My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 135 [Blood Magic Attack and Defense] [Blood Mist Form]

On the way home, Xia Zuo kept thinking about blood magic.

Previously, the 17th Operation Team killed a blood addict on the street.

During that battle, Blood Addict displayed 3 abilities.

The first ability is to transform into blood mist, which releases the lightning chain from binding itself. The disadvantage of blood mist is that it is afraid of flames.

The second ability is to extend several blood whips from the body to whip the action team members.

The last ability is to condense a dark red blood shield to resist fire bombardment.

Blood mist, blood whip, blood shield...

Blood mist involves morphological changes, its functions overlap with Wind Movement, and its shortcomings are similar, and its movement speed is not as fast as Wind Movement, so it can be put aside for the time being.

No, no, no, wait.

Blood Mist has a special feature that Fengxing Technique does not possess.

Xia Zuo snapped his fingers.

There is no elemental light in the blood mist! It is still of great research value.

As for the blood whip and blood shield.

Both of these are related to blood, and the research difficulty should be lower than that of blood mist.

Thinking about it this way, the specialty [Control of Flesh and Blood] can be said to be the cornerstone of blood magic.

You have to leave some blood patterns for it to upgrade its level in case of emergencies.

Xia Zuo was sitting on the public carriage, looking at the passers-by holding umbrellas outside the window, tapping his fingers on the window frame, imagining specialties and spells related to [Flesh and Flesh Control].

Home in the St. York Community.

Anru'er hasn't come back yet.

Xia Zuo closed the door, and his skin squirmed, adjusting the exposed skin to a normal state so as not to frighten his fiancée with the wrinkles on his forehead and the bags under his eyes. The skin covered by clothes remained unchanged.

The [Blood Pattern Characteristics] on the character template has increased a little, but is still within the range of ordinary people.

Not bad.

It can maintain low-quality blood pattern characteristics without affecting normal life.

Xia Zuo raised the corners of his mouth, opened the refrigerator and started preparing dinner.

It was approaching 6 o'clock in the evening, and Anruer came back from get off work on time.

She opened the door and smelled the aroma of the food, and hugged her lover's back with a sweet smile.

"You came back so early today." Anruer looked towards the frying pan on the stove. A steak with sauce on it was about to be freshly baked.

"Starting from tomorrow night, I will be back later." Xia Zuo turned off the fire and touched her head. "I want to receive training from the Demon Hunter Master and exercise my body."

"Exercise?" An Ru'er blinked, then suddenly clasped her hands in front of her and said with a smile, "I want to exercise too! I want to practice flexibility."

She went to the shelf next to the dining table, rummaged through it, and found a leaflet.

It turned out that a women's jiu-jitsu gym opened near the St. York community, and classes were held every night for a pay-per-view fee.

"In that case, do you think it's okay if I go to class here in the evening?" Anru'er came over with a leaflet.

Xia Zuo read the slogan above.

The owner of the women's jiu-jitsu gym has a citizen level of A11 and has all the qualifications to open and operate the gym. There is a police station not far away, which provides bathing and light meals, and complete functional facilities.

The most important thing is that only female students are admitted.

"It looks okay, let's try it first." Xia Zuo said with a smile.

"I'll go there directly after work tomorrow." An Ruer squinted and tapped her lover's face, then helped carry the plates and set up the table, "Come and eat."

"Yeah." Xia Zuo walked over and sat down.

The alchemical lamps on the ceiling cast a soft beam of light, and the two people at the table enjoyed the warm atmosphere.

I don’t know how long such peaceful days can last.

Let’s hope there won’t be any trouble at Winter Veil.

Xia Zuo's fingertips slid over the edge of the dinner plate, and an idea came to his mind.

Is it possible to create something similar to a bloodline mark?

In this way, Anru'er's condition can be sensed in time and communicate with her through blood connection instead of using physical alchemy props such as the secret message ring to achieve an effect similar to telepathy.

Xia Zuo drew up a research and development sequence in his mind.

Bloodline induction.

Blood shield.

Blood whip.

Blood mist.

Other blood magic.

Late that night.

Anruer was lying on the bed meditating.

