Sunday morning.

Xia Zuo spent an hour and passed the weapons alchemy exam in Yingrui Academy.

With Professor Angus's letter, he exchanged it for a free spell scroll for the elemental weapon in the Mages Guild Hall in the school, and untied the scroll on the spot to learn the spell.

[Spell name] Energy device charging spell

[Spell type] Plastic spell, auxiliary type, energy flow type

[Spell Level] Trick

【Associated Trait】Any element trait

【Spell Power】

Single evocation spell power is 6 points, combined evocation spell power is not applicable, and non-attribute power is 6 points.

[Spell Effect]

Consume energy and guide elemental energy into the elemental energy device.

Evocation spells involve a combination of the four elements.

For example, fireball is a combination of fire and earth spells.

Fire and earth are flames, and this kind of flame is the kind of flame that burns continuously.

The flames spouted by energy weapons lack the earth energy to provide combustibles and combustion aids, and directly consume air to maintain combustion, so the power of the flames will be reduced by half compared to the charged power.

The specific principle is unclear and is not mentioned in the book.

It should be proficient level or even expert level weapon alchemy content.

Water and soil are acidic liquids, which are acidic and corrosive liquids that can cause physical damage and corrode objects.

Since the acid energy will corrode the Yuan energy device itself, it is generally not seen that people use Yuan energy firearms to fire acid bullets.

Water and wind are ice.

It is difficult to launch ice energy, and it will react with the air to condense into solid ice cubes the moment it leaves the magazine.

Ice cubes will melt and are relatively brittle, so generally no one will fill the Yuan Energy magazine with ice energy.

Fire wind is lightning. Lightning is very violent and lively, more difficult to control than fire, and has both damaging and paralyzing effects.

Except for the fire and earth combination, Xia Zuo didn't know much about the other three combinations...

Because he doesn't have time to delve into the plasticity genre at the moment.

He only knew that the anti-magic shield could withstand all spell damage, so he might as well spend more energy on this life-saving shield, and then activate [Blood Sacrifice Casting] and [Blood Rage Casting] to bombard the enemy with fireballs.

After you have the charging spell, you can get your own sidearm as long as you find time to go to the action team and receive training.

At noon.

Xia Zuo and An Ru'er had a simple meal at a restaurant near the school, then one went home to read, and the other came to the Demon Hunter's manor.

The condition of the members of the 17th Action Team is much better than yesterday. Official mages only need five or six hours of deep meditation to fully recover.

When Xia Zuo arrived, Lanlot and Leonard were playing Gwent, with Dunk and Lisa sitting nearby and watching.

After Rexor and the two arranged the carriage, the group officially set off.

Today's arrangement was the same as yesterday, with the car driving in front and Seretes driving the carriage behind.

Inside the carriage carriage.

When driving to a residential building in the DC area, Xia Zuo raised his eyebrows, picked up his pencil, and drew three circles on the parchment paper.

Rexor's face on the side was stern, and he tightened the lines on his face. He took out the yellowed paper and checked the blood-marked language marked by Xia Zuo, and then opened the carriage door.

"Serrit, Xia Zuo has found the blood addict!" Rexor said in a low voice, his eyes gleaming fiercely.

Cerites looked at Xia Zuo, his eyes lingering for a second, "Then let's go now?"

"Yes. Don't hold back and resolve the battle as soon as possible."

Rexall opened the ink cartridge of the typewriter and grabbed the blood-red crystal.

"Xia Zuo, drive the carriage and wait for us on the side of the road."

The bald man jumped out of the carriage, ran to the action team's car, knocked on the glass, and gave Dunk a few words of advice before running towards an alley with the cold-faced man.

Their speed was faster than the speed of a car. Their figures shuttled through the crowd as nimbly as slippery loaches, and disappeared deep into the alley in an instant.

Xia Zuo picked up the reins and stopped the carriage by the roadside.

Members of the 17th Action Team walked towards the carriage.

Dunk directed as he walked:

"Leonard, set up a protective barrier to protect the carriage and our car.

"Lanlot, let Pique go to high altitude to reconnoiter the surrounding terrain and people to see the situation of the masters.

