On the way to Yingrui Academy.

Inside the carriage carriage.

Xia Zuo used the secret message ring to contact Captain Dunk.

The 17th Action Team has been temporarily transferred to a small town in the south for two days. I don't know how things are being handled there.

"Kacha kacha..." A message came from the ring.

Dunk replied:

[A new guest is coming to the underground laboratory. 】

Have they caught a convert or a blood addict?

Xia Zuo suddenly became interested.

If that's the case, you can take advantage of the process of identifying poisons to get a new bloodline mark.

Best of all, Transformers and Blood Addicts aren't as hard to kill as Bloodfiends.

Just in case the Demon Hunter Master becomes interested and wants to see whose blood the Blood Demon in their bodies belongs to...


Then you can legitimately use experience and get rewards.

"Sir, we have arrived at Yingrui Academy." The coachman knocked on the door.

Xia Zuo stepped out of the carriage and was in a good mood. He gave him a little extra tip. After identifying the direction, he walked directly to the Mage Guild Hall amidst the coachman's thanks.

5 textbooks can be redeemed with only 480 points.

But Xia Zuo planned to redeem only the most important textbook - "Comprehensive Solution to Elemental Shells", which has more than 1,000 pages, enough to read for a week or two.

The content of this book covers all aspects of the elemental body, from guiding the spiritual ocean to leave the body, to using elemental storage bottles to make elemental bottles, to using elemental bottles to condense body components.

Before exchanging textbooks on Elemental Concrete Studies, you need to sign a confidentiality agreement, swearing not to lend the textbooks to others, not to copy, rub, make copies, lend or sell them to others, and to always keep the original textbooks.

Xia Zuo signed his name on the agreement and swore to the emblem of the school, the emblem of the federation, and the emblem of the temple before pocketing the teaching materials.

The exam qualification to be promoted to master poison alchemist also needs to be redeemed at Yingrui Academy.

Qualifying for the exam requires 1,000 points, which can be redeemed once a year. The exam location is not in Poseidon City. You need to take an airship to Silvermoon City, the federal capital. Travel expenses are additional.

1,000 points is still quite far away for Xia Zuo now.

He stopped at the counter for a while and exchanged a small element and an element storage bottle for backup. He planned to find time to try making an element bottle to save himself from having to make another trip.

There is also a set of home spells and alchemy props that I have long wanted to redeem.

With them, you don't have to do anything when cleaning, washing dishes and kitchen utensils. You only need to activate the alchemy props and keep the home spells in the state of casting.

7:30 p.m.

When Anruer came back, Xia Zuo was sitting in the study on the second floor reading.

He pushed open the door, walked down the stairs, hugged Anruer, who was wearing the fragrance of bathing, and gently squeezed her waist, "Huh? It's very soft~ It seems that Jiu-Jitsu training is very good It’s effective.”

"Hehe~ You'll find out tonight." Anru'er snuggled into Ai's arms a few times, then went to the kitchen to peel the fruit.

Xia Zuo returned to the study and sat down, his eyes falling on the content of [Deconstruction of Elemental Body] in "Complete Deconstruction of Elemental Body".

In the classical medical theory of the previous life, there was a saying that the human heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys correspond to the five elements of fire, wood, earth, metal and water.

There is a similar theory in the elemental body theory.

A complete adult has a total of 206 bones, which can be divided into four categories according to their shape:

Long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones.

The long bones are long tube-shaped, distributed in the limbs, acting as levers, and correspond mainly to the element of earth and secondarily to the element of fire.

Short bones are mostly small cubes, distributed in the wrists and ankles, which are parts that have to bear both weight and complex movements. They play a supporting and connecting role. They mainly correspond to the earth element, and secondarily to the fire element and water element.

The flat bones are plate-shaped and form the inner walls of the cranial and thoracic cavities. They play a protective role and correspond to only one element - the element of earth.

Irregular bones have different shapes and various functions, such as transmitting sound, reducing bone weight, dispersing pressure, buffering impact, etc. They mainly correspond to the earth element, and secondarily to the wind element and water element.

If you want to condense the basic version of the elemental body, you need to put the corresponding primary element into each bone.

The four different forms of bones all have the element of earth as the primary element, and the secondary elements are different.

