Poseidon City, South, New, North and Old.

The buildings on the street are quite old, with silt accumulating in the rain gutters and sewage accumulating beside the curbs. The attire of the pedestrians passing by has a sense of decadence.

The old man sitting in the alley, the jacket on his body was washed white, and the black felt hat on his head was not sure whether it was stained with oil, or it was made of reflective fabric. The sun shone on it, reflecting a bright light.

Xia Zuo stopped at the intersection of Commercial Street.

The underground order here is controlled by two different societies, and the street in front of them is the dividing line between the two territories.

Under the streetlight on the left, there is an open car parked.

Several men wearing shirts and vests with two suspenders hanging from their shoulders were leaning against the car and smoking.

There are several carts on the right corner of the street. The carts are covered with hay, and the handle of a stick is stretched out.

The man in the octagonal hat standing next to the car noticed Xia Zuo's gaze, pushed the handle into the haystack, hugged his shoulders and looked at Xia Zuo, his eyes full of provocation.


Poseidon City is the capital of Machina State, and there is a mage group stationed in the city.

These so-called societies have a miserable life.

The members are all ordinary people.

I only dare to use blunt weapons as weapons, not anything with a blade, let alone conventional firearms.

This is not a world controlled by ordinary people.

The source of order comes from supernatural power.

There are provisions in the Law on Reasonable Restraint of Magisters.

[In the face of possible conflicts, the mage can use the hand of wind to remind the other party not to get close.

[If attacked, unlimited counterattacks can be made depending on the situation. 】

Xia Zuo walked towards the corner on the right with an expressionless face, waved his hand to release the hand of wind, and pushed aside several men in octagonal hats who had gathered around him.

"Get out of the way."

The leading man felt the push of the invisible wind, and his domineering and cold expression instantly became obedient. A flattering smile appeared on his face. He pulled his companion back and stood back beside the cart.

There was a roar of laughter from the car across the street.

Xia Zuo didn't care about these things and continued to move forward along the established route.

Dunk framed a search that included an apartment community and a marina.

Xia Zuo came to the community first.

Even the roads here can't be repaired, let alone such luxuries as community security police.

He walked around the dilapidated community and stopped in front of a zigzag building.

There were several trash cans placed in the open space in the center of the building, with sewage flowing across them.

Above the smelly garbage, colorful clothes were dried on long ropes scattered at different heights.

There is green moss on the walls of the building.

The cloister is open, and debris is piled in the aisles.

Almost none of the glass windows was intact.

There is a problem in the building on the left, on the fourth floor, in the third room on the left. There is black smoke representing toxins.

This is the first anomaly discovered along the way.

Xia Zuo flipped the secret message ring.

Two minutes later, the sound of braking came from behind.

"There are too many residents here." Dunk walked to Xia Zuo, frowning and looking up at the zigzag building.

"Let's move quickly and fight quickly. If a converter is found here, kill it on the spot and don't try to capture it."

Just for a moment, there were many dark-skinned children leaning on the aisle railings to look down at the strangers below.

"Lisa, Lanlot, you go and guard the back of the building on the left. Xia Zuo and Leonard, you two follow me."

Dunk pulled out the pistol from the holster, hid it under his windbreaker, and walked towards the stairs.

Xia Zuo followed closely, and Leonard used his windbreaker to block the back of Yuan Neng's submachine gun.

The three of them came to the fourth floor.

Leonard used totem poles to create a soundproof barrier to drive away the children who were watching.

When he walked to the door of the room, Xia Zuo fanned his nose and found a sour smell of blood coming out of the crack in the door.

Dunk smelled it too.

He took out the metal box that absorbs the bad smell in advance.

Leonard picked up the firearm, kicked open the locked door, and fired a flash ammunition.

After the dazzling white light passed, the three of them looked around the room.

A low bed was placed near the window.

The dirty and gray quilt was dyed dark red, and there was a pool of black blood on the bed board.

