Tuesday, December 2nd, 14 days until Winter Veil.

In the early morning of this morning, Xia Zuo woke up from meditation and mentioned the payment to Anruer.

He concealed how he received the reward, only saying that he helped the Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department complete a difficult research task, and therefore received a generous reward.

Anru'er didn't ask any questions, leaned in her lover's arms for a while, and then went out together.

Xia Zuo came to the Demon Hunter Manor. After making some preparations, he walked out of the manor with Rexor and headed to the northern city of Poseidon.

After inspecting Beicheng District, this work will come to an end.

From now on, the city's mage will search for blood addicts in the city.

Xia Zuo will return to the underground laboratory to continue studying the blood demon.

As long as we spend the Winter Veil Festival peacefully and expose the conspiracy of the Strange Demon Church, the days to come will be quite stable.

Receive your reward on time every month, keep part of it as a spare, and use the rest to exchange for element bottles to contain elements or condense element bodies.

"Oh, by the way, Master, how many points are there in the citizen points reward?" Xia Zuo walked on the street and asked Rexor next to him.

If he had enough to buy textbooks on elemental concreteness, he planned to go to Yingrui Academy before going home tonight.

"500 points." Rexor held out five fingers.


From the apprenticeship to proficiency stage of elemental concrete learning, the full teaching fee is 2,300 points, covering 300 hours of class hours, a full set of practical training courses in the rare object alchemy room, and 5 textbooks.

If you only redeem textbooks, 500 points is definitely enough.

This point bonus comes just in time.

Xia Zuo grinned, and the joy stayed in his heart for a second before he calmed down and returned to a calm expression.

He glanced at the buildings on both sides of the street, and his eyes under the brown sunglasses glowed with green light, mixed with the red light brought by the blood-red crystals.

All living creatures within a radius of a hundred meters turned into red dots in his eyes. The brighter the red dots, the higher the quality of the blood stripes.

After patrolling for the past two days, the red dots wherever I looked were normal dark red.

Xia Zuo turned his head and looked at Rexor, who also had a dark red light on his body, obviously having a unique disguise.

"Master, do you have an elemental body? Why is the quality of your blood patterns almost the same as that of normal people?"

Rexall put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, holding his blood-red crystal and nodding his head, "Of course I have an elemental body."

The bald man paused for a moment, his eyes flashed as he recalled the past, and he said with emotion:

"It is the greatest invention of the Fourth Age."

As of now, as far as Xia Zuo knows.

Things related to the Second Age are the power of blood and the Shaman Society.

Associated with the Third Age is the Realm of Truth. There is a lot of knowledge about the alchemy of strange objects that comes from the legacy of the Kingdom of Truth.

The last few hundred years of the Fourth Age, known as the "Year of Blood and Turmoil", saw vivisection and exploration of souls leading to great chaos.

Now, there is one more piece of information about the Fourth Age - the elemental body is called the greatest invention by Rexor, a witness to history.

Only little information is known about the First Age.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but ask:

"Master, is there anything from the First Era that has been handed down to this day? Where can I find the historical documents of each era?"

"The First Era is actually a general term, specifically referring to the period before the power of blood appeared in the world. As for the historical documents of each era... at least you can't access them until you become a high-level mage."

Rexall added a few words, "This is true even if you accept the loyalty ceremony. Because ancient knowledge itself is dangerous, and it requires sufficient willpower to carry their weight."

"Then can I borrow the autobiography of the pure-blood mage in the temple?" Xia Zuo asked instead.

"I'm afraid not." Rexor shook his head, "That's part of the history of the Second Era."

The bald man's gaze turned and fell on the other person, "Are you trying to get inspiration for the awakening talent spell through their autobiographies?"

"Yeah, yes." Xia Zuo nodded calmly in response.

Rexall stopped, stared at the flower bed on the roadside and thought:

"That may not work. This boundary will not be crossed. There have been lessons in the temple in the past. However, I can give you some suggestions."

Xia Zuo stood with his hands down and listened attentively.

Rexall said:

"I don't know what the process of awakening a talent spell from the blood is, but I think it should be similar to creating a spell. The most difficult step should be to turn the idea into reality, right?"

Xia Zuo nodded.

"Then you recall how you cast the spell, what things you used, and what you did."

Rexor patted the other party's arm and said, "I can only say so much. To elaborate more would involve the Spellweaver language."

"Thank you, Master, I'll remember it." Xia Zuo smiled.