Xia Zuo came to the study alone.

According to the plan during the day, the three transformers in Polis City will be monitored tonight.

He activated [Blood Sensing] and chose Kachipes' blood mark.

There is no sound.

Xia Zuo activated [Blood Curse] again and also chose Kachipes’ blood mark.

If there is no sound, let it make a sound.

Xia Zuo rubbed his fingers and cast a decaying curse with 1 point of power on Kachipes, who was 50 kilometers away.

"The curse of the pure-blood faction has appeared again?" the master of Kachipes was talking.

Xia Zuo laughed inexplicably.

If a book were published for this unknown blood demon...

Is it called "Blood Demon: My Mind was Eavesdropped by a Pure-Blooded Mage"?


"Katchipes, your position may have been exposed."

There was a brief silence in my ears.

"Destruct yourself."

What? ?

Destroy yourself at the slightest disagreement? ?

Xia Zuo looked to the northeast in shock, and his detection technique reported that Kachipes' blood volume had dropped sharply.

With a thought in his mind, he increased the power of the curse, hoping to gain more experience.

Ten seconds later, Goldfinger's message came to his mind.

"Successfully eliminate Cachipes...gain 15 experience points.

"... Vitality judgment passed

"Since I have obtained the blood mark of Kachipes, I am unable to obtain new specialties related to [Vitality] in this kill."

Ah this

Can I still get special skills repeatedly?

Xia Zuo covered his forehead and thought for a few seconds before thinking of a possibility.

Could it be that there are only so many specialties related to [Vitality], so there is such a high probability of getting duplicate specialties at once?

To be precise.

Among the innate spells possessed by the four blood mage bloodlines of "Ka", "Qi", "Pe" and "S", very few are related to [Vitality], so the probability of getting duplicate specialties is very high.

It's possible.

Xia Zuo nodded in thought.

"Katchipes, keep only my blood and excrete the rest."

The blood demon's voice sounded in his ears again, "From now on, you stay there. When the blood comes, I will resurrect you. If you can attract the pure-blood faction, that would be great."

There was silence in my ears, and there was no other sound.

The blood demon wanted to lure the pure-blood mage there... so there was an ambush where Kachipes was, it was a trap.

It refers to the "time of blood," which could be understood as the day when the action officially begins.

Considering that the Blood Demon so decisively let Kachipes self-destruct...

It is not difficult to infer that the Church of Strange Demons has a big conspiracy in Polis!

Xia Zuo's eyes narrowed, with a hint of cold light flowing out.

Could it be that the altar for the Advent ceremony was arranged in the city of Polis?

Before the fall of Tambus State, the local defense system was almost eroded by the Church of Strange Demons.

If this were the same situation in Polis City

Xia Zuo rummaged around on the bookshelf.

When I took the oath at the Civic Center, I got a tourist map, including a topographic map of Machina State.

"found it."

Xia Zuo spread out on the desk.

Machina State has a topography that is high in the north and low in the south.

There is a river flowing from north to south, passing through the port of Polis City and the Qianwan Wharf of Poseidon City.

If the Church of Strange Demons captures the city of Polis, they can go down the river and use the water to reach Poseidon City faster.


No need to go to such trouble.

Just poison it!

The domestic water supply of Poseidon City comes from this river.

First, the river water was polluted with hidden poisons, and then the water purification system of Poseidon City was paralyzed, allowing the residents of the city to drink sewage containing poisons...

"Bah bang bang."

Xia Zuo slapped his forehead repeatedly to stop his ridiculous thoughts.

He admitted that this offensive plan was slightly feasible, but it was more of a conjecture.

He doesn't even know where the city's water purification plant is...

"I have to tell Rexor that the Church of Strange Demons has a conspiracy in Polis."

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and walked around the study room.

He can still clearly sense the location of Kachipes through [Blood Curse].

Theoretically, he could lead a search team to find Kachipes's waste, and then Rexor would extract the Blood Demon's blood from the waste to create tools for tracking the Blood Demon.

Although this blood demon may not be in Polis City, or even within the territory of Machina State, it can still be regarded as a way to grasp the enemy's movements.

