My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 141 The fate of poor blood patterns

16th Avenue, Polis.

The atmosphere here is quite depressing.

Three murders suddenly occurred in a certain community.

Police carriages flashing red and blue lights were parked at the gate of the community.

A long cordon separated a passage at the entrance of the community to allow police and action team members to enter and exit.

Xia Zuo bypassed the warning area and came to the roof of the building opposite the murder case to observe the scene below.

The action team at the investigation site was a 5-person team, one more person than the standard combat unit.

The fifth person's eyes glowed green, and he was searching for toxins with his toxin sensor. It was not difficult to guess his identity.

He should be a local expert poison alchemist in Polis.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what.

This expert poison alchemist's outfit is similar to Xia Zuo.

They wear the same windbreaker and vest, and wear a wide-brimmed hat to cover their faces. Their heights and body shapes are very similar.

Even the eight-dimensional attributes fed back by the detection technique are similar to Xia Zuo after disguise, with only about 60 points of blood pattern characteristics.

Xia Zuo touched his head and didn't understand what was going on.

I just feel like it’s really hard to have to go out to do field work so late at night.

When he thought about having to keep vigil tomorrow night, he suddenly felt the same way.

The action team was very efficient. In just a moment, they boarded the jeep and drove slowly to another street.

This should be an expert poison alchemist showing the way.

If nothing else happens, the case will be solved tonight.

The jeep drove for more than ten minutes and arrived at an open-air garbage dump near the countryside.

A group of people got out of the car holding Yuan Neng firearms, drove away the garbage dump security guard who came up to talk, and walked towards a place with lights.

The smell of garbage was too unpleasant, sour and smelly. Fortunately, Xia Zuo couldn't smell it. Servant No. 1 could only transmit sounds and images, but not smell.

Servant No. 1 turned around in the air and found a suitable observation point.

There may be items of recycling value in the garbage dump, usually metal products, which can be sucked out by magnets.

A crane lifting a huge magnet was parked not far away, and there were several rows of searchlights illuminating the construction site next to it.

The action team checked the crane driver and staff, and then asked the other party to get out of here quickly.

Servant No. 1 stopped on the grappling hook of the crane to take in the full view, watching the operation team go deep into the garbage dump, slowly moving forward among the mountains of garbage.

“Something’s wrong”

Xia Zuo looked at the garbage pile as high as a hill.

His eyes scanned the hazy edges of the shadows.

The searchlight was bright enough to illuminate the garbage dump.

The shadow of the garbage should be very clear, and the boundary between light and darkness should be clear, but the edge of the shadow in a certain small area is very blurry

And the shadow is moving!

Xia Zuo twisted his butt, sat up straight, and stared at the slow-moving shadow through the perspective of Servant No. 1.

Is there a shadow demon lurking here?

Wait, there's more than one.

The shadows in the other two corners were also moving, with three shadows following the action team in an encircling manner.

It can be seen from a high place that the direction the action team is walking is a dead end. As long as the garbage piles on both sides of the road are pushed down, a dilemma will be formed.

The scout in the team also has a spirit.

It had been scouting several meters above the team.

The scout obviously noticed something strange and immediately stopped the team and whispered a few words to the captain.

The captain decisively asked the liaison officer to call for support, while he fired a shot into the sky.

Fiery red magic bullets flew into the sky, but the expected fireworks did not appear. A black shadow that blended with the night covered the sky and swallowed the magic bullets into its body.

"Boom, boom, boom~~" The surrounding garbage piles were dumped at the same time, and countless bottles and cans mixed with sewage poured towards the action team on the ground, turning it into a real ocean of garbage in the blink of an eye.

A large group of transformers emerged from the garbage pile and sprayed venom bombs at the action team. The dense barrage fell on the protective barrier and exploded into dark green water splashes, with a continuous corrosive sound. .

The five action team members sprayed out raging fire dragons to attack the enemy.

The Poison Alchemist's fire power is unexpectedly powerful, even stronger than the Guardians in the team.

The flames he spewed out turned out to be golden white, the temperature was about half higher than that of crimson red, and the fire was more intense and the fire pillar was thicker.

Three cube-shaped shadow demons appeared outflanking each other, surrounded by layers of black mist.

They raised their twisted and thin black arms upwards, spewing out clouds of black mist, covering the nearby night sky, and lowered a spherical dome to cover the battlefield, covering the garbage dump, the action team, and the transformers.

There is also a shadow demon in the sky. After blocking the flaming bullets calling for reinforcements, it turned into a larger and darker dome to cover the spherical dome below.

Once the two light-blocking domes overlapped, not a single trace of the action team could be seen!

Even the light of spells and searchlights cannot penetrate the dome.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but clench his hands...

