Dunk and Sergeant Frank described the situation inside.

Xia Zuo and other team members each carried a disinfectant air bag and walked into the restaurant to eliminate the toxins.

Taking this opportunity, Xia Zuo looked through Goldfinger's news.

"Successfully used the Curse of Decay to eliminate the Transformers, and gained a total of 260 experience points due to [Spell Training] and [Curse Mastery].

"Affected by unknown things...attribute determination is in progress.

"..[Vitality] judgment passed!

"Acquire the blood magic knowledge related to [Vitality] and the digital transformation is completed..Acquire new specialties."

[Speciality Name] Blood Sensing·Incompleteness

[Feature Description 1]

The bloodmark of Uchimus the Transformer has been recorded.

[Feature Description 2]

This specialty is incomplete. You can only receive blood information through the recorded blood mark, but cannot send blood information or be sensed by other blood mages.

【Specialty Effect】

Activate this feat and choose one of the recorded bloodmarks to receive information delivered to that bloodmark.

The literal meaning is not difficult to understand.

Having this specialty is equivalent to having a secret message ring that can only receive messages, but cannot send messages.

While spraying the disinfectant mist, Xia Zuo activated the [Blood Sensing] specialty in his mind and selected Uzimus' blood mark.

no response?

His mind went blank, and there was no so-called bloodline information coming through.

Or should it be activated all the time? Maybe it will be available later...


A strange voice suddenly sounded in his ears, interrupting Xia Zuo's thoughts.

The sound sounded mixed, as if a dozen people were making sounds at the same time.

Moreover, the language used was not the lingua franca of the Eastern and Western continents, and the intonation was strange.

Xia Zuo confirmed that he had never learned the language, but he could understand the meaning of the words.

His hand holding the nozzle trembled slightly, he glanced at his teammates as if nothing had happened, and continued to spray the disinfectant mist.


The unknown voice repeated the name.

"We know you can hear us, but you can't respond to us."

"You did a great job, a really good job. We heard your wails and pleas. Hahaha."

A strange voice let out a string of hoarse laughter, and the words were ethereal and seductive:

"The flames and the curse of decay destroyed your body, but they cannot erase the blood connection between you and us.

"You will stay in a cold iron box for a long time. What a miserable experience~

"We saw that team of sloppy dogs, but we deliberately didn't remind you to escape. Do you blame us? Hate us? Haha... No, you won't. You are our child, our relative, how could we push you away? To endless torture.”

The strange voice paused, "Your mission has arrived, Ulzimus, we said on the night we gave you new life that you have a special mission."

"Our blood remains in your body, and it will be processed by the demon hunters into tools to track us."

The strange voice laughed a few times, "Stupid witcher, haha, our transformation ritual has long been different from the past.


The unfamiliar voice seemed to have a split personality. One second he was still laughing, but the next second his face changed, and his tone was extremely sharp:

"We order you to retain the blood of Ufaris and use your remaining strength to excrete the rest of the blood out of the body.

“You must, Ulzimus.

"Otherwise, just lie down in the iron box."

The strange voice changed, and a dozen mixed voices suddenly separated clearly. A dozen people of different genders, ages, and speaking styles shouted together:

"Remember! Keep Ufaris' blood! Only keep his!"

Xia Zuo felt as if his head had been hit hard, and a dozen people were shouting loudly in his ears, which caught him off guard and made him confused.

Fortunately, the other team members were concentrating on eliminating the toxins and didn't notice anything strange about him.

Xia Zuo took a deep breath and used the smell of disinfectant mist to calm his inner agitation.

No more strange voices in my ears.

Xia Zuo thought for a while and turned off [Blood Sensing] to prevent strange voices from interfering with normal work like auditory hallucinations.

In just two minutes, there were many questions in his head.

Who is this strange voice?

Why does it sound like a dozen people talking at the same time?

What is the magic principle of this kind of kinship induction?

Who is Ufaris?

Why only keep his blood?

And haven’t the converts been eliminated? How can it still excrete blood?

Questions like this occupy most of my mind.

Xia Zuo rubbed his brows lightly and put them aside for the time being.

About half an hour later.

Xia Zuo cast poison induction and checked the entire restaurant until all remaining toxins were eliminated before following Dunk into the car.

Follow-up matters are handled by the nearby 15th Avenue Police Department.


Investigate the relationship between restaurant owners and converters.

