
Xia Zuo enters the St. York community.

When he went out in the morning, he made an agreement with Anru'er that she would stop by the market on the way back to buy some fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, and flour. She should be home by now.

Xia Zuo walked into the house and noticed the light of the stove in the kitchen window, and couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Can this girl cook?

Xia Zuo took out the key and opened the door, but did not smell the expected burnt smell.

He hung up his windbreaker and hat, put down his briefcase, hugged Anruer's delicate body from behind, and looked at the vegetable soup in the pot.

"Ang~ I didn't expect you to know this skill. It smells delicious. If I come back late in the future, you can cook."


Anruer turned her head and kissed the other person on the cheek.

"No problem. It's no problem to make dinner every day. Just help me wash the dishes and cutlery. If you have to wash the dishes after cooking, it will take away most of the fun of cooking."

"Okay, leave it to me to wash the dishes." Xia Zuo walked to the sink and washed his hands. "How is your first day at work? Can you get used to it?"

"Hmm~ I think it's pretty good."

Anruer stirred the soup pot and sprinkled chopped green onions and spices into it. "But I can't tell you in detail. The institute requires confidentiality. What about you? Are you out on field duty?"

"Uh yeah."

Xia Zuo lowered his head and looked at his shirt, vest, pants and leather shoes. He had obviously changed into a new set in the alchemy room, but why were they still found?

"Hmm, let's read the newspaper on the dining table."

Xia Zuo picked up the newspaper called "Poseidon Evening News".

The headline on the cover was the news that Papa John's Turkey Restaurant used banned spices and attracted evil spirits.

In the news illustration, the police pulled up a barrier to guard outside the restaurant.

Inside the restaurant are the back figures of the action team members, who are carrying disinfectant airbags and spraying aerosol in the restaurant.

Xia Zuo's figure is in an inconspicuous corner of the photo, standing in the corner with his back to the camera.

An acquaintance can recognize him if he looks closely.

What's more, An Ru'er is honest with her.

"You're out on the field on your first day at work. You guys are really busy~"

Anruer put down the steaming soup pot on the table, put her arms around her lover's shoulders, and her tone became soft.

"You have to pay attention to your safety. I don't want to be notified to visit you in the hospital one day while I'm working in the institute."

"Don't worry, that day won't happen." Xia Zuo comforted him by patting the back of the other person's hand.

After enjoying the vegetable soup, steak and sweet toast, Xia Zuo cleaned the tableware and kitchen, greeted Anruer who was lying on the sofa reading, and then came to sit down in his study.

A blank notepad and a pen filled with ink were placed on the table.

Xia Zuo gently rubbed his temples, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then activated [Blood Sensing] to see if there was any new information.


A strange voice mixed with more than a dozen sounds rang in his ears. The words did not fluctuate, and were completely indifferent and ruthless:

"Have you finished excreting the blood? Haha, did you find that Utholeus's blood is very stubborn and cannot be excreted. Haha... we changed our minds. Just lie down in the iron box. It won't be long before the blood comes. You will receive eternal life.”

Xia Zuo sat quietly for a few minutes, and when no more words came from him, he turned off [Blood Sensing].

The blood mage was cunning, cruel, and capricious. He agreed to keep only one part of his blood, but he changed his mind temporarily and used an unknown method to keep Utholeus's blood.

Blood mages can communicate with each other through blood induction.

Even if the transformer is burned to ashes, he can still receive the Blood Demon's bloodline information.

If it weren't for the fact that the transformers would leave behind black blood after devouring living bodies...

This disaster left over from the previous era is really difficult to track and deal with.

As an eavesdropper, Xia Zuo felt that the information conveyed by the unfamiliar voice was confusing.

The only thing that can be determined with more than 80% certainty now is:

A blood mage with a strange voice plans to rescue Blood Demon No. 13.

What Xia Zuo wants to do most now is to find other converters and kill them to obtain new blood magic specialties.

Maybe you can get knowledge related to the transformation ritual.

But where can I get the information about the Transformers? How can I kill them legitimately?

Xia Zuo scratched his hair.

"Oh, by the way. I remembered, Captain Dunk said there was an unsolved case..."

The 17th Action Team is only responsible for blood magic disasters at the official mage level, so those unsolved cases are all related to blood addicts and transformers.

Xia Zuo found a clear idea and rubbed his hands together excitedly. After calming down for a while, he picked up the pen and wrote down lines of text on the notepad to sort out the thoughts in his head.

Early next morning.

Xia Zuo arrived at the Bosin Building in a public carriage, and a certain secret message ring in his pocket vibrated.

