My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 120 [Blood Pattern Language]

In Laboratory No. 13 on the 6th floor underground.

Xia Zuo came here with Director Vickers.

When he was riding in the elevator, he happened to meet the other person face to face.

Even at night, Vickers still had his hair neatly combed back and his whole body was meticulously groomed.

Facing Blood Demon No. 13 in the culture tank, the two nasolabial folds around his mouth seemed to be a little deeper.

"Xia Zuo, can you still hold on to your energy?"

Vickers stood in front of the console with his arms folded.

"A little tired, Director."

Xia Zuo rubbed his brows and said, "It's still okay to hold on to the curse spell for half an hour."

In his heart, he really hopes to participate in the work of breaking the blood demon's body.

After the transformer turns into slag, Goldfinger will judge it as a kill and give an experience reward.

If it extends to the Blood Demon, will breaking the Blood Demon's body also be judged as a kill?

Xia Zuo wanted to verify it.

Fortunately, Vickers gave this opportunity.

Vickers raised his left hand and looked at his watch. "You should meditate for an hour first. I need you to cast the curse of decay. The emergency response department just needs to prepare."

He pointed to the flowing red sand in the culture tank and said:

"Once we inject the universal antidote into the tank, this blood demon will immediately notify its companions. By then, there will definitely be emergencies in Poseidon Tower and even Poseidon City."

"Yes, supervisor."

Xia Zuo found a comfortable place to sit down, lay on the table and cast a concentration and calming spell with power 1 on himself.

1 hour later.

Xia Zuo woke up and found that there was an extra person in the laboratory.

The opponent was wearing a black combat leather jacket and tactical pants, and even his shoes were pure black combat boots.

The weapon is slung across the chest. It is an energy firearm similar to a submachine gun.

Xia Zuo rubbed his eyes and released his detection technique.

The black combat uniform provides 10% of the four-series resistance, and its protective effect against spells is comparable to a complete set of metal armor.

This man has an elemental body, and you can't see many small light spots floating out.

A conservative estimate is that his body has 10% of the four-series resistance.

In addition to the four series of resistance provided by the mage armor.

It has a total of at least 22% of the four-series resistance... nearly twice as high as Xia Zuo's current level.

"Xia Zuo."

Vickers noticed the movement at the table and motioned for the other party to come over.

He introduced to the people around him:

"This is Xia Zuo, an expert poison alchemist from Starry Night Island, a support staff member of the 17th Action Team."

"Hello, Xia Zuo."

The man with his hair wrapped in a black turban extends his hand.

"I'm Simpson from Team Fox of the 10th Operations Team."

Simpson's facial features are three-dimensional, with a particularly erect nose. His big white teeth are particularly conspicuous when speaking. His skin is dark, slightly whiter under the light of the mage's armor.

"Hello, Simpson."

Xia Zuo shook hands with him. There were so many calluses on the other person's hands that he could barely feel the flat skin.

Vickers said: "The two master demon hunters will come over immediately, Xia Zuo, help them."

"Yes, supervisor."

Xia Zuo nodded, walked to the door and took a look. In addition to armed elemental servants, there were also some figures dressed in combat attire in the corridor.

Rexor and Cerites came over carrying a metal box half as tall as a man, and Xia Zuo opened the door for them.

The weight of the metal box looks heavy.

After placing it on the ground, Rexor took a long breath and rested for a few seconds before saying:

"How much longer, Vickers?"

"Just waiting for the permission to cast, Master."

Vicki paused and continued:

"There are a lot of people dispatched this time. All the action teams on duty in this building have been dispatched. The mage group stationed in the city is always ready to deal with high-level blood demons that may appear."

"Click, click, click..." Vickers' secret message ring made a sound.

He looked down and said:

"The spellcasting permission order has been issued. Let's get started. After breaking the blood demon's body, it's almost time for the guards from the Mage Temple to arrive."

Vickers pressed the button on the console and unlocked the sealed door of the glass partition.

"Xia Zuo, you and the two master demon hunters used the curse of decay to weaken the blood demon.

"I will release a high-concentration universal antidote. Once the blood demon's body is broken, I will immediately freeze the culture tank.

"Simpson, you are responsible for guarding the door. From now on, no one can be allowed in."

"Yes, supervisor."

Simpson took out a dozen threaded glass tubes from the pockets of his jacket and trouser legs and placed them on the operating table.

He held one in each hand, cast a charging spell, then stuffed the charged glass tube into the extra wide submachine gun receiver, and then charged the other two.

Rexor and Cerites worked together to open the metal box on the ground and inspect the magic circle patterns on the inner wall of the box.

