My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 126 Blood Pattern Characteristics

That evening.

Xia Zuo ate in the restaurant and used the secret message ring to chat with Anru'er at home for a while.

I have to work the night shift tonight and there is no way I can go back.

After dinner, Xia Zuo came to the laboratory on the 7th floor underground.

Rexall made a comfortable lounge chair for himself, placed it against the wall, and lay leisurely on it to watch the night.

He glanced at Xia Zuo who was reading, and then at the book he was reading.

"Are you teaching yourself weapon alchemy?"

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo turned around and said.

He maintains his poison sense, and there is a green magical light in his eyes.

The toxin sensor will not highlight things that do not contain toxins in the field of vision, and naturally it will not affect reading books.

"Ms. Xingye said that you have a very good memory and you will not forget the knowledge after you have memorized it. Is that right?"

Rexor sat up from the recliner and cast a spell while speaking, lowering a soundproof barrier and a sight-obstructing barrier around the two of them, so that the sounds and sights of the exchange could not be detected by researchers not far away.

Those researchers discovered the fluctuations in spell energy, turned their heads and took a glance, no longer paying attention to the expert poison alchemist and demon hunter master in the corner.

Xia Zuo nodded calmly, with an honest look on his face, "Yes, Master. My memory is obvious to all, and everyone in Xingye Academy knows it."

"If some knowledge is recorded in words you can't understand, can you still remember it?" Rexall asked.

"What?" Xia Zuo hesitated for a few seconds and said:

"Then I can only memorize them as graphics. It will be a little difficult, but it should be fine."

Rexor clapped his hands, walked to the other party, sat down, and took out a yellowed page from his pocket.

"Come and try it."

There are many wavy words on the yellowed paper.

The order of writing is not from left to right or top to bottom, but around the central origin, writing in circles.

This makes the content on the yellowed page look like a pool of blood dripping from a high place.

Xia Zuo frowned, looking confused, but actually he was in a turmoil inside.

This is the language of blood patterns!

The specialty of [Blood Pattern Language] is severely lacking. Xia Zuo can only understand a very few words on the yellowed pages.

"Master, what language is this?" He pointed to the wavy words extending outward in a spiral shape, expecting to learn more information from the bald head.

Rexor waved his hand and said:

"This is the language of the blood mage, the language of blood patterns. You don't need to know the meaning of these words."

The bald head paused, "First see if you can remember it. If it's ok, let's talk about something else. I have to remind you, just write it down. Don't speculate on their meaning, as it may be contaminated. The filthy thoughts of the Strange Demonic Church.”

"Uh, what you're saying is that these words can lead to depravity? Will there be any danger if I remember them?" Xia Zuo thought about this issue from the perspective of a person who didn't know the language of blood patterns at all.

"I will help you erase this part of your memory." Rexall said.

Erase memory…

Xia Zuo frowned, remembering something that happened a long time ago.

I remember that I had just entered Xingye Academy at that time.

Senior Mars once mentioned that if there is a student who seriously violates the "Castle Code", the head of the school, Beatrice, will personally erase the student's memory and then expel him from the school.

Is erasing memory a spell effect of the enchantment school?

Xia Zuo felt palpitations for no reason

If you lose your memory inexplicably and you are not aware of this situation, wouldn't it be a bit scary?

Just like inhaling anesthetic before surgery in my previous life.

I thought I couldn't sleep and couldn't sleep.

As a result, three to five hours passed quietly as soon as I closed and opened my eyes.

The doctors, nurses, and people waiting outside the operating room all knew what happened during this period, but the patient on the operating table was a little scared just thinking about it.

"Hey, Xia Zuo."

Rexall was all too familiar with the expression on his face. Almost everyone had this look of worry and disgust when they heard the words "erasure memory."

"This is the fifth era, not the fourth era. The kind of spell that can unconditionally and unlimitedly modify other people's memories has been sealed by the Mage Temple."

Rexor patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder and comforted:

"So, the reality is not as bad as you think. Erasing memory is not an easy thing. It has very harsh conditions."

The bald head stretched out his finger and tapped the yellowed paper on the table.