Rexall's attitude and reaction in the afternoon were very good, which showed that the Mage Temple really only cares about loyalty and does not care about the pure-blood mage's innate spells.

The relationship between the pure-blood mages loyal to the temple and the temple is not a complete superior-subordinate relationship, but more like a guest and a master, except that the latter has stronger constraints on the former and requires absolute loyalty.

After telling Rexor the name of Qualuowuqi, Baldhead didn't even ask where the name came from.

Moreover, the pure-blood mage in the inner temple suddenly provided the blood pattern characteristics of more than 20 blood addicts.

This shows that among the pure-blood mages, there are many who can grasp the movements of the blood mages of the Strange Demon Church.

This is the oppression of purebloods against half-bloods.

Not an isolated case.

Xia Zuo took out the bald man's secret message ring and paused when he turned the pick.

He could sense the location of Catchpies, but he didn't know exactly where it was because he had never been to Polis.

Xia Zuo walked to the table and gestured at the map on the table, barely able to determine that Cachipes was in the southwest corner of the DC area of ​​Polis City.

You can't go door to door searching for buildings there...

The best way is for him to go there in person, but keep a safe distance to avoid falling into a trap.

If you want to go to Polis City, you might as well find the other two Transformers.

Xia Zuo adjusted the target of [Blood Curse] and selected another blood mark.


His eyes widened, "How come this one is also dead?"

Xia Zuo switched targets again and selected the third converter, which was also dead and turned into waste.

Blood Demon actually caused three transformers to self-destruct at the same time.

Instinct told Xia Zuo not to go. This was a trap to lure out pure-blood mage. If he fell into the trap, he might be captured by the Church of Strange Demons...

He lowered his head and flipped the pick of the secret message ring, reminding Rexor that there was something unusual in Polis City, especially the southwest corner of the DC area that needed to be carefully searched.

After waiting for 3 minutes, Rexor didn't reply. Maybe it was because he hadn't returned from the temple yet.

Xia Zuo sat down at the desk, planning to study the blood relationship induction while waiting.

He has some ideas.

According to the introduction of the specialty [Blood Sensing], blood mark is the key to achieving secret communication.

So you have to make the bloodline mark first.

The blood mark has two functions.

One is to locate the physical location of the imprint.

The second is to convey blood information through imprints.

Positioning is easy.

Xia Zuo activated [Flesh Control], spent 5 points of blood, and summoned a half-meter-long blood line for experiment.

He controlled the blood line to float into the bathroom opposite the door. Even though there were two doors, he could still sense the exact location of the blood line.

"If I want to experiment with the positioning function, I have to do it a little more discreetly."

Xia Zuo snapped his fingers lightly and dispersed the blood lines in the bathroom, condensing into an extremely tiny drop of blood.

This small blood bead is too small, only half the diameter of a hair, and consumes almost 0 blood. It would be better to call it a blood spot.

Xia Zuo went to the coat rack on the first floor and attached the blood spots to the small round hat that Anruer usually wore when going out.

During the day Anjou would go out wearing a hat.

At that time, we will test the positioning range of the blood points, whether they can remove the small blood beads from a long distance without any hindrance, and whether they will be detected by potential detection spells.

Xia Zuo returned to the study and fell into thinking again.

So how can we sense the surrounding environment through blood points, and even achieve contact with specific targets?

For example, at this moment, he can sense the location of the blood spot, but he cannot sense what is around the blood spot...

This is a knowledge blind spot.

Xia Zuo scratched his head and couldn't think of a clear idea.

Could it be that we have to perform some kind of ceremony like a mixed-blood mage to transform Anruer before we can connect with her through blood induction?

"Ugh~" Xia Zuo twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling disgusted in his heart.

It's definitely not that evil.

There must be another way.

I remember that Rexor once mentioned the autobiography of the pure-blood mage in the temple, there might be some clues there.

I'll ask Baldhead tomorrow how I can get these books.

If the research on kinship induction encounters obstacles, we can research other methods.

Blood shield.

Blood whip.

The two have one thing in common - they can be accomplished by manipulating blood.

