While Xia Zuo and Lisa were spraying disinfectant mist, Dunk was not idle either.

He put on poison-refining gloves that isolated toxins and collected the remains of blood addicts scattered on the road.

These are things similar to transformer waste, which contain the blood of the Blood Demon and can be used to make tracking items.

Sirens sounded from a distance, and six police cars with flashing red and blue lights stopped on the roadside.

Dunk finished clearing the ground and walked up to talk to the officer.

The two Rexalls are back.

There were a lot of blood stains on their leather armors, which were black and smelly.

Xia Zuo used disinfectant mist to clean them, and the leather armors immediately became tidy so that they would not stain the carriage.

Dunk came over, handed over the metal box containing the blood addict's remains, and said:

"Master, what should we do next? Once these three blood addicts die, other blood addicts in the city will definitely get the news."

"You're right, Dunk."

Rexall stuffed the metal box into his pocket and waved his hand, "Get in the car, guys. Today's patrol work is over."

Xia Zuo returned to the carriage.

Rexall asked him to use poison induction to identify the remains of the three blood addicts, while he fiddled with the secret message ring a few times.

As expected.

The three piles of debris contained only the blood of Ufaris and Utholeus, and the rest had been excreted.

The bald man leaned against the carriage board and meditated for a while, his eyes flashed with understanding, and he said slowly:

“I know what this is about.

"The improved transformation ritual allows more Blood Demon blood to be mixed in the transformer's body. Different Blood Demons have common subordinates. This gives each Blood Demon's advent ceremony more alternatives and also continues their respective of blood.

"At the same time, the improved blood recovery spell can ensure that the blood of other blood demons is not controlled by us."

Rexor sighed meaningfully:

“I really didn’t expect that in the more than ten years since I went to the Western Continent, such changes would have taken place within the Strange Demon Church.

"If we let them rescue the nine blood demons in the underground laboratory this time...

"Maybe it will give birth to the fifth generation of blood mages."

Fifth Generation? So the current blood mage is the fourth generation?

It seems that the names of the fourth generation blood mages all consist of 4 syllables.

Xia Zuo called up the bloodline mark stored in [Bloodline Sensing] and took a look, and found that it was indeed the case.

"Master, does the name of the fifth generation blood mage have 5 syllables? Does the name of the first generation blood mage only have 1 syllable?"

Rexor shook his hand and said:

“Only they themselves know how long the name of the fifth generation blood mage will be.

“But the name of the first-generation blood mage, as you think, only has one syllable.

“We generally call them the first generation blood mages.

"Ufaris and Utorius, each syllable of these two names is the name of a first-generation blood mage."

Xia Zuo blinked and asked, "You just used 'them' instead of 'them' to refer to the first-generation blood mage, right?"


Rexor nodded.

“The first-generation blood mage is also known as the pure-blood blood mage, pure-blood mage, or blood warlock.

"They can only use their own blood as casting materials and alchemy materials. Their body recovery ability is extraordinary, their life span is long and almost eternal, and their spell casting talent is outstanding."

Rexor stared at Xia Zuo, who was in a daze, and told a piece of dust-laden history in a calm tone.

“The history of pure-blood mages can be traced back to the Second Era.

“They have unique blood power and are naturally able to control blood, using their own vitality as material for casting spells.

"Pure-blood mages are lonely, lonely, and world-weary. Because chaos and conquest will create blood evil. Let the dirty blood lines spread in the air, staining the hearts of those who are contaminated. Although pure-blood mages will not be corrupted by this.

"They are knowledgeable, old-fashioned, and powerful. They stay alone for a long time and avoid worldly things, but this does not mean they are isolated from the world. They have a unique way and a long enough lifespan to understand the world and living creatures.

"So before the Fourth Era, blood mage was a neutral title."

Xia Zuo lowered his head and rubbed his face a few times, then opened his character template to check.

All the blood mage specialties he obtained were marked with the word "incomplete", and none of them could use other people's blood as consumables for casting spells.

It turned out that he had unknowingly embarked on the path of a pure-blood mage... Xia Zuo was silent for a few seconds and asked:

"Master, it sounds like you have no hostility towards pure-blood mages? Why is this?"

"Hmm...Xia Zuo, I don't know if you have ever heard of this saying, 'The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily a friend, but it does not have to be an enemy.'"

Rexall said:

"Pure-blood mages and we have a common enemy - the Church of Strange Demons. We are allies with them.

"Also, let me tell you another secret. Pure-blood mages are important members of the Tower Scholars.

"There are not a few warlocks like this who joined the Mage Temple because of the power of their blood. It's just that they are older now and don't want to move around. They just stay in the inner hall of the Mage Temple.

“The outer hall of the Mage’s Temple is responsible for handling affairs within the territory, and the inner hall is dedicated to researching new alchemy and spells.

"Occasionally, the wizards in the inner temple will take action if they need the help of ancient knowledge."

In this case, the information provided on the yellowed page came from the pure-blood mage in the temple.

"Then what is the relationship between pure-blood mages and second- and third-generation blood mages?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Pure-blood mages and second-generation blood mages are the relationship between parents and children.

“But the relationship between the second and third generations is very complicated.

"Some second-generation blood mages marry ordinary people or inheritors from other channels. Although their children have thin blood, the blood of the blood mages in their bodies is still relatively pure, and they still belong to the second-generation blood mages..."

Rexor sighed helplessly.