Xia Zuo turned his attention to the Alchemy Stone of Life and took a few sips of regular potions and refreshing potions.

"Here, drink this."

Rexall took out a glass bottle from the medicine belt and handed it over.

Xia Zuo took it and drank it. This was a potion he had taken on the airship. It could increase the power of the curse spell temporarily.

I drank it twice and still don’t know the name.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but ask, "Master, what is the name of this potion?"

"Well, it has no name, it's just a bottle of diluted decoction. Before it was diluted, it was called 'Tawny Owl'."

Rexor said as he took out the chain from his alchemy pocket.

"Xia Zuo, go and open the sealed door. Vickers, you can start after we set up the confinement circle."

"Yes, Master."

Vickers put his hand on a transparent glass box. There was a red round button inside the box.

Xia Zuo opened the sealed door of the glass partition.

The bald man and the cold-faced man walked in each carrying a chain.

The two avoided the beams directed at the culture tank and tied the body and base of the culture tank with chains.

When the locks of the two chains are interlocked, dark purple lines appear on the chains.

The red sand in the jar must have been disturbed by the witcher's behavior.

But it was illuminated by four beams and was completely unable to move. It couldn't even self-destruct, let alone hit the tank to demonstrate.

Rexall and the two rushed out of the sealed door, pulled Xia Zuo to the front of the glass partition, and cast the Curse of Decay.

Vickers lifted the cover of the glass box and clicked the red button.

The transparent potion poured down from the top of the culture tank, filling the tank within ten seconds.

When the red sand is soaked in the potion, many tiny bubbles appear on the instant noodles, just like an effervescent tablet soaked in water, and the potion tumbles violently due to the bursting of the bubbles.

Hongsha was hit by four beams, completely unable to move and could only do two things.

One is to watch helplessly as his body of the Blood Demon is reduced by the universal antidote and the Curse of Decay.


He just asked his companions for help.

"Kacha kacha..."

Vickers' Message Ring made a series of sounds.

He glanced down, his cold eyes shining under his square-rimmed glasses.

"The high-level blood demon has appeared!"

"Where?" Rexor asked while maintaining the curse of decay.

"Isolation observation room inside the 15th Avenue police station."

Vickers crossed his arms and paced back and forth, rubbing his chin.

"Oh~ I understand. The high-level blood demon is hiding in the body of the Papa John's restaurant employee. It thinks that our Poseidon City will bring infected people to the Poseidon Building for treatment as before. As everyone knows, we have already I shared the medical equipment with the police station.”

How could Xia Zuo have imagined that there would be such a hostile boss hidden in his first field mission?

Fortunately, when the 17th Operation Team arrived at the restaurant, the restaurant employees and owner happened to be taken to the police station.

"Kacha kacha..."

Another secret message came.

Vickers took a look and said:

"The resident mages have trapped the high-level blood demon on 15th Avenue. The temple guards are on their way."

As soon as Rexor heard that the high-level blood demon was trapped, his eyes shone with warlike light and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"Haha, don't let it escape."

Seritus on the side had the same expression as his bald head. He suddenly increased the power of the Curse of Decay and showed his desire to hunt high-level blood demons with practical actions.

The bald man and the cold-faced man pushed Xia Zuo's cursed mark into a small corner of the red sand.

The potion in the culture tank is consumed very quickly.

Vickers pressed the red button again, pouring the transparent potion inside.

There was a brief silence in the room.

Except for Simpson, who was guarding the door, everyone was staring closely at the culture tank.

After about 20 minutes, the rate of bubbles appearing in the tank is decreasing.

"There are at most 5 minutes left."

Vickers put his hand on an ice blue button.

Bubbles decay faster.

The minutes passed quickly.

The moment the bubble completely disappeared, Goldfinger's message came to Xia Zuo's mind.

"Remove the spell quickly." Vickers, who was always observing the condition of the culture tank, said quickly.

Almost at the same time, three curse marks disappeared from the Blood Essence Stone.

Vickers immediately pressed the ice blue button in front of him.

The four octahedral crystals surrounding the culture tank vibrated slightly, and the light beams projected turned ice blue.

White frost appeared on the tank and chain, and quickly spread to the entire culture tank.

About 3 minutes later.

The inside of the glass partition turned into a scene of ice and snow.

There was a thick layer of snow covering everything.

The culture jar and chain turned into an ice sculpture, and the potion in the jar was frozen into a crystal blue ice.

Vickers walked to the glass partition, leaned on the glass and carefully looked at the blood stone in the jar.

