My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 122 [Blood Fury Spellcasting]

Xia Zuo wiped away the helplessness in his heart, fell to the wall, and took out a bundle of medical bandages from his alchemy pocket.

Unroll the bandage on the ground, sprinkle with hemostatic powder, and then use your right hand and teeth to wrap the hemostatic bandage around the wound on your left arm.

Light bleeding turned into light bleeding.

The real-time blood recovery speed is increased to -0.05 points/minute.

Just enough to keep the wound from healing.

In fact, it might be okay if the blood is full.

I got a special skill called [Flesh Control] before, maybe I can use it to create wounds...

However, this kind of self-mutilation behavior was somewhat unacceptable to Xia Zuo, so he didn't deliberately consider it.

"Dang-dang..." There was a sound coming from the shaft.

Xia Zuo walked over and took a look. The bald Rexor was grabbing the railing of the shaft and jumping down step by step. In an instant, he arrived at the elevator room on the fifth underground floor.

"Master... the blood essence stone is broken." Xia Zuo pointed to the broken stone in the corner.

Rexor's expression froze, he looked at the direction the other party was pointing, turned around and asked:

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, just a little skin injury." Xia Zuo raised his blood-red left arm.

The bald man looked at the other party's bandage and walked towards the corner, "It's really broken. Hey..."

Xia Zuo walked to the bald head and explained:

"I turned into a gas cloud and floated here from Laboratory 13 on the 6th floor underground..."

Rexor listened to the other party's narrative in silence.

When he heard that Xia Zuo was stabbed in the left arm by the Blood Demon's blood arrow, his eyes stayed on the two pools of blood on the ground for a while.

After Rexor waited for the other party to finish speaking, he took out a square towel, collected the blood essence stone powder, stood up and said:

"Xia Zuo, you did a good job. It's better than letting it escape. Come with me. Let's go to the 6th underground floor."

Rexor jumped into the shaft, and Xia Zuo followed him into the form of a gas cloud.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Laboratory 13, Xia Zuo immediately changed back to his human form.

The combatants lying on the ground here all had their eyes closed, and there was gurgling blood flowing from the wounds on their bodies, staining the floor of the corridor red.

If they hadn't weakened most of the strength of Blood Demon No. 13, Xia Zuo wouldn't have been able to hold back the Blood Essence Stone. He would have to bandage their wounds quickly to stop the injuries.

"No, don't go there!" Rexor stopped Xia Zuo who wanted to save people.

The bald man took out a jar of powder and a bottle of potion from under his leather armor and sprinkled it on the crowd, while using his right hand to outline complex patterns in mid-air.

The light of the spell first swept over Xia Zuo, and then shot towards the people on the ground.

"The blood-filled realm appeared here just now. It is inevitable that someone will be penetrated deeply by the filthy blood lines... Look, there!"

Rexor pointed forward.

The morning light of the spell illuminated a man with his back to the ceiling, and a dark blood color appeared on the man's body.

Rexor controlled the sand and potion in the air to float over. He first used the potion to shower the man from head to toe, and then dropped the sand to form a sand shell to wrap him up.

Xia Zuo frowned and watched all this. Although he didn't know what would happen when he walked over just now, he was still secretly glad that Rexor was there to take care of him.

The light of the detection spell shone on everyone.

"Go give the others the potion."

Rexor waved his hand, and the sand and potion flew back under the leather armor. "Leave the spell traps to me."

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo came to the nearest figure and squatted down, "Director Vickers, Director Vickers..."

Xia Zuo saw that there were no wounds on the other person's body, but that his eyelids were crawling and it was difficult to wake up, so he helped him lift his head, opened his mouth, and poured in the refreshing potion.

"Ahem..." After a slight cough, Vickers opened his eyes, "Ahem...did the Blood Essence Stone escape?"

"Uh, the blood essence is broken into pieces."

"Broken?...Fortunately, it didn't escape."

Vickers was dazed for a few seconds, then reached out to fumble around on his glasses and found the glasses with broken lenses. He sighed silently and took a spare pair from his pocket.

"Save people first, Vickers." Rexor said to Vickers, "We will talk about the high-level blood demon later."

The bald man carefully picked up the sand shell and placed it a few meters away from the crowd. He took out several bottles of potion and poured it on before walking towards the crowd.

There are healing spells in the Blessing genre.

But it's not the kind of spell that causes the blood volume to rise as soon as the light shines, and all injuries are healed immediately.

First, it is necessary to determine whether there are fractures, internal bleeding, whether broken bone fragments have penetrated into the internal organs, etc.

Each injury has a corresponding treatment spell, and only accurate judgment of the injury can ensure the treatment effect.

To a certain extent, healing spells replaced surgery. In essence, they first relieved the negative status and then accelerated the recovery of the injury.

This is a very complicated job

Xia Zuo had never learned the blessing spell, so he could only hand over the problem to Director Vickers.

