"Qualuwuqi." A strange voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Xia Zuo shook his body and rubbed his face to cover up his abnormality, and realized that it was the high-level blood demon that was nagging.

"Qualuo...Wuqi." The high-level blood demon's voice was a bit choppy.

"Damn witcher! Damn temple guard! Damn resident mage! Ah!!"

The high-level blood demon roared in his ears like he was venting his anger.

Xia Zuo lay on the table and fell asleep, frowning and listening to the other party's howl.

"Ah! Our promotion! Everything is over for us!"

The high-level blood demon said a lot of things related to promotion, and after howling for a while, his voice became deeper:

"There is another way to praise Luo Wuqi! We will sacrifice all the servants and part of our own blood patterns. You, get ready."

Sacrifice! ?

Xia Zuo's face was buried in his arms, and his expression suddenly changed.

Could the "servants" mentioned by the high-level blood demon refer to the transformers in Poseidon City? ?

Xia Zuo felt completely uneasy in his heart.

He had a premonition...

Something is going to happen in the underground laboratory of the Posing Building!

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!"

A shrill alarm sounded outside the corridor.

Vickers, who was guarding the console, kicked off his feet and ran towards the door. He looked gloomily at the action team members running outside, as well as a dozen armed elemental servants floating toward the stairwell.

"Kacha kacha kacha..."

Several secret message rings on Vickers' fingers made a continuous sound of picks.

Xia Zuo walked to Vickers and looked in the direction of the culture tank.

"Director, the Blood Essence Stone seems to have changed."

Vickers walked to the culture tank while reading the secret message on the ring.

He glanced up at the tank, then pressed the ice blue button on the console.

Four crystals emit thick ice-blue beams of light.

Through the glass partition, you can feel the chill raging around the culture tank, and the red blood essence stone becomes dim again.

"The high-level blood demon sacrificed the transformer in the underground laboratory."

Vickers stared at the culture tank that was frozen into an ice sculpture, his eyes filled with resentment.

"I didn't expect that all the experimental objects captured in the past few years were made by it. Fortunately, it didn't enter the Posing Building."

In just a short time, the blood essence stone turned into bright blood red again.

"This is trouble."

Vickers frowned and came to the console to press the ice blue button again.

Three of the five indicator lights representing gear positions were already on.

Xia Zuo somewhat understood the effect of sacrifice.

The high-level blood demon sacrificed the transformer created by it, and transferred the energy generated to the blood essence stone of Blood Demon No. 13, helping Blood Demon No. 13 escape from the frozen state.

The arrival of a secret message confirmed Xia Zuo's guess.

Vickers looked at the message on the ring, and his expression changed instantly.

"Oops! This high-level blood demon is crazy! He even sacrificed his own blood pattern!"

Xia Zuo looked at the culture tank with wide eyes.

The light red Blood Essence Stone turns bright red, as bright as a light bulb, emitting bloody light.

The Blood Essence Stone began to spin, trying to get out of the ice.

Vickers pressed the ice blue button twice.

All five gear indicators light up.

The ice blue beams emitted by the four octahedral crystals suspended in the air became thicker than Xia Zuo's head, but they still could not prevent the ice sculpture from being slowly broken open by the blood stone.

"Let's go!"

Vickers yelled and pushed Xia Zuo towards the door.

"Open the door! Simpson! Get out!"

Vickers suddenly pressed the alarm button next to the door, and then jumped out from the crack of the door before it closed.

The sound of gears turning came from the door panel, and the door was locked.

In the laboratory.

The armed elemental servant hanging from the ceiling was activated, and the gun barrel that was originally pointed upward was pointed in the direction of the culture tank.

Xia Zuo saw through the glass window of the door that the blood essence stone was beating like a heart, and cracks appeared on the culture tank.

The iron chain that the Demon Hunter tied to the culture tank seemed to be under tremendous pressure, and the circular locking ring was stretched into an oval shape.

"It's almost...successful..."

The words of the high-level blood demon rang in his ears.

"Qualuwuqi, I will sacrifice the blood pattern again and use all my strength to lower the blood-drenched domain in the Bosin Building to deliver the blood pattern to you and stop the enemies in the building. There is a powerful protective barrier guarding the domain. It can last for 1 minute. You, escape as soon as possible."

What is the blood comic realm... Xia Zuo was stunned.

The sound of footsteps came from deep in the corridor.

The members of the action team who had previously gone to check the floors above ran over, and each of them had a radiant spell shield on their body.

"Xia Zuo, use the wind technique to leave quickly and go to the alchemy room on the third underground floor."

Vickers pushed the only non-combatant here to the elevator, and then said to Simpson:

"Have your team members work together to cast an anti-magic barrier, seal off Laboratory 13, and use fire energy ammunition to deal with the enemy. Our reinforcements will be here soon, 3 minutes at most."

"Yes, supervisor." Simpson replied loudly, walking towards the approaching team members.