Reasons for cracks in abandoned marinating rooms.

The action team will not be involved in such trivial matters.

"Llanlot, go to the witcher master." Dunk said to the figure in the driver's seat.

"Okay, captain, let's go now."

Lanlot touched the glass bead on the butt of the gun to comfort the agitated Piqué. He might have been manipulated by his master into going to the sewer, and the spirit pig was a little restless.

Lanlot lowered his head and blew a whistle towards the glass bead, then started the car and drove smoothly through the street.

Lisa, who was in the passenger seat, was not surprised by Peake's temper.

She flipped the secret message ring and said, "Captain, I have spoken to the two masters. We will arrive at their manor in ten minutes."


Dunk nodded, took out a pipe of tobacco from his pocket, put it to the tip of his nose, smelled it, and looked at Xia Zuo.

"Each transformer needs a blood demon to arrange the transformation ceremony, so the blood of a blood demon will remain in the transformer's body..."

Xia Zuo hesitated after hearing this, but still raised his hand to interrupt the captain's speech.

"Say, Xia Zuo."

"Captain, will there be a situation where two blood demons arrange a transformation ritual and create a transformer?" Xia Zuo asked.

"If you think about it from an alchemical perspective, it is possible, but..."

Dunk paused while sniffing the tobacco and frowned.

"But there is no precedent, and the situation you mentioned has never happened."

Dunk continued what he had just interrupted and said:

"The master demon hunter can use the blood remaining in the transformer's body to track the traces of the blood demon. It is the master demon hunter's job to deal with the blood demon. We can just send the waste there."

Xia Zuo learned this piece of information from Dimu and nodded without asking for more information.

There was a question in his mind that he could only find the answer to:

After killing the Transformer.

Was the new specialty he obtained through "plundering" or "copying"?

The former means that Ulzimus, who was burned to waste, has lost his bloodline mark and can no longer receive instructions from strange voices.

But if it’s the latter…

At this time, in the metal box placed on Dunk's leg, Ulzimus' waste should be excreting the rest of his blood.

To verify which method you used to obtain the special skills, you can open the iron box after meeting the Demon Hunter Master later to get the answer.

Xia Zuo leaned back and leaned on the sofa cushion.

Leonard on the left is wiping his rifle. Look at the meticulousness, not to mention how much he loves his rifle.

Captain Dunk on the right is sniffing tobacco. I don't know if he is addicted to cigarettes, or because he wants to refresh himself with the aroma of tobacco.

Lisa was turning the dial of the secret message ring. There was a notepad open on her lap, and she was recording the contents of communications on the pages from time to time.

Xia Zuo stared blankly at the windshield, recalling and interpreting the information revealed by the unfamiliar voice.

10 minutes later.

Lanlot drove into a classical manor in the style of the previous era.

Rexor and Seretes sat under the tree, drinking cider and playing cards.

"We'll talk later. We're doing business."

Rexall waved his hand to Dunk, who was approaching.

Xia Zuo looked at the pieces of paper on the card table. It was a card game called Gwent. It was as interesting as other games.

The game between the two master demon hunters was at a stalemate.

After several minutes of entanglement, it ended with Seritus losing 1 card to Baldhead.

"Master, here is the waste of the Transformer." Dunk patted the metal box in his hand.

"Let's go inside and talk."

Rexor counted his Gwent cards, put them into his pocket with satisfaction, smiled proudly at Seritus, who had a stiff face after losing the cards, and walked towards the stone house not far away.

A group of people came to the house.

Rexall kicked the glass bottle away from his feet, swept his arms across the messy dining table, cleared a small space, took the metal box from Dunk's hand, put it on the table and opened it.

Xia Zuo stared at the black waste in the box and released his detection technique.

However, he knew too little about the Transformers and did not get the information he wanted.

His eyes scanned the surface of the waste and the inside of the box, but he didn't see any blood leaking out.

Rexall took out a bottle of indigo alchemical powder from the medicine belt and sprinkled it evenly on the waste residue.

Seritus was unhappy about losing Gwent, but things were done as they were done.

He stirred the waste residue with a clean wooden spoon to thoroughly mix the alchemical powder and waste residue.

The waste residue changed from black to indigo, and the dim elemental light became much clearer.

Rexall took some waste residue and poured it into another potion bottle.

The potion was dyed indigo by the waste residue.

There were three drops of dark blood sinking to the bottom of the bottle.