Vickers seems to have a lot of knowledge in healing spells, and he is very efficient in treating the wounded. He can wake up an unconscious combatant in three to five minutes.

Xia Zuo's words

He can only use his knowledge of wound medicine and supplements to select some combatants who are not seriously injured, use hemostatic powder to stop the bleeding, and then drink a healing medicine to speed up the body's recovery. If they are still awake, drink a refreshing medicine. Help the other person recover.

After about 20 minutes, everyone who could stand did so.

Vickers issued an order to inspect the underground laboratory, dispatched action team members to each floor, and called a team of medical personnel to come and take away the wounded lying on the ground.

After doing all this, Vickers rubbed his temples a few times and said while flipping the secret message ring:

"Master, that high-level blood demon has lowered the blood domain here. It is really crazy. In order to save the blood demon No. 13, it is completely risking its life."

Rexor's ring of secret messages made a sound.

He looked down, his face lit up with joy, and he opened his mouth to laugh. The laughter resounded throughout the underground laboratory.

"The high-level blood demon is indeed crazy. It sacrificed most of the blood patterns in exchange for short-term power, and lowered the blood domain here, but that's all! We caught it! Haha!"

Vickers looked happy, lowered his head and flipped the secret message ring, and got the same reply.

"I really caught it, I really caught it..." He paced back and forth in the corridor excitedly, waving his hands beside him.

Xia Zuo glanced at the excited two people and looked at Laboratory No. 13.

The room was in a mess, the operating table was blocked by the explosion, the entire glass partition was turned into debris, and only half of the base of the culture tank was left.

The four octahedral crystals were intact, but the light became very dim.

Xia Zuo looked at Rexor and asked:

"Master, are there serious casualties on the 15th Street?"

"Three police officers on duty were killed. The garrison mage set up the barrier in time, which prevented the casualties from increasing."

Rexall stopped playing with the secret message ring and said:

"Vickers, that high-level blood demon was made from the fusion of 10 blood demons. I will help the temple guards break it down. Escort it before dawn."

"Okay, Master." Vickers watched the other party leave and continued to direct the action team to inspect the underground laboratory.

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Xia Zuo sat down against the corner and looked through the information in his mind.

"Successfully destroyed Qualuowuqi's Blood Essence Stone. Due to [Spell Training] and [Curse Mastery], a total of 180 experience points were gained."

Aiya, I go.

Just 180 points?

What is the total blood volume of the Blood Essence Stone?

Xia Zuo calculated based on the experience given by the Blood Demon's body.

The total blood volume of the blood stone may have to be 10,000 points.

If the blood volume of the blood demon's body is also included, a complete blood demon must have a total blood volume of at least 20,000 points.

The current Curse of Decay hurts, like scratching an itch.

Combining fireball with [Blood Sacrifice Spell] might be able to blast away a trace of blood skin...

Xia Zuo laughed to himself, shook his head helplessly, and continued to check out the newly acquired specialties.

[Feature Name] Blood Rage Casting·Incomplete

【Feature Description】

This feat is incomplete, and you can only use your own life force as a consumable for casting spells.

【Specialty Effect】

This specialty can only be activated after activating [Blood Sacrifice Spellcasting], which can consume additional life force (only for yourself) to improve the spellcasting effect.

Consume 10 blood points to increase the spell power of the four-series spells by 4 points or 1 point of non-attribute power for the spells cast within the next minute.

This effect lasts for up to 1 minute, and the effects can be stacked, but the duration will not be refreshed when stacking layers.

The temporary power gained through this feat does not require the consumption of additional casting supplies.

Damn it

Damn it!

Vitality can directly increase the power of spells! ! !

If you use basic meditation to accommodate the elements.

1 point of mental attribute value provides 4 mental slots, which can accommodate 4 small elements, corresponding to 4 points of four-series spell power and 1 point of non-attribute power.

If you use the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method to contain the elements.

1 point of mental attribute value provides 4 mental slots, which can accommodate 8 small elements, corresponding to 8 points of four-series spell power and 2 points of non-attribute power.

But it will reduce the upper limit of blood volume by 16 points and the basic blood recovery speed by 8 points/hour.

1 point of vitality attribute value, which roughly provides

Xia Zuo called up his character template.




175/210 (slight poisoning, slight bleeding)

[Basic blood return speed]

45 points/hour

[Real-time blood return speed]


3 o'clock/hour


[Free Attribute Points] 55

average down.

1 point of vitality attribute value provides an upper limit of blood volume of approximately 3.62 points and a basic blood return rate of 0.78 points/hour.

If you use [Blood Rage Casting] once an hour.

Every time the vitality attribute value is increased by 12 points, it can stably provide 4 points of four-series spell power, or 1 point of non-attribute power.

If these 12 free attribute points are added to the spirit.

It is unrealistic to use the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method to contain the elements, and the basic blood recovery speed will become a negative number.