In the last scene just now, bright spell fire illuminated the surrounding scene. A total of 17 Transformers and 4 Cube Shadow Demons participated, and there was also a large area of ​​sewage flowing across the garbage to interfere with the battle.

This action team is in danger.

Did the liaison girl send out the message requesting support?

Can these two domes block the message of the Secret Message Ring?

Can the resident mage notice something strange here in time?

Servant No. 1 floated towards the building far away from the battlefield.

Xia Zuo counted in his mind for more than 20 seconds. He didn't see any vehicles approaching or any mage flying towards him, and he gradually felt something bad...

What is this place called?

Xia Zuo opened the drawer, spread out the map, and found the name of the place - Polis City, South City District, the garbage disposal site on the south side of 17th Avenue.

He took out a secret message ring and dialed a secret message to the bald man.

He wouldn't care about the action team until he saw it was in danger.

But if you see it, you must take action. You can't just ignore it, and you can't pin your hopes on the fact that the resident mage has not deserted...

"Crack, click, click..." Rexall responded, saying that he had informed the Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department of the City of Polis.

Servant No. 1 landed on the roof of the building a hundred meters away.

Xia Zuo waited quietly for support to arrive. He glanced at the clock on his desk and saw that it was 9:30 pm.

Good guy, you have to turn in public rations, and you have to worry about this Polis City action team... it's very difficult.

He stuffed Servant No. 1 into the rainwater pipe on the roof, rubbed it on his face twice, regained his normal expression and walked towards the study door.

Fighting breaks and snaking, working diligently.

It's around 10pm.

Xia Zuo returned to the study and couldn't wait to switch to the perspective of Servant No. 1. He controlled it to float out of the rainwater pipe and looked towards the garbage dump.

! !

The garbage dump turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, black smoke columns stretched into the night sky, and firelight spread across the entire site.

The flames ignited the explosive materials in the garbage, and the explosive fire pillars shot into the sky, blasting the surrounding garbage high into the air.

Fortunately, a barrier surrounded the dump and prevented the fire from spreading to residential buildings.

Firefighters are also mages, at least at the level of a mage apprentice.

They were divided into three groups, carrying Yuaneng fire guns that sprayed thick water, and put out the fire under the protection of the protective team.

The firemen were followed by elemental servants donning fireproof suits.

Water pipes were hung from their bodies to cool the embers and prevent the flames from reigniting.

On the roadside outside the garbage dump, medical staff treated the injured action team on the spot.

All five members of the action team were present, and no one was killed, but the injuries were serious and most of them were unable to stand up in a short period of time.

The least injured was the expert poison alchemist.

He just wore honors on his face and chest, stayed by his teammates, and took care of the wounded with the medical staff.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but look at this colleague a few more times, and then realized that the other person seemed to have an elemental body, and he couldn't see any small light spots floating out of his body.

Hmm...maybe he is an old employee...

But something feels wrong.

Xia Zuo scratched his head and looked at the ground beside him.

There were more than a dozen metal boxes lined up there, and the action team that came to support was counting the enemy's corpses.

Xia Zuo controlled Servant No. 1 to get closer and take a closer look.

It's easy to distinguish between the waste of the Transformer and the debris of the Shadow Fiend.

The former looks like burnt minced meat, and the latter looks like black flaky powder.

There are 9 piles of transformer waste here and 2 piles of shadow demon debris.

In other words, 8 Transformers and 2 Shadow Demons escaped.

Xia Zuo activates the poison sensor and searches for traces of the enemy through servant No. 1.

He circled the burning garbage dump and then drifted south.

The garbage dump itself is close to the outskirts, and further south is the desert. Unless you walk along the road, it is difficult to see human traces.

Servant No. 1 stopped and walked, following the traces of toxins and stopping 200 meters away from the garbage dump.

This is not the end.

The toxin trail continues southward.

Xia Zuo stopped here because of the squirming meat below.

The piece of flesh is squirming towards the south, as if it wants to return to the body and become part of the transformer again.

Xia Zuo used the specialty [Blood Sensing] and put 1 blood pattern into it.

In this way, when he attacks the piece of meat, he will have a 1% chance of getting the blood mark.

Servant No. 1 consumes 100 points of blood to condense 100 short, thin thorns.

The short thorns floated a few centimeters above the meat and inserted into the meat almost at the same time.






The short stab attack failed to cause damage to the piece of meat, but it was indeed an attack.

Theoretically speaking, you can always get the blood mark after attacking 100 times...

Xia Zuo admitted that this was tricky.

The message from Goldfinger came to my mind:

"[Blood Sensing] takes effect! Successfully obtained the blood mark of Ufakas."

"Hehe~ I succeeded in stealing the chicken."