After a few seconds, a crystal blood-red diamond sank to the bottom of the bottle.

Rexor rubbed his chin, exchanged a few words with Cerites in a low voice, then clapped his hands and said to the members of the action team:

“Well done, guys.

"This is an infant transformer who has just undergone the transformation ceremony.

"Last night was the first time it went into gluttony. Three unfortunates lost their lives.

"As for who is the blood demon who arranged the transformation ceremony for it..."

The bald man picked up the sharp tweezers, pinched the bloody red diamond with his steady right hand, put it into a small square black box, and shook the box to make a rattling sound.

An emotionless voice came from the box. The words were so weak that they were almost inaudible:

"Wu, Fa, Li, Si."

"Ufaris, I remember it."

Rexor stuffed the black box into his alchemy pocket, a sneer appeared on his face, and his eyes flickered as if he was caught in memories.

"A blood addict who was a hundred years ago has now become a blood demon who spreads blood magic. It seems that he has lived a good life in the desert and wants to come back to taste the pain."

Uh... The big bald head read out the name of the blood demon directly... Aren't you afraid that the other party will sense the direction and come to the door directly?

Xia Zuo blinked as he looked at the other party's shiny forehead, realizing that the master demon hunters might be hoping that the monsters would come over on their own.

He crossed his arms, held his chin with his right hand, and stared at the waste of the Transformer.

Rexall mentioned only one blood demon by name.

This statement confirms that the way to obtain [Blood Sacrifice Spellcasting] and [Blood Sensation] is to copy a special skill from the killed object.

In other words, the master demon hunter and the action team members around him may have fallen into some kind of trap at this time.

Xia Zuo frowned when he thought of this, but because he had no good way to remind his companions, he could only keep it in his heart for the time being.

"Ouch~" A dissatisfied pig growl came from under Lanlot's windbreaker.

Lanlot smiled awkwardly and reached for the pistol grip.

"Sorry, sorry, Pique is a little unhappy. Every time he lets it go into the sewer, it always behaves like this ha...ha..."


The piglet popped out of the glass ball with a bang, howled and hit its owner on the head.

Lanlot gained control of the spirit in time and stopped the piglet before it hit it.

"Pique, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

"Here, eat something delicious." Lanlot took out a handful of feed from his pocket and brought it to the piglet, but was pushed aside stubbornly.


The piglet broke free from the control of his master's mind, jumped on the table, circled around the metal box containing the waste several times, then jumped on Rexall's shoulder, and took out a potion bottle in his mouth.

"Don't worry, little one, don't worry. Most of the methods of communicating with spirits have been lost. Your master can't understand you, and you can't blame him. There's no point in being anxious. Let me see what you want to express. ..." Rexor touched his bald head, took the medicine bottle from the piglet's mouth, and said:

"You want me to test the blood residue in the waste again? Right?"


Pique nodded humanely, rubbed the bald man's neck, and glanced at his own person with disgust, making Lanlot's embarrassed smile grow stronger.

"Then let's test it again. Anyway, there are plenty of potions."

Rexall was about to dig up the waste with a spoon, but was nudged by Pique again.

Pique floated to the bald man's hand, took the other man's sleeve in his mouth, and changed his angle to dig out the waste.

"Okay, I'll dig here."

Rexall did as he was told, taking a spoonful of the waste and pouring it into the potion bottle.

Something unexpected happened!

Two blood-red diamonds appeared at the bottom of the bottle!

The expressions on the faces of Rexor and Seretes changed instantly, and were extremely complicated. They were shocked and horrified, mixed with fear and happiness.

The action team members turned their heads neatly and looked at the new support personnel.

Xia Zuo's hair suddenly stood up, his pupils dilated, he reached out and pressed his forehead, and said to the action team members who were looking at him:

"I just asked casually in the car, really, really, just casually. It's a coincidence."

He took a breath, "And the captain also said that from an alchemical perspective, it is indeed possible for two blood demons to arrange a ritual for a transformer."

Xia Zuo suddenly thought of something, cast poison induction, stared at the indigo waste, and murmured to himself:

"So that's it. I told you why I felt something was wrong before."

What you say is for other people to hear.

When Xia Zuo looked at the indigo waste with green eyes, he indeed found an excellent explanation.

He knows how to prove that there is something wrong with the garbage in front of him!

As we all know, the blood mage's own body fluids, blood, saliva, etc. are toxic.