"This piece of paper is an indispensable material for casting spells. Hmm... I guess you don't need to erase the memory of the blood pattern language. You have been in contact with the blood demon, and even faced the blood essence stone, and you have not been contaminated by the filth. These blood patterns Words won’t have any negative impact on you.”

"Hurry and memorize these words, don't think so much." Rexor leaned back, put his feet on the table next to him, closed his eyes and seemed to be meditating.

Xia Zuo was just disgusted with the matter of "erasing memory", not even afraid of it.

He has a golden finger to help record knowledge.

Who has the ability to erase memories?

About 1 hour later.

Xia Zuo opened his notepad.

The sound of turning pages startled Rexor.

The bald man opened his eyes and asked:

"Did you write it down? So quickly?"

"Uh no, there isn't."

Xia Zuo shook his head, "I want to draw it according to my memory to confirm whether I remember it correctly."

Rexor stretched out his hand to hold down the white paper and said in a serious tone:

"I'm beginning to believe that your memory is extraordinary. I need to remind you. The blood pattern language is the language of the blood mage. It has magic power in itself and will be sensed by the blood wizard. You must not write down what you have written down. "

The bald man turned over the yellowed paper and said, "If you want to write, just write on the back of my paper."

Xia Zuo nodded honestly, picked up the pen and drew a dot in the center of the paper, then rotated the paper with his left hand and drew wavy text with his right hand.

The writing movements are smooth and smooth, as precise as a typewriter without emotional fluctuations.

The bald man looked aside and raised his brows, crossed his arms and wondered what he was thinking.

After a while, Xia Zuo capped his pen, and the message from Goldfinger came to his mind.

"It is detected that the host has successfully memorized the new blood pattern language, which has been entered into the specialty [blood pattern language]."

Xia Zuo flipped the page, pretending to check for errors, and selected [Blood Pattern Language] in his mind to check the new knowledge he had just gained.

When he first obtained the specialty of [Blood Pattern Language], he discovered that even if he didn't know the words, he could still understand the blood pattern language entered into his mind.

The knowledge memorized this time is no exception.

The content on the yellowed page can be summed up in one sentence:

Basically, it means that at least 30 blood addicts have sneaked into Machina State recently, and the blood pattern characteristics of some of them have been recorded, as shown below.

Xia Zuo's first reaction after reading it was...

Is there a mole in the Strange Demon Church? ?

How come the movements and characteristics of blood addicts are so clear? And revealed it to the Demon Hunting School?

"Master, do you think I am writing this correctly?" Xia Zuo put the yellowed page in front of him.

"Correct, Xia Zuo."

Rexor took out a half-meter-long parchment roll from his pocket and put it on the table to unfold.

The scroll is covered with blood-striped language.

"Look for the words you just wrote down on this parchment."

Rexall handed a pencil to the other party, "If there are any, mark them."

Xia Zuo's eyes slowly scanned the roll.

"No, Master. There is no text on it that I just wrote down."

"Then let's get another one." Rexor took out a longer parchment roll, "Look at this one."

In the following nearly an hour, the bald man took out about 20 different parchment rolls.

"Master, there is a character I recognize here." Xia Zuo picked up the pencil and drew a circle on the scroll.


Rexor's eyes glared, revealing a fierce light, staring at the scroll with a burning gaze like a jackal discovering its prey.

"Just wait for me here and don't leave."

With a wave of his arm, the bald man took away all the parchments and left the laboratory.

Xia Zuo just felt a little confused. Rexor came and went like the wind, without giving him a chance to ask questions, so he had to open the textbook and continue to endorse.

Later in the night, 1 o'clock in the morning.

The researcher in the laboratory lies in his recliner and meditates, regains his almost exhausted energy, and gets up to work again after an hour.

Xia Zuo took a sip of the refreshing potion and leaned back on the chair to monitor the nine blood demons in the culture tank.

Rexor is back.

He raised his hand to set up the barrier, sat next to Xia Zuo and said:

"Do you still remember the two blood demons Ufaris and Utholeus?"

"Remember." Xia Zuo said.

The day after he arrived in Poseidon City, he killed a juvenile transformer.

The waste of this transformer was detected to contain the blood of two blood demons, Ufaris and Utholyus.