It is not difficult to find that in the elemental science, earth element and earth resistance are very important.

If you can't acquire more than 5% earth resistance by learning poison alchemy, you are destined to miss the elemental body.

The best way to gain soil resistance is to take black eye potion.

Push it down step by step.

If you cannot withstand the trial of the black-eye potion and see distorted light and shadow, then you will basically be unable to condense the elemental body. This means that there is one less way to prevent the elements from dispersing, and your potential as an orthodox mage will be limited. A lot is missing.

If you think about it this way, it was really a very meaningful thing to pass the Black Eye Trial.

Xia Zuo pressed his forehead and leaned against the back of the chair, his eyes flashing with emotion on his face.

Just at this moment, Anruer walked in with a plate of cut fruits, "Huh? What are you looking at?"

She put down the fruit plate on the table, forked a piece of apple and brought it to the other person's mouth, then glanced at the open books.

"Are you already teaching yourself the subject of elemental representation? Well...if I couldn't share books with you, I would have taught you directly."

Anru'er found that on the page introducing the primary elements of the skeleton, there were the four words "Black Eye Poison" written in handwriting. She clasped her hands in front of her body, her eyes glowed with joy, and she said:

"When I saw the content of this page, I was thinking, fortunately, I passed the test of black eye poison. Otherwise, let alone coming to the Eastern Continent, even becoming a mage apprentice would be a luxury..."

Xia Zuo swallowed the apple chunks and said, "What did you learn when you were learning this alchemy?"

"Well" Anru'er sat on his lap and turned the page back. "I think the more difficult part is to peel off the spiritual ocean. Because when I studied this part, I hadn't learned the meditation method yet, even the spiritual I don’t even know what the ocean looks like, so I can only peel it off by following the instructions in the book and feeling.”

"If you peel off the spiritual ocean, I think it would be much easier than me." Anruer pointed to a picture in the book and said:

"Look, this is the guide map. First enter a shallow state of meditation, focus on the element bottle, use your mind to outline the appearance of the spiritual ocean according to the guide map, and at the same time accurately draw the lines of the 16 elemental qualities.

"Once the spiritual ocean is successfully peeled off, you will have a strange feeling..."

"Well, what should I say?" Anruer turned sideways, put her arms around her lover's shoulders, squinted her eyes and thought for a while and said:

"You will feel like you are in a bottle... yes, that's the feeling. Although you are sitting next to the bottle, you will feel like you are in the bottle, and you can vaguely feel the elements in the bottle floating around. This feeling is very hazy. , and it dissipated very quickly, and was gone after about seven or eight seconds.”

Xia Zuo stared at the soft and fragrant waves in front of him, and suddenly thought of something.

What would happen if the spiritual ocean was stripped down to blood spots?

Is it possible to sense the environment around the blood spot?

Xia Zuo blinked, thinking it was possible.

I'll try again later, I have other things to do now.

He patted Anru'er's butt and said with a smile, "I'll be there right away."

"Hehe~" Anruer twisted her waist playfully, and then walked out of the room.

10 at night.

After a lot of hard work.

Anjuer meditated in bed.

Xia Zuo returned to the study alone, lightly hammered his waist with his right hand, and twisted a few times in front of the desk with his hands on his hips, and then sat down to read.

Open the "Principles of Elemental Shells" to the pages that teach about peeling off the spiritual ocean.

Xia Zuo spent some time memorizing the above knowledge, especially the guide map for peeling off the spiritual ocean. There must be no mistakes.

To use book parlance.

When guiding the spiritual ocean to leave the body, if you do not strictly follow the guidance chart, you may feel pain in your head and aching soul, or you may accidentally lose the expanded spiritual ocean, or even the elements may escape.

What Xia Zuo was unsure about was whether this guidance method could be applied to the blood spots he created.

The ideal scenario is to first place a fragment of the spiritual ocean in a large enough blood group, and then reduce the blood group to the size of a blood point.

Try it first before talking.

Xia Zuo stood the book up and put it aside for easy viewing. He summoned a blood mass the size of his head and manipulated the blood mass into a shape similar to an element storage bottle. He then adjusted the transparency of the blood mass to the highest level so that he could see the inside clearly. scene.