Xia Zuo transformed into a gas cloud form and passed by the action team.

When he floated to the elevator, he looked back.

At the door of Laboratory 13, there was obvious blood spilling out.

The frozen blood essence stone is about to break free.

Xia Zuo got into the elevator hall door and floated upward in the elevator shaft.

At this moment, the words of a high-level blood demon came to my ears:

"Qualuwuqi! The Bloody Domain is coming! Gather your body quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the surroundings were instantly filled with blood. Everything seemed to be soaked in blood, and everywhere he looked was covered in blood.

Xia Zuo felt that his body became extremely heavy, as if it was soaked in blood, and the air around him exuded an unpleasant smell of blood.

He floated into the elevator room on the 5th floor underground and returned to his human form.

The armed elemental servants guarding the elevator were corroded by the filth in the sea of ​​blood. They hung precariously in the air and finally fell to the ground. The surface of the metal sphere was covered with blood stains.

There was a piece of blood on the back of Xia Zuo's hand that couldn't be wiped off, and the tips of his fingers were sticky, as if they had just been taken out of blood.

Goldfinger’s warning sounded in my mind:

"It has been detected that the host is in the weakened blood diffuse domain and is being contaminated by the blood patterns of high-level blood demons. 17.6 blood points will be deducted every minute (note ①), which will continue until it leaves the blood diffuse domain."


209/210 (mild poisoning)

[Implement blood return speed]


16.85 points/minute

Not having fought alone for a long time made Xia Zuo's on-the-spot reaction a few beats slower.

After being reminded by Goldfinger, he remembered that he could use protective spells to resist the erosion of the Bloody Domain.

Xia Zuo cast [Anti-Magic Shield], and magic light appeared around him.

[Spell name] Anti-magic shield

[Spell type] Protection genre, defense type, shield type

[Spell level] Formal spell

[Spell Stage] Basics

[Related Energy] Energy without attributes

[Spell Power] The current maximum non-attribute power is 6 points

[Spell Description] Can block all attributes and all types of spell damage

[Spell Effect]

When using this spell, a shield will be formed around the body to absorb spell damage.

For every 1 non-attribute power invested, the amount of damage absorbed increases by 1 point.

There are five stages of learning orthodox magic:

Basic, Advanced, Intermediate, Advanced, Perfect.

Learning the spells of the primary schools at the advanced stage is one of the necessary conditions for promotion to a high-level mage.

Xia Zuo's anti-magic shield is still in its basic stage, and its effect is relatively poor. It can only absorb 6 points of all-attribute spell damage once used.

And since it is the basic stage, there are no requirements for strength, agility and endurance, and these three attributes do not provide additional power bonuses.

The anti-magic shield looks like a duck egg. After it wraps around the body, it pushes the blood to the outside.

The words of the high-level blood demon came to my ears again, and his tone was unusually anxious:

"Hurry up! Qualuowuqi!"


There was a loud bang from the bottom of the elevator shaft, and it seemed that the door of Laboratory 13 was blasted open.

"Attack! Attack! Push it back!"

Vickers shouted at the top of his lungs downstairs, and the sharp voice reached the elevator room on the fifth floor underground.

"Boom, boom, boom..." A series of explosions and the sound of spitting flames echoed in the elevator shaft.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Vickers yelled.

"Bang!" There was another explosion.

This time there was no shouting.

Xia Zuo's expression darkened, he leaned against the wall of the elevator hall door and looked sideways at the elevator shaft.

There are only two ways leading to the lobby on the first floor.

One is the elevator shaft, and the other is the emergency passage next to it.

Does Blood Stone have the leisure to run up the stairs? !

Obviously not!

Xia Zuo immediately hid at the corner of the wall outside the elevator room and removed the anti-magic shield to prevent the spell's light from attracting the blood essence stone's attention.

"Hurry up, Qualuowuqi! I can't hold on anymore!" The high-level blood demon roared in his ears, faintly showing despair.

Xia Zuo quietly looked towards the elevator shaft.

The Blood Essence Stone happened to pass by here.

Paralyzed, armed elemental servants are unresponsive to their enemies.

There are two strands of red sand beside the Blood Essence Stone.

One wisp was swirling around it, while the other wisp of red sand was floating upwards holding the Blood Essence Stone.

Do you want to stop the Blood Essence Stone?

As soon as this idea appeared, it was out of control.

Xia Zuo released his detection technique on the blood essence stone that was about to float away.

Thanks to [Blood Pattern Language], he no longer knows anything about Blood Essence Stone.

【HP】50/? ? ? (The blood demon's body was severely damaged)

Just 50 points of blood?

Fuck him!

Otherwise, the free attribute points and life alchemy stones will become moldy on your body!

Xia Zuo changed into an adult form, hid around the corner, raised his hand and cast a decaying curse on the Blood Essence Stone.

Fireball or Curse of Decay, which one is better?

Xia Zuo chose the latter without hesitation.