"Lisa, send a message to the nearby police station and ask them to be ready. After receiving our news, they will send the police to finish it off."

The three team members immediately took action.

Leonard stretched out his hands and summoned two emerald green totem poles next to the car, and two spherical protective barriers enveloped the car and carriage.

The spirit pig emerged from the handle of Lanlot's pistol and floated to an altitude of more than 20 meters.

Xia Zuo stood on the driver's seat of the carriage and looked around at the passers-by walking on the street, as well as the tenants in the buildings on the roadside who looked through the glass windows at the strange movements on the street.

This street is located in the downtown area of ​​the DC area of ​​​​Poseidon City. The shops on both sides of the street are closely arranged, and customers are walking out of the stores holding large and small bags.

"Captain, do we need to evacuate civilians?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Wait a little longer, it's not yet time, otherwise something bad will happen." Dunk shook his head and took out a pipe of tobacco and smelled it a few times. "You stay in the barrier later and use the Curse of Decay to contain the blood addicts."

"Yes, Captain."

Lanlot controlled Pique to look out and suddenly said:

"Captain, I see two masters, they are ready to take action."

"Boom!" The explosion came from an apartment not far away. It was still clearly audible after being weakened by several buildings. Thick black smoke floated into the sky.

"Three blood addicts have appeared!" Lanlot shouted, "One is running away from us, do you want to stop it?"

"Of course, get ready for the enemy, guys!"

Dunk flipped the safety on his atomic pistol and fired a flaming red magic bullet into the sky.

Bright red fireworks exploded.

Passers-by and residents in the building who were still looking around curiously saw the color of the fireworks and immediately hid in the house, closed the windows and drew the curtains.

Lisa raised her hands, and the light of the spell poured out from her fingers, scattering on her teammates.

There was a layer of hazy light on Xia Zuo's windbreaker, and several lines of golden finger messages came to his mind, reminding him that he had obtained various blessing effects such as [full physical energy], [calmness], [quick response], etc., and the duration Ranging from 1 minute to 10 minutes.

"The target is here, right there!"

Lantot pointed to the alleyway ten meters away.

An embarrassed figure happened to come out of the alley.

It was dressed in rags, the striped suit on its body was blown into rags, the skin on its face was scorched, revealing scarlet flesh, and a thick blood-red light emanated from the flesh.

The blood addict saw the members of the action team waiting at the alley. A sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth as he spread blood-red meat. He pounced on a civilian who had no time to escape. His bleeding arms turned into several blood whips, intending to take the civilian hostage.

Xia Zuo stretched out his hand and cast a curse of decay.

The rest reacted faster.

Leonard ran and shot, and the dense magic ammunition weaved into a fire network, scattering all the blood whips that were about to bind civilians, "Run! Don't look back!"

The civilian's psychological quality was pretty good. He was not frightened by the blood whip and the ferocious blood addict. He screamed and ran into the distance.

Piqué, who was floating in the air, projected a brown beam of light, creating a stone wall at the entrance of the alley, blocking the retreat of the blood addict.

Dunk held the gun with both hands, and when moving his legs, his upper body remained motionless. He locked the enemy through the sight and continuously fired magic ammunition.




Three bright purple magic bullets exploded as they approached the blood addict, and purple lightning flowed freely through the air.

The blood addict was hit by lightning, and his body suddenly stiffened. There were three more purple chains binding his body, but the next second it turned into a large fluffy blood mist and broke free from the restraints.

At this moment, Leonard ran to the enemy and used his Yuan Energy submachine gun to spray out a fire dragon.

It can be seen that the flames are a fatal threat to the blood addicts in the form of blood mist.

The blood mist that only appeared for a second or two immediately turned back into human form.

The blood addict condensed a hard dark red shield to block the fire dragon's attack. The flames grazed both sides of its body, the light and shadow in the surrounding air were distorted, and heat waves billowed.

Several blood whips emitting a jet-black aura emerged from the blood addict's back, drawing an arc at his side and whipping them towards Leonard, who was spitting out flames.

The emerald green wooden sculpture hanging from the submachine gun casts a ray of light.


The blood whip was blocked by the magic barrier that suddenly appeared, making the sound of gold and iron clashing.

