My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 134 [Health Volume Retrospection] [Flesh Disguise] (Rewards will be added)

Xia Zuo lifted the curse spell, shook the wooden chain hammer excitedly, turned around and asked:

"Master, how long do I need to train before I can use the energy chain hammer?"

"Normally speaking, you have to learn for five or six years first. Even a talented demon hunting apprentice will take three years."

Rexor pointed at Xia Zuo.

"But you are a pure-blood mage, and your body's recovery ability is unparalleled. The speed of your training depends on how much pain you can endure."

Rexor took out the two chain hammers from his waist. The one on his left hand was made of wood, and the one on his right hand was made of metal.

"If you want to learn faster, let's go directly to the real thing. During the training process, you will see blood, even fractures and internal damage.

"If you are afraid of pain, then let's learn it step by step and start with the wooden chain hammer."

Xia Zuo didn't hesitate, pointed to the opponent's right hand and said:

"I want it done quickly! I'm not afraid of pain."

"Ha! I hope so. Do you want me to give you a try first so that you don't regret it later?" Rexor said half-jokingly.

Xia Zuo patted his chest and said loudly, "Come on, give it a try,"

He also wants to know how much damage a cold weapon can cause to him, as long as he doesn't die with one hammer blow.

"Are you serious?" Rexor's eyes widened with an incredulous expression.

"Yes, I'm serious." Xia Zuo activated [Stone Skin Armor], and the luster of his skin became dim, like mud smeared all over his body.

The stone skin armor in the basic stage can only passively reduce physical damage by 2%.

Xia Zuo looked at the metal hammer head and felt that he might not be able to withstand a beating. He walked to the edge of the training ground and picked out a worn-out leather armor to put on.

"Is this what you're wearing?" Rexor frowned, worried, and pointed to the clothes hanger aside, "There is a set of training armor there."

"No, Master. I want to truly experience the feeling of being hit. I have never tried how much damage I can withstand." Xia Zuo looked directly at the opponent and said.

"Okay. I'll make it happen for you." Rexor threw the wooden chain hammer to the sidelines and shook off the chain of the metal chain hammer.

"Hoo~ho~ho~" Rexor swung his hammer.

"Uh, Master, don't charge up, hit me directly." Xia Zuo shook his hand repeatedly at the rotating hammer head, his scalp was a little tight... If he was hit to death by the bald head, he would have done it.

Rexor nodded, stopped rotating the hammer, and counted down:

"Ready, 3, 2, 1!"

Xia Zuo tensed his muscles and focused on the opponent's attack trajectory.

"Bang!" He lowered his head and hit his side, causing his waist to collapse.

"Pfft~" Xia Zuo covered his side and spat out a large mouthful of blood.



Three negative effects were obtained at the same time.

[Moderate internal bleeding]: 50 blood points will be deducted every minute.

[Moderate Fracture]: The movement speed is reduced by 50%. When moving or acting, there is a certain probability of deepening the fracture and obtaining a new bleeding effect.

[Moderate Pain]: Every time you move or act, a [Will] attribute judgment will be made. If the judgment fails, the move or action will fail.


Xia Zuo knelt on the ground and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, consuming 5 blood packs to fill up his blood.

[Immortal Body] takes effect.

Xia Zuo stood up with a rosy face. The skin, flesh and bones of his waist squirmed, and the depression returned to its original state.

Apart from the blood stains at the corners of his mouth and the blood on the ground, there was no sign of injury.

Rexor rubbed his chin and glanced up and down at the other person, "It's really a magical power of blood. You were almost unable to stand up after the blow just now, but now you are unscathed. You are worthy of being the top blood of the second era." "

Xia Zuo's eyes fell on the bloody water at his feet. He didn't raise his head to look at the bald head for a long time, his eyes shining with thought.

At this time yesterday, he used [Flesh and Blood Control] to draw a blood line from his body and showed Rexor his ability to control blood.

He clearly remembered that the moment he released [Flesh Control], the blood line disappeared out of thin air.

but now..

The blood at his feet and the blood stains around his mouth are still here and have not disappeared.

Will only the blood lines summoned by [Flesh Control] disappear directly?