The two of them continued on their way.

The northern part of Poseidon is relatively shabby, the roads are difficult to navigate, and the ground is bumpy and occasionally waterlogged.

Xia Zuo was deeply impressed here.

On the ship at Qianwan Pier, he used fireball to blast a Transformer half to death.

When he passed the winding building where Janice was, he stopped.

There are still three or four trash cans in the open space in the center of the building, and sewage is flowing on the ground, just like a corner that no one ever notices. The environment here has not been improved in any way.

"Master, let's go have lunch."

Xia Zuo withdrew his gaze and found a relatively clean simple restaurant with Baldhead to sit down.

As he ate, he sensed the blood spots hidden in Anruer's hat.

The blood spot is located southeast of here, a few kilometers away, where the Energy Research Institute is located.

Throughout the morning, the blood spot did not move after arriving at the institute.

It seems that using blood points to track targets is feasible.

Xia Zuo quietly retrieved the blood point, which went smoothly without any hindrance. The master demon hunter across the dining table did not respond either.

The only drawback is that if you want to locate the target again, you must place blood points on the target again.

4 pm.

In the backyard of the Demon Hunter Manor.

Xia Zuo drank a No. 1 adaptation potion, and then followed Rexor to practice chain hammer training.

The two put on heavy training clothes and fought with ball-shaped maces - if you want to learn the chain hammer well, the first step is to learn the mace.

Every few rounds of fighting, Rexor would explain the essentials of the movements while Xia Zuo was taking a breather, resting and repairing his body damage.

"Xia Zuo, skills are rarely used on the battlefield. Most of the time, we go straight and have only one purpose, which is to hit the enemy's vital part with the hammer head."

Rexor held a mace in each hand.

The metal hammer rolled in his hand, dancing between his fingers.

"But that doesn't mean these techniques are useless. They can help you exercise smaller muscle groups, and you'll feel the benefits when you swing the hammer with all your strength."

Xia Zuo lifted the hammer at his feet and tried it according to the opponent's movements.

"Bang..." The strength of his fingers was too weak, and the hammer fell to the ground.

"Come on, let's start practicing from this."

Rexall threw over a half-meter-long wooden stick, "In normal life, we don't use these small muscle groups. They are far weaker than large muscles. We need to be careful to prevent strain...although... You probably won’t have to worry about physical damage.”

Xia Zuo held the wooden stick between his fingers and barely let it roll in a circle between his five fingers.

Goldfinger's message kept popping up in his mind.

After drinking Adaptation Potion No. 1, in addition to the one-time will reward, you will receive a slight increase in strength, agility and endurance every time you exercise, as well as a little experience reward.

At this time, after wrapping the wooden stick around the fingertips several times, [Wood Stick Specialization] and [Blunt Weapon Specialization] were unlocked!

This is the first time he has unlocked weapon-related specialties.

[Specialty Name] Blunt Weapon Specialization

[Feature Level] LV.0 (0/100)

【Feature Description】

Training or fighting with blunt weapons will grant you this expertise experience.

【Specialty Effect】

Strength +0, Stamina +0.

The stamina consumed when using blunt weapons is reduced by 0%.

The minimum requirements for using the Energy Chain Hammer involve 4 specializations, and the lowest requirement is the Mace Specialization LV.15.

Xia Zuo practiced by holding a wooden stick with his right hand, and turning the wooden stick completely and smoothly every time, he could get 0.01 experience points of wooden stick specialization and blunt weapon specialization.

What if you practice with both hands together?

Xia Zuo stared at Rexor's left and right hands. The other's hands were equally flexible, and there was no difference between his dominant hand and his non-dominant hand.

He put the stick in his left hand and twisted his fingers back and forth, twisting them as if they were going to cramp.

This time I gave you 0.02 points of expertise experience!

The left hand gives more than the right hand?

Does the difficulty of the action affect the speed of experience acquisition?

Xia Zuo thinks this is the reason.

"You usually use your right hand, right?" Rexor asked from the side.

"Yes, Master."

"Physical training should not only focus on the growth of muscle groups, but also pay attention to the coordination of the body. When you start taking the No. 6 adaptation potion, if you focus on strength, I will take you to train with heavy weapons and weights.

"But if you want to improve your physical fitness in a balanced way, I suggest you choose dual-wielding one-handed weapons for weight-bearing training."

Rexall handed over the second stick, "Here, let's try it. Turn the stick with both hands at the same time."