What the hell.

He had been dead for so many days and no one noticed him.

"Someone was swallowed." Dunk looked gloomy. "That transformer swallowed one more person than we expected."

"Leonard, go ask those children who lives in this room. Xia Zuo, come and check the room. Don't miss any place."

Dunk stuffed his pistol and turned the ring of secret messages.

Xia Zuo took off his sunglasses, put on gloves and foot gloves, and walked into the house. The blood on the low bed was the source of toxins in the air.

Apart from this

what is that..

Xia Zuo came to the only wooden table in the room. There were old newspapers and cardboard piled on the table, and some toxins floated out from it.

He dug through the pile of waste paper and found a scrap of newspaper.

There were stains of dried grease on the crumpled newspaper, where someone had wrapped something like a croquette.

This oil stain is stained with the body fluids of the transformer - the marker used to find the target to devour.

Under what circumstances will markers appear in oil stains on food?

Xia Zuo simulated the process of buying cheap croquettes.

Suppose this victim is the one who contracted the marker rather than spread it.


It seemed that only the chef and the clerk who wrapped the croquettes could come into contact with the oil stains on the inside of the newspaper.

Xia Zuo took out a metal box, put the newspaper in the box and sealed it, and then put the blood on the bed into another metal box.

"Captain, I found some clues." Xia Zuo handed over the box containing the newspaper and stated his speculation.

Leonard happened to come over. After waiting for Xia Zuo to finish speaking, he said:

"Captain, I found out about that house. It is the house of a dockworker in Qianwan. His name is Bankoff and he has lived here for two years. He has always lived alone and has never messed with anyone or interacted with anyone. There have been conflicts with others. I have been moving goods and doing hard labor honestly."

After Dunk heard this, he thought for a while and said:

"Leonard, ask the kids if there is a cheap and plentiful croquette shop nearby, or other mobile stalls that are cheap and good in food and drink."

"Okay, Captain." Leonard took out a few colorful candies from his pocket and walked towards the eager children.

There were heavy footsteps coming downstairs.

Xia Zuo looked around and saw a dozen policemen wearing police badges and carrying disinfectant airbags pouring into the stairwell. Several other policemen set up a cordon to guard the exit of the zigzag building.

A policeman with a lot of money on his shoulders came to talk to Dunk.

Leonard was still playing with the children.

On the contrary, Xia Zuo became a relatively leisurely person.

His eyes swept around and landed on a little girl staring at him.

The little girl got the courage from nowhere, and walked towards Xia Zuo, who was wearing a black windbreaker, with wide, bright eyes.

"Uncle, why are your eyes green?"

"Oh?" Xia Zuo was stunned and realized that he still maintained his poison sense.

He knelt down and looked level with the little girl.

"How about it? Are my eyes beautiful?"


She can see the magic light!

Xia Zuo used scrying on the little girl.

[Earth Resistance] 0.2%


Earth resistance is also resistance to toxins.

The toxins emanating from the room gave the little girl a weak earth resistance.

Look at this high mental attribute value of 9 points!

Definitely a good candidate for learning alchemy!

Xia Zuo squinted his eyes and looked at the little girl up and down. She was probably seven or eight years old. Taking into account the malnutrition, she could not be more than 10 years old.

Here in the Silver Moon Federation, 12 years old is the first year of school.

In the first three years of enrollment, you will learn basic courses such as language, history, mathematics, and culture.

Afterwards, there will be a basic course exam.

If you fail the exam, you have to retake it for three years.

If you pass the exam, you will study another three years of professional skills courses, which also require exams.

This test basically determines the citizenship level when you reach adulthood at the age of 18.

Six years of education from 12 to 18 years old is free and takes place in public schools near the community.

Before the age of 12, there is also so-called preschool education.

But the cost is definitely not what the residents of this slum-like building can afford.