So theoretically, it can accommodate approximately 70 more small elements, corresponding to 70 points of four-series spell power and 15 points of non-attribute power.


It seems that if you want to be a mage, you still have to be more energetic!

Xia Zuo nodded as if he had some understanding.


It doesn't matter.

Now with [Blood Rage Casting], it doesn't matter if you add spirit or vitality.

What's more, the spirit cannot provide life span.

Staying quiet is the way to go.

With thick health, high resistance, and powerful output, this is the perfect template for a Boss.

Um? ?

Something seems wrong.

Xia Zuo was stunned.

"Xia Zuo, do you still have energy?" Vickers came over and squatted down and asked.

"Huh? Your wound seems to be still bleeding."

His eyes fell on the opponent's left arm, and he reached out and pressed it five or six centimeters above the arm. He first cast a spell to detect injuries, and then cast a blessing spell.

Ten seconds later.

Although Xia Zuo's blood volume has not returned to full, the negative state of slight bleeding has been lifted.

He touched his arm and smiled: "Thank you, supervisor."

"Here, give me a hand." Vickers pulled the other person up and walked to the elevator together.

There is only one floor difference between the 6th underground floor and the 7th underground floor, but the distance between the floors is very far.

The elevator went down for nearly half a minute before it stopped with a bang.

The space on the 7th underground floor is very vast.

The ceiling overhead was high and pitch black.

The surrounding walls were dozens of meters away, and a circle of alchemy wall lamps illuminated several metal doors on the walls.

Vickers took out an alchemy card from his pocket, stuffed it into the opponent's hand, pointed to a doorway in front of him, and said:

"Help me check the equipment in that high-end laboratory. There are instructions for the experimental equipment on the shelf on the left hand side of the door."

"Yes, supervisor." Xia Zuo held the card and ran over.

After unlocking the access control circle and pushing open the metal door, the lights in the room came on, revealing a laboratory with several pairs of robotic arms hanging from the ceiling.

The culture tank here is located in the center of the room.

A circle of circular glass partitions surrounds the culture tank, which is several sizes larger.

Surrounded by more than 30 octahedral crystals.

There is also a glass partition on the outside of these crystals.

The operating desk is located in a semi-arc shape outside the second-floor glass partition.

Xia Zuo picked up the heavy manual and walked to the operating table.

After becoming a skilled Kit Kat Object Maker, using these instruments is quite simple.

He checked every operating platform and every robotic arm one by one.

I was busy working until about 5 o'clock in the morning. My legs and arms were sore and numb, so I sat down on a chair to rest.

"Xia Zuo, go back and rest."

Vickers seemed to have endless energy and was still in high spirits at this time.

"Director, I'm leaving then."

Xia Zuo waved his hand and took a sip of the refreshing potion from the alchemy stone to prevent himself from falling asleep on the road.

"This afternoon..." Vickers looked at his watch, then took out his pocket book and looked at it, "You don't have to come today. Just rest at home."

"Thank you, supervisor." Xia Zuo grinned and walked out.

"By the way, don't forget to go to Yingrui Academy for classes tomorrow." Vickers reminded.

Xia Zuo nodded and came outside the room.

The spacious hall was decorated by Vickers.

There are more than a dozen octahedral crystals floating overhead.

Armed elemental servants stand guard along the walls.

Xia Zuo took the elevator to the third underground floor and went to the alchemy room to change his clothes first, so as not to worry Anruer about the blood-stained left sleeve.

About 20 minutes.

Xia Zuo came to the door of the house, took out the key and prepared to open the door.

The door was opened.

Anruer threw herself into her arms and groped up and down, "Are you injured? Are you injured?"

"No, no. Look, I'm not fine. Haha." Xia Zuo picked her up, walked into the door, and closed the door with his heel.

"How did you know something happened in the Posing Building?" Xia Zuo opened his arms so that the other party could help him take off his coat and vest.

"Well, I couldn't sleep at night. I got up in the middle of the night to look at the stars. Suddenly I noticed that the sky over the Posing Building turned red, so I sent a message to Ms. Sylvia."

Anruer dragged her lover to the dining table and sat down. There is a rich breakfast on the table.

Xia Zuo ate the hard-boiled egg in one bite and drank another mouthful of warm milk.

"Go to work. I'll meditate after I eat. I don't have to go to the Posing Building all day today."

Anruer tapped the other person's cheek and said, "Then I'll go. If you want to go out, tell me in advance."

"Yeah, yeah." Xia Zuo nodded repeatedly while eating soft bread with butter.

The door is closed.

After Anruer walked away, he wiped his mouth and ran to the laundry room upstairs to put down the bloody dirty clothes.

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 1500 points!

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200, lazy man, you, the killed mythical beast fungus, mini candy, I think, therefore I am here 02, good food, easy to eat, Ilia is so cute, how to make salted fish, sweet rain and dew, RainOO vote monthly pass.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes.

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