"Most of the second-generation blood mages are unfortunate. They were captured by the strange demons and forced to give birth, and they cultivated the third generation of blood mages, which are the hybrid blood mages in the strange demon church. The strange demon church extracted their blood, Using dirty rituals, the fourth generation blood mage was created."

One can imagine how angry a pure-blooded mage would be when he knew that his descendants were captured by strange demons and forced to give birth.

In a sense, the hatred between them and the Strange Demon Church is no longer as simple as destroying each other, but to purify and recycle the contaminated blood of the blood warlocks.

Xia Zuo touched his head. The new knowledge he had just gained made his thoughts swirl, and a question came to his mind.

"Master, why has Starry Night Academy never handed over this knowledge? I thought that only mages who use the power of elements exist in the Mage Temple."

"Xia Zuo."

Rexor seemed to be struck to the core by the other party's question, and his eyes became deep.

"The history related to the power of blood, like the history of other eras, has been hidden by the Mage Temple because of the historical tragedy that caused the power of artificial blood.

"Now, only high-level mages who have undergone the loyalty ceremony can learn this history."

He paused for a few seconds and his tone became erratic.

"Since the beginning of the Fifth Era, no one with the power of blood has appeared in the territory under the jurisdiction of the Mage Temple for more than a thousand years."

"Haven't appeared in more than a thousand years?!" Xia Zuo's eyes widened and he leaned back in his chair.

A thought flashed through his mind:

Could it be that Rexor suspected that I was a pure-blood mage? Otherwise why say this?

Xia Zuo frowned and tightened his lips without saying a word, speculating on the bald head's intentions.

"Bang bang." Cerites knocked on the door and pulled the reins, "We have arrived at the manor."

Rexor got off the carriage and turned around and said:

"Go back first, Xia Zuo. Cerites and I are going to make props for tracking the Blood Demon. Come to my place tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Master." Xia Zuo looked at the house shrouded in the setting sun and left the classical manor.

Cerites looked away from Xia Zuo's back and asked quietly:

"You told him about the pure-blood mage now? Is this the opportunity you mentioned?"

"Don't worry, Seret. I always prepare for the worst."

Rexall took out the yellowed paper and shook it. Behind the paper was the blood-striped language written silently by Xia Zuo in pencil, "He was very touched when he heard about the pure-blood mage. The fact that he is a pure-blood mage It’s almost like ten.”

Cerites crossed his arms, looked at the back of the person who was getting away, and said:

"He thought he was hiding well, with his thin skin and tender flesh. Who wouldn't be surprised? Do you really think we have lived for thousands of years in vain?"

Rexor said in a deep voice:

"So, you also agree that he is a pure-blood mage?"

Seritus was silent for a few seconds, "No, I reserve my opinion, Letho. Unless the inner sanctum passes unanimously."

Rexall patted the other party's shoulder and walked towards the house, "They will all agree. Xia Zuo has lived under Beatrice's eyes for nearly ten years."

Hearing Beatrice's name, the suspicious look in Seritus's eyes lightened a bit, "You are right. Maybe I should believe her."

Rexor shook his head, "No, you have to believe her, Seret. Just before I talked to Xia Zuo about the pure-blood mage, I got the letter from the Mage Temple. Beatrice was teaching meditation. In the first class, I lifted the elemental body."


The cold-faced man Seret was stunned for a moment, with a look of complete astonishment on his face. He suddenly turned his head to look at the figure who was about to disappear in the distance, "Just to try our best to detect this kid? That's why Beatrice can guarantee that Xia Zuo will definitely Are you born with the blood of a blood sorcerer?"

"Yes. No dirt can survive in her sight. And you see, Xia Zuo is alive and kicking. He has arrived in the Silver Moon Federation and will go to the Mage Temple for further training in the future. The pure-blood mages in the inner temple, My vision is accurate, they will not make mistakes. I am now 90% sure that Xia Zuo is a pure-blood mage."

Rexor stood in front of the door, leaning on his hips and looking at the window on the second floor that was covered by curtains:

"We have to find an opportunity for him to demonstrate his awakened blood magic in person. It is better for him to reveal his identity on his own initiative than for us to force him.

"Don't forget that pure-blood mages have many ways to change their appearance and body shape and hide them among the crowd.

"If Xia Zuo happened to awaken this innate spell and we didn't handle it properly... he might run away. By then it would be a trivial matter for the temple to lose a pure-blood mage... If the Church of the Strange Demon discovers his identity , that would be tragic.”

Cerites thought for a moment and nodded, "You're right, man. It's up to you to handle this matter."

As the sun was setting on the horizon, the witcher entered his house.

Thanks to Lei Hong Fengyue for the 100 points!

Thanks to the ashes guest for the 100 points!

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 500 points!

Thanks to InkWh1te for the 1500 points!

Thanks to my brother for the 26,500 points!

There will be more rewards and more, I will save some time and save the manuscript to find an opportunity to publish it.

Thank you for the sweetness of the rain, Favorite Keli, Wujiang Stepping on the Moon, Yue Ruonong, Little Demon, Lin Bei is a Cat, Torpedo Machine, My Name is Bian Que, Yulino, LLer who always loves the muse, God is not happy, Lao Brother, Dark God Liu, Lan Qingying, Qi Meng 2 Ren 3, Just_This Guy, Xingchen 5142, Book Friends 20191230132545747, Old Brother, Flying in the Wind, InkWh1te, Little Peanut’s Dad, rad, Kindling, Passerby Xiao Exhibition, desire mottled vote!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

I'm currently writing the outline of Volume 4, and there was a sale on Steam, so hey hey...

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