Minors generally have two opportunities to test the spiritual ocean.

The first time is when you are just born, to test for innate affinity.

The second time, when I entered school at the age of 12, I was tested for acquired affinity.

Xia Zuo had a change of thought, looked at the colored candies in Leonard's hand, turned to the little girl and asked:

"Why don't you ask that uncle for some candy? Do you not like candy?"

"I, I like to eat sweets." The little girl bit her lower lip, lowered her head and said:

"But, there is always a time to run out of candy. I might as well not give up those candies and don't think about them..."

Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows, never expecting that the little girl in front of him had such a mature mind, that she knew that short-term materialistic satisfaction would only lead to greater greed, and that she also knew how to adjust her mentality through abstinence.

"What's your name?" Xia Zuo asked with a smile.

The little girl felt that there was a strange and soul-stirring rhythm in the other person's shining green eyes.

She raised her head and looked at each other, then lowered her head again and said:

"My name is Janice."

"Hello, Janice. I'm Xia Zuo." Xia Zuo stretched out his right hand.

Janice folded her hands in front of her, raised her right hand, then put it back under her left hand, keeping her head lowered.

Xia Zuo noticed that her palm was dark, calmly took back her right hand, considered her tone, and said:

"Janice, look, we're here to catch bad guys. You're doing great. I think you can help me answer a question."

"Yeah." Janice nodded.

Xia Zuo pointed to the room where the deceased was:

"The smell inside that room is terrible. So... did you see black smoke or small black particles coming out of the crack in the door?"

Janice looked up and said, "I've seen it before. I think that black thing is dirty, and I stay away every time."

"Then do you still remember the day when black dirty things started to float out?" Xia Zuo then asked.

"Hmm" Janice lowered her head and rubbed the black mud on her hands.

"It seems like two days ago. When my mother came back that evening, she said that Uncle Bankoff was absent from work. I wanted to see if he was sick. When I walked to the door, I found something dirty, and then I hid in the house. .”

Bankoff was absent from work two days ago... Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully.

"Janice, wait for me here and don't go away, okay?"


Janice raised her head and saw the other person's back.

"Captain, I've discovered something here."

Xia Zuo walked to Dunk who was sending the secret message and first recounted the information provided by Janice.

Then, he pointed to his green eyes and said:

"I'm sure that she can already see the elemental light and has weak earth resistance."

"Oh?" Dunk looked at the little girl standing by the railing, stared at it for a long time, and then said:

"It is true that there is some acquired affinity, and there is still a rare resistance to the earth element. This is really rare. Especially in this...such a barren place."

Dunk took out a ring of secret messages from his alchemy pocket.

"I'll notify Yingrui Academy. Let them take Janice for a precise test. If she passes, she can attend the school's free preschool."

Xia Zuo smiled knowingly, this was the result he wanted.

Xia Zuo walked back to Janice and squatted down. He reached out and groped in his alchemy bag and took out a cloth bag.

In the worn pocket, there is a potion that has been treasured for a long time:

Weak recovery potion.

Xia Zuo bought this potion worth 20 silver dollars after saving for several months in the circus.

I thought it would come in handy...

Who would have thought that until I came to the Silver Moon Federation, I would not encounter a life-or-death battle...

This potion can only eat dust in your pocket.

"Janice, the information you provided is very useful. This is your reward."

Xia Zuo took the little girl's hand and stuffed the cloth bag into her hand.

"Drink it when you're hurt and feel weak. It's not candy. It won't make you happy, but it will ease your pain and make you healthy."

Janice showed a curious expression and wanted to open the cloth bag and take a look.

Xia Zuo stopped her, "No, don't look outside. Wait until you get home and hide before you look. It's best to hide it."

"Yeah!" Janice nodded, stuffed the cloth pocket into her coat, and held it under her arm.

"So good." Xia Zuo touched the other person's hair.

Wait, there's one more chapter. There are two chapters today.

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