With a thought in his mind, Xia Zuo activated [Flesh and Blood Control], pulled out a 10 cm long blood line from under the skin, and formed a circle around him.

Rexor stroked his chin and said:

"Are you awakening new innate spells?"

Xia Zuo stared at the blood line on his side and nodded wordlessly.

Rexall walked to the sidelines and stood still to make space for the opponent. In his opinion, it is a good thing that Xia Zuo can perform blood magic in person, which shows that Xia Zuo has begun to adapt to his identity.

In the center of the training ground.

Xia Zuo raised his left hand and controlled the blood line to float to the top of his palm to form a blood ball.

He raised his right hand again and put his mind on the ground.

The blood on the ground floated and followed his thoughts to his right hand, turning into another blood mass.

Xia Zuo turned off [Flesh Control].

The blood mass on his left hand disappeared immediately.

The blood mass on his right hand slipped past his fingertips and fell to the ground.

Xia Zuo's eyes sparkled and he understood some principles instantly.

The blood summoned with [Flesh Control] is obtained by consuming life force, similar to the fireball summoned with the fireball technique.

This type of blood is essentially embodied life force, a kind of energy.

Once you stop casting the spell, it will dissipate immediately.

However, the blood that leaves the body due to injury or negative effects is not the product of blood magic. They are real body blood.

Since the blood volume will decrease when it leaves the body, what will happen if the blood returns to the body?

Could it be to replenish blood volume? ?

Xia Zuo's eyes widened, shocked by his inference!

He spent 5 points of blood to summon a blood line half a meter long, causing the blood line to dissipate directly.

Then, Xia Zuo stretched out his right hand towards the blood on the ground and controlled the blood to penetrate into his skin.





Every time a trace of blood pours into the skin, you can get 1 point of treatment! !

Xia Zuo watched in disbelief as the blood melted into his palm.

The message from Goldfinger came to my mind:

"It has been detected that the host has awakened new blood magic specialties on its own, and is undergoing digital transformation... The transformation was successful!

"New special ability [blood volume retrospection]."

[Feature Name] Blood Volume Recall

[Special level] LV.1 (0/5)

[Specialty Description 1] Each time you upgrade by 1 level, the retroactive blood volume will increase by 1 point.

[Feature Description 2] The current level limit is LV.10.

【Specialty Effect】

When you lose blood due to physical injury, the blood that flows out has a certain vitality.

Recovering vital blood will retrace the lost blood volume.

For every 10 points of blood lost, 1 point of blood can be restored.

The vitality in the blood outside the body can exist for up to 1 hour.

After leaving the body for more than 1 hour, the vitality in the blood outside the body will disappear immediately.

The extracorporeal blood generated in different time periods is used to calculate how long the vitality remains.

Adding new blood to old blood cannot extend the life span of the old blood.

[HP Recall] can completely become the second life-saving skill.

The only drawbacks are scope limitations and time constraints.

The appearance of [Blood Volume Recall] means that you can understand blood magic on your own!

Killing hybrid mages isn't the only way to gain perks.

Countless inspirations came to Xia Zuo's mind.

For example, find a way to hide your own blood pattern characteristics.

He called up [Blood Pattern Language], looked at the details of his blood pattern characteristics, and then compared it with the blood pattern characteristics of normal people.

He kept the difference between the two in his mind, closed his eyes, activated [Flesh and Blood Control], and regulated the flesh and blood throughout his body.

There are countless pieces of flesh squirming on the skin, as if there are reptiles swimming in the body. The hair has changed from shiny and silky to dull and bifurcated. The luster of the skin has gradually dimmed. There are shallow wrinkles on the forehead, and there are too many eye sockets, which are inevitable after working at a desk for a long time. Eye bags and dark lines…

One minute later.

Xia Zuo opened his eyes and looked at his palms. There were calluses and wrinkles on his palms.

There have also been changes in character templates.

[Blood pattern characteristics] 172.2 (50)

The values ​​in parentheses are the blood pattern characteristics displayed to the outside world after being disguised by [Flesh Control].

In other words.

From now on, as long as Xia Zuo doesn't take off his disguise, no one can use any method to detect his true blood pattern characteristics.