He took it out and read the secret message on it.

Director Vickers sent a message saying that the work of the research team had changed, and a new research schedule was issued to remind researchers to check it.

Xia Zuo took back his ring and took out his pocket watch. There were still 20 minutes until work time. He immediately walked to the elevator leading to the action team with his briefcase in hand.

"Good morning, Freya." Xia Zuo opened the door.

The girl with long flaxen hair was kneading the spirit pig, raised her head and smiled, "Good morning, Xia Zuo..."

Xia Zuo walked in and opened the glass door with a smile.

Lanlot put his legs on his desk and read a book.

He learned through the spirit pig that Xia Zuo was coming. He kicked his legs and the chair under his butt rotated half a circle to face the door.

"Good morning, Xia Zuo, are you looking for the captain?"

"No." Xia Zuo shook his head, "I'm going to get some unsolved poisons and accurately identify them when I have free time today."

He looked at the two empty seats in the room and asked:

"Did Lisa go out again? Is there a new mission?"

"No. It was the employees of that restaurant who were tested for dirty residue yesterday.

"Lisa is in the isolation room of the 15th Avenue police station, monitoring the decontamination work to avoid accidents. I will be on duty in the afternoon."

Lanlot stood up as he spoke.

He put the book on the table, "Let me introduce you to the poison of the cold case."

The two walked through the exercise room, and Leonard, who was banging the iron, grinned.

Lanlot opened the door opposite the captain's office.

There is a thick curtain behind the door to prevent the smell in the room from escaping.

Lift the curtain and light the alchemy lamp.

Rows of metal shelves appear in front of you.

This room faced north, had no windows, was a bit cold, had no air circulation, and smelled strangely sour.

There are many metal boxes with labels on the shelves, and each box contains a poison that needs to be identified.

"I recommend you start with the most recent poison."

Lanlot took Xia Zuo to the depths of the room.

"For poisons that are more than three months old, even if the identification results are accurate, it will be difficult for us to track the target. Maybe they have already gone to the next state."

Lanlot reached out and scanned the shelves on both sides in front of him.

"The poisons in these metal boxes were collected no more than 3 months ago. The possibility of tracking the target is the highest."

Xia Zuo walked back and forth in front of the shelf.

The label on the box shows that the poisons in the box were left behind by the Transformers.

Xia Zuo asked puzzledly:

"Have there been no blood addicts in the past three months?"

Lanlot shook his head, pointed to the rows of shelves in front, and said:

"In the past year, there have been no blood addicts. This is related to the promotion conditions of blood addicts. The development here in Machina State is very good. There are very few powerful monsters wandering in the wild. It is not suitable for blood addicts to hunt monsters. Suck their blood."

Xia Zuo took two metal boxes from the shelf, "I'll take two copies away first. If they can be identified today, they will be delivered before get off work in the afternoon."


Lanlot looked at the label of the metal box the other party held, thought for a few seconds, reached out and picked up another metal box, and said:

"Why don't you take this box with you too. In my impression, these three poisons appear relatively close to each other. Maybe they were left by the same transformer."

Xia Zuo stuffed the three metal boxes into his alchemy pocket, chatted with Lanlot, and walked to the door, then took the elevator to the poison alchemy room on the third underground floor.

There is an extra stack of paper in the iron box next to the door of the alchemy room. This is a new research schedule.

The content on the first page shows that Director Vickers assigned him a job, and it started this morning.

As soon as Xia Zuo stepped into his alchemy room, he turned around, locked the door and headed for the stairwell.

He wore a poison-refining leather robe and came to Laboratory 13 on the 6th floor underground.

"Mr. Xia Zuo."

A female researcher in a white coat stood guard at the entrance of the laboratory and greeted Xia Zuo as soon as she saw him.

Researchers are at the same level and there is no superior-subordinate relationship.

But the expert poison alchemist itself represents a higher level of alchemical qualifications.

Female researchers will naturally use honorific titles when facing Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo looked at the other person's nameplate and said, "Good morning. Anna Gallia."

"Just call me Anna, Mr. Xia Zuo."

Anna smiled lightly, used her alchemy card to unlock the door of the laboratory, stepped aside to get out of the way, "Please come in."

There were five other researchers in the room. They heard the sliding sound of the door panel moving into the wall. They temporarily put down what they were doing and greeted Xia Zuo:

"Good morning, Mr. Xia Zuo."


Xia Zuo's eyes stayed on the faces of the five researchers for a while, and said at the same time:

"We have become colleagues in the same laboratory, and I look forward to having a good time working with you."

Xia Zuo noticed that the name badges of the five researchers had the word "B12" on them.