Xia Zuo sat at the desk and laughed evilly, dispelled the blood thorn summoned by servant No. 1, and controlled it to fly towards the city.

Take your time to cast the curse.

Let’s settle servant No. 1 first.

Xia Zuo endured his temper and controlled Servant No. 1 to go to the shop next to the Boles Building. He hid it in the signboard, then activated the [Blood Sensing] and selected the blood mark of Ufakas.

"What? Ufakas, you said you left eight pieces of meat behind?"

The familiar voice of the Blood Demon came to my ears. It was the same one that caused three transformers to self-destruct last time.

The Gorefiend sounded angry, scolding Ufakas for his neglect.

"No! You can't go back! You are delirious and have low intelligence! Did you steal some pigs? If you go back like this, you will definitely encounter those bastards!"

The Blood Demon roared and reprimanded Ufakas a few times, and then said, "Huh!... I will let the Shadow Demon go again and bring you your pieces of meat. There will be no next time, Ufakas, There is no more chance."

There was no sound in my ears.

Xia Zuo activated [Blood Curse] and looked at the location of Ufakas on the map.

It is about five or six kilometers south of Polis City, and 3 kilometers further south, there is a small town close to the road.

Xia Zuo casts a full-damage Curse of Decay on Ufakas.

He listened carefully to the sound in his ears, but unexpectedly found that the Blood Demon did not beep.

Uh... Could it be that Ufakas was afraid of being scolded by the blood demon and didn't dare to report the curse?

Xia Zuo scratched his head in confusion.


Just gain experience.


Xia Zuo maintained the curse of decay and glanced at the current time, 10:34 pm.

Deep meditation can restore energy in 5 hours, so if tonight goes well, I can last more than 2 hours.

I feel a little unsatisfied, the time is too short.

Xia Zuo activates [Blood Rage Casting], consuming 230 points of blood, stacking 23 layers of BUFF, increasing the output. Once the blood volume returns to above 50%, he will continue to consume blood and stack BUFF, always maintaining the first place in [Emergency Moment] The segment effect is triggered.

Two hours later, just after midnight, the voice of the Blood Demon came to my ears:

"Idiot, Ufakas, you are an idiot! This is the result of swallowing a domestic pig! You swallowed garbage, and the blood lines are garbage, so the pieces of blood and flesh will fall off your body, and you will not be able to fuse them! "

The blood demon listened to Ufakas's defense for a few seconds and yelled, "Don't talk to me about the meat! You deserve this! Inferior blood patterns are destined to be unable to fuse essence, blood and meat!"

The quality of Ufakas's blood patterns is indeed very low.

The information fed back by the scrying technique shows that its blood pattern quality is only 6 points.

This means that the sum of the lowest three attribute values ​​among the eight-dimensional attributes is only 6 points.

Its upper limit of blood volume is only 2,500 points, which is nearly 1,000 points lower than the previous converters encountered.

The Curse of Decay causes flesh to melt like wax.

This phenomenon may be just covered up by the abnormality caused by the blood streak defect.

In addition, Ufakas didn't seem very smart, so he didn't realize that he was actually cursed...

This allowed Xia Zuo to take advantage of the opportunity and maintain the curse of decline for such a long time.

The blood demon's words came to my ears again.

This time the tone was extremely cold.

"If you want to make up for it, just wait for me. After 10 days, you will enter the gluttony stage. Go and choose good targets for me and devour at least 6 living people! During these 11 days, you are not allowed to devour living creatures! This is your last chance, Ufakas. If you can't make it..."

The Blood Demon paused for a second in depression, and roared like a volcano erupting, "Then destroy yourself! You despicable guy, you have completely disgraced me!"

After 10 days, Ufakas will devour 6 living people... This appetite is much greater than that of the transformers in their infancy.

Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes and thought about a countermeasure.

After receiving the order from the Blood Demon, Ufakas began to move to the southern town.

Explain that it intends to choose a target in a small town

The size of the town is much smaller than the city, and it is easier to search the entire area. An action team of a standard combat unit can visit the town in one day.

Xia Zuo thought about it for a few seconds and had a preliminary plan in mind, intending to inform Rexor of this information one day in advance.

He picked up his pencil and circled the town on the map, marked the date "December 14th" next to it, and then wrote "One day ahead of schedule."

For more than an hour, he maintained the curse of decay until he went to bed to meditate.

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 100 points.

Thanks to 0link for the 500 points.

Thanks to book friend 150204231220724 for the 500 points.

Thanks to book friend 20211006173108366 for the 100 points.

Thanks to Dabai for the 100 points reward.

Thanks to the pig friends for the 100 points in 2017.

Thanks to book friend 2021102107949200 for the 1500 points.

Thanks to many book friends for their monthly votes and recommendation votes!

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