Dual-wielding weapons is not easy, far more complicated than throwing and catching a ball.

For Xia Zuo, a beginner, his eyes can only focus on one hand at the same time. He has to wait until the movements of his right hand are completed before he can focus on his left hand.

About five or six minutes later, Xia Zuo had almost rested and started fighting with the bald man again with a ball hammer.

The training clothes of the two of them are equipped with additional enchanted cushions, so that they can slam the hammer hard on the opponent's torso. The purpose is not to test the damage reduction performance of the enchanted product, but to let Xia Zuo become familiar with the use of the one-handed hammer as soon as possible. force mode.

A few minutes later, Xia Zuo sat on the sidelines to rest, holding a wooden stick in each hand to train the muscles of his forearms and hands.

When he completed a full round of motion with both hands for the first time, the message of Goldfinger came to his mind.

Gaining perks is a little different this time.

[Feature Name] Dual Wielding Specialization

[Feature Level] LV.0 (0/100)

【Feature Description】

Training or fighting with dual-wielding one-handed weapons will gain this expertise experience.

【Specialty Effect】

Agility +0, Stamina +0.

When dual-wielding one-handed weapons, each attack will have a 0% chance of launching a pursuit.

When dual-wielding one-handed weapons, whenever you receive a melee attack, there will be a 0% chance of parrying the attack and a 0% chance of launching a counterattack. After counterattack, there will be a 0% chance of launching a pursuit.

There are several "0%" in the special effects.

However, the specialization level is too low, and I don’t know how the probability changes.

Will Xia Zuo complete these counterattacks, pursuits, and parries that are likely to be triggered, or will his body react passively?

I can’t figure it out…

But that doesn't stop Xia Zuo from thinking that this is an awesome specialty.

In his impression, if magic shields are not used to resist attacks, there are three defense methods:

Dodge, parry, block.

The simplest meaning of dodge is to directly dodge an attack, which is mentioned in the attribute introduction of [Agility].

The prerequisite for parrying is to have a weapon in your hand, and use the weapon to parry the enemy's attack.

When dual-wielding one-handed weapons, both left and right hands can parry attacks.

Blocking requires a shield, generally held in the left hand.

Xia Zuo's eyes glanced at the weapon racks on the sidelines and landed on the simple leather shield.

Since the dual-wielding specialization will provide special effects for pursuit, parry and counterattack, what specialization will be given to holding a shield in the left hand and holding a weapon in the right hand?

Rexor followed Xia Zuo's gaze and said, "Do you want to try the hammer-shield combination? The physical requirements for holding a shield are no lower than using heavy weapons, and it can also achieve the effect of tempering strength."

The bald man walked over and picked up two iron-wrapped wooden shields from the weapon rack.

When Xia Zuo took the shield, he cast the Detection Technique.

Feedback results show that this shield is an enchanted product, which keeps the defensive effect of a wooden shield unchanged, but has a self-repairing effect and can be used repeatedly as a durable product. It is specially designed for training environments.

"When you use a shield to resist attacks, you need to develop a good habit. A shield is not only a piece of armor, but also a blunt weapon.

"Look, I'm in a defensive posture now."

Rexor raised his shield and faced Xia Zuo.

"But when I'm attacked..."

Rexor deflected the shield at an angle of no more than 20 degrees, with the shield side facing Xia Zuo. "I will choose to deflect the enemy's attack, and at the same time aim the shield edge wrapped with iron sheets and iron nails at the enemy. If the opportunity arises, When he is mature, he will hit him hard with the edge of his shield.”

Rexor took out the mace from his waist and said, "Let's try it. Just use your shield, don't use the mace."

"Okay, Master."

Xia Zuo tied the shield on his left arm and turned half of his body to the right under the guidance of the bald man to assume a defensive posture.

Rexall slowed down his mace swing a little.

"Bang." Xia Zuo pushed the shield sideways and pushed the hammer to the side.

"Very good, now add shield attack to the action. Once you block my attack, immediately hit me with the edge of the shield."

Rexor waved again.

"Bang." The second after the impact came from his left hand, Xia Zuo stretched his arm forward, pointing the edge of his shield towards the opponent's chest.

Rexor took half a step back, held the hammer in his right hand and smashed it down, landing heavily on the shield.

"Bang!" Xia Zuo's left arm shook violently, and his shield attack was interrupted. The shield trembled and he almost failed to lift it up.