[Flesh and Blood Control] This specialty can condense blood with vitality.

Xia Zuo raised his finger and spent 10 points of blood to draw out a meter-long blood line.

This blood line looks like a bright red liquid, but in essence it is just a concrete expression of vitality.

It can interact with objects, such as blood splatters and blood beads from impacting the table.

Or it can turn into a long whip under the control of thoughts and tear open a piece of white paper.

As long as the blood line is not actively dispersed, it will always exist.

This kind of blood weapon condensed with vitality has certain limitations.

Xia Zuo used all his willpower to condense the blood line into a long whip and whip it towards the table.

The blood whip collided with the table and turned into a pool of blood. It did not leave a dent on the table as he imagined.

The blood whip can tear through white paper, but it cannot destroy the hard tabletop.

This shows that the quality of the blood itself determines the power of this attack method.

In other words.

It is the [blood pattern quality] that restricts the power of the blood whip.

Xia Zuo's current blood pattern quality is only 15. If it is increased to 30 or even 50, the power of the blood whip may be doubled several times.


How much damage the blood shield can withstand is also determined by the quality of the blood pattern.

Xia Zuo took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair, realizing that he had glimpsed the true meaning of blood magic.

[Blood Pattern Quality] = [Blood Magic Power]

Just when he understood the principle, Goldfinger's message came to his mind:

"It has been detected that the host has awakened new blood magic specialties on its own, and is undergoing digital transformation... The transformation was successful!

"New specialty [blood attack and defense]."

[Feature Name] Blood Attack and Defense

[Special level] LV.0 (0/5)

[Specialty Description 1] For every level up, the power of offensive and defensive props increases by 1 additional point.

[Feature Description 2] The current level limit is LV.10.

【Specialty Effect】

Consume vitality to condense blood magic props for attack or defense.

All the power of this type of props = [Blood Pattern Quality/3].

The idea is correct and the test results are correct. The only thing that is inaccurate is the power...

Xia Zuo guessed that it was equivalent to the [Blood Pattern Quality].

In fact, it is [Blood Pattern Quality/3].

However, he was still recognized by Golden Finger and obtained the specialties after digital transformation.

If you expand it further, you can use [blood attack and defense] to condense a set of clothes or armor, or even weapons.

The premise is that the [blood pattern quality] is high enough to withstand damage.

Xia Zuo gained a new specialty and was in a good mood.

He rubbed his hands together to relieve his excitement, and then returned to his research.

The quality of blood patterns will restrict the power of blood magic, but it will not affect a pure-blood mage's ability to control his own blood.

Some operations do not require bloodstain quality support.

Xia Zuo bent his elbows on the table, supported his chin with the back of his hands, and stared at the blood line suspended horizontally in the air.

With a thought, he dispersed the blood line into 10 blood beads.

Each blood bead is subdivided into 10 small blood beads.

A total of 100 small blood beads are evenly arranged into a 10x10 square pattern.

Taking the small blood bead on the lower left as the origin, label the small blood bead with serial numbers from "(1,1)" to "(10,10)" according to the horizontal and vertical coordinates.

Each small blood bead is equivalent to a pixel at this moment.

You can adjust the brightness, grayscale, and saturation of each small blood bead individually, and freely choose different red colors in the red system to create a painting with a red tone.

Xia Zuo spent 30 points of blood to condense 300 small blood beads.

Using 4 small blood beads as one pixel, 400 small blood beads are arranged in a plane.

The appearance of the small blood beads changes according to his will. The surface of the blood painting is uncertain in light and dark, with light and shadow interlaced, and finally it is settled into Anruer's portrait...

Due to too few pixels, the portrait is only 20 to 30% similar to the real person.

It's like sucking up red ink through a straw and drawing drops of red ink on a canvas.

Two drops of ink that are too close together will quickly merge into one drop.

But small blood beads don’t have this problem.

Xia Zuo can even make all the small blood beads gather into a ball while still maintaining the integrity of each small blood bead and preventing them from merging into one big blood ball - this scene is similar to the magnetic ball toy Buck Ball in the previous life. .

Being able to create so many incompatible small blood beads at once means that creating blood mist is not difficult.