After he determined that the color of the Blood Essence Stone was light red, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little unsure. He looked at Rexor and asked:

"Master, have we succeeded?"

Rexall's pupils changed, and his vertical pupils opened.

"Well, it worked."

The bald man and the cold-faced man looked at each other, "Let's go, man. Let's go meet the high-level blood demon. After all these years, the Federation is finally having some fun."

"That's exactly what I meant, Leisuo." Cerites sneered.

"Vickers, I leave this to you."

Rexor picked up the metal box on the ground and walked out while saying:

"Maybe when we come back, we will bring a high-level blood demon with us. Prepare the 7th floor underground, and the first guest will be there."

Simpson opened the door, asked the two master demon hunters to leave, and then locked the door, "Director, are the 10th Action Team going?"

Vickers walked to his seat and sat down, thought for a while and said:

"Leave it to the demon hunter master and the temple guards. The high-level blood demon is trapped by the garrison mage, but it is not something that our formal mages can handle."

"Xia Zuo, you should also take a rest."

Vickers looked at his watch and said, "It will be dawn in four hours. At that time, I will ask someone else to replace you."

"Okay, supervisor."

Xia Zuo found a seat and sat down, leaning his head on the table to read Goldfinger's information.

"Successfully used the Curse of Decay to destroy the Blood Demon. Due to [Spell Training] and [Curse Mastery], a total of 780 experience points were gained."

The amount of experience gained this time was less than Xia Zuo expected.

This means that when calculating experience, Goldfinger estimates the proportion of the damage caused by the host to the total kill contribution.

But it’s already great to get experience.

It was as easy as paddling from start to finish.

It feels like someone else is taking you to level up...

Hey, it's still the kind that doesn't cost money.

Xia Zuo continued to read the information in his mind.

This time I also gained a new specialty.

【Feature Name】Blood Pattern Language·Incomplete

【Feature Description】

This specialty is incomplete, and the recorded blood pattern language is seriously missing.

【Specialty Effect】

You gain (seriously missing) knowledge about blood streaks.

When you look at things related to blood, you get more information.

You can also actively activate this specialty to view all blood pattern languages ​​you have mastered.

[Speciality Name] Blood Sensing·Incompleteness

【Feature Description】

Added blood demon Qualuowuqi's blood mark.

The second one is actually not a completely new specialty.

It just adds a new bloodline mark to [bloodline induction].

Xia Zuo activated [Blood Sentence] and chose the mark of Blood Demon No. 13 Qualuowuqi to receive blood relationship information.

There was no sound for the moment.

He calmed down and read the blood pattern knowledge recorded in [Blood Pattern Language].

There are many types of blood patterns recorded here, including ordinary poultry, civilians, and monsters. There are more than 50 types in total, and it even includes the blood patterns of transformers and Qualuowuqi himself.

Looking at it, Xia Zuo understood one thing:

Why can a transformer be promoted to a blood addict as long as he devours living creatures of the same size, but he still devours his former kind?

This has to do with the quality of blood patterns contained in each type of blood.

simply put.

Creatures with high intelligence will have significantly more high-quality blood stripes than creatures with low intelligence.

For the blood mage.

High-quality blood patterns are equal to intelligence, reason, thinking ability and language ability, which directly determines the spell strength of blood magic. It is also the raw material for condensing the blood demon's body.

At this stage of the Transformer, it can only swallow 108 living creatures.

If humans with high-quality blood streaks are not devoured, they will quickly lose themselves and become inferior transformers driven purely by their thirst for flesh and blood.

This will lower the average IQ of blood demons, which will in turn affect the promotion of high-level blood demons to blood witches.

In order not to become stupid among blood mages, blood demons will urge transformers to target their former kind, use body fluids as markers, and search for prey that matches their own physiques in humans.

After becoming blood addicts, they have a certain ability to engage in direct combat, and deep down they long for more high-quality blood patterns.

Although the quality of human blood patterns is high, the quantity is a bit small, and if you devour humans wantonly, you will be targeted by the guardians of the stronghold.

At this time, blood addicts will target monsters with high intelligence.

As for what blood patterns are...

There is not much explanation in [Blood Pattern Language].

It is only mentioned that everyone will have their own blood pattern characteristics depending on their life level.

Thanks to book friend 20180808110919650 for the 100 points*2 reward!

Thanks to the three friends of Suihan for their 100 points.

Thanks to KahnAn, call me 998, I think therefore I am 02, Weishan, Brother Jun is a Teemo control, Huagudao, LZBC, Book Friends 140301202320795, you just want to vote for me!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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