In this way, he has a container that looks like an element storage bottle.

Let’s temporarily name it the hematin bottle.

The element storage bottle is empty, and the double-layer glass interlayer is engraved with a magic circle that stores the spiritual ocean and elements.

First, place the stripped spiritual ocean in the bottle, and then put in the tamed well-behaved elements. The combination of the three is the raw material of the elemental body - the elemental bottle.

The hematin bottle that Xia Zuo has now made is only superficial. There is no magic circle pattern inside, and it cannot store the clever elements and the spiritual ocean.

Therefore, it must be shrunk by one size, put into an elemental storage bottle, and use the latter's magic circle to preserve the spiritual ocean.

Xia Zuo moved his shoulders and knees. If everything went well, he might have to sit at the desk for dozens of minutes without being able to move.

He moved the chair as far forward as possible and pressed the edge of the table against his upper abdomen to prevent his body from accidentally slipping and interrupting the guidance later. Then he took a deep breath, his eyes became calm, and he entered a shallow state of meditation.

Xia Zuo followed the instructions of the guide chart and stared at the mouth of the hematin bottle. First, he had to outline an arc-shaped top there to prevent the guided spiritual ocean from flowing out of the bottle mouth.


The top of his spiritual ocean is a smooth wall, but the rest is mottled. Will this affect the stripped spiritual ocean?

Xia Zuo frowned slightly, kept a calm mind, suppressed the problem for the time being, and calmed down to outline his spiritual ocean bit by bit, carefully describing the lines of the 16 elemental traits.

As soon as I entered the boot process, I received a cheat message:

"It is detected that the host is stripping away the spiritual ocean, and the [mental] attribute value begins to decrease."

Goldfinger approved this process, indicating that it is feasible to place a spiritual ocean in a hematin bottle. Whether the wall surface of Spirit Ocean is smooth or not does not affect the stripping work.

Time passed by, and the mental attribute value dropped again and again.

When it dropped by an integer point, Xia Zuo immediately stopped and stopped peeling off the spiritual ocean. He looked at the clock on the table and saw that half an hour had passed.

In the element storage bottle on the desk, there was a ball of radiant and dense air.

This is what the spiritual ocean looks like in nature.

Xia Zuo rubbed his brows a few times and felt the feeling Anruer said.

At this point he felt like he was split in two.

Most of them were sitting on chairs staring at the bottle, and the other half were in the bottle staring at themselves at the table.

It's like overlapping two shots from different angles.

The strange thing is that this feeling did not disappear within ten seconds as Anruer said. It always existed in the mind and was presented through visual scenes.

Is it because of the hematin bottle?

To be precise, is it the vitality that keeps this feeling going?

Xia Zuo found his character template and looked at the blood volume data.


420/420 (slight poisoning,???)

[Basic blood return speed]

100 points/hour

[Real-time blood return speed]

90 points/hour

The real-time blood regeneration speed has been reduced by 10 points/hour.

Is it because of the negative effect of "????"?

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds, then wrapped the dense air mass with the hematin bottle, shrinking the volume of the hematin bottle little by little until it turned into an invisible blood spot.

The process is smooth and under control.

Next, try to make the blood dots surrounding the spiritual ocean float out of the bottle.

The moment the blood point leaves the element storage bottle, the spiritual ocean disappears, or the feeling of dual scenes disappears...

You can only consider yourself unlucky and waste 1 point of mental attribute value.

Xia Zuo's heart gradually beat fiercely.

The blood spots are slowly drifting towards the mouth of the bottle

The moment the blood spots left the mouth of the bottle, Xia Zuo couldn't help but widen his eyes.


The spiritual ocean stripped out of the body has not disappeared!

Xia Zuo rubbed his hands together excitedly, closed his eyes, and observed the study only through the perspective of blood spots.

The perspective of blood spots is very strange.

It can see all angles from front to back, left and right, up and down, and you can definitely have a 360-degree view of the whole situation without any blind spots.

From the perspective of the blood spot, the picture directly in front of him is magnified like a magic mirror. The pictures at other angles become smaller and smaller as they are further away from the center of the picture. The straight lines in the field of view become arc lines.

Xia Zuo searched in his mind and finally found a similar scene in his previous life - a panoramic camera.