Because the mist itself is made up of many tiny blood droplets.

Xia Zuo raised his hand, summoning multiple blood lines to mix with the blood lines in the air, and then waved his right hand to disperse the blood lines into a thick blood mist.

The difficulty we are encountering now is how to transform our body shape into blood mist?

In the orthodox magic system, this involves changing schools, and you need to become a high-level mage to learn it.

However, blood addicts are only equivalent to the level of formal mage, but they can freely transform into blood mist to avoid the constraints of lightning.

Therefore, in the field of blood magic, this kind of spell to change one's own form may not be difficult to learn.

"Could it be said that the special ability of [Control of Flesh and Blood] can achieve form transformation!?" Xia Zuo sighed silently as he patted his forehead.

An inspiration emerged in my heart.

He raised his left index finger in front of him, stared at the fingertip, and tried to atomize the blood on his finger.

The first section of the left index finger turned into a small fluffy blood mist, and the real-time blood recovery speed dropped slightly.

This mass of blood mist appears to be floating, but in fact it is tightly connected to the second finger and cannot be separated.

Xia Zuo picked up a pen and reached into the blood mist. The pen passed through the mist unimpeded, and there was a little itching where the fingertips should have been...

The real-time blood recovery speed has changed again, decreasing a little bit.

Xia Zuo atomized the blood in his left hand and used it to pass through the pen holder on the table.

After several tests, he figured out how to drain blood by turning his body into blood mist.

Goldfinger’s message came to my mind again:

"It has been detected that the host has awakened new blood magic specialties on its own, and is undergoing digital transformation... The transformation was successful!

"New special ability [Blood Mist Form]."

[Feature Name] Blood Mist Form

[Special level] LV.0 (0/10)

[Specialty Description 1] For every level up, the damage received in the blood mist form is reduced by 1%.

[Feature Description 2] The current level limit is LV.10.

【Specialty Effect】

Change the designated part of the body into the blood mist form and receive corresponding continuous damage.

Head: 20 blood points deducted every hour.

Torso: 10 blood points are deducted every hour.

Limbs: 5 blood points will be deducted every hour.

The movement speed in blood mist form is equal to [blood pattern quality/3].

In the blood mist form, you can avoid physical attacks and immune control effects, but the damage received from fire spells is increased by 300%.

Xia Zuo crossed his arms and nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad, not bad, two innate spells were awakened in one night. Counting the [HP Recall] awakened during the day today, that’s 3 awakened in one day!

"Hehehe, it seems that I am really talented in blood magic~" Xia Zuo laughed proudly.

He looked at the clock on the wall, it read 10:40 pm.

Just when he was about to wash up and go to sleep, a faint sound came from the secret message ring on the table.

"Kacha kacha..."

Xia Zuo picked it up and read the message above, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

The rewards for reporting Qualuowuqi's name are huge.

Rexall will provide free adaptation potions No. 1 to No. 10, and provide guidance on teaching chain hammers and body exercises.

The Energy Chain Hammer is also a reward.

But not using the Yuan Energy Chain Hammer as the prize in the afternoon.

Energy weapons are similar to the Life Alchemy Stone and require the user to bind it with their own hair before they can be used.

Xia Zuo will get a brand new energy chain hammer.

In addition, it is a citizen points reward.

Xia Zuo only needs to go to the counter window of the Civic Center to collect it.

"Kacha kacha..."

Another message came.

Rexall said that he had reported the intelligence about Polis City and did not ask about the source of the intelligence.

Xia Zuo was relieved now.

He turned off the alchemy lamp in the study, walked to the bedroom, and began to meditate deeply.

Thanks to Xuanyuan Shengshou for the 100 points.

Thanks to Yu Nan and the 100 points for the reward.

Thanks to Feng Sickle for the 500 points reward.

Thanks to bingo502, K Destined Sky, Hua Lichu, Xiao Xiaodian Qi, Book Friends 20201020103231508, Xiao Xiao Mulberry, Book Friends 120319200802793, Bai Ziyu, Word Scavenger, Fundmental, Black Goat 957, and He Xi for their monthly votes!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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