrils, with spicy, sweet and sour, black pepper and other flavors.

The smell here smells incredibly complex.

The three people at the door were well prepared and were not affected at all.

The turkey needs to be marinated for 2 days to develop its flavor, and it is especially delicious after roasting.

What was placed sealed in the wooden barrel in front of him were the turkeys being marinated one by one.

After the restaurant's business boomed, the supply of semi-finished turkeys had to keep up. There were six rows of shelves stocked with turkeys being marinated.

Following Xia Zuo's guidance, the three of them came to the depths of the warehouse and stopped next to a shelf.

Xia Zuo patted Leonard's shoulder and pointed to the ground directly in front of him. A slightly loose square tile caught his attention, "The toxins are densest in that location."

"I'll set up the soundproof barrier." Leonard reached forward and stretched out his hand.

After a brief green light, a rattan totem pole half as tall as a man appeared out of thin air next to the shelf.

Invisible spell waves emanated from the totem pole, and the surrounding area became quieter and quieter.

Leonard reached into his pocket with his left hand and pulled out the dagger, then quietly pried open the tile pointed out by Xia Zuo, revealing a square hole.

Toxic black mist spurted out from the hole.

Dunk was prepared and took out a metal box with a fan and placed it at the entrance of the cave.

The fan blades rotated, and the black mist was sucked into the box. After more than ten seconds, the mist was no longer thick, and only a few black threads floated out of the hole.

"Did you smell it?"

Xia Zuo found that his voice had become dull and his volume had dropped sharply. Unless someone else was standing nearby, it would be impossible to hear what he was saying.

I think it's caused by the soundproof barrier.

Xia Zuo moved closer to the hole, which was just big enough for one person to crawl through, and fanned his nose, "There is an addictive smell in the hole."

Dunk nodded, flicked the ring a few times, and said after receiving the reply.

"The guy confessed that he planted prohibited substances below and used them as seasonings to enhance the flavor."

Several more messages came from the Ring of Secret Message, and Dunk brushed his fingers over the surface of the ring.

"Well... Lanlot has a new clue. There is a gap in the ground of the abandoned marinating room below, which is connected to the city sewer. The transformer is lying in the contraband. Wait a minute, Lanlot is controlling Peake Seal the breach.”

Dunk worked on the ring a few times, "Do it, Leonard. Burn it clean."

"Copy that, Captain."

Leonard lowered his voice and laughed.

He fired a golden-white magic bullet into the hole.

"Poof!" In the short burst, a bright snow-white light flashed, illuminating the cave and the figures of the three people at the entrance of the cave.

"Ha! I saw it!" Leonard laughed ferociously and pulled the trigger again.

This time, a dark red bullet flew out.

The bullet exploded as soon as it touched the curled monster figure below, became as thick as magma, and stuck firmly to the target, making a sizzling grilling sound.

"Go to hell, Transformer."

Leonard pointed his gun forward and sprayed out a red pillar of fire.


A high-pitched hiss like a rat came out of the ground.

"Dong dong dong!" The transformer was knocking on the obstacle at the breach, trying to break the rocks blocking his escape, but it was obviously in vain.

The spirit has half the spellcasting power of its master.

Lanlot controlled Pique to summon a hard wall to block the transformer.

The Transformer screamed in pain in the blazing waves of fire, changed the direction of escape, and tried to crawl out of the hole in his head.

As soon as Xia Zuo saw the opponent's spherical head, he unceremoniously cast the Curse of Decay.

The curse mark was stamped on the forehead of the transformer, and the surrounding gray skin immediately shrank.

Dunk held the gun with both hands and fired a yellow magic bullet.

"Go back, you bastard."

The magic bullet with the [sharp] characteristic was shot hard into the transformer's Tianling Cap, bringing out a mess of filthy blood and minced meat.

The Transformer whined, fell back, and struggled in the red flames, his voice gradually weakening.

Xia Zuo maintained the curse of decay and deliberately wanted to get the final blow to see if there was a kill reward.

The curse spell can still take effect when the target cannot be seen, as long as the energy is continuously transferred, it must be said that it is very convenient.

A crackling sound similar to the cracking of dry firewood came from the ground. The smell of burning and stench combined with the rotten smell turned into mist and gushes out from the entrance of the cave.

The fan placed on the ground rotated rapidly, sucking away the large cloud of fog and putting it into the bottomless iron box.

Goldfinger's message came to Xia Zuo's mind, which was the same as the first time he killed the Transformer, with more than a dozen lines.

Hehe, it seems that as long as you participate in the kill, you can get rewards.

Xia Zuo looked calm, did not reveal his inner fluctuations, and maintained the spell-casting state. He did not lift the spell until Leonard stopped spraying flames.

Dunk casts a low-power light spell on the entrance of the cave, illuminating the cave with bright white light.

"It's done, guys. This juvenile transformer has become a waste. All the pieces of flesh it split have been burned away."

Dunk crouched down to get in.

"Leonard, you're on top to take care of me. Xia Zuo, I need your poison induction, follow me."

The hole is wider than expected, at least I can stand upright in it.

Precisely because of the limited space, the flames spewed by Leonard enveloped the squirming pieces of flesh split from the transformer.

Xia and Zuo picked up the transformer's waste and put it into a metal container. After making sure that no toxic substances were left behind, they called Leonard and returned to the door of the restaurant.

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 500 points!

Thanks to Mu Yimo Shadow for the 1500 points!

Thanks to Ervya, a certain super, time-honored brand 159753, Muyi Moying, Qixi's Qixi, Book Friends 20170907201636783, Diving Monster 9527, Shit Shovel Officer D He Cook, Book Friends 20170411222541592, King Arthur must be a girl, Xuan Mi Daoye, Greatpsygod, my name is Bian Que, I am a bookworm, and I cast my monthly vote!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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