But his blood spot perspective is more advanced than the panoramic camera, and he can see the scene behind him.

Xia Zuo sat on the chair with his eyes closed and giggled. He looked around every corner of the study through blood points. He also unexpectedly discovered that he could use blood points to cast blood magic, summon bleeding lines, blood groups, blood whips, blood shields, and even It is also possible to turn the blood point itself into the blood mist form!

He tried again to let the blood point cast orthodox spells.

Hand of Wind... is ineffective, Wind Movement is also ineffective, not to mention Fireball.

It seems that the blood point must contain the elements in order to cast these spells.


Toxin sensing seems to be working.

Xia Zuo's eyes radiated green light, he found an elemental toxin from his alchemy pocket and put it on the table, then stared at the elemental toxin on the table through the perspective of blood spots.

The dim glow of the poison is clearly visible.

What is the principle?

Why can't other spells be used, but poison induction can be used?

Could it be said that all induction spells in the detection genre can be used on blood points?

Xia Zuo only masters one detection spell now...so he can't figure out the principle for the time being.

He controlled the blood dots and returned to the desk, opened his eyes to disable the toxin induction, put away the elemental toxins, stared at the blood dots for a few minutes, and suddenly scratched his head in confusion.

What will happen if the blood points are removed?

The spiritual ocean has disappeared?

Xia Zuo thought about it and felt that he needed to test it.

If an emergency occurs in the future, for example, the blood points fall into the hands of the Strange Demon Church, or the existence of the blood points is discovered by the bald or resident mage.

By then it will be too late to debate whether to remove the blood points!

So must try it now.

Xia Zuo took a breath and prepared to lose 1 point of mental attribute value.

With a thought, he dissolved the blood points.

The blood spots disappear.

Character template changes:

[Real-time blood recovery speed] has returned to 100 points/hour.

At the same time, the mental attribute value +1.

! !

Dissolving blood points can immediately recover the consumed spiritual ocean.

Goldfinger's message came to mind.

"It has been detected that the host has awakened new blood magic specialties on its own, and is undergoing digital transformation... The transformation was successful!

"New specialty [hematonic servant]."

【Feature Name】Hemogen Servant

[Special level] LV.0 (0/5)

[Feature Description 1]

Every time it increases by 1 level, the [Basic Blood Recovery Speed] occupied by the Hemonic Servant is reduced by 10%.

[Feature Description 2] The current level limit is LV.10.

【Specialty Effect】

Consume the vitality and the mental attribute value of the unoccupied slot (at least 1 point) to create a hemogen servant.

The surrounding environment can be observed through the Hemonic Servant's perspective.

Can consume your life force or that of a hemonic minion to cast the blood magic you master.

The movement speed of the hemogen servant = [blood magic power] = [blood pattern quality/3].

The blood volume of the hemogen servant = the vitality consumed when making it * the mental attribute value

Every time there is a hemogen servant, your [basic blood regeneration speed] is reduced by 10% of the total amount and converted into the hemogen servant's basic blood regeneration speed.

Xia Zuo read through the blood volume calculation formula of the hemogen servant.

His current maximum blood volume is 420 points, 10 blood packs can restore 300 blood points, and the mental attribute value of the unoccupied slot is 19 points..

So theoretically, he created a hematin servant with a blood volume of 13660 points...

A blood volume of tens of thousands seems quite safe, but in fact there are quite a few hidden dangers.

If you disband the hemogen servants on your own, that's fine, as the mental attributes can be restored.

But if it fell into the hands of the enemy and plundered the spiritual ocean in the hematin servant's body through special methods, or even interfered with the master Xia Zuo through the spiritual ocean, the result would be difficult to predict.

Xia Zuo silently drew a warning line for himself, not to use more than 5 points of mental attribute value to make a hematin servant, so as not to cause unbearable unexpected losses.

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 1500 points.

Thank you Huang Xiangsheng, kind female donor, please stay, book friend 20190625151304722, Jotain_Lee, your traffic has been used up, book friend 140301202320795, book friend 20191218012019133, big brother Kun, lazy man, poor monk, please give me alms Monthly votes cast by me, so-wa, book friend 15136109, and book friend 20211021070949200!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes~

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