First of all, the spells mastered by the Blood Essence Stone are unknown.

In case it bounces off protective spells such as projectiles, Xia Zuo will enjoy his own fireball spell.


After casting the curse, you don't need to see the other party to keep the spell in effect.

Xia Zuo is hiding around the corner now. As long as he shrinks further into the corner, he can cast the spell obscenely.


Xia Zuo underestimated the blood essence stone's reaction speed.

A tenth of a second after the cursed mark appeared on the blood-red diamond.

Blood Essence Stone immediately noticed the source of the curse.

The red sand floating around it turned into blood arrows and shot towards Xia Zuo, but it was still swimming upward.


The blood arrow penetrated Xia Zuo's left forearm, and the spell was interrupted by severe pain!

The blood volume dropped sharply by 25 points!

The blood arrow fell to the ground with his blood and turned into a pool of blood.

Xia Zuo covered the wound on his left arm with his right hand and looked at his blood volume data.

[Health volume] 181/210 (slight poisoning, mild bleeding)

Mild bleeding: 5 blood points will be deducted every minute.

The real-time blood replenishment speed has always been negative, and the wounds on the arms have not recovered...

For the first time, Xia Zuo felt that fighting was really dangerous!

At the same time, he also realized that he contained too few elements.

Just now, in order to pursue the maximum effect of the curse spell, he used all elements on the Curse of Decay.

There are no extra elements to cast Air Shield to deflect projectiles, or Stoneskin Armor to protect against physical attacks.

Only then was a bloody hole pierced in his left arm by a blood arrow.

But it's okay, it doesn't matter if you take this little blood.

Xia Zuo glanced at the blood on the ground, took a few breaths, held on to the wall and came to the elevator. With his right hand, he opened the iron fence of the hall door and cast the Curse of Decay again. His bloody left arm hung weakly by his side. .

"What are you talking about, Qualuowuqi! There is also a curse mage??" The high-level blood demon roared in his ears.

Xia Zuo stared closely at the blood essence stone, and the curse brand was firmly attached to the blood red diamond.

Without the red sand floating around, the Blood Essence Stone is just a thing to be beaten!

Tonight I drank a potion that enhanced the effect of the curse spell.

The base damage of Curse of Decay at this time is as high as 10 points/minute.

Even if it is weakened by the blood essence stone's resistance, it is still 5 points/minute!

As long as you persist for 10 minutes, you can completely eliminate the Blood Essence Stone here...

Why? its not right.

We want the secrets of the Bloodstone.

We're going to seal it.

Not to eliminate it!

Xia Zuo was stunned.

The spell is switched from Curse of Decay to Curse of Slowness, which slows movement speed.

After being stained by the Curse of Slowness, the speed at which the Blood Essence Stone floats upward has significantly slowed down.

"No, no, no! Qualuowuqi! I have to run for my life! Destroy yourself!"

The high-level blood demon's voice suddenly became smoother.

The surrounding bloody realm disappeared instantly, and the blood-red world returned to its original color.

The red sand holding the Blood Essence Stone began to disintegrate, and blood drops continued to drip down.

Without the blood streaks to pollute his body, Xia Zuo's real-time blood regeneration speed has increased, but it is still negative.

He hesitated for a moment, and then took a sip of the resuscitation potion that continuously restored blood using the primary alchemy stone. The blood volume was slightly restored, but it must not be restored to full, otherwise the wound on his arm would be healed.

The Blood Essence Stone seemed to know that it could not escape, so it turned around and flew towards Xia Zuo, using the half wisp of red sand that was dragging it down to condense into a blood arrow.

Xia Zuo hid against the wall, and the next second a blood arrow hit the floor.

He looked towards the shaft, and the blood essence stone fell down like a pebble.

Xia Zuo grabbed the blood essence stone with his wind hand and threw it into the corner of the elevator room.

The Blood Essence Stone itself seems to have no offensive capabilities.

Most spells require the body of the Blood Demon to be cast.

Now, it has no blood demon body and can only lie in the corner waiting to be sealed.

Or, self-destruct.

Xia Zuo cast the detection technique with a gloomy expression.





The Blood Essence Stone is self-destructing and losing blood very quickly.

It was so fast that Xia Zuo didn't even have time to cut his finger and give it a blood transfusion to keep it alive...

Click, click, click..

Amidst the slight cracking sound, several cracks appeared on the surface of the Blood Essence Stone, the red light inside disappeared, and the Blood Essence Stone shattered into powder.

Goldfinger's message came to mind.

Xia Zuo knew that he had gained a new specialty, but he couldn't be happy. He stared at the broken pieces on the ground with a complicated expression, with a strong sense of pity in his eyes.

He is somewhat obsessive when it comes to completing tasks.

The best ending for experience rewards is to leave the Blood Essence Stone instead of destroying it or letting it self-destruct.

Now I can only do the next best thing and not let it escape.

One more chapter

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