Sure enough, after he finished all this, Goldfinger's message came to his mind:

"It has been detected that the host has awakened new blood magic specialties on its own, and is undergoing digital transformation... The transformation was successful!

"New specialty [flesh camouflage]."

[Specialty Name] Flesh Camouflage

[Special level] LV.1 (0/1)

[Feature Description 1] Every time you upgrade by 1 level, the number of stored camouflage plans increases by 1.

[Feature Description 2] The current level limit is LV.10.

[Feature Description 3] Saved plan: 0/1

【Specialty Effect】

Disguise plans can be saved to this perk and activated for use at any time.

When applying a camouflage scheme, the body may be damaged and the blood pattern characteristics may change.

It only takes 1 blood pattern to upgrade this specialty. theory, there seems to be no gender restriction...

Xia Zuo twitched the corners of his mouth, sighing secretly that blood magic was really weird.

After a little exploration of the potential of [Flesh Control], two new specialties were spontaneously awakened.

Xia Zuo gradually realized that [flesh control] might be one of the core specialties of blood magic.

Since it’s so amazing…

So can you hide the small spots of light coming out of your body?

Xia Zuo took out a stick of black-eye poison from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

The visual hallucination effect appeared, but no matter how distorted his arms were in his field of vision, his figure stood motionless on the training ground.

1% resistance corresponds to 1 small point of light.

Different types of resistance have different colors of small light spots.

At this time, Xia Zuo had a total of nearly 50% of the four-series resistance, and there were about 50 small light spots floating out of his body.

There are traces of where the light spots appear.

In the book "General Explanation of Elemental Body", the principle of elemental body is mentioned.

The subject of elemental representation divides an adult's body into 206 parts, and the basis for distinguishing parts is bones.

A normal person has 206 bones.

The elemental body is composed of 206 parts. The first step to condense the elemental body is to fix the elements into the bones.

The small light spots floating in front of my eyes are floating out from the bones where they are located.

1 small light spot corresponds to 1 bone.

So if you want to prevent the small light spots from floating out, you have to change the structure of the bones.

Xia Zuo realized that this was a big project that would not only cause some pain, but might also cause the body to become deformed.

But it’s okay to simply give it a try.

He stared at his right hand.

There is a small light spot floating out from the place where the little finger connects to the forearm.

His knowledge of wound medicine and supplements told him that the bone on the side of the little finger is called the ulna.

Xia Zuo turned his attention to the ulna. He first waved his arm to make the small light spots drill back into the bones, and then adjusted the ulna a few times, but the small light spots could still fly out...


Xia Zuo frowned, and the bones in his right hand kept twisting. No matter how the shape of the bones changed, the small light spot would still fly out. It completely ignored the obstruction of bones and muscles and flew around his right hand as if provoking.

Xia Zuo sighed helplessly.

It seems that condensing the elemental body is the only way.

The poisonous effect of the black eye poison ends and the vision returns to normal.

Seeing Xia Zuo standing there with a complicated look on his face, Rexor walked over, his pupils slightly opened and narrowed, he looked up and down several times and said:

"It seems that you have awakened more than one innate spell. This is the first time I have witnessed the process of awakening an innate spell by a pure-blood mage. I have only read about it in classics before."

Xia Zuo let his right hand return to its original state and asked:

"Master, what innate spells do other pure-blood mages have?"

"I can't say."

Rexor shook his head, "In fact, innate spells are the biggest secret for pure-blood mages. There is an unwritten rule in the temple. Unless the pure-blood mage himself is willing to reveal the innate spells, no one can Force him."

"So that's it." Xia Zuo found that he had been a little worried before.

"Xia Zuo..." Rexor crossed his arms and took a few steps, saying:

"I find that you sometimes get into trouble, and my intuition tells me that it is related to your innate spells.

“Because every pure-blood mage’s autobiography has recorded similar experiences, and without exception, they regard their innate spells as treasures.

"Those pure-blood mages who can leave autobiographies are all survivors, and their cautious temperament saved them in the third and fourth eras.

"Knowing the innate spells of a pure-blood mage can set traps for him. This is how most second-generation blood mages were captured by the Church of Strange Demons.

"So the Mage Temple has a very tolerant attitude towards pure-blood mages. They only care about loyalty. You don't have to worry about your innate spells arousing suspicion and suspicion."