This is their level of citizenship.

Anna's citizenship level is B14, and she seems to be older than the others, close to 30 years old.

This means Anna is the leader of this research team.

The deputy team leader, whose citizen level is B13, may have stayed vigil last night, so he did not come to work today.

Xia Zuo looked at Anna beside him and said, "Let's get started. I will be watching the Blood Demon from the side."

Director Vickers has adjusted the work schedule of the expert poison alchemist.

There are currently 4 expert poisonists.

Everyone takes turns monitoring Blood Demon No. 13 using poison sensors according to the scheduled shift.

Xia Zuo was scheduled for today's morning shift.

At this time, just find a place to sit down, facing the culture tank inside the glass partition, and maintain the toxin induction casting state.

The Gorefiend looks like a ball of red sand, fixed in a culture tank by four beams of light.

Director Vickers wrote a few lines of notes on today’s research plan:

In the deepest part of the red sand, there is something called the Blood Essence Stone, which is the core of the Blood Demon.

The red sand is actually the shell that protects the Blood Essence Stone, and is called the Blood Demon's body.

The purpose of identifying the poisonous effect of Blood Demon No. 13's body was to create an antidote to destroy the Blood Demon's body.

Use the antidote to dissolve the blood demon's body and obtain the blood essence stone.

Then use an unknown method that is unknown to Xia Zuo at this level to obtain the secrets in the Blood Essence Stone.

This is the ultimate goal of studying Blood Demon.

Experimenting with the blood demon's body is the same as identifying unknown poisons.

The 8 researchers were divided into 4 groups, with 2 people in each group.

The team members cooperated with each other, using instruments in the culture tank to cut a small piece of red sand, and then separated the toxin on the closed poison operating table, and put it into a metal box for the expert poisonist to take away.

The four groups took turns using the instruments in the culture tank, which happened to be able to cut the red sand at all times.

A thing like the Blood Demon is difficult to eliminate unless it self-destructs.

Although the red sand is immobilized, it still has strong physical and energy resistance.

A special multi-layered blade must be used to cut a handful of gravel from the red sand.

Xia Zuo stared at the red sand with green eyes and thought of a question.

Can red sand be eaten? Can the body of the Blood Demon be eaten?

The so-called poison must have specific toxic effects after being taken to be called a poison.

If it simply causes physical damage after taking it, it is not considered poison.

If you want to get the toxin of the Blood Demon's body at once

Taking a standard dose to test the poison may be the fastest way.

Xia Zuo's lips twitched, as if he was eager

Ever since he discovered that the poisonous effect of elemental toxins was no more than this, his free attribute points had not been used and he had no chance to spend them.

Why don't you find a chance to taste the Blood Demon's body?

Maybe it can provide more elemental resistance?

The four-series resistance has stayed at 12% for a long time.

As soon as this idea appeared, it quickly grew in my mind.

Xia Zuo began to think about the possibilities.

It is impossible to use the Blood Demon No. 13 in front of you as a poison test material.

Every bit of grit cut from it is closely monitored, and Supervisor Vickers personally approves every dose of poison.

So... we have to find another blood demon...

Moreover, after the resistance is increased, more small light spots will appear on the body.

If there is no elemental body to cover it up, others will soon notice the abnormality.

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and realized that this was not a simple thing, but a systematic and large-scale project.

At noon, he took away the poison in a sealed metal box, first went to the alchemy room to put the things away, and then went to the restaurant upstairs to eat.

12:30 noon.

Xia Zuo returned to work in the alchemy room.

The red gravel that made up the body of Blood Demon No. 13 was placed in a closed poison operating table.

Xia Zuo used his thick-gloved hands to reach into the round hole of the glass cover to manipulate poisons and alchemy equipment.

The feedback information from the detection technique on the red sand is full of question marks and unknowns, which is the same as the previous detection result on the airship.

We can only conduct poison identification by honestly following the poison identification process.

After working hard until 4 p.m., Xia Zuo completed all the work for the day.

First go to the second underground floor to report to Director Vickers, hand over today's poison samples and the Blood Demon's body identification report, and then go upstairs to find Captain Dunk.

The three drug identification reports of the action team showed that the three murders in the old city north of Poseidon were committed by the same convert.

Dunk leaned against the window, exhaling smoke toward the low buildings and streets below, listening to Xia Zuo's report. Then he took the report and read it as he walked. He went to the poison room and took out a few more iron boxes and handed them to the support behind him. personnel.

"Xia Zuo, please identify these three poisons. If the identification results of these three are consistent with the previous three, then we have something to do."