"Serit and I made tracking props and locked their positions. The tracking props have a time limit and can only last for a maximum of 3 days. Just last weekend, before the last tracking prop expired, these two blood demons were moving towards each other. Moving in the direction of Seton City.”

After the bald man finished speaking, he thought for nearly half a minute, then raised his chin, pointed in the direction of the culture irrigation and said:

"The Strange Demon Church has a way to rescue these nine blood demons together, and it is difficult for us to stop them."

Xia Zuo was a little surprised, but he did not ask questions, but listened patiently to the bald head's explanation.

"The Blood Demon has a ritual that descends on the inheritors." Rexor said in a deep voice:

"The scope of the ritual's influence is very large. If the Strange Demon Church is willing to invest, it can still allow these nine blood demons to descend on its inheritors even if they are one or two hundred kilometers apart."

Xia Zuo thought for a while and asked:

"Then why didn't the Strange Demon Church use this method to rescue Blood Demon No. 13 before?"

Rexor looked at the meditating researcher, waved his hand and set up several more barriers, and then said:

"Both you and I know that the place where Blood Demon No. 13 was captured is the Western Continent. The extreme storm between the east and west continents not only makes it impossible for ships to pass, but also blocks the communication between the Blood Demons.

"In the more than ten years that Blood Demon No. 13 has been lurking in the Western Continent, all the converts and blood addicts it left in the Eastern Continent have died, and there are no living inheritors."

Rexor continued:

"In the past few days, many Category 3 disasters have occurred in the suburbs of Poseidon and surrounding towns. Almost all action teams have been dispatched."

Rexor exhaled a heavy breath and said:

"The Emergency Response Department has concluded that the Strange Demon Church is determined to rescue these nine blood demons. They are using non-stop little troubles to consume the effective strength of the action team, and will launch an attack when the time is right."

Xia Zuo's heart sank, "Master, are these nine blood demons so important to the Strange Demon Church? They have attracted so many enemies."

"Xia Zuo, you have to know that the blood witch's status in the Strange Demon Church is equivalent to the archmage's status in the Mage Temple."

Rexor rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and said:

"It can be said that as long as you become an archmage, it is only a matter of time before you are promoted to a higher level. The same is true for blood witches. What's more, the birth of the last blood witch was more than two hundred years ago."

Rexor raised his hand and swiped the cultivation bottle.

"The 9 blood demons in the culture tank can be fused together, and each one is full of blood. As long as the number is gathered and the fusion contract is concluded again, you can be promoted to a blood witch. This is a once-in-a-century opportunity. How could the Demonic Church give up on them so easily?"

"Master, what do you need me to do?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Let me explain it to you simply."

Rexall took out the yellowed paper and ran his fingers across the paper.

"These words contain the blood pattern characteristics of more than a dozen blood addicts. You can understand the blood pattern characteristics as height, weight, gender and other similar things.

“I need you to find these words on the parchment.

"This way we can know whether the blood pattern characteristics recorded on the parchment include the blood pattern characteristics of blood addicts."

Want me to be a humanoid recognition machine? ..Xia Zuo blinked and asked, "Where did the blood pattern on the parchment come from?"

Rexor looked at the researcher who had finished his meditation and said:

"This afternoon, come to the manor and I will explain it to you in detail."

"Okay, Master."

Friday afternoon.

Xia Zuo came to the classical manor near the suburbs as promised.

The bald and cold-faced man was rarely playing cards or drinking.

The two of them got a box carriage from somewhere and were carrying things into the carriage.

About a few minutes later, the 17th Operation Team drove into the gate of the manor.

Rexall declined their offer to help move things and asked Xia Zuo and the action team to wait nearby.

Xia Zuo greeted his teammates, looked at Dunk with a guilty conscience and asked:

"Captain, do you have any clues about the three transformers?"

Dunk took out a pipe of tobacco, smelled it, shook his head and said:

"No, no. I've been to the northwest city for the past two days, but I didn't find any clues. I received a message from Director Vickers this morning and called everyone here."

"What's the situation like in the suburbs and small towns?"

Xia Zuo then asked, looking at the somewhat tired Lanlot.

Lanlot is feeding his spirit pet. Pique lay sleepily in his owner's arms, chewing snacks and squinting his eyes to sleep.