"You made a mistake, Xia Zuo. Watch my actions."

Rexor raised the shield with his left hand and repeatedly demonstrated the action of blocking the back attack, keeping his elbow bent at all times. When pushing out the shield, he mainly used his lower body to exert force instead of straightening his arm and using the strength of his arm.

Xia Zuo nodded as if understanding.

"It seems you understand. The shield is a defensive and counterattack weapon. You have to put defense first, and then shield attack. Let's do it again."

Xia Zuo did a good job this time. Immediately after blocking the attack, he crossed his legs and stepped forward, accurately hitting the bald head's chest with the edge of the shield.

Goldfinger's message came to mind.

[Feature Name] Shield Specialization

[Feature Level] LV.0 (0/100)

【Feature Description】

Training or fighting with a shield will gain this expertise experience.

【Specialty Effect】

Strength +0, endurance +0, will +0.

When holding a shield to resist an attack, the probability of accurately blocking an attack increases by 0%. When successfully blocking an attack, there is a 0% probability of launching a shield attack.

Xia Zuo obtained several specializations in a row and was in a good mood.

He looked at the wooden shield and felt that having a shield on his left hand would be more reassuring than holding a weapon.

But the shield has a drawback... it blocks your vision when it is raised.

"Master, is there an alchemical shield with one-way perspective? That is, from my perspective, I can see the enemy through the shield, but the enemy cannot see through the shield from the opposite side of me?"

When Xia Zuo asked this question, he found an answer in his heart.

He can use [blood attack and defense] to condense a blood shield, and at the same time add the effect of sensing the surrounding environment to achieve the desired effect.

"Of course." Rexor fumbled in his pocket for a few seconds and took out a glove.

The gloves are made of pure metal, with crystal gemstones inlaid on the finger joints, and an earthy brown octahedral crystal in the center of the back of the hand.

The bald man put on his gloves and made a fist.

"Buzz." Amidst the short surge of energy, an energy shield flowing with earthy brown light unfolded from the crystal, covering Rexor's upper body.

"Chirp" energy shield retracted into the crystal.

"This is an energy shield. Like an energy chain hammer, it is a product of enchantment and alchemy." Rexor held out the glove, "Want to try it?"

Xia Zuo cast the Detection Technique and twitched the corner of his mouth, "No, Master. I can't even pick it up."

The usage requirements of the Yuan Neng Shield are even more exaggerated than the Yuan Neng Chain Hammer...it actually requires 20 points of strength. The Yuan Energy Chain Hammer only costs 15 points.

Rexor took back his gloves and took out a metal box, "I'll just give you the energy chain hammer."

He held up the metal box with his left hand and opened the cover with his right hand. There was an energy chain hammer lying on the velvet cushion in the box.

"Pull out a piece of hair and stuff it into the small round hole at the end of the hammer handle." Rexall said.

Xia Zuo did as he was told and stuffed a piece of hair connected to the hair follicle, and the message that the binding was successful came to his mind.

"It's best to leave this energy chain hammer with me first. Because you can't pick it up yet, and it will be in trouble if it falls to the ground."

"Okay, Master." Xia Zuo smiled awkwardly.

Rexor closed the box and stuffed it into his alchemy pocket, "Also. Your elemental energy chain hammer only has the most basic effects, charging and self-repair. If you want to add other effects, you need to go to the school to redeem the enchantment. Serve."

Rexor looked up at the sky, "It's almost time. Let's stop here today. I have to go to the outer hall, and then go to the underground laboratory to monitor the blood demon. Remember to look at the secret message ring at night. If the outer hall feels If there is no problem with the results of our patrol, you can go back to work in the Posing Building tomorrow, and come back to my place after get off work every day."

Xia Zuo nodded, went back to the house with the bald head, changed his clothes and left.

I estimate that many book friends may feel that I have written down blood magic specialties and weapon specializations in such detail, which is a bit like over-counting words, or that I have worked hard in vain, and may not use them at all in the future.

This is not the case.

What are the uses of these specialties and specializations? I estimate that once the articles are published in the next two days, book friends with more experience in reading will probably be able to guess what will happen in the future.

Thanks to Bai Ziyu, Book Friends 20200122180624777, I Want to Read Good Books, Flying into the Sea, My Butt with Soy Sauce, A Leaf Covering the Sky with Mud for Eternal Life, Ye Jiu, Book Friends 20170517194702478 for your monthly votes!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes~

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