Xia Zuo's face was straightened and his lips were moving.

Rexall's words simply spoke to his heart.

"Okay...Master, let me tell you something." Xia Zuo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"I know the name of Blood Demon No. 13."

"What?" Rexor's pupils shrank, he paused, walked up in two steps, and said quickly:

"Tell me, Xia Zuo, tell me its name. You don't need to say where you know it or why you know it. As I said before, the Mage Temple only requires loyalty."

Xia Zuo glanced around, "Say it directly?"

Rexall stretched out his right hand, palm facing up, "Write it on my hand in Common Tongue."

Qualuowuqi. Xia Zuo wrote.

Rexor shook his body as if he had been shocked by electricity, murmured to himself, and said:

"The first syllable is 'praise'... This is one of the oldest blood mage bloodlines

“During the battle to defend Tambus State six years ago, all the inheritors of the Kua bloodline were killed.

"The No. 13 Blood Demon floating in the Western Continent is the only seedling that 'boasts' its bloodline. It is now completely dead.

"We inadvertently destroyed a bloodline inherited by the blood mage of the Strange Demon Church. No wonder the high-level blood demon tried his best to save it."

"Is this a good thing?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Of course it's a good thing."

There was no smile on Rexall's face, but instead he was very dull, "But we have to be careful of the counterattack of the Strange Demon Church. Those are the guys who will retaliate for their help. Cutting off the inheritance of a mixed-blood mage's bloodline is equivalent to the permanent loss of a demon-hunting school. The seal of the door. This is a huge hatred."

Xia Zuo thought for a while and asked:

"What you mean is that each pure-blood mage has different bloodline powers and awakens different innate spells. Does a mixed-blood mage combine the bloodlines of pure-blood mages with different innate spells?"

"Yes." Rexor nodded, "The extinction of the 'Kua' bloodline means that the unique innate spells related to it have disappeared. From now on, the blood mages of the Strange Demon Church can no longer master these innate spells."

Everything arises because of blood, and everything dies because of blood.

As long as the bloodline exists, it will be passed on.

When the bloodline dies, the inheritance ends.

It seems that this time the Church of the Strange Demon has sent a large number of blood addicts to lurk in the territory of Machina State. The plot is far more than just rescuing 9 blood demons. They may start bloody revenge.

Rexor clapped his hands and said:

"Xia Zuo, with the power of your bloodline and your melee talent, it's not difficult to learn the chain hammer.

“Although the requirements for using the Yuan Neng Chain Hammer are high, they are not unattainable.

"After taking the adaption potion No. 1 to No. 10 of our Demon Hunting School, and tempering your body according to specific methods, you can improve your physical fitness very quickly. The price is nothing to you, and you will soon be able to afford the Yuan Energy Chain. Hammered.

"I will go and report your information to the temple now. This is an urgent matter. We need to make adjustments to the existing response plan and discuss your reward. If everything goes well, we can officially start tomorrow train."

"Award? Can tuition be exempted?" Xia Zuo asked happily.

“It’s more than just free tuition.”

Rexor put the chain hammer and shield on the field back to their original positions, "It is possible to directly reward you with a brand new energy chain hammer."

"Really?" Xia Zuo rubbed his hands excitedly and followed the bald head back into the house.

"You go back first. Wait for my news, and I will tell you the results tonight at the latest."

"Okay, Master."

Xia Zuo quickly changed into dry clothes in the house, used air shield to deflect the rain from the sky, used the magic shield as an umbrella, and left the manor on the wet grass.

Thanks to book friend 33021209475357 for the 1,000 points!

Thanks to my brother for the 101,600 points! The first alliance leader appears~Spread flowers~

Thanks to Skz for the 100 points reward hahaha!

Thanks to RainOO for the 2000 points!

Thanks to the heroes and heroes for the 3,000 points!

Thanks to Da Xia Xiao Xia, RainOO, Brother, Falling you, I spent 30,000 points to change this ID, and book friend 20200715102925597 voted for me monthly!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

If enough manuscripts are saved, updates will be added proactively. Today’s chapter counts as 1 additional update, and there will be 2 more updates to be released later when I have the opportunity.

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