Dunk arrives.

The pistol in his hand also sprayed out a fire dragon, but it was blocked by another dark red shield.

Lantot and Lisa were a little slower, and at this time they also came to the center of the battlefield and sprayed fire dragons from different angles.

The blood addict was barely able to hold on among the four fire dragons, but was unable to resist Xia Zuo's curse of decay. The dark red shield surrounding his body gradually showed signs of melting and shrinking.

"Work harder, guys!" Dunk turned the switch on the gun body, and the fire dragon sprayed from the muzzle was a little thicker.

"Roar!" The blood addict's whine was full of hatred, and his burning figure quickly collapsed, as if he was gathering strength.

The experienced Dunk yelled to the team members around him, "Be careful, it's going to self-destruct!"

Several people retreated steadily with a tacit understanding.

Leonard stopped breathing fire and raised his hands to summon a magic shield to protect his companions.

Dunk took out an alchemy bomb from his pocket, estimated the explosion radius, and threw it towards the blood addict.


The alchemical bomb blasts the blood addict to pieces before he blows himself up!

A large amount of black blood was sprinkled into the sky, and then fell to the ground, dripping, creating a filthy rain of blood mixed with internal organs.

The battle only lasted about 3 minutes.

The performance of the 17th Action Team opened Xia Zuo's eyes.

Lanlot and Lisa contain the enemy and strengthen their teammates.

Dunk uses lightning ammunition to stop the enemy, increase his firepower, and command the entire field.

Leonard has strong defense. He is the first to approach the target, fire accurately to rescue civilians, and then suppress the enemy with flames.

If this set of small combos, which can be completed within a few seconds, is achieved without the help of Yuan Neng firearms and relies solely on normal spell casting, it will easily cause problems with poor spell connection.

The four of them cooperated tacitly, and even without the help of the Curse of Decay, it was no problem to take down the Blood Addict without any damage.

Xia Zuo has finished learning entry-level weapon alchemy, and his vision is different from when he first came to Poseidon.

In the battle just now, the gap in combat effectiveness between non-combatants and combatants was obvious.

The flame power that Leonard spits out with his energy firearm is about 40 points, which is the highest among the four. This is related to his preference for fire spells.

Next is Captain Dunk at about 30 points.

Lanlot and Lisa were at 20 and 10 points respectively.

Casting spells with elemental firearms will cause a power loss, about 50%.

This means that even Lisa, who has the lowest fire element power among the four, contains at least 20 small fire elements, not counting the other three elements she contains in order to cast blessing spells.

Xia Zuo thought of this and looked at his character template. The number of elements that could be accommodated was only 24...

This gap is really not that big.

"Xia Zuo~"

After Lisa and Dunk exchanged a few words, they waved in the direction of the carriage and shouted:

"Come and help us clear the road."

"Coming, coming." Xia Zuo jumped off the carriage and trotted over.

He took the disinfectant air bag and sprayed the mist while reading the information on Goldfinger.

Most of the damage is done by the Dunk Four and the Alchemy Bomb.

The reward experience is naturally not much, only 130 points.

But the new specialty is exciting! !

[Speciality Name] Blood Breath Bag·Incomplete

【Feature Description】

This specialty is incomplete. You can only use your own life force as a consumable, and the blood breath packet can only be used on yourself.

【Specialty Effect】

Consume 100 blood points (only for yourself) to create a blood breath bag that can restore 20 blood points.

You can only have a maximum of 10 Blood Breath Packets.

Blood breath bag...isn't it just a blood bag?

Xia Zuo's eyes lit up!

It turns out that the reason why transformers are so able to withstand damage is because of this specialty.

No wonder it takes four official mages to kill a converter or blood addict.

Only sufficient sustained damage can suppress the blood recovery ability of converts and blood addicts.

Then with the instant super high burst damage, they were defeated in seconds.

Hmm~ When I get home tonight, I will start collecting blood packs.

Now there are two tubes of blood.

It is equivalent to giving away 20 layers of [Blood Rage Spellcasting] effect for free, which is equivalent to 20 points of curse spell power, or 40 points of fireball power.

So comfortable~

There are two chapters today, and there is another chapter, which will come soon.

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