"It's not good. Every now and then, blood addicts will commit crimes."

Lanlot scratched Pique's back, "If we hadn't received the notice from the captain, we should have followed Team Fox to search for residential buildings in the northern town. We have been doing these things in the past few days. Compared to searching in the wilderness, , our job is pretty easy.”

Leonard sat on the tree stump chair and took over the conversation, "I haven't been back to Poseidon for many days. I can finally take a rest tonight."

His gloves and shoes were stained with dust, his clothes had many scratches, and threads were exposed from the torn corners of his clothes.

Xia Zuo suddenly felt that he was quite lucky as a non-combatant, at least he didn't have to run around outside to put out fires.

As a woman, Lisa's treatment in this regard is not much better than that of other companions.

She also looked dusty, and her hair was neglected and had to be tied up and tied behind her head.

"Captain, this is an order from Director Vickers. Our team is temporarily under the full command of the Demon Hunter Master." Lisa handed the secret message ring on her hand to Dunk.

Dunk glanced at the message on the ring, "We may have to return to our old business. You don't need to go outside the city anymore."

"Oh? Really?" Lanlot raised the corner of his mouth, and several other people on the side had the same expression.

Rexor happened to come over and said, "Yes, guys. Let me tell you about the arrangements for the next few days."

He took out a map of Poseidon City from his pocket, with several routes drawn in red ink.

The four urban areas of east, south, west and north are numbered 1 to 4 respectively.

"We are going to patrol the DC area today. Dunk, you drive in front to help clear the way for the carriage and follow the route map of the DC area. Don't drive too fast and keep it at the speed of a normal person."

Rexor handed the map to Dunk, "Leave the rest to me, Seret, and Xia Zuo. You just need to keep the road clear and stop or continue moving after receiving Seret's secret message. That’s it.”

"It's that simple." Rexor turned to look at his companion sitting in the driver's seat of the carriage, who made a "ready" gesture.

"Okay, let's all get in the car." Rexor waved his hand and pulled Xia Zuo towards the carriage.

The car ignited and drove out of the manor.

Seretes flicked the reins and drove the carriage to follow.

On the avenue near DC.

There were flashing red and blue police lights on the roof of the 17th Action Team car. When passersby and passing carriages saw it, they moved to both sides to avoid it.

Xia Zuo glanced at the car and could vaguely see Dunk and Leonard sitting in the back seat. Lanlot was still driving, and Lisa was sitting in the passenger seat.

Rexor looked over his head and spoke to Seritus for a few words, then closed the carriage door and windows tightly.

"Vickers has temporarily adjusted his work schedule. He will monitor the Blood Demon in the underground laboratory during the day. Serrit and I will change shifts at night."

Rexor patted the metal box on the floor and said:

"Put on your gloves and follow my instructions later. Be sure not to touch the contents of the box."

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo took out the leather gloves he wore when refining poison.

Rexall opened the metal box on the floor, picked up something similar to a typewriter and put it on the table.

He put a parchment roll into the paper box of the typewriter, pulled out the roll and put it on the roller, and then put a crystal filled with blood-red light into the typewriter's ink cartridge.

"Click, click, click..." The typewriter typed words and adjusted the rollers on its own, printing spirally distributed wavy text on the yellowed paper.

"Xia Zuo." Rexall handed over a pencil, "Mark the words you memorized last night on the parchment. Be careful not to let any part of your body touch the parchment or the typewriter."

"Okay, Master." Xia Zuo adjusted his sitting position and put his hands under the table.

The typewriter typed at a speed that was neither too fast nor too slow, just enough for him to distinguish the words carefully.

Rexall was not idle either. He sat on the opposite side of the table, holding another pencil in his hand and staring at the fresh words on the parchment.

Half an hour later the first roll of parchment was gone.

Rexall knocked on the door and the carriage stopped.

After replacing the new blank parchment tube, the bald head knocked on the door again, and the carriage started again.

After spending the whole afternoon like this, Xia Zuo rubbed his sore eyes and got off the car in the classic manor.

Rexall walked towards everyone in the 17th Action Team, "Guys, you did a good job. Now go back and rest. Come to us again at the same time tomorrow afternoon."