But the blood of every blood mage is different, and the toxicity it contains is also different.

When Ulzimus followed the instructions of the strange voice and excreted the rest of the blood, he might not have excreted all the blood because of the rush of time.

In addition to the blood of Ufaris that was planned to be retained, the blood of another blood mage was also retained.

When the poison induction takes effect.

Xia Zuo discovered that the dim elemental light of the indigo waste in front of him was no longer a complete piece, and the dim light of two different grayscales were intertwined.

It seems that the alchemical powder added by Rexor further enhanced the effect of the poison induction spell.

Xia Zuo picked up a spoon and swiped it through the indigo waste.

Rexall's face was as dark as water. He took out a blood-red diamond from the potion bottle and put it into the small black box.

"Wu, Tuo, Liu, Si" is the name of another blood demon.

The bald man put the remaining blood-red diamonds into the small black box and got the name "Ufaris".

"So this transformer was created by two blood demons?"

Rexor stared at Xia Zuo who was dividing the waste into two lumps for a while, then turned to look at the spirit pig lying in Lanlot's arms...

This man and a pig were actually sharper than him, a master demon hunter. The alchemy school's poison induction is really different from the spirit body school.

Rexor shook his bald head, stretched out his hand and patted his forehead to drive away the distracting thoughts in his mind, focus on the business, and murmured to himself:

"Who is Utholeus? Judging from the structure of this name, he looks like an old guy from hundreds of years ago."

Seretes folded his arms and stomped a few steps beside the table, his thick black eyebrows almost knitted into one.

"Leso, let's go to the second floor."

The cold man wearing a red headband shook his head toward the stairs.

Rexor understood, pondered for a moment, and said to the members of the action team:

"We'll be right back. Just stay here and don't leave."

"Do you mind if I take a sip?" Dunk took out a pipe.

"If you please, man."

Rexor waved his hand and walked up the stairs to the second floor with Cerites.

Dunk stuffed tobacco into the pipe, lit the pipe with a flame on his fingertips, took a comfortable puff, leaned against the window and spit it out, his eyes fell on the figure playing with the waste:

"Xia Zuo, are you classifying the waste? Separate the waste containing two different types of blood."

"Yes, Captain."

Xia Zuo's eyes were green, and he was swiping the spoon in his right hand, "This is thanks to Master Rexor's alchemy powder. Speaking of which, does our alchemy school have similar products?"

"No, no, it is the product of alchemy that belongs exclusively to the school of demon hunting.

“They have their own alchemy system, which is different from ours.

"There are laws in the Mage Temple that prohibit cracking the unique products of other schools, just like the Demon Hunting School cannot crack the weaving principle of poison induction."

Dunk took a puff from his pipe and blew the smoke out the window.

"I have a hunch that this incident is directed at the Blood Demon No. 13 who arrived in Poseidon City with you. Did you encounter anything unusual on the way to escort this Blood Demon?"

Xia Zuo was stunned, then looked at the captain and then at the other team members, "Don't you know? I thought Director Vickers had told you. I'm not sure if I can say..."

"Did Master Demon Hunter and Director Vickers give you a gag order?" Dunk raised his eyebrows and stopped smoking as he felt that he had discovered a bright spot.

"No." Xia Zuo shook his head.

"That can be said." Dunk nodded.

Under the gaze of all the team members, Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and recalled the conversation on the airship. He had been guarding the hourglass in the room with the curtains closed.

"We encountered an attack by the alien demon monitors. Fortunately, the federal air support arrived in time to help us get out of the siege. The blood demon No. 13 we escorted kept trying to self-destruct, but the master used a flesh puppet to temporarily suppress it. Its self-destructive behavior sealed it in the culture tank on the 6th floor underground before the puppet collapsed."

As soon as these words came out, there was a gasp in the room.

Leonard tightened his grip on the gun belt on his shoulder.

Lanlot's hands kneading Pique were frozen.

Lisa rubbed her hands restlessly in front of her.

Dunk frowned and even forgot to smoke.

"A big, famous guy is here."

Dunk regained his composure and took a drag on his cigarette.

"The self-destruction may be to keep the secret, otherwise our researchers will slowly discover it. The Strange Demon Monitor is the aerial reconnaissance unit of the Strange Demon Church. If there is no federal air force... your airship will encounter Big trouble.”

"I have confirmed one detail."