Xia Zuo looked at the label on the box. The age ranged from eight months to six months ago. It was quite a while ago.

1 hour later, 5pm.

Xia Zuo returned to Dunk's office and placed a new drug identification report on his desk.

Dunk raised his eyebrows, feeling a slight difference in Xia Zuo's identification speed.

After he picked up the drug identification report and read it for a few seconds, he knew what was going on.

The results of today's six drug identification reports are all the same.

Dunk stared at Xia Zuo, who looked very young and inexperienced, feeling a little uncertain.

Could it be that he just fooled around a bit and then came up to do the job?

No, no.

Dunk rubbed his forehead, picked up his pipe and took a puff.

Xia Zuo's identity information clearly stated that his alchemical potential was top-notch, which meant that his knowledge of poison alchemy was absolutely unquestionable.

Dunk walked to the window and blew out the smoke. He felt that he was a little confused by Xia Zuo's young appearance. He was a genuine expert poison alchemist recognized by the Mage Temple!

Today's six poisons were indeed left by the same transformer.

That being said... the goal this time is a bit tricky.

Dunk thought for a while, put down his pipe, found Lisa who was reading next door, put the poison identification report in his hand on the table, and ordered:

"Lisa, call Leonard over. The two of you and Freya will sort out the investigation records related to these drug identification reports."

"Yes, Captain," Lisa said as she stood up from her chair.

She read the contents of the drug identification report and then walked to the exercise room.

Dunk looked at Xia Zuo outside the door and said:

"Xia Zuo, I will take up half of your time in the next two days. At that time, I will explain the situation to Director Vickers."

"Yes, Captain." Xia Zuo nodded, "Then I'll go back first."

On the way back, he was a little excited. Only a few days after arriving in Poseidon, he was able to go on an field trip again.

With more experience, there are new skills to be gained.

What a great job~

The action team worked faster than expected.

The next day, Wednesday afternoon, Xia Zuo received a message from Dunk.

This time we met directly in the parking lot on the first underground floor.

Xia Zuo boarded the trunk and sat in the same row as Dunk and Leonard.

"Llanrot, stop on 7th Avenue near Old Town."

"Yes, Captain." Lanlot started the car.

"Guys, the target this time is a transformer that has entered the mature stage. It is extremely poisonous and has 5 poisonous effects. The weakest fainting poisonous effect has reached level 3. Don't be fooled by it. The sprayed venom gets on it. It won't kill you, but it will be very painful."

Dunk glanced at his team members and said:

"More than a month has passed since the target committed his last crime. I have a hunch that this mature transformer is about to transform into a blood addict. Do you know what this means?"

Lisa, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned her head and said with a fearful expression:

"It may have mastered blood magic that changes its appearance."

"Yes. Its size will not exceed the normal size at its maximum, and it can shrink to the size of a cat or dog at its minimum. It will become like a normal person and live among ordinary people."

Dunk calmed down and continued:

"Director Vickers has an instruction. He asked us to try our best to capture rather than kill this transformer while ensuring our own safety. This kind of transformer that is close to the transformation stage has high research value."

"That is, of course, if we can track it."

Dunk looked at Xia Zuo, who was sitting on his left, took out a map and handed it to him.

"We have checked out the general area where the target is located. You use toxin sensing to find its specific location. Only you will get out of the car later, Xia Zuo. We will wait for your message in the car."

"Yes, Captain." Xia Zuo said, starting to memorize the route marked on the map.

When he heard Dunk talking about capturing the Transformers...he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, foreboding that he might not be able to get new specialties in this trip today.

In about 10 minutes, the car arrived at 7th Avenue.

Xia Zuo got out of the car and put on sunglasses that covered most of his face to stimulate the toxin sensor. The light brown lenses covered up the green light in his eyes without affecting the observation of the surrounding environment.

Ordinary people's mental attribute values ​​are generally less than 9 points, and they cannot see the light of spells.

Blocking the magic light is not to prevent them, but to not alert possible strange demons.

Xia Zuo walked a few steps, feeling a little uneasy.

After killing the transformer named Ulzimus the day before yesterday.

The strange voice in [Blood Induction] once mentioned that he saw an action team searching for Papa John's Turkey Restaurant...

This makes people think that there is a pair of evil eyes in the dark, staring at the cars and members of the 17th Action Team.

Xia Zuo took a breath, calmed his thoughts, and walked along the main road of Seventh Avenue towards the commercial street of the old city.

Thank you to book friends 2021030110306024, Crow Feather, Words and Books, Through the Hole, The Whole Starry Sky Is Not as Good as You, and book friend 20190704001824827 for your monthly votes!

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