Dunk and his party waved goodbye to Xia Zuo, got in the car and took the first step.

"Leso, how are you? Have you made any new discoveries?" Cerites jumped out of the driver's seat and asked.

"No, Seret." Rexor walked up to the carriage and came down holding the metal box.

"How is this kid doing?" Cerites looked at Xia Zuo with suspicious eyes.

"He didn't desert this afternoon. There may indeed be no blood addicts in that area."

Rexor and Cerites walked towards the house, and turned back to Xia Zuo with their bald heads and shouted:

"You come in too."

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo followed quickly.

The three came to the house.

Rexall opened the metal box and unloaded the ink cartridge from the typewriter and handed it to Seritus, who took the ink cartridge and went straight to the second floor.

"Come, sit down. Let's check the blood marks we got this afternoon again."

Rexall placed more than twenty tubes of parchment rolls on the cleared dining table.

Xia Zuo looked at the wavy writing on the parchment and asked, "Where did these blood lines come from? Are they written on that crystal?"

"Don't ask too many questions, Xia Zuo. Just do your work."

Rexor patted the other party's shoulder, spread out the parchment on the table, and checked the wavy text recorded this afternoon.

Xia Zuo didn't want to say anything when he saw his bald head, so he had to sit down and work honestly.

Following the bald man's instructions, every time he wanted to replace a parchment roll, he would ask the other party to do it for him and would not touch the parchment roll with his own hands.

About 1 hour later.

As evening falls, the blood-red sunset shines into the living room of the low house.

The sound of footsteps came from the stairs.

Seretes went to his companions and said:

"Leso, confirmed, there are no blood addicts in that area."

The cold-faced man stared at Xia Zuo for a few seconds, said nothing, took a bottle of fruit wine from the wine cabinet, sat down on the sofa and drank.

Rexor looked at Xia Zuo who was reading at the table and said:

"Go back. Come back here tomorrow afternoon. We still have work for you. It will be the same for the next week."

"Then I'll leave first, Master." Xia Zuo packed up his briefcase and walked to the door.

After saying goodbye to the bald man, he used the secret message ring to explain to Anruer why he didn't reply to the message or go home. Then he ran to a nearby street, caught a public carriage and hurried home.

He planned to complete this mission beautifully in order to obtain the next stage of the cursed seal as soon as possible. This would not only speed up the progress of being promoted to a high-level mage, but also save a lot of points.

Inside the low house of the manor at this time.

Rexor took out the first parchment printed this afternoon and his eyes fell on the beginning of the scroll.

Seretes came over, crossed his arms, and scanned the same area with a critical eye.

"Do you see it?" Seretes pointed to a group of complex words and sentences and said:

“This kid’s body recovery ability is more than ten times that of normal humans, and higher than that of a high-level mage.

“The physical activity is amazing and it integrates well with the spiritual ocean.

"We have also verified his spellcasting talent. It is so exquisite that it only took him two hours to learn the advanced curse seal. Beatrice's conclusion is correct. He is probably a pure-blood mage who is awakening the power of his bloodline. "

Rexor remained silent.

"Does he know that his blood pattern characteristics are also recorded?" Seritus asked.

Rexor shook his head.

"Probably doesn't know. He might not even understand what the typewriter and ink cartridges do."

Rexor rolled up the parchment and said, "I will come and communicate with him. Just drive the carriage well. Starry Night Academy has not taught the knowledge of the power of blood. The blood mage's reputation has also been ruined by the Church of Strange Demons. He has concerns. , if he doesn’t want to reveal the actual situation, I can’t force him.”

“We need an opportunity to open up the conversation.”

Thanks to book friend 20180802114554988 for the 5,000 points!

Thanks to Qingren Fengcheng, Jiang Jiang Jiang, 8 Rhapsody 8, Bai Ziyu, Ku Rong Wuchang, Book Friends 20170715100641619, Riniheer already exists, Nai Qingwu, Book Friends 20180802114554988, Zhang Mingkun, Looking for a way home, It doesn’t matter, Book Friends 20200715102925597 , +74675, dyeing the moon and falling snow, user_sailboat, reverse Lelouch, Wei Jie, overseas people, light blue Momo's monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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