Dunk tapped his pipe ashes on the window frame.

"Master Rexor himself did not expect that Blood Demon No. 13 would be so important to the Strange Demon Church, so he did not notify the Federation in advance to send escorts."

Xia Zuo pulled at the waste a few times and finally divided it into two lumps of different gray shades.

He put down his spoon and asked, "Captain, what is the Church of Strange Demons?"

"It literally means the church of strange demons. The Mage Temple was established by orthodox mages. Those strange demons who acquired evil inheritance established the Church of Strange Demons deep in this land."

Dunk explained a few words and looked at the two figures at the top of the stairs.

Rexor and Ceretes came down.

The bald man walked to the dining table without saying a word, used the medicine bottle and the small black box to test the two pieces of waste separated by Xia Zuo, and got the two names Ufaris and Utorius.

Xia Zuo and Pique, who was lying in his master's arms, looked at each other and smiled.

Lanlot rubbed Pique's head hard, and Pique rubbed it in the master's hand like a favor.

Rexall turned a blind eye to these actions, propped his arms on the edge of the table, stared at the table in thought for a few seconds, raised his head and said:

"Guys, things are a little tricky. We don't know when the blood mage mastered the new transformation ritual. Maybe there are problems with the transformers captured in the past."

He looked at Dunk by the window, "Are all the transformers sealed in the Bosin Building?"

"Yeah." Dunk nodded.

Rexall said:

"Then there is no other good way except to be more vigilant. If you separate the seal and go to another place, you might just fall into the blood mage's trap."

Dunk glanced at the team's liaison officer, and Lisa lowered her head and flicked the secret message ring on her finger.

"Seritus and I are responsible for tracking down Utholeus and Ufaris."

Rexor paused, "In addition, we need to learn the secret of Blood Demon No. 13 as soon as possible, so that Vickers can speed up the progress and mobilize more manpower."

"Yes, Master."

Dunk glanced at Lisa again, and her fingers moved the ring's pick dexterously, making a long series of click sounds.

Several people in the room discussed some matters, and then Captain Dunk led the people out of the manor.

Xia Zuo was sitting in the car, feeling a little uneasy.

"Captain, do we need to inform our families to be safe? What if the blood mage lurking in the dark takes revenge on them..."

"In our line of work, there is no limit to who we offend, so you should be more careful."

Dunk patted the other party's shoulder, "I remember that your fiancée was mentioned in your employment information. She is an official mage and works at the Energy Research Institute. Both of you are students of Ms. Starry Night, right?"

Xia Zuo nodded.

Leonard on the side slapped Xia Zuo on the shoulder, "You are really capable of finding such a good fiancée. The benefits of the Energy Research Institute are much better than ours."

"Ahem." Dunk coughed a few times.

"Oh oh oh."

Leonard slapped his head and realized that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly changed his words and said:

"I mean, you don't have to worry about her. Researchers at the Energy Research Institute will be closely protected by the mage group stationed in the city, and they are all very valuable. What's more, both of you are students of Ms. Starry Night, and Poseidon City is her territory."

"That's good." Xia Zuoshu said with a smile.

"Captain." Lisa sat in the passenger seat, looked back at Xia Zuo, who was handsome, capable, and highly accomplished in alchemy, and then said to Dunk:

"Director Vickers wants you to come to his office."

"Okay, tell him I'll go find him as soon as I get to Posing Mansion."

Dunk glanced at each of his team members and praised:

"You all performed very well. Xia Zuo cooperated very well when participating in the operation for the first time. We will become more and more efficient in the future. Let's go home and rest later. We will talk about it tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Captain." Everyone replied.

Xia Zuo flipped through the golden finger information in his mind.

[Excellent Team Member] The experience given by this status bonus is not bad, 60 points, which is just a fraction of the previous kill of the Transformer.

By the way, there is one question that remains unanswered.

The transformers have obviously been eliminated, so why can they still excrete blood?

Xia Zuo thought for a while, but seemed to have no good excuse to ask this question, so he could only suppress the idea of ​​asking for the time being.

Thanks to my classmate Tianzhen for the 100 points.

Thanks to Fairyland Shenhe, TerryYu, cxbl, book friends 20190811202743633, book friends 161209073325914, "The Other Shore is Wandering", I think so I am 02, I am not here, sharp, fundamental, overseas people, and leg